<?php define("comune", true); //require ("setting.php"); //require ("common.php"); require_once 'login.php'; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } //$z="A"; $z = $_GET['zona']; if (strlen($z) == 2) { $z = substr($z, 0, 1); } $cond = "%Modifica di destinazione%"; $query_1 = "SELECT coefficiente FROM tabella_a WHERE tipo_intervento LIKE '" . $cond . "' && zona LIKE '%" . $z . "%'"; //$query_1 = "SELECT coefficiente FROM tabella_a WHERE tipo_intervento='"; //echo $query_1.'<br>'; $result = $db->sql_query($query_1); $row_1 = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); //echo "culo<br>"; $coeff = $row_1["coefficiente"]; //echo $coeff; echo $coeff; ?>
<?php include_once "login.php"; //print_r($_REQUEST); $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $object = $_POST["obj"]; $id = $_POST["id"]; $azione = $_POST["action"]; $sql = "select distinct zona.nome_tavola as id from vincoli.zona left join vincoli.tavola on(zona.nome_tavola=tavola.nome_tavola) where zona.nome_vincolo= '{$id}' and tavola.cdu=1;"; $db->sql_query($sql); print_debug($sql); $ris = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ris); $i++) { $out[] = "{id:'" . $ris[$i]["id"] . "',name:'" . $ris[$i]["id"] . "'}"; } header("Content-Type: text/plain; Charset=UTF-8"); $debug = "{id:'{$object}',values:[" . implode(',', $out) . "]}"; print_debug($debug); echo $debug;
<?php $sk = "geoweb"; $db1 = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, 'gisclient', false); if (!$db1->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } //ACQUISISCO ID DEL PROGETTO $sql = "SELECT project_id FROM {$sk}.project WHERE project_name='" . GC_PROJECT . "';"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $projectId = $db1->sql_fetchfield('project_id'); if ($role == 2) { //VERIFICO SE ESISTE L0 USERGROUP praticaweb $sql = "SELECT usergroup_id FROM {$sk}.usergroup WHERE project_id={$projectId} and usergroup='" . GC_ROLE . "'"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $usergroupId = $db1->sql_fetchfield('usergroup_id'); if (!$usergroupId) { $sql = "select {$sk}.new_pkey('usergroup','usergroup_id') as newid;"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $newId = $db1->sql_fetchfield('newid'); $sql = "INSERT INTO {$sk}.usergroup(usergroup_id,project_id,usergroup,description) VALUES({$newId},{$projectId},'praticaweb','Utenti delle Pratiche Edilizie')"; if (!$db1->sql_query($sql)) { print_array($db1->error_message); } $usergroupId = $newId;
if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $plid = $_GET['id']; $query = "SELECT {$t['b3_clients']}.name, ctime.id, ctime.gone, ctime.came\n FROM {$t['b3_clients']}, ctime, {$t['players']} \n WHERE {$t['players']}.id = \"{$plid}\"\n AND {$t['players']}.client_id = {$t['b3_clients']}.id\n AND {$t['b3_clients']}.guid = ctime.guid\n ORDER BY ctime.id DESC"; } else { if (isset($_GET['dbid'])) { $plid = $_GET['dbid']; $query = "SELECT {$t['b3_clients']}.name, ctime.id, ctime.gone, ctime.came\n FROM {$t['b3_clients']}, ctime\n WHERE {$t['b3_clients']}.id = \"{$plid}\"\n AND {$t['b3_clients']}.guid = ctime.guid\n ORDER BY ctime.id DESC"; } else { return; } } $data = array(); global $t; $count = 0; $link = baselink(); $result = $coddb->sql_query($query); $d = array(); $max = 31; $idx = 1; $suma = 0; while ($row = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $start = $row['came']; $end = $row['gone']; $d1 = date("Y-m-d", $start); $d2 = date("Y-m-d", $end); if (count($data) and $data[count($data) - 1][1] > $d1) { $diff = floor(($data[count($data) - 1][4] - $start) / (60 * 60 * 24)); $empty = $data[count($data) - 1][4]; for ($i = 0; $i < $diff; $i++) { if (count($d) >= $max) { break;
<?php //if(!defined("comune")) return; require_once "login.php"; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $oggi = date("d-m-Y"); $dataoneri = date("d/m/Y"); $pratica = $_REQUEST['pratica']; $sql = "SELECT numero,coalesce(data_prot,data_presentazione) as data from pe.avvioproc where pratica={$pratica}"; $db->sql_query($sql); $numero = $db->sql_fetchfield('numero'); //$dataoneri=$db->sql_fetchfield('data'); $query = "SELECT * FROM oneri.parametri where '{$dataoneri}'::date BETWEEN datein AND coalesce(dateed,CURRENT_DATE);"; $result = $db->sql_query($query); //if(!$result){echo "SQL Error - ".mysql_error()."<br>".$query;return;} $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $costo_base = $row['costo_base']; $qbase = $row['quota_base']; $classe = $row['classe_comune']; $quota = $row['corrispettivo']; $delibera = $row['delibera']; $sql = "SELECT case when (not coalesce(piva,'')='') then coalesce(ragsoc,'') else coalesce(cognome,'')||' '||coalesce(nome,'') end as nominativo FROM pe.soggetti WHERE richiedente=1 and pratica={$pratica};"; $db->sql_query($sql); $ris = $db->sql_fetchlist('nominativo'); $nominativi = implode('; ', $ris); $sql = "SELECT coalesce(via,'')||' '||coalesce(civico,'') as indirizzi FROM pe.indirizzi WHERE pratica={$pratica};"; $db->sql_query($sql); $ris = $db->sql_fetchlist('indirizzi');
<head> <title>Pratiche recenti</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <SCRIPT language="javascript" src="js/LoadLibs.js" type="text/javascript"></SCRIPT> </head> <body link="#0000FF" vlink="#0000FF" alink="#0000FF"> <?php include "./inc/inc.page_header.php"; ?> <H2 class=blueBanner>Ultime pratiche aperte</H2> <?php $userid = $_SESSION["USER_ID"]; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al dadabase"); } $db->sql_query("select pratica from pe.recenti where utente={$userid} order by data desc"); $elenco_pratiche = $db->sql_fetchlist("pratica"); $prat_max = count($elenco_pratiche); if (!$elenco_pratiche) { print "<p>Nessuna pratica aperta di recente dall'utente<p></body></html>"; exit; } $offset = 0; include "pe.elenco_pratiche.php"; ?> <input name="" id="" class="hexfield1" type="button" value=" Chiudi " onClick="javascript:window.open('index.php','indexPraticaweb');window.close()"></td> </BODY> </HTML>
function valida_dati($array_config, $campi_obbligatori) { //dall'array tratto dal file di configurazione crea l'array campi=>valori validati per il db $OK_Save = 1; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } //Controllo dei campi obbligatori if (isset($campi_obbligatori)) { foreach ($campi_obbligatori as $c) { if (strlen(trim($_POST[trim($c)])) == 0) { $errors[trim($c)] = "Campo Obbligatorio"; $OK_Save = 0; } } } //for ($i=1;$i<count($array_config);$i++){ // $row_config=explode('|',$array_config[$i]); // foreach($row_config as $r) // $array_def[]=explode(';',$r); //} for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_config); $i++) { $row_config = $array_config[$i]; foreach ($row_config as $r) { $array_def[] = explode(';', $r); } } foreach ($array_def as $def) { $campo = $def[1]; $tipo = trim($def[3]); $val = trim($_POST[$campo]); //echo "Sto Validando $campo : $tipo con valore ".$val."<br>"; switch ($tipo) { case "idriga": $val = ''; //inutile metterlo nella query break; case "pratica": if (strlen(trim($val)) > 0) { $sql = "SELECT pratica FROM pe.avvioproc WHERE numero='{$val}'"; if ($db->sql_query($sql)) { $r = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); if (count($r) == 0) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "La pratica {$val} non esiste"; } else { $val = "'{$val}'"; } } } else { $val = "NULL"; } break; case "text": case "textarea": case "richtext": case "autosuggest": if (strlen($val) > 0) { if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() or get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { //$val="'".htmlentities($val)."'"; $val = "'" . $val . "'"; //$val="'".$val."'"; } else { //$val="'".htmlentities(addslashes($val),ENT_QUOTES)."'"; $val = "'" . addslashes($val) . "'"; } } elseif (strlen($val) === 0) { $val = "NULL"; } break; case "data": $l = strlen($val); //primo controllo se i caratteri inseriti sono del tipo corretto if (strlen($val) > 0 and !ereg("([0123456789/.-]{" . $l . "})", $val)) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Formato della data non valido {$val}"; } else { list($giorno, $mese, $anno) = split('[/.-]', $val); //Da Verificare..... il 30 Febbraio 2005 lo prende se scritto come anno-mese-giorno con anno a 2 cifre!!!!! Errore if (strlen($val) > 0 and checkdate((int) $mese, (int) $giorno, (int) $anno)) { $val = "'" . $giorno . "/" . $mese . "/" . $anno . "'"; } elseif (strlen($val) > 0 and strlen($giorno) > 3 and checkdate((int) $mese, (int) $anno, (int) $giorno)) { $val = "'" . $anno . "/" . $mese . "/" . $giorno . "'"; } elseif (strlen($val) > 0 and strlen($giorno) <= 2 and checkdate((int) $mese, (int) $anno, (int) $giorno)) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Data ambigua {$val}"; } elseif (strlen($val) > 0) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Data non valida {$val}"; } elseif (strlen($val) === 0) { $val = "NULL"; } } break; case "select": if ($val) { $val = "'" . addslashes($val) . "'"; } break; case "multiselectdb": if (is_array($val) && count($val)) { $val = implode(',', $val); } else { $val = ''; } break; case "selectdb": case "selectRPC": if ($val == -1) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = $campo == "tipo_allegati" ? "Impossibile modificare il tipo per allegati. Prima di modicarlo rimuovere tutti gli allegati presenti" : "Errore generico"; } elseif (strlen(trim($val)) == 0) { $val = 'null'; } elseif (!is_numeric($val)) { $val = "'" . addslashes($val) . "'"; } case "elenco": break; case "valuta": //$val=str_replace("","",$val); //$val=str_replace(".","",$val); $val = str_replace(",", ".", $val); if (strlen($val) and !is_numeric($val)) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Dato non numerico"; } else { if (strlen($val) == 0) { $val = "0"; } } break; case "ora": $val = str_replace(",", ".", $val); $val = str_replace(":", ".", $val); if (strlen($val) and !is_numeric($val)) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Dato orario non valido"; } break; case "superficie": $val = str_replace("mq", "", $val); $val = (double) str_replace(",", ".", $val); if (strlen($val) and !is_float($val)) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Dato non numerico"; } break; case "volume": case "numero": $val = str_replace(",", ".", $val); if (strlen($val) and !is_numeric($val)) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Dato non numerico"; } //else if (strlen($val)==0) $val=0.00; break; case "intero": if (is_numeric($val)) { $val = (int) $val; } $val = str_replace(",", " ", $val); if (strlen($val) and !is_numeric($val) and !ereg("/^[0-9]{1,12}\$/")) { $OK_Save = 0; $errors[$campo] = "Dato non numerico"; } //else if (strlen($val)==0) $val=0.00; break; case "bool": ($val = "SI") ? $val = "'t'" : ($val = "'f'"); break; case "yesno": if ($val == 'SI') { $val = 1; } else { if ($val == 'NO') { $val = 0; } } break; case "checkbox": case "semaforo": if ($val == 'on') { $val = 1; } else { $val = 0; } break; case "radio": $arvalue = $_POST[$campo]; break; } if ($tipo != "button" and $tipo != "submit") { $array_data[$campo] = $val; } } return array("data" => $array_data, "errors" => $errors); }
function calcolacodicefiscale_calcolacomune($com) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // calcolacodicefiscale_calcolacomune // // Restituisce il codice riferito al comune di nascita $com cercandolo nei files comuni1(2,3,4).csv // // La lista dei comuni Ú stata suddivisa in 4 files per rendere più veloce la ricerca. // // Se non viene trovato il comune il valore di ritorno Ú "0" // // // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// $finali = "12344"; // stringa che contiene le lettere finali del file a seconda dell'iniziale //$PERCORSO="./dati/comuni/"; //path dei files comuni1-4.csv $iniziale = substr($com, 0, 1); // se l'iniziale non Ú una lettera ritorna il codice di errore if (ord($iniziale) < 65 || ord($iniziale) > 90) { return "0"; } //sceglie il nome del file in base all'iniziale /* $filecomuni=$PERCORSO."comuni".substr($finali,floor((ord($iniziale)-64)/6),1).".csv"; //apre in lettura il file in $filecomini che contiene l'elenco dei comuni e dei rispettivi codici $fp = fopen($filecomuni,"r"); $cod="0"; // legge il file finchÚ non trova il comune (inserisce il codice in $cod) while ( ($stringa = fgets($fp,4096)) and ($cod=="0") ){ //riporta nell'array $campi il nome del comune letto($campi[0]) e il codice ($campi[1]) $campi=explode(";",$stringa); if ($campi[0]==$com) { //se ha trovato il comune mette in $cod il codice $cod=substr($campi[1],0,4); } } fclose($fp);*/ $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $sql = "SELECT codice FROM pe.e_comuni WHERE nome ilike '{$com}'"; if ($db->sql_query($sql)) { $ris = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); if (count($ris) == 1) { $cod = $ris[0]['codice']; } else { return 0; } } return $cod; }
$db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al dadabase {$dbtype}"); } //Modalità di editing if ($_POST["active_form"]) { $active_form = $_POST["active_form"] . "?step=0&pratica=" . $idpratica; $step = 0; $pratica = $_REQUEST["pratica"]; if ($_POST["azione"] == "Salva") { // Se necessario inserisco il nuovo riferimento nella tabella $idref = $_POST["id"]; if ($_POST["id"] == 0) { $descrizione = addslashes(trim($_POST["riferimento"])); $sql = "INSERT INTO pe.riferimenti(descrizione) VALUES('{$descrizione}')"; $db->sql_query($sql); $sql = "select currval ('pe.riferimenti_id_seq')"; $db->sql_query($sql); $row = $db->sql_fetchrow(); $idref = $row[0]; } //Modifico i riferimenti della tabella avvioproc $db->sql_query("SELECT pratica FROM pe.avvioproc,pe.riferimenti WHERE riferimenti.id=" . $_POST["id_prec"] . " AND avvioproc.riferimento=riferimenti.id"); $nrif = $db->sql_numrows(); if ($nrif <= 1) { $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM pe.riferimenti WHERE id=" . $_POST["id_prec"]); } $db->sql_query("update pe.avvioproc set riferimento={$idref} where pratica={$idpratica}"); } return; }
function getDBHost( $databasename = '' ) { global $supportdb, $dbuser, $dbpasswd; $dbsupport = new sql_db( $supportdb, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, 'nizex_support', false, true ); $query = "select DBHost from optUserCompany where DBName = '".$databasename."'"; if ( !$result = $dbsupport->sql_query( $query ) ) { LogError( 9369, $query ."<br>".$dbsupport->sql_error(), false ); return false; } $row = $dbsupport->sql_fetchrow( $result ); return $row[ "DBHost" ]; }
} </script> </head> <body> <H2 class=blueBanner>Elenco dei soggetti interessati</H2> <TABLE cellPadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 class="stiletabella" width="100%"> <?php $i = 0; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $db->sql_query("select * from pe.e_ruoli order by ordine;"); $elenco_ruoli = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); //print_array($elenco_ruoli); $tabella_attuali = new Tabella_h("{$tabpath}/soggetto", 'list'); $tabella_variati = new Tabella_h("{$tabpath}/soggetto", 'list'); $tabella_variati->set_color("#FFFFFF", "#FF0000", 0, 0); foreach ($elenco_ruoli as $row) { $ruolo = $row["ruolo"]; $titolo = $row["titolo"]; $ruolo == "proprietario" || $ruolo == "richiedente" || $ruolo == "concessionario" ? $img = "volture" : ($img = "variazioni"); //$tabella_attuali->set_tag($ruolo); $tabella_attuali->params = array('ruolo' => $ruolo); $tabella_variati->params = array('ruolo' => $ruolo); //$tabella_variati->set_tag('v'.$ruolo); //$num_attuali=$tabella_attuali->set_dati("voltura=0 and $ruolo=1 and pratica=$idpratica"); //$num_variati=$tabella_variati->set_dati("voltura=1 and $ruolo=1 and pratica=$idpratica");
<?php include_once "login.php"; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } if (isset($_GET["mapkey"])) { $mapkey = explode('@', $_GET["mapkey"]); } //print_r ($mapkey); $tipo = $mapkey[0]; $mappale = $mapkey[1]; $foglio = $mapkey[2]; $sql = "select oid,extent(buffer(the_geom," . BUFFER_SIZE . ")) from map.ct_particelle where foglio ilike('{$foglio}') and mappale ilike ('{$mappale}') group by oid;"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $extent = $db->sql_fetchrow(); $ext = $extent["extent"]; $objid = $extent["oid"]; if ($ext) { $p1 = strpos($ext, "(") + 1; $p2 = strpos($ext, ")"); $ext = substr($ext, $p1, $p2 - $p1); $ext = str_replace(",", "+", $ext); $ext = str_replace(" ", "+", $ext); $ext2 = str_replace("+", ";", $ext); include "http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=C:\\[pmapper]\\projects\\ceriale\\map\\catasto.map&mapext={$ext}"; ?> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> function openPmapper(winwidth, winheight, gLanguage, startParameters){ //CASO FULLSCREEN DA AGGIUNGERE ALLE POSSIBILITA
function change_menu($idpratica, $oldtipo, $newtipo) { if (!$idpratica) { return; } $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al dadabase"); } $sql = "select menu_list from pe.menu where pratica={$idpratica};"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $oldmenu = $db->sql_fetchfield("menu_list"); $pos = strpos($oldmenu, "#"); if ($pos) { //ho aggiunto dei menu al menu originale $oldmenu = substr($oldmenu, $pos); } else { $oldmenu = ""; } $db->sql_query("update pe.menu set menu_list=e_tipopratica.menu_default || '{$oldmenu}' from pe.e_tipopratica where e_tipopratica.id={$newtipo} and pratica={$idpratica};"); unset($_SESSION["MENU_" . $this->tipo . "_{$idpratica}"]); //$db->sql_close(); }
print_debug($sql_piani, "tabella"); //verifico l'esitenza dei vincoli per la pratica corrente $sql_vincoli = "select (coalesce(cdu.mappali.sezione,'') || ','::text || cdu.mappali.foglio || ','::text || cdu.mappali.mappale) as particella,mappali.vincolo,mappali.zona,mappali.perc_area,e_vincoli.descrizione from pe.e_vincoli, cdu.mappali where\nmappali.vincolo=e_vincoli.nome and pe.e_vincoli.cdu=1 and pratica={$idpratica} order by cdu.mappali.perc_area desc, cdu.mappali.sezione,cdu.mappali.foglio,cdu.mappali.mappale;"; print_debug("Vincoli\n" . $sql_vincoli); //aggiungo i mappali che non risultano legati a vincoli $sql_mappali = "select (coalesce(cdu.mappali.sezione,'') || ','::text || cdu.mappali.foglio || ','::text || cdu.mappali.mappale) as particella from cdu.mappali where pratica={$idpratica} and vincolo is null;"; print_debug($sql_mappali, "tabella"); //SCHEMA DB NUOVO //elenco dei piani $sql_piani2 = "select nome_vincolo,nome_tavola,descrizione from vincoli.tavola where cdu=1 order by ordine;"; print_debug($sql_piani2, "tabella"); //verifico l'esitenza dei vincoli per la pratica corrente $sql_vincoli2 = "select distinct(coalesce(cdu.mappali.sezione,'') || ','::text || cdu.mappali.foglio || ','::text || cdu.mappali.mappale) as particella,mappali.vincolo,mappali.zona,mappali.tavola,mappali.perc_area,\ncase when coalesce(zona.sigla,'')<>'' then zona.sigla else zona.descrizione end as descrizione from cdu.mappali left join vincoli.zona on (mappali.zona=zona.nome_zona and mappali.vincolo=zona.nome_vincolo) \nleft join vincoli.tavola on (mappali.tavola=zona.nome_tavola) where tavola.cdu=1 and pratica={$idpratica}"; print_debug("Vincoli\n" . $sql_vincoli2); //echo "<p>$sql_vincoli2</p>"; $db->sql_query($sql_piani2); $piani = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); $npiani = $db->sql_numrows(); $db->sql_query($sql_vincoli2); $vincoli = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); $nvincoli = $db->sql_numrows(); $db->sql_query($sql_mappali); $mappali = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); $nmappali = $db->sql_numrows(); $array_mappali = array(); $array_zone = array(); //verifico se esiste il vincolo nelle tavole for ($r = 0; $r < $nvincoli; $r++) { $idparticella = $vincoli[$r]["particella"]; $piano = $vincoli[$r]["tavola"]; $zona = $array_zone[$idparticella][$piano];
} // DATABASE $coddb = new sql_db($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_db, false); if (!$coddb->db_connect_id) { die("Could not connect to the database"); } /*$query = "SELECT * FROM ${t['players']}, ${t['b3_clients']} WHERE ${t['b3_clients']}.id = ${t['players']}.client_id AND ${t['players']}.id = '" . addslashes_gpc($player_id) . "' AND ((${t['players']}.kills > $minkills) OR (${t['players']}.rounds > $minrounds)) AND (${t['players']}.hide = 0) AND ($current_time - ${t['b3_clients']}.time_edit < $timelimit)";*/ $query = "SELECT * \n FROM {$t['players']}, {$t['b3_clients']} \n WHERE {$t['b3_clients']}.id = {$t['players']}.client_id \n AND {$t['players']}.id = '" . addslashes_gpc($player_id) . "'"; $result = $coddb->sql_query($query); $player = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result); $coddb->sql_query("START TRANSACTION"); $coddb->sql_query("BEGIN"); $coddb->sql_query("SET @place = 0"); $query2 = "select * from (\n SELECT @place := @place + 1 AS place, {$t['players']}.id\n FROM {$t['players']}, {$t['b3_clients']}\n WHERE {$t['b3_clients']}.id = {$t['players']}.client_id\n AND (({$t['players']}.kills > {$minkills})\n OR ({$t['players']}.rounds > {$minrounds}))\n AND ({$t['players']}.hide = 0)\n AND ({$current_time} - {$t['b3_clients']}.time_edit < {$timelimit})"; if ($exclude_ban) { $query2 .= "AND {$t['b3_clients']}.id NOT IN (\n SELECT distinct(target.id)\n FROM {$t['b3_penalties']} as penalties, {$t['b3_clients']} as target\n WHERE (penalties.type = 'Ban' OR penalties.type = 'TempBan')\n AND inactive = 0\n AND penalties.client_id = target.id\n AND ( penalties.time_expire = -1 OR penalties.time_expire > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) )\n )"; } $query2 .= " ORDER BY {$t['players']}.skill DESC\n ) derivated_table\n where id = {$player_id}"; $result2 = $coddb->sql_query($query2); $row2 = $coddb->sql_fetchrow($result2); $coddb->sql_query("ROLLBACK"); if ($player['hide'] == 1) { $advertising = 1; }
/** * Loads self::$db if it is not loaded already. * Dies if the connection could not be established. * * @return void */ protected static function loadDb() { global $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbport, $dbpersist, $dbtype, $dbneedssetnames; if (self::$db !== null) { return; } include_once 'SemanticScuttle/db/' . $dbtype . '.php'; $db = new sql_db(); $db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbport, $dbpersist); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { message_die(CRITICAL_ERROR, 'Could not connect to the database', self::$db); } $dbneedssetnames && $db->sql_query('SET NAMES UTF8'); self::$db = $db; }
define('ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'acl_options'); define('ACL_USERS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'acl_users'); define('GROUPS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'groups'); define('USERS_TABLE', $table_prefix . 'users'); $cache = new acm(); $db = new sql_db(); // Connect to DB $db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false); // auth => is_local, is_global $f_permissions = array('f_' => array(1, 0), 'f_list' => array(1, 0), 'f_read' => array(1, 0), 'f_post' => array(1, 0), 'f_reply' => array(1, 0), 'f_edit' => array(1, 0), 'f_user_lock' => array(1, 0), 'f_delete' => array(1, 0), 'f_bump' => array(1, 0), 'f_poll' => array(1, 0), 'f_vote' => array(1, 0), 'f_votechg' => array(1, 0), 'f_announce' => array(1, 0), 'f_sticky' => array(1, 0), 'f_attach' => array(1, 0), 'f_download' => array(1, 0), 'f_icons' => array(1, 0), 'f_bbcode' => array(1, 0), 'f_smilies' => array(1, 0), 'f_img' => array(1, 0), 'f_flash' => array(1, 0), 'f_sigs' => array(1, 0), 'f_search' => array(1, 0), 'f_email' => array(1, 0), 'f_print' => array(1, 0), 'f_ignoreflood' => array(1, 0), 'f_postcount' => array(1, 0), 'f_noapprove' => array(1, 0), 'f_report' => array(1, 0), 'f_subscribe' => array(1, 0)); $m_permissions = array('m_' => array(1, 1), 'm_edit' => array(1, 1), 'm_delete' => array(1, 1), 'm_move' => array(1, 1), 'm_lock' => array(1, 1), 'm_split' => array(1, 1), 'm_merge' => array(1, 1), 'm_approve' => array(1, 1), 'm_unrate' => array(1, 1), 'm_auth' => array(1, 1), 'm_ip' => array(1, 1), 'm_info' => array(1, 1)); $a_permissions = array('a_' => array(0, 1), 'a_server' => array(0, 1), 'a_board' => array(0, 1), 'a_clearlogs' => array(0, 1), 'a_words' => array(0, 1), 'a_icons' => array(0, 1), 'a_bbcode' => array(0, 1), 'a_attach' => array(0, 1), 'a_email' => array(0, 1), 'a_styles' => array(0, 1), 'a_user' => array(0, 1), 'a_useradd' => array(0, 1), 'a_userdel' => array(0, 1), 'a_ranks' => array(0, 1), 'a_ban' => array(0, 1), 'a_names' => array(0, 1), 'a_group' => array(0, 1), 'a_groupadd' => array(0, 1), 'a_groupdel' => array(0, 1), 'a_forum' => array(0, 1), 'a_forumadd' => array(0, 1), 'a_forumdel' => array(0, 1), 'a_prune' => array(0, 1), 'a_auth' => array(0, 1), 'a_authmods' => array(0, 1), 'a_authadmins' => array(0, 1), 'a_authusers' => array(0, 1), 'a_authgroups' => array(0, 1), 'a_authdeps' => array(0, 1), 'a_backup' => array(0, 1), 'a_restore' => array(0, 1), 'a_search' => array(0, 1), 'a_events' => array(0, 1), 'a_cron' => array(0, 1)); $u_permissions = array('u_' => array(0, 1), 'u_sendemail' => array(0, 1), 'u_readpm' => array(0, 1), 'u_sendpm' => array(0, 1), 'u_sendim' => array(0, 1), 'u_hideonline' => array(0, 1), 'u_viewonline' => array(0, 1), 'u_viewprofile' => array(0, 1), 'u_chgavatar' => array(0, 1), 'u_chggrp' => array(0, 1), 'u_chgemail' => array(0, 1), 'u_chgname' => array(0, 1), 'u_chgpasswd' => array(0, 1), 'u_chgcensors' => array(0, 1), 'u_search' => array(0, 1), 'u_savedrafts' => array(0, 1), 'u_download' => array(0, 1), 'u_attach' => array(0, 1), 'u_sig' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_attach' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_bbcode' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_smilies' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_download' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_edit' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_printpm' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_emailpm' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_forward' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_delete' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_img' => array(0, 1), 'u_pm_flash' => array(0, 1)); echo "<p><b>Determining existing permissions</b></p>\n"; $sql = 'SELECT auth_option_id, auth_option FROM ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $remove_auth_options = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { if (!in_array($row['auth_option'], array_keys(${substr($row['auth_option'], 0, 2) . 'permissions'}))) { $remove_auth_options[$row['auth_option']] = $row['auth_option_id']; } unset(${substr($row['auth_option'], 0, 2) . 'permissions'}[$row['auth_option']]); } $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (sizeof($remove_auth_options)) { $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_USERS_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id IN (' . implode(', ', $remove_auth_options) . ')'); $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_GROUPS_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id IN (' . implode(', ', $remove_auth_options) . ')'); $db->sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . ACL_OPTIONS_TABLE . ' WHERE auth_option_id IN (' . implode(', ', $remove_auth_options) . ')'); echo '<p><b>Removed the following auth options... [<i>' . implode(', ', array_keys($remove_auth_options)) . "</i>]</b></p>\n\n"; } $prefixes = array('f_', 'a_', 'm_', 'u_');
//first we need to retrieve the list of all active companies that might have imported data $db_support = new sql_db( $supportdb, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, 'nizex_support', false ); if ( $db_support->db_connect_id ) { $query = "select CompanyID, DBName, DBHost, TableVersion from optUserCompany where Active=1 "; if ( !( $result = $db_support->sql_query( $query ) ) ) { $lbl_error = $dblang[ "ErrorInSQL" ]."<br>".$db_support->sql_error(); } while ( $row = $db_support->sql_fetchrow( $result )) { $db = new sql_db( $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $row[ 'DBName' ], true ); $query = "select * from conLeadSources where LeadName='Other'"; if ( !( $result2 = $db->sql_query( $query ) ) ) echo "Problem with: ".$query; if ( $db->sql_numrows( $result2 ) == 0 ) { $query = "insert into conLeadSources values ( null, 'Other', 1 )"; if ( !( $result2 = $db->sql_query( $query ) ) ) echo "Problem with: ".$query; } } //end while looping through companies } ?>
$mess_css = $db->sql_fetchfield('css_desc'); $tipo = "modelli"; } elseif ($_REQUEST["mode"] == "new") { $tipo = "modelli"; } if ($_REQUEST["form"]) { $form = $_REQUEST["form"]; } if ($tipo == "modelli") { /*SELEZIONE DELLE VISTE DAL DATABASE*/ $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $sql = "(SELECT 'Seleziona -->' as nome,'' as tipo,'Seleziona -->' as alias_nome,'' as descrizione,1 as ord) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT nome_vista as nome,tipo,alias_nome_vista,descrizione_vista,2 as ord FROM stp.colonne) order by ord,nome;"; $db->sql_query($sql); $tables = $db->sql_fetchlist('nome'); $types = $db->sql_fetchlist('tipo'); $alias = $db->sql_fetchlist('alias_nome'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tables); $i++) { $value = $types[$i] . "." . $tables[$i]; $tmp = explode("_", $tables[$i]); $str_name = ucwords($alias[$i]); $print_options .= "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<option value=\"{$value}\">{$str_name}</option>\n"; } $sql = "SELECT CASE (tipo) WHEN 'FUNCTION' THEN 'FN_'||nome_vista ELSE nome_vista end as nome,nome as \t\tcolonna,alias_nome as alias_colonna,descrizione,visibile,tipo FROM stp.colonne WHERE visibile=1 order by nome_vista,nome;"; //echo "<p>$sql</p>"; if ($db->sql_query($sql)) { $ris = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($ris); $i++) { $cols[$ris[$i]["nome"]][] = array("colonna" => $ris[$i]["colonna"], "alias" => $ris[$i]["alias_colonna"], "descrizione" => $ris[$i]["descrizione"]);
<?php $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $sql_CE = "delete from ce.commissione where "; $sql_PD = "delete from ce.discusse where "; $sql_PC = "delete from ce.partecipanti where "; foreach ($idcomm as $id) { $filter .= "id={$id} or "; $filter1 .= "commissione={$id} or "; } $filter = substr($filter, 0, strlen($filter) - 3); $filter1 = substr($filter1, 0, strlen($filter1) - 3); $sql_CE .= $filter; $sql_PD .= $filter1; $sql_PC .= $filter1; if (!$db->sql_query($sql_CE)) { echo "<br>{$sql_CE}<br>ERRORE NELLA CANCELLAZIONE!"; } if (!$db->sql_query($sql_PD)) { echo "<br>{$sql_PD}<br>ERRORE NELLA CANCELLAZIONE!"; } if (!$db->sql_query($sql_PC)) { echo "<br>{$sql_PC}<br>ERRORE NELLA CANCELLAZIONE!"; }
$notfound = 0; //Attenzione funzione relazione tra il file elenco e $pratichexpagina = 20; $offset = 0; $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } //pagina con i risultati al primo giro faccio tutta la query poi mi porto dietro l'array delle pratiche trovate $pagenum = $_POST["pag"] ? $_POST["pag"] : 1; $elenco = $_POST["elenco"]; if (!isset($elenco)) { //se non ho ancora fatto la query la costruisco $sqlRicerca = "SELECT pratica,max(tmsins) FROM pe.wf_transizioni WHERE utente_fi={$_SESSION['USER_ID']} group by 1 order by 2 DESC LIMIT 100;"; //echo $sqlRicerca; $db->sql_query($sqlRicerca); //trovo l'elenco degli id delle pratiche che mi interessano $elenco_pratiche = $db->sql_fetchlist("pratica"); if ($elenco_pratiche) { $elenco = implode(",", $elenco_pratiche); } $_SESSION["RICERCA"] = $_POST; } else { //sono al secondo giro ho l'elenco delle pratiche per la query $elenco_pratiche = explode(",", $elenco); } //così faccio una query in più la prima volta ma evito di fare una query pesante ad ogni pagina ?> <html> <head> <title>Risultato Ricerca</title>
function message_die($msg_code, $msg_text = '', $msg_title = '', $err_line = '', $err_file = '', $sql = '') { die("<html>\n<body bgcolor=\"#000000\">\n<span style=\"color:#FFFFFF;\">" . $msg_title . "</span>\n<br /><br />\n" . $msg_text . "</body>\n</html>"); } /* * The script itself :) */ $template->set_filenames(array('ct_body' => IP_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/ctracker/admin/console/emergency.tpl')); /* * Console Operations */ $mode = $HTTP_GET_VARS['mode']; if ($mode == 'restore') { // Drop existing Config Table $sql = 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . PREFIX . 'config'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); // Create Config table $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . PREFIX . 'config ( `config_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL , `config_value` text NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`config_name`) )'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); // Insert config data $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PREFIX . 'ctracker_backup'; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $sql2 = 'INSERT INTO ' . PREFIX . 'config (`config_name`, `config_value`) VALUES (\'' . $db->sql_escape($row['config_name']) . '\', \'' . $db->sql_escape($row['config_value']) . '\')'; $result2 = $db->sql_query($sql2); } // Remove Backup Timestamp
echo $idcomm; ?> &active_form=ce.ordinegiorno.php'; }); </script> </form> <?php // Eseguo cancellazione della pratica dalla commissione if ($idpratica) { $db = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } $sql = "DELETE FROM pe.pareri WHERE ente=(SELECT tipo_comm FROM ce.commissione WHERE id={$idcomm}) and data_rich=(SELECT data_convocazione FROM ce.commissione WHERE id={$idcomm}) and pratica={$idpratica}"; if (!$db->sql_query($sql)) { echo "ERRORE NELLA CANCELLAZIONE DELLA PRATICA <br>{$sql}<br>"; } print_debug($sql); } $tabella_h = new Tabella_h($file_config, $modo); $tabella_h->set_titolo("Elenco pratiche da discutere"); $tabella_h->get_titolo(); $tabella_h->set_dati("pratica > 0"); ?> <form name="cancella" method="post" action="ce.ordinegiorno.php"> <?php $tabella_h->elenco(); ?> <table> <tr>
} elseif ($azione == "Salva") { if ($pwd !== $pwd1) { $errors["pwd"] = "PassWord non Corrispondenti"; } if ($livello_utente < $_SESSION["PERMESSI"]) { $errors["permessi"] = "Non si dispone dei permessi necessari"; } $gruppi = implode(',', $_REQUEST['gruppi']); if ($modo == "new") { if (defined('GC_PROJECT')) { if ($_SESSION["PERMESSI"] > 1 && $role == 1) { $errors["role"] = "Non si dispone dei diritti per assegnare questo ruolo all'utente"; } else { include "./db/db.gisclientuser.php"; $sql = "INSERT INTO admin.users(userid,app,cognome,nominativo,username,pwd,enc_pwd,permessi,attivato,num_tel,info,gruppi,data_creazione,gisclient) VALUES({$newUserId},'{$app}','{$cognome}','{$nominativo}','{$username}','{$pwd}','{$enc_pwd}',{$livello_utente},{$attivato},'{$tel}','{$info}','{$gruppi}',now(),{$gc});"; $db->sql_query($sql); $id = $newUserId; } } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO admin.users(app,cognome,nominativo,username,pwd,enc_pwd,permessi,attivato,num_tel,info,gruppi,data_creazione,gisclient) VALUES('{$app}','{$cognome}','{$nominativo}','{$username}','{$pwd}','{$enc_pwd}',{$livello_utente},{$attivato},'{$tel}','{$info}','{$gruppi}',now(),{$gc});"; if (!$errors) { $db->sql_query($sql); $db->sql_query("SELECT max(userid) as lastvalue FROM admin.users"); $id = $db->sql_fetchfield("lastvalue"); } } } else { $sql = "UPDATE admin.users SET app='{$app}',nominativo='{$nominativo}',cognome='{$cognome}',username='******',pwd='{$pwd}',enc_pwd='{$enc_pwd}',gruppi='{$gruppi}',permessi='{$livello_utente}',attivato='{$attivato}',num_tel='{$tel}',info='{$info}',data_modifica=now(),gisclient={$gc} WHERE userid={$id}"; if (!$errors) { $db->sql_query($sql); }
echo("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />\n"); echo("<meta name=\"author\" content=\"Icy Phoenix Team\" />\n"); echo("<title>Icy Phoenix :: UTF-8 Conversion</title>\n"); echo("</head>\n"); echo("<body>\n"); echo("<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucida Grande', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px;\">\n"); echo("<b style=\"color: #dd2222;\">DB Conversion to UTF-8 in progress, please do not stop the browser until the whole process is finished...</b><br />\n<br />\n<br />\n"); // HTML HEADER - END flush(); $sql = "ALTER DATABASE {$db->sql_escape($dbname)} CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_bin"; $db->sql_query($sql) or die($db->sql_error()); $sql = "SHOW TABLES"; $result = $db->sql_query($sql) or die($db->sql_error()); while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { // This assignment doesn't work... //$table = $row[0]; $current_item = each($row); $table = $current_item['value']; reset($row); if (strpos($table, $table_prefix) === 0) { $sql = "ALTER TABLE {$db->sql_escape($table)}
exit; } } $db = new sql_db($dbhost, $dbuname, $dbpass, $dbname, false); if (!$db->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database {$dbtype}"); } $root = $dom->document_element(); $start = $root->get_elements_by_tagname("body"); $lista_field = $root->get_elements_by_tagname("user-field-get"); $out = get_table_fields($root); $risultato = array(); //Ciclo sulle Tabelle foreach ($out as $key => $value) { $sql_query[$key] = crea_query($key, $value, $cond); $db->sql_query($sql_query[$key]); $ris[$key] = $db->sql_fetchrowset(); //Ciclo sui campi delle tabelle foreach ($value as $val) { $s = $key . "." . $val; $risultato[$s] = array(); //Ciclo sui valori dei campi //echo "<br>";print_r($ris[$key]); foreach ($ris[$key] as $k => $v) { array_push($risultato[$s], $v[$val]); } } } //Modifico il file foreach ($lista_field as $val) { $p = get_paragr($val);
if ($install_step == 1) { if ($upgrade != 1) { if ($dbms != 'msaccess') { // Load in the sql parser include $phpbb_root_path . 'includes/sql_parse.' . $phpEx; // Ok we have the db info go ahead and read in the relevant schema // and work on building the table.. probably ought to provide some // kind of feedback to the user as we are working here in order // to let them know we are actually doing something. $sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_schema, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_schema)); $sql_query = preg_replace('/phpbb_/', $table_prefix, $sql_query); $sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sql_query); $i++) { if (trim($sql_query[$i]) != '') { if (!($result = $db->sql_query($sql_query[$i]))) { $error = $db->sql_error(); page_header($lang['Install'], ''); page_error($lang['Installer_Error'], $lang['Install_db_error'] . '<br />' . $error['message']); page_footer(); exit; } } } // Ok tables have been built, let's fill in the basic information $sql_query = @fread(@fopen($dbms_basic, 'r'), @filesize($dbms_basic)); $sql_query = preg_replace('/phpbb_/', $table_prefix, $sql_query); $sql_query = $remove_remarks($sql_query); $sql_query = split_sql_file($sql_query, $delimiter_basic); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($sql_query); $i++) { if (trim($sql_query[$i]) != '') {
<?php include_once "../login.php"; error_reporting(E_ERROR); //if(!$dbconn->connection_id){ $dbconn = new sql_db(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PWD, DB_NAME, false); if (!$dbconn->db_connect_id) { die("Impossibile connettersi al database"); } //} if ($_REQUEST['id_doc']) { $idDoc = $_REQUEST['id_doc']; $testo = $_REQUEST['testo']; $testo = html_entity_decode($testo); $sql = "SELECT file_doc,definizione,css.nome,print_type,stampe.form,stampe.pratica,c.testo as footer,d.testo as header,d.margin as mtop,c.margin as mbottom FROM stp.stampe left join stp.e_modelli on(stampe.modello=e_modelli.id) left join stp.css on(css_id=css.id) left join stp.e_intestazioni c on(footer=c.id) left join stp.e_intestazioni d on(header=d.id) WHERE stampe.id={$idDoc};"; $dbconn->sql_query($sql); $pratica = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield('pratica'); $file = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield('file_doc'); $definizione = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield('definizione'); $css_name = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield('nome'); $form = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield('form'); $footer = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield("footer"); $header = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield("header"); $mbottom = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield("mbottom"); $mtop = $dbconn->sql_fetchfield("mtop"); $is_cdu = $form == 'cdu.vincoli' ? 1 : 0; $infoFile = pathinfo($file); $nome = $infoFile["filename"]; $ext = $infoFile["extension"]; //print mb_detect_encoding($testo,"UTF-8, ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15"); $testo = utf8_encode($testo);
$sql = "SELECT `module`, `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `" . NV_CONFIG_GLOBALTABLE . "` WHERE `lang`='" . NV_LANG_DATA . "' ORDER BY `module` ASC"; $list = nv_db_cache($sql, '', 'settings'); foreach ($list as $row) { if ($row['module'] == "global") { $global_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } else { $module_config[$row['module']][$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } } if ($global_config['is_url_rewrite']) { $check_rewrite_file = nv_check_rewrite_file(); if (!$check_rewrite_file) { $global_config['is_url_rewrite'] = 0; } if (empty($global_config['is_url_rewrite'])) { $db->sql_query("UPDATE `" . NV_CONFIG_GLOBALTABLE . "` SET `config_value`= '0' WHERE `module`='global' AND `config_name` = 'is_url_rewrite'"); nv_delete_all_cache(); //xoa toan bo cache } } if (defined('NV_ADMIN')) { if (!in_array(NV_LANG_DATA, $global_config['allow_adminlangs'])) { if ($global_config['lang_multi']) { $nv_Request->set_Cookie('data_lang', $global_config['site_lang'], NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME); } Header("Location: " . NV_BASE_ADMINURL); exit; } if (!in_array(NV_LANG_INTERFACE, $global_config['allow_adminlangs'])) { if ($global_config['lang_multi']) { $nv_Request->set_Cookie('int_lang', $global_config['site_lang'], NV_LIVE_COOKIE_TIME);
$sql = "SELECT `module`, `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `" . NV_CONFIG_GLOBALTABLE . "` WHERE `lang`='" . NV_LANG_DATA . "' ORDER BY `module` ASC"; $list = nv_db_cache($sql, '', 'settings'); foreach ($list as $row) { if ($row['module'] == "global") { $global_config[$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } else { $module_config[$row['module']][$row['config_name']] = $row['config_value']; } } if (!isset($global_config['upload_checking_mode']) or !in_array($global_config['upload_checking_mode'], array("mild", "lite", "none"))) { $global_config['upload_checking_mode'] = "strong"; } define('UPLOAD_CHECKING_MODE', $global_config['upload_checking_mode']); //Cap nhat Country moi if (!empty($newCountry)) { if ($db->sql_query("INSERT INTO `" . $db_config['prefix'] . "_ipcountry` VALUES (" . $newCountry['ip_from'] . ", " . $newCountry['ip_to'] . ", '" . $newCountry['code'] . "', '" . $newCountry['ip_file'] . "', " . NV_CURRENTTIME . ")")) { $time_del = NV_CURRENTTIME - 604800; $db->sql_query("DELETE FROM `" . $db_config['prefix'] . "_ipcountry` WHERE `ip_file`='" . $newCountry['ip_file'] . "' AND `country`='ZZ' AND `time` < " . $time_del); $result = $db->sql_query("SELECT `ip_from`, `ip_to`, `country` FROM `" . $db_config['prefix'] . "_ipcountry` WHERE `ip_file`='" . $newCountry['ip_file'] . "'"); $array_ip_file = array(); while ($row = $db->sql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $array_ip_file[] = $row['ip_from'] . " => array(" . $row['ip_to'] . ", '" . $row['country'] . "')"; } file_put_contents(NV_ROOTDIR . "/" . NV_DATADIR . "/ip_files/" . $newCountry['ip_file'] . ".php", "<?php\n\n\$ranges = array(" . implode(', ', $array_ip_file) . ");\n\n?>", LOCK_EX); } unset($newCountry, $time_del, $array_ip_file, $result, $row); } if ($global_config['is_url_rewrite']) { $check_rewrite_file = nv_check_rewrite_file(); if ($check_rewrite_file) { require NV_ROOTDIR . "/includes/rewrite.php";