function existsMacAddr($mac_addr, $app_id = "")
     $mac_addr = $this->getFlatMacAddr($mac_addr);
     $args = array();
     $args[0] = $mac_addr;
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if ($app_id != "") {
         $args['COND'] = " AND app_id != " . string::replaceSql($app_id);
     // 実データでチェック
     $args['TYPE'] = "tbl";
     $sql = $this->getQuery('EXISTS_MAC_ADDR', $args);
     $id = $this->oDb->getOne($sql);
     if ($id != "") {
         return true;
     // 申請データでチェック
     $args['TYPE'] = "entry";
     $args['COND'] = " AND entry_status = '0'";
     $sql = $this->getQuery('EXISTS_MAC_ADDR', $args);
     $id = $this->oDb->getOne($sql);
     if ($id != "") {
         return true;
     return false;
 function getTargetList()
     $args = array();
     if ($this->hasAdminActType('data_export.php')) {
         $args['COND'] = "";
     } else {
         $user_id = $this->getSessionData('LOGIN_USER_ID');
         $args['COND'] = "WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_role_tbl WHERE user_role_mst.user_role_id = role_id AND del_flg = '0' AND user_id = " . string::replaceSql($user_id) . ")";
     $sql = $this->getQuery('GET_TARGET_LIST', $args);
     $aryRet = $this->oDb->getAssoc2Ary($sql);
     return $aryRet;
 function existsGroupCode($group_code, $vpn_id = "")
     $args = array();
     $args[0] = $group_code;
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if ($vpn_id != "") {
         $args['COND'] = " AND vpn_id != " . string::replaceSql($vpn_id);
     $sql = $this->getQuery('EXISTS_GROUP_CODE', $args);
     $id = $this->oDb->getOne($sql);
     if ($id != "") {
         return true;
     return false;
 function outputData($start_date, $end_date)
     $args = array();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $aryCond = array();
     if ($start_date != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "UST.make_time::DATE >= TO_DATE('" . string::replaceSql($start_date) . "', 'YYYY/MM/DD') ";
     if ($end_date != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "UST.make_time::DATE <= TO_DATE('" . string::replaceSql($end_date) . "', 'YYYY/MM/DD') ";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     $sql = $this->getQuery('GET_SALARY_OUTPUT_DATA', $args);
     $aryRet = $this->oDb->getAll($sql);
     $strUser = "";
     if (is_array($aryRet) && count($aryRet) > 0) {
         foreach ($aryRet as $data) {
             // 給与番号(職員IDの先頭1ケタ無し)
             $strUser .= '"' . $data['salary_no'] . '"';
             // 基本情報	氏名 
             $strUser .= ',"' . $data['kanjisei'] . " " . $data['kanjimei'] . '"';
             // 所属名(空白)
             $strUser .= ',""';
             // 統合ID
             $strUser .= ',"' . $data['login_id'] . '"';
             // 給与明細パスワード
             $strUser .= ',"' . $this->passwordDecrypt($data['salary_passwd']) . '"';
             // 職員ID
             $strUser .= ',"' . $data['make_time'] . '"';
             $strUser .= "\r\n";
     } else {
         echo "0|対象期間のデータは存在しません。";
     $file = "給与明細データ" . microtime(true) . ".csv";
     $file_path = EXPTEMP_PATH . $file;
     $bytes = file_put_contents($file_path, $strUser);
     echo "1|" . $file;
 function makeDeviceList($request)
     // 条件からプリンタのリストを取得
     $aryCond = array();
     if (@$request['vlan_room_id'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "APP.vlan_room_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_room_id']);
     } else {
         if (@$request['vlan_floor_id'] != "") {
             $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst WHERE APP.vlan_room_id = vlan_room_id AND del_flg = '0' AND vlan_floor_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_floor_id']) . ")";
         } else {
             if (@$request['vlan_ridge_id'] != "") {
                 $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst AS VRM,vlan_floor_mst AS VFM WHERE APP.vlan_room_id = VRM.vlan_room_id AND VRM.vlan_floor_id = VFM.vlan_floor_id AND VRM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.vlan_ridge_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_ridge_id']) . ")";
     $args = array();
     $args['APP_TYPE_ID'] = "3";
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     $sql = $this->getQuery('GET_DEVICE_LIST', $args);
     $aryRet = $this->oDb->getAssoc($sql);
     // 選択済みを削除
     if (is_array($request['device_id'])) {
         foreach ($request['device_id'] as $device_id) {
     $ary = array();
     if (is_array($aryRet)) {
         foreach ($aryRet as $app_id => $aryData) {
             $room_name = $this->getVlanRoomName($aryData['vlan_room_id']);
             $ary[$app_id] = $aryData['app_name'] . "(" . $room_name . ")";
     $options = $this->makeSelectOptionsTooltip($ary, $driver_name);
     return $options;
 function makePrinterList($request)
     // 条件からプリンタのリストを取得
     $aryCond = array();
     if (@$request['vlan_room_id'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "APP.vlan_room_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_room_id']);
     } else {
         if (@$request['vlan_floor_id'] != "") {
             $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst WHERE APP.vlan_room_id = vlan_room_id AND del_flg = '0' AND vlan_floor_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_floor_id']) . ")";
         } else {
             if (@$request['vlan_ridge_id'] != "") {
                 $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst AS VRM,vlan_floor_mst AS VFM WHERE APP.vlan_room_id = VRM.vlan_room_id AND VRM.vlan_floor_id = VFM.vlan_floor_id AND VRM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.vlan_ridge_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_ridge_id']) . ")";
     if ($request['unallocated_only'] == "1") {
         $aryCond[] = "NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sbc_device_drivername WHERE APP.app_id = app_id)";
     $args = array();
     $args['APP_TYPE_ID'] = "3";
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     $sql = $this->getQuery('GET_PRINTER_LIST', $args);
     $aryRet = $this->oDb->getAssoc($sql);
     $ary = array();
     if (is_array($aryRet)) {
         foreach ($aryRet as $app_id => $aryData) {
             $room_name = $this->getVlanRoomName($aryData['vlan_room_id']);
             $ary[$app_id] = $aryData['app_name'] . "(" . $room_name . ")";
     $options = $this->makeSelectOptions($ary, @$request['app_id']);
     return $options;
 function getSearchArgs($request)
     $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $aryCond = array();
     // キー番号
     if (@$request['card_id'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "card_6 LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['card_id']) . "%'";
     // 氏名
     if (@$request['card_name'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "card_8 LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['card_name']) . "%'";
     // カナ
     if (@$request['card_name_kana'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "card_9 LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['card_name_kana']) . "%'";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     return $args;
Exemple #8
 function getQuery($id, $args = "")
     global $cmnSql;
     $strSql = "";
     if (array_key_exists($id, $cmnSql)) {
         $strSql = $cmnSql[$id];
         if (is_array($args)) {
             foreach ($args as $key => $val) {
                 if (ereg("^[0-9]+\$", $key)) {
                     $val = string::replaceSql($val);
                 $repStr = "{" . $key . "}";
                 $strSql = str_replace($repStr, $val, $strSql);
         } else {
             $strSql = str_replace("{0}", string::replaceSql($args), $strSql);
     return $strSql;
 function getSearchArgs($request)
     $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $aryCond = array();
     // 統合ID
     if (@$request['login_id'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "UM.login_id LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['login_id']) . "%'";
     // カードNo.
     if (@$request['staffcode'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM kyoto_user_card_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND key_number LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['staffcode']) . "%')";
     // カナ氏名
     if (@$request['kananame'] != "") {
         $kananame = string::han2zen($request['kananame']);
         $kananame = str_replace(" ", " ", $kananame);
         $kananame = str_replace(" ", "", $kananame);
         $strBuff = "(";
         $strBuff .= "COALESCE(UM.kanasei, ' ') || COALESCE(UM.kanamei, ' ') LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['kananame']) . "%'";
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "COALESCE(UM.kanjisei, ' ') || COALESCE(UM.kanjimei, ' ') LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['kananame']) . "%'";
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "UM.kanasei || UM.kanamei LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%'";
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "UM.kanjisei || UM.kanjimei LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%'";
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_his_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND replace(replace(kananame, ' ', ' '), ' ', '') LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%')";
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_his_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND replace(replace(kanjiname, ' ', ' '), ' ', '') LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%')";
         $strBuff .= ")";
         $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
     // 職種
     if (@$request['job_id'] != "") {
         $strBuff = "(";
         $strBuff .= "UM.job_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['job_id']);
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_job_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND job_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['job_id']) . ")";
         $strBuff .= ")";
         $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
     // 役職
     if (@$request['post_id'] != "") {
         $strBuff = "(";
         $strBuff .= "UM.post_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['post_id']);
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_post_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND post_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['post_id']) . ")";
         $strBuff .= ")";
         $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
     // 常勤/非常勤
     if (@$request['joukin_kbn'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "UM.joukin_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($request['joukin_kbn']) . "'";
     // 所属
     if (@$request['belong_chg_id'] != "") {
         $strBuff = "(";
         $strBuff .= "UM.belong_chg_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_chg_id']);
         $strBuff .= " OR ";
         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_chg_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND belong_chg_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_chg_id']) . ")";
         $strBuff .= ")";
         $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
     } else {
         if (@$request['belong_sec_id'] != "") {
             $strBuff = "(";
             $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = belong_chg_id AND del_flg = '0' AND belong_sec_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_sec_id']) . ")";
             $strBuff .= " OR ";
             $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_chg_tbl AS USC,belong_chg_mst AS BCM WHERE UM.user_id = USC.user_id AND USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BCM.belong_sec_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_sec_id']) . ")";
             $strBuff .= ")";
             $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
         } else {
             if (@$request['belong_dep_id'] != "") {
                 $strBuff = "(";
                 $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.belong_dep_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_dep_id']) . ")";
                 $strBuff .= " OR ";
                 $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_chg_tbl AS USC,belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM WHERE UM.user_id = USC.user_id AND USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.belong_dep_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_dep_id']) . ")";
                 $strBuff .= ")";
                 $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
             } else {
                 if (@$request['belong_div_id'] != "") {
                     $strBuff = "(";
                     $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.belong_div_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_div_id']) . ")";
                     $strBuff .= " OR ";
                     $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_chg_tbl AS USC,belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM WHERE UM.user_id = USC.user_id AND USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.belong_div_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_div_id']) . ")";
                     $strBuff .= ")";
                     $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
                 } else {
                     if (@$request['belong_class_id'] != "") {
                         $strBuff = "(";
                         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM,belong_div_mst AS BVM WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BDM.belong_div_id = BVM.belong_div_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.belong_class_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_class_id']) . ")";
                         $strBuff .= " OR ";
                         $strBuff .= "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_chg_tbl AS USC,belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM,belong_div_mst AS BVM WHERE UM.user_id = USC.user_id AND USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BDM.belong_div_id = BVM.belong_div_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.belong_class_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['belong_class_id']) . ")";
                         $strBuff .= ")";
                         $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
     // 利用者種別
     if (is_array(@$request['user_type_id'])) {
         $strUserTypeIds = implode(",", array_keys($request['user_type_id']));
         $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_role_tbl WHERE UM.user_id = user_id AND del_flg = '0' AND role_id IN (" . $strUserTypeIds . "))";
     if (@$request['search_option'] == "3") {
         // 期限切れのみ
         $aryCond[] = "UM.end_date < (now() + '-6 months')::date";
     } else {
         if (@$request['search_option'] == "2") {
             // 利用期間外は表示しない
             $aryCond[] = "UM.start_date <= now()::date";
             $aryCond[] = "COALESCE(UM.end_date, now()::date) >= now()::date";
         } else {
             if (@$request['search_option'] == "1") {
                 // 退職者は表示しない
                 $aryCond[] = "(UM.retire_flg = '0' OR (UM.retire_flg = '1' AND COALESCE(UM.end_date, now()::date) >= now()::date))";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     return $args;
    function getSearchArgs($request)
        $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
        $args['COND'] = "";
        $args['ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY'] = $this->sqlItemChar(ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY);
        $args['ENTRY_STATUS_REJECT'] = $this->sqlItemChar(ENTRY_STATUS_REJECT);
        $aryCond = array();
        // 名称
        if (@$request['mlist_name'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "MLT.mlist_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['mlist_name']) . "%'";
        // アカウント
        if (@$request['mlist_acc'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "MLT.mlist_acc LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['mlist_acc']) . "%'";
        // 種別
        if (@$request['mlist_kbn'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "MLT.mlist_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($request['mlist_kbn']) . "'";
        $cnt = 0;
        if (is_array($request['entry_kbn_status'])) {
            foreach ($request['entry_kbn_status'] as $key => $val) {
                if ($val != "1") {
                if ($key == 'agreed') {
                    $aryKbnStat[] = "(MLT.entry_kbn IS NULL AND APP.entry_status IS NULL)";
                list($entry_kbn, $entry_status) = explode("_", $key);
                $aryKbnStat[] = "(MLT.entry_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($entry_kbn) . "' AND MLT.entry_status = '" . string::replaceSql($entry_status) . "')";
        if ($cnt > 0) {
            $aryCond[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $aryKbnStat) . ")";
        // ログインユーザの権限によって処理分け
        // 管理権限があるか?
        if (!$this->hasAdminActType('mlists_search.php')) {
            // 一般ユーザの場合自分の申請したもののみ表示
            $user_id = $this->getSessionData('LOGIN_USER_ID');
            $uid = string::replaceSql($user_id);
            $aryCond[] = <<<SQL
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mlist_head_entry WHERE MLT.mlist_id = mlist_id AND entry_id = {$uid})
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM mlist_admin_list WHERE MLT.mlist_id = mlist_id AND del_flg = '0' AND user_id = {$uid})

        if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
            $args['COND'] = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
        return $args;
 function getSearchArgs($request)
     $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $aryCond = array();
     // 種別
     if (@$request['vpn_kbn'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "VHT.vpn_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($request['vpn_kbn']) . "'";
     // 名称
     if (@$request['vpn_name'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "VHT.vpn_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['vpn_name']) . "%'";
     // アカウント
     if (@$request['group_name'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "VHT.group_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['group_name']) . "%'";
     if ($this->isNormalUser()) {
         // 一般ユーザの場合
         $user_id = $this->getSessionData('LOGIN_USER_ID');
         $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vpn_admin_list WHERE VHT.vpn_id = vpn_id AND user_id = " . string::replaceSql($user_id) . ")";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     return $args;
 function getSearchArgs($request)
     $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $aryCond = array();
     // 更新日:自
     if (@$request['issue_from'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "KUC.update_time::date >= '" . string::replaceSql($request['issue_from']) . "'";
     // 更新日:至
     if (@$request['issue_to'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "KUC.update_time::date <= '" . string::replaceSql($request['issue_to']) . "'";
     // キー番号
     $request['key_number'] = string::zen2han($request['key_number']);
     if (@$request['key_number'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "KUC.key_number LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['key_number']) . "%'";
     // option
     if (@$request['search_option'] == "1") {
         $aryCond[] = "KUC.make_time = KUC.update_time";
     } else {
         if (@$request['search_option'] == "2") {
             $aryCond[] = "KUC.make_time != KUC.update_time";
     // type
     if (@$request['data_type'] == "1") {
         $aryCond[] = "KUC.list_no = 0";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     return $args;
 function existsMlistName($mlist_name, $mlist_id = "")
     $args = array();
     $args[0] = $mlist_name;
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if ($mlist_id != "") {
         $args['COND'] = " AND mlist_id != " . string::replaceSql($mlist_id);
     $sql = $this->getQuery('EXISTS_MLIST_NAME', $args);
     $id = $this->oDb->getOne($sql);
     if ($id != "") {
         return true;
     return false;
 function getSearchArgs($request)
     $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $aryCond = array();
     // 名称
     if (@$request['guest_name'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "guest_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['guest_name']) . "%'";
     // アカウント
     if (@$request['company_name'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "company_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['company_name']) . "%'";
     // MACアドレス
     if (@$request['mac_addr'] != "") {
         $mac_addr = strtolower($request['mac_addr']);
         $mac_addr = str_replace(":", "", $mac_addr);
         $mac_addr = str_replace("-", "", $mac_addr);
         $aryCond[] = "mac_addr LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($mac_addr) . "%'";
     // 登録日
     if (@$request['entry_date'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "make_time::date = '" . string::replaceSql($request['entry_date']) . "'";
     if (@$request['all_data_flg'] != '1') {
         $aryCond[] = "make_time >= current_timestamp + '-1 day'";
     if ($this->isNormalUser()) {
         // 一般ユーザの場合
         $user_id = $this->getSessionData('LOGIN_USER_ID');
         $aryCond[] = "make_id = " . string::replaceSql($user_id);
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     return $args;
 function existsStaffcode($staffcode, $user_id = "")
     $args = array();
     $args[0] = $staffcode;
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if ($user_id != "") {
         $args['COND'] = " AND user_id != " . string::replaceSql($user_id);
     $sql = $this->getQuery('EXISTS_STAFFCODE', $args);
     $id = $this->oDb->getOne($sql);
     if ($id != "") {
         return true;
     return false;
 function checkExistsPbno($pbno, $user_id = "")
     $args = array();
     $args[0] = $pbno;
     $args['COND'] = "";
     if ($user_id != "") {
         $args['COND'] = " AND user_id != " . string::replaceSql($user_id);
     // 存在チェック
     $sql = $this->getQuery('CHECK_EXISTS_PBNO', $args);
     $user = $this->oDb->getOne($sql);
     if ($user != "") {
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #17
        $kanasei = string::han2zen($data['kanasei']);
        $kanamei = string::han2zen($data['kanamei']);
        $sql = "UPDATE user_mst SET kanasei = '" . string::replaceSql($kanasei) . "', kanamei = '" . string::replaceSql($kanamei) . "' WHERE user_id = " . $user_id;
        $ret = $oMgr->oDb->query($sql);
        if (!$ret) {
            echo $sql;
$sql = "SELECT user_id, list_no, kananame FROM user_his_tbl WHERE kananame != ''";
$aryHis = $oMgr->oDb->getAll($sql);
if (is_array($aryHis)) {
    foreach ($aryHis as $data) {
        $user_id = $data['user_id'];
        $list_no = $data['list_no'];
        $kananame = $data['kananame'];
        $kananame = string::han2zen($kananame);
        $kananame = str_replace(" ", " ", $kananame);
        $sql = "UPDATE user_his_tbl SET kananame = '" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "' WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " AND list_no = " . $list_no;
        $ret = $oMgr->oDb->query($sql);
        if (!$ret) {
            echo $sql;
 function searchMlistAutoMembers($mlist_id)
     // 検索条件取得
     $aryCondList = $this->getAutoCondList($mlist_id);
     $arySql = array();
     if (is_array($aryCondList)) {
         foreach ($aryCondList as $aryVal) {
             $aryCond = array();
             // 常勤/非常勤
             if (@$aryVal['joukin_kbn'] != "") {
                 $aryCond[] = "UM.joukin_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($aryVal['joukin_kbn']) . "'";
             // 所属・職種・役職はまとめて処理
             // 所属
             $strMainCond = "";
             $strSubFrom = "";
             $strSubCond = "";
             if (@$aryVal['belong_chg_id'] != "") {
                 $strMainCond = "belong_chg_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_chg_id']);
                 $strSubFrom = "";
                 $strSubCond = "USC.belong_chg_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_chg_id']);
             } else {
                 if (@$aryVal['belong_sec_id'] != "") {
                     $strMainCond = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = belong_chg_id AND del_flg = '0' AND belong_sec_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_sec_id']) . ")";
                     $strSubFrom = ",belong_chg_mst AS BCM";
                     $strSubCond = "USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BCM.belong_sec_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_sec_id']);
                 } else {
                     if (@$aryVal['belong_dep_id'] != "") {
                         $strMainCond = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.belong_dep_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_dep_id']) . ")";
                         $strSubFrom = ",belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM";
                         $strSubCond = "USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.belong_dep_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_dep_id']);
                     } else {
                         if (@$aryVal['belong_div_id'] != "") {
                             $strMainCond = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.belong_div_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_div_id']) . ")";
                             $strSubFrom = ",belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM";
                             $strSubCond = "USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.belong_div_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_div_id']);
                         } else {
                             if (@$aryVal['belong_class_id'] != "") {
                                 $strMainCond = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM,belong_div_mst AS BVM WHERE UM.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BDM.belong_div_id = BVM.belong_div_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.belong_class_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_class_id']) . ")";
                                 $strSubFrom = ",belong_chg_mst AS BCM,belong_sec_mst AS BSM,belong_dep_mst AS BDM,belong_div_mst AS BVM";
                                 $strSubCond = "USC.belong_chg_id = BCM.belong_chg_id AND BCM.belong_sec_id = BSM.belong_sec_id AND BSM.belong_dep_id = BDM.belong_dep_id AND BDM.belong_div_id = BVM.belong_div_id AND BCM.del_flg = '0' AND BSM.del_flg = '0' AND BDM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.del_flg = '0' AND BVM.belong_class_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['belong_class_id']);
             $strMain = $strMainCond;
             $strSub = $strSubCond;
             // 職種
             if (@$aryVal['job_id'] != "") {
                 if ($strMain != "") {
                     $strMain .= " AND ";
                     $strSub .= " AND ";
                 $strMain .= "job_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['job_id']);
                 $strSub .= "USC.job_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['job_id']);
             // 役職
             if (@$aryVal['post_id'] != "") {
                 if ($strMain != "") {
                     $strMain .= " AND ";
                     $strSub .= " AND ";
                 $strMain .= "post_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['post_id']);
                 $strSub .= "USC.post_id = " . string::replaceSql($aryVal['post_id']);
             if ($strMain != "") {
                 $strBuff = "(";
                 $strBuff .= "(" . $strMain . ")";
                 $strBuff .= " OR ";
                 $strBuff .= "(EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_sub_unit_view AS USC" . $strSubFrom . " WHERE UM.user_id = USC.user_id AND " . $strSub . "))";
                 $strBuff .= ")";
                 $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
             $args['COND'] = "";
             if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
                 $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
             $arySql[] = $this->getQuery('SEARCH_MLIST_AUTO_MEMBERS', $args);
     if (is_array($arySql)) {
         $sql = implode(" UNION ", $arySql);
     //		Debug_Trace($sql);
     $aryRet = array();
     if ($sql != "") {
         $aryRet = $this->oDb->getAll($sql);
     return $aryRet;
    function getSearchArgs($request)
        $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
        $args['COND'] = "";
        $args['ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY'] = $this->sqlItemChar(ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY);
        // ソート処理のために以下の定数をSQLパラメータに追加
        $args['IP_KBN_DHCP'] = $this->sqlItemChar(IP_KBN_DHCP);
        $args['IP_KBN_FREE'] = $this->sqlItemChar(IP_KBN_FREE);
        $args['DUMY_IP_ADDR_DHCP'] = $this->sqlItemChar(DUMY_IP_ADDR_DHCP);
        $args['DUMY_IP_ADDR_NONE'] = $this->sqlItemChar(DUMY_IP_ADDR_NONE);
        $args['WIRE_KBN_WLESS'] = $this->sqlItemChar(WIRE_KBN_WLESS);
        $args['WIRE_KBN_FREE'] = $this->sqlItemChar(WIRE_KBN_FREE);
        $aryCond = array();
        // 機器種別
        if (@$request['app_type_id'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "AHE.app_type_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['app_type_id']);
        // 設置場所
        if (@$request['vlan_id'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "AHE.vlan_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_id']);
        } else {
            if (@$request['vlan_room_id'] != "") {
                $aryCond[] = "AHE.vlan_room_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_room_id']);
            } else {
                if (@$request['vlan_floor_id'] != "") {
                    $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst WHERE AHE.vlan_room_id = vlan_room_id AND del_flg = '0' AND vlan_floor_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_floor_id']) . ")";
                } else {
                    if (@$request['vlan_ridge_id'] != "") {
                        $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst AS VRM,vlan_floor_mst AS VFM WHERE AHE.vlan_room_id = VRM.vlan_room_id AND VRM.vlan_floor_id = VFM.vlan_floor_id AND VRM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.vlan_ridge_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_ridge_id']) . ")";
        // 申請者名(漢字・カナ)
        if (@$request['entry_user_name'] != "") {
            $kananame = string::han2zen($request['entry_user_name']);
            $kananame = str_replace(" ", " ", $kananame);
            $kananame = str_replace(" ", "", $kananame);
            $strBuff = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_mst AS UM WHERE AHE.entry_id = UM.user_id AND ";
            $strBuff .= "(";
            $strBuff .= "UM.kanasei || UM.kanamei LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%'";
            $strBuff .= " OR ";
            $strBuff .= "UM.kanjisei || UM.kanjimei LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%'";
            $strBuff .= ")";
            $strBuff .= ")";
            $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
        // MACアドレス
        if (@$request['mac_addr'] != "") {
            $mac_addr = strtolower($request['mac_addr']);
            $mac_addr = str_replace(":", "", $mac_addr);
            $mac_addr = str_replace("-", "", $mac_addr);
            $aryCond[] = "AHE.mac_addr LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($mac_addr) . "%'";
        // IPアドレス
        if (@$request['ip_addr'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "AHE.ip_addr LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['ip_addr']) . "%'";
        // 名称
        if (@$request['app_name'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "AHE.app_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['app_name']) . "%'";
        // ログインユーザの権限によって処理分け
        // 管理権限があるか?
        if (!$this->hasAdminActType('apps_req.php')) {
            // VLAN管理者になっているもののみ表示
            $user_id = $this->getSessionData('LOGIN_USER_ID');
            $uid = string::replaceSql($user_id);
            $aryCond[] = <<<SQL
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_admin_list WHERE AHE.vlan_id = vlan_id AND del_flg = '0' AND user_id = {$uid})
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_admin_list AS VA, app_list_entry AS AL WHERE VA.vlan_id = AL.vlan_id AND AL.app_id = AHE.app_id AND AL.entry_no = AHE.entry_no AND VA.del_flg = '0' AND AL.del_flg = '0' AND VA.user_id = {$uid})

        if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
            $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
        return $args;
 function sqlItemChar($value)
     $value = (string) $value;
     if ($value != "") {
         $ret = "'" . string::replaceSql($value) . "'";
     } else {
         $ret = "NULL";
     return $ret;
    function getSearchArgs($request)
        $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
        $args['COND'] = "";
        $args['ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY'] = $this->sqlItemChar(ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY);
        $args['ENTRY_STATUS_REJECT'] = $this->sqlItemChar(ENTRY_STATUS_REJECT);
        // ソート処理のために以下の定数をSQLパラメータに追加
        $args['IP_KBN_DHCP'] = $this->sqlItemChar(IP_KBN_DHCP);
        $args['IP_KBN_FREE'] = $this->sqlItemChar(IP_KBN_FREE);
        $args['DUMY_IP_ADDR_DHCP'] = $this->sqlItemChar(DUMY_IP_ADDR_DHCP);
        $args['DUMY_IP_ADDR_NONE'] = $this->sqlItemChar(DUMY_IP_ADDR_NONE);
        $args['WIRE_KBN_WLESS'] = $this->sqlItemChar(WIRE_KBN_WLESS);
        $args['WIRE_KBN_FREE'] = $this->sqlItemChar(WIRE_KBN_FREE);
        $aryCond = array();
        // 機器種別
        if (@$request['app_type_id'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "APP.app_type_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['app_type_id']);
        // 設置場所
        if (@$request['vlan_id'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "APP.vlan_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_id']);
        } else {
            if (@$request['vlan_room_id'] != "") {
                $aryCond[] = "APP.vlan_room_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_room_id']);
            } else {
                if (@$request['vlan_floor_id'] != "") {
                    $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst WHERE APP.vlan_room_id = vlan_room_id AND del_flg = '0' AND vlan_floor_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_floor_id']) . ")";
                } else {
                    if (@$request['vlan_ridge_id'] != "") {
                        $aryCond[] = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_room_mst AS VRM,vlan_floor_mst AS VFM WHERE APP.vlan_room_id = VRM.vlan_room_id AND VRM.vlan_floor_id = VFM.vlan_floor_id AND VRM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.del_flg = '0' AND VFM.vlan_ridge_id = " . string::replaceSql($request['vlan_ridge_id']) . ")";
        // 申請者名(漢字・カナ)
        if (@$request['app_user_name'] != "") {
            $kananame = string::han2zen($request['app_user_name']);
            $kananame = str_replace(" ", " ", $kananame);
            $kananame = str_replace(" ", "", $kananame);
            $strBuff = "EXISTS (SELECT * FROM user_mst AS UM ";
            $strBuff .= "WHERE (";
            $strBuff .= "APP.app_user_id = UM.user_id ";
            $strBuff .= " OR ";
            $strBuff .= "APP.entry_id = UM.user_id ";
            $strBuff .= ") AND (";
            $strBuff .= "UM.kanasei || UM.kanamei LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%'";
            $strBuff .= " OR ";
            $strBuff .= "UM.kanjisei || UM.kanjimei LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($kananame) . "%'";
            $strBuff .= ")";
            $strBuff .= ")";
            $aryCond[] = $strBuff;
        // MACアドレス
        if (@$request['mac_addr'] != "") {
            $mac_addr = strtolower($request['mac_addr']);
            $mac_addr = str_replace(":", "", $mac_addr);
            $mac_addr = str_replace("-", "", $mac_addr);
            $aryCond[] = "APP.mac_addr LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($mac_addr) . "%'";
        // IPアドレス
        if (@$request['ip_addr'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "APP.ip_addr LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['ip_addr']) . "%'";
        // 名称
        if (@$request['app_name'] != "") {
            $aryCond[] = "APP.app_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['app_name']) . "%'";
        $cnt = 0;
        if (is_array($request['entry_kbn_status'])) {
            foreach ($request['entry_kbn_status'] as $key => $val) {
                if ($val != "1") {
                if ($key == 'agreed') {
                    $aryKbnStat[] = "(APP.entry_kbn IS NULL AND APP.entry_status IS NULL)";
                list($entry_kbn, $entry_status) = explode("_", $key);
                $aryKbnStat[] = "(APP.entry_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($entry_kbn) . "' AND APP.entry_status = '" . string::replaceSql($entry_status) . "')";
        if ($cnt > 0) {
            $aryCond[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $aryKbnStat) . ")";
        // ログインユーザの権限によって処理分け
        // 管理権限があるか?
        if (!$this->hasAdminActType('apps_search.php')) {
            // 一般ユーザの場合自分の申請したもののみ表示
            $user_id = $this->getSessionData('LOGIN_USER_ID');
            $uid = string::replaceSql($user_id);
            $usersCond = <<<SQL
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM app_head_entry WHERE APP.app_id = app_id AND entry_id = {$uid})
APP.app_user_id = {$uid}

            if ($this->isVlanAdminUser()) {
                // VLAN管理者の場合
                $usersCond .= <<<SQL
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_admin_list WHERE APP.vlan_id = vlan_id AND del_flg = '0' AND user_id = {$uid})
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_admin_list AS VA, app_list_tbl AS AL WHERE VA.vlan_id = AL.vlan_id AND AL.app_id = APP.app_id AND VA.del_flg = '0' AND AL.del_flg = '0' AND VA.user_id = {$uid})
EXISTS (SELECT * FROM vlan_admin_list AS VA, app_list_entry AS AL WHERE VA.vlan_id = AL.vlan_id AND AL.app_id = APP.app_id AND AL.entry_no = APP.entry_no AND VA.del_flg = '0' AND AL.del_flg = '0' AND VA.user_id = {$uid})

            $aryCond[] = $usersCond . ")";
        if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
            $args['COND'] = " WHERE " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
        return $args;
 function getSearchArgs($request)
     $args = $this->getSqlArgs();
     $args['COND'] = "";
     $args['ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY'] = $this->sqlItemChar(ENTRY_STATUS_ENTRY);
     $aryCond = array();
     // 名称
     if (@$request['mlist_name'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "mlist_name LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['mlist_name']) . "%'";
     // アカウント
     if (@$request['mlist_acc'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "mlist_acc LIKE '%" . string::replaceSql($request['mlist_acc']) . "%'";
     // 種別
     if (@$request['mlist_kbn'] != "") {
         $aryCond[] = "mlist_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($request['mlist_kbn']) . "'";
     		$cnt = 0;
     		if (is_array($request['entry_kbn_status']))
     			foreach ($request['entry_kbn_status'] AS $key => $val)
     				if ($val != "1")
     		if ($key == 'agreed')
     					$aryKbnStat[] = "(APP.entry_kbn = NULL AND APP.entry_status = NULL)";
     		list ($entry_kbn, $entry_status) = explode("_", $key);
     		$aryKbnStat[] = "(APP.entry_kbn = '" . string::replaceSql($entry_kbn) . "' AND APP.entry_status = '" . string::replaceSql($entry_status) . "')";
     		if ($cnt > 0)
     			$aryCond[] = "(" . implode(" OR ", $aryKbnStat) . ")";
     if (count($aryCond) > 0) {
         $args['COND'] = " AND " . join(" AND ", $aryCond);
     return $args;
if (is_array($aryPw)) {
    foreach ($aryPw as $user_id => $passwd) {
        $passwd = $oMgr->passwordEncrypt($passwd);
        $sql = "UPDATE user_mst SET login_passwd = '" . string::replaceSql($passwd) . "' WHERE user_id = " . $user_id;
        $ret = $oMgr->oDb->query($sql);
        if (!$ret) {
            echo $sql;
$sql = "SELECT user_id, list_no, password FROM user_his_tbl WHERE password != ''";
$aryHis = $oMgr->oDb->getAll($sql);
if (is_array($aryHis)) {
    foreach ($aryHis as $data) {
        $user_id = $data['user_id'];
        $list_no = $data['list_no'];
        $password = $data['password'];
        $password = $oMgr->passwordEncrypt($password);
        $sql = "UPDATE user_his_tbl SET password = '******' WHERE user_id = " . $user_id . " AND list_no = " . $list_no;
        $ret = $oMgr->oDb->query($sql);
        if (!$ret) {
            echo $sql;