/* * Register script php inlog system, made by Eldin Zenderink from scratch(except password.php). * I am to lazy to look up the license stuff, but: * these scripts are free for ever, I would like to see some credit, hidden on a page for example, but if you dont want to, thats fine * Also if you want to show me your project with this little login scriptie, post it here: ask.fm/rareamv */ //here i start everything, both needed files that contains functions are retrieved here, also the form hasher launches using this. include "setup.php"; include "sql.php"; require 'password.php'; session_start(); //form hasher which might not properly work, since after one failed attempt to login, it says you are hacking, smart, isnt it :? form_hasher(); //launches sql function class $sqldata = new sqlfunctions($tablesetup); ?> <html> <body> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post"> Nick name: <input type="text" name="nick" /> <br> E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" /> <br> Password: <input type="password" name="pass" /><br> Retype Password:
<?php /* Verify script for php inlog system, made by Eldin Zenderink from scratch. * I am to lazy to look up the license stuff, but: * these scripts are free for ever, I would like to see some credit, hidden on a page for example, but if you dont want to, thats fine * Also if you want to show me your project with this little login scriptie, post it here: ask.fm/rareamv */ //location of setup parameters and sql functions include "setup.php"; include "sql.php"; //launches sql function class $sqldata = new sqlfunctions($tablesetup); //retrieves verification code from url $code = $_GET['verifycode']; //executes query using sqlfunctions class $query = $sqldata->verify_sql($code); // if something goes wrong: if ($query['querychecker'] == NULL || $query['querychecker'] == false) { echo 'Something went wrong while verifying with the database, try again later.'; } else { //checks if verify code from database is the same as from the url $query = $query['sqldata']; if ($code == $query['verurl']) { //updates the database to set verified to yes using sqlfunctions class $query2 = $sqldata->updateverify_sql($code); //if something went wrong with the query, this happens if ($query2['querychecker'] == false || $query2['querychecker'] == NULL) { echo 'Something went wrong while updating database, when this happens, its a fault at our end!<br> If this happens, tell me here: <p> <iframe src="http://ask.fm/widget/e2dbfcc21e0cade2a632fbf1a5211430b175ca65?stylesheet=small&fgcolor=%23000000&bgcolor=%23EFEFEF&lang=42" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="120" height="275" style="border:none;"></iframe>'; } else { //this will happen when everything goes right.
/* * login script php inlog system, made by Eldin Zenderink from scratch. * I am to lazy to look up the license stuff, but: * these scripts are free for ever, I would like to see some credit, hidden on a page for example, but if you dont want to, thats fine * Also if you want to show me your project with this little login scriptie, post it here: ask.fm/rareamv */ //here i start everything, both needed files that contains functions are retrieved here, also the form hasher launches using this. include "setup.php"; include "sql.php"; require 'password.php'; session_start(); //form hasher which might not properly work, since after one failed attempt to login, it says you are hacking, smart, isnt it :? form_hasher(); //launches sql function class $sqldata = new sqlfunctions($tablesetup); ?> <html> <body> <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?> " method="post"> Nickname/E-mail: <input type="text" name="nick" /> <br> Password: <input type="password" name="pass" /><br> <input type="hidden" name="hash" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['formhash']; ?> " />