$sql = 'SELECT skin_id, skin_name, skin_author, gfxpack_link, skinpreview_link, skin_desc

            FROM skins';
    if (($q_skins = $db->query($sql)) === false) {
        message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query skin data');
    $main_html .= '

<span style="font-size: 14px;">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT8")) . '</span><br><br><br>

<table border="0" width="60%">

    while ($cur_skin = $db->fetchrow($q_skins)) {
        $main_html .= '


              <td valign="top">

                <b>' . $cur_skin['skin_name'] . '</b> ' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT9")) . ' <i>' . $cur_skin['skin_author'] . '</i><br><br>' . $cur_skin['skin_desc'] . '<br><br><a href="' . TPL_MGR_EXE . '?change_skin=' . $cur_skin['skin_id'] . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT10")) . '</a><br><a href="' . $cur_skin['gfxpack_link'] . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT11")) . '</a>


              <td width="150">

                <img src="' . $cur_skin['skinpreview_link'] . '">

Exemple #2
    $map_data = '<map name="detail_map">';
    $im = imagecreatetruecolor(162 * $size, 162 * $size);
    imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $color[1] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 90, 64, 64, 0);
    $color[2] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 128, 64, 64, 0);
    $color[3] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 196, 64, 64, 0);
    $color[4] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 96, 96, 96, 0);
    $color[5] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 0, 0, 20);
    drawMapGrid($im, $size);
    $sql = '
SELECT s.system_id, s.system_name, s.sector_id, s.system_x, s.system_y
 FROM starsystems s';
    if (!($q_systems = $db->query($sql))) {
        message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query starsystems data');
    while ($system = $db->fetchrow($q_systems)) {
        $glob_systems[$system['system_id']] = $system;
    $q_planets = $db->query('SELECT system_id FROM planets WHERE planet_owner=0 GROUP BY system_id');
    while ($planet = $db->fetchrow($q_planets)) {
        $system = $glob_systems[$planet['system_id']];
        $px = getSystemCoords($system, $size);
        $px_x = $px[0];
        $px_y = $px[1];
        if ($size > 2) {
            imagefilledrectangle($im, $px_x, $px_y, $px_x + $size - 2, $px_y + $size - 2, $color[5]);
            $map_data .= '<area href="index.php?a=tactical_cartography&system_id=' . encode_system_id($system['system_id']) . '" target=_mapshow shape="rect" coords="' . $px_x . ',' . $px_y . ', ' . ($px_x + $size - 2) . ', ' . ($px_y + $size - 2) . '" title="' . $system['system_name'] . '">
        } else {
            imagefilledrectangle($im, $px_x - 1, $px_y - 1, $px_x + $size - 2, $px_y + $size - 2, $color[5]);
            $map_data .= '<area href="index.php?a=tactical_cartography&system_id=' . encode_system_id($system['system_id']) . '" target=_mapshow shape="rect" coords="' . ($px_x - 1) . ',' . ($px_y - 1) . ', ' . ($px_x + $size - 2) . ', ' . ($px_y + $size - 2) . '" title="' . $system['system_name'] . '">



<body bgcolor="#000000" text="#DDDDDD"  background="/gfx/bg_stars1.gif">

  <table class="style_outer" width="550" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
        <table class="style_inner" width="550" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
if (isset($_GET['user'])) {
    $user_id = (int) $_GET['user'];
    echo '<td>&nbsp;</td><td><font size="3"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT1")) . '</b></font></td><td><font size="3"><b>' . get_username_by_id($user_id) . '</b></font></td></tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td></td><td width="235"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT2")) . '</b></td><td width="200"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT3")) . '</b></td><td width="70"><b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT4")) . '</b></td></tr>';
    $config = $db->queryrow('SELECT * FROM config');
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ship_trade WHERE user = '******' AND end_time > ' . $config['tick_id'] . '';
    if (!($q_tradedata = $db->query($sql))) {
        message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query tradedata');
    while ($tradedata = $db->fetchrow($q_tradedata)) {
        echo '<tr><td width="55" align="center">[<a onclick="opener.window.location=this.href;self.close();return false" href="/game/index.php?a=trade&view=view_bidding_detail&id=' . $tradedata['id'] . '">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT5")) . '</a>]</td><td>' . $tradedata['header'] . '</td><td><img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_metal_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['resource_1'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_mineral_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['resource_2'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_latinum_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['resource_3'] . '&nbsp;<br><img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_unit1_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['unit_1'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_unit2_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['unit_2'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_unit3_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['unit_3'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_unit4_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['unit_4'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_unit5_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['unit_5'] . '&nbsp;<img src="' . PROXY_GFX_PATH . '/skin1/menu_unit6_small.gif">&nbsp;' . $tradedata['unit_6'] . '</td><td>' . Zeit(TICK_DURATION * ($tradedata['end_time'] - $config['tick_id'])) . '</td></tr>';
} else {
    echo constant($game->sprache("TEXT6"));
echo '</table></td></tr></table></body>
Exemple #4
$sdl->finish_job('Reset New Registration Count');
// #######################################################################################
// #######################################################################################
// Check sitting abuse and lock'em
$sdl->start_job('Sitting abuse check');
$sql = 'SELECT user_id,user_name,num_hits,num_sitting FROM user
        WHERE (num_sitting/(num_hits+1))>0.35 AND
              (num_sitting>50 OR (num_hits<10 AND num_sitting>30))';
if (($result = $db->query($sql)) === false) {
    $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> cannot select user data!');
} else {
    if (!$db->query('UPDATE user SET num_hits=0, num_sitting=0')) {
        $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> cannot reset sitting information!');
    while ($user = $db->fetchrow($result)) {
        /* 25/08/14 - AC: According to the used query, num_sitting cannot be zero instead num_hits could be */
        $val = $user['num_sitting'] / ($user['num_hits'] + 1);
        /* 24/04/08 - AC: Add language translation based on user language */
        switch ($user['language']) {
            case 'GER':
                $text = 'fast ausschlie&szlig;lich gesittet';
                if ($val < 0.8) {
                    $text = 'stark &uuml;berm&auml;&szlig;ig gesittet';
                if ($val < 0.6) {
                    $text = '&Uuml;berm&auml;&szlig;ig gesittet';
                if ($val < 0.45) {
                    $text = 'etwas zuviel gesittet';
 $sql = 'SELECT s.*,u.user_race,
         FROM (`scheduler_instbuild` s)
         LEFT JOIN (planets p) ON s.planet_id = p.planet_id
         LEFT JOIN (user u) ON u.user_id=p.planet_owner
         WHERE p.building_queue <> 0';
 //echo "First query:\n".$sql."\n";
 if (($q_inst = $db->query($sql)) === false) {
     echo "Error: could not query scheduler instbuild data!\n";
 } else {
     if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
         $n_instbuild = 0;
         while ($build = $db->fetchrow($q_inst)) {
             $building_name = 'building_' . ($build['installation_type'] + 1);
             echo "Building being built  : " . $build['installation_type'] . " (name: " . $building_name . ") Level: " . $build[$building_name] . "\n";
             echo "Building will be built: " . ($build['building_queue'] - 1) . "\n";
             // In order to calculate times correctly, I need to consider also the building
             // being built at the moment
             if ($build['installation_type'] == $build['building_queue'] - 1) {
                 echo "New level: " . $build[$building_name] . "\n";
             $time = GetBuildingTimeTicks($build['building_queue'] - 1, $build, $build['user_race']);
             // Insert the queued building using the new method
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO scheduler_instbuild (installation_type,planet_id,build_start,build_finish)
                 VALUES ("' . ($build['building_queue'] - 1) . '",
                         "' . $build['planet_id'] . '",
                         "' . $build['build_finish'] . '",
Exemple #6
if ($res > 0) {
    $sdl->log('Extra-Optimal Range Upgrade Planet this time: ' . $res);
$sdl->finish_job('Extra-Optimal Range Upgrade Planet Step');
// ########################################################################################
// ########################################################################################
// Building Scheduler
$sdl->start_job('Building Scheduler');
$sql = 'SELECT planet_id,installation_type
        FROM scheduler_instbuild
        WHERE build_finish <= ' . $ACTUAL_TICK;
if (($q_inst = $db->query($sql)) === false) {
    $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not query scheduler instbuild data! - SKIPPED');
} else {
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        while ($build = $db->fetchrow($q_inst)) {
            $recompute_static = in_array($build['installation_type'], array(1, 2, 3, 11)) ? 1 : 0;
            $sql = 'UPDATE planets
                SET building_' . ($build['installation_type'] + 1) . ' = building_' . ($build['installation_type'] + 1) . ' + 1,
                    recompute_static = ' . $recompute_static . '
                WHERE planet_id = ' . $build['planet_id'];
            if (!$db->query($sql)) {
                $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Query sched_instbuild @ planets failed! - CONTINUED');
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM scheduler_instbuild
            WHERE build_finish <= ' . $ACTUAL_TICK;
        if (!$db->query($sql)) {
            $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> Could not delete instbuild data - CONTINUED');
Exemple #7
* Function to retrieve the latest posts from the forums
function display_lastposts()
    global $game, $config;
    $dir = $config['forum_path'];
    $limit = $config['forum_show'];
    $f_url = $config['forum_url'];
    if ($limit == 0) {
    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $dir . "/conf_global.php";
    // Database connection
    $fdb = new sql($INFO['sql_host'], $INFO['sql_database'], $INFO['sql_user'], $INFO['sql_pass']);
    // create sql-object for db-connection
    // Filtered query
    $qr = $fdb->query("SELECT t.title as t_title, " . "t.starter_id as t_starter, " . "t.starter_name as t_starter_n, " . "t.forum_id as forumid, " . "FROM_UNIXTIME((t.start_date), '%d.%m.%y') as start_d, " . "t.posts as t_posts, " . "t.tid as t_id, " . "t.last_post as t_last_posted, " . "t.last_poster_id as t_last, " . "t.last_poster_name as t_name, " . "p.post as p_post, " . "g.g_title " . "FROM nonsolotaku_topics t, " . "nonsolotaku_posts p, " . "nonsolotaku_members m, " . "nonsolotaku_groups g " . "WHERE topic_id=tid && " . "new_topic=1 && " . "m.member_id=t.starter_id && " . "m.member_group_id=g.g_id && " . "t.approved=1 && " . "t.forum_id<>'15' && " . "t.forum_id<>'37' && " . "t.forum_id<>'12' " . "ORDER BY t_last_posted DESC " . "LIMIT 0, " . $limit);
<table class="style_outer" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
    <td align="center"><span class="sub_caption">' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT18")) . '</span><br><br>
      <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" width="100%" class="style_inner">
    // calculating the number of replies
    $nrows = $fdb->num_rows($qr);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
        $row = $fdb->fetchrow($qr);
        $author_id = $row['t_starter'];
        $author = $row['t_starter_n'];
        $topic_title = $row['t_title'];
        $topic_id = $row['t_id'];
        $num_posts = $row['t_posts'];
        $last_author = $row['t_name'];
        $last_id = $row['t_last'];
        $creation_date = $row['start_d'];
        // Date and hour of last post
        $posttime = strftime("%d/%m/%y, %H:%M", $row['t_last_posted']);
          <td valign="top">
            <a href="' . $f_url . '?showtopic=' . $topic_id . '&view=getnewpost" target=_blank><span class="text_large">' . $topic_title . '</span></a><br>
            <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT19")) . '</b> <a href="' . $f_url . '?showuser='******'" target=_blank>' . $author . '</a><br/>
            <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT20")) . '</b> ' . $num_posts . '<br>
            <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT21")) . '</b> <a href="' . $f_url . '?showuser='******'" target=_blank>' . $last_author . '</a><br>
            <b>' . constant($game->sprache("TEXT22")) . '</b> ' . $posttime . '
     $pdf = new PDF();
     $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 16);
     $pdf->SetTextColor(250, 0, 0);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 10, $userrank, 'B', 1);
     $pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'I', 8);
     $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $created . date('d.m.y H:i', time()) . '', 0, 'R');
     $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 15.0);
     $pdf->SetFont('arial', '', 12);
     while (($user = $db->fetchrow($listquery)) != false) {
         $gen = '<tr><td>' . $rang_user . '.</td><td>' . $user['user_name'] . '</td><td>' . (!empty($user['user_alliance']) ? '' . get_alliance_tag($user['user_alliance']) . '' : '') . '</td><td>' . $user['user_planets'] . '</td><td>' . $user['user_points'] . '</td><td>' . ($user['user_honor'] < 1 ? '-' : $user['user_honor']) . '</td></tr>';
 if ($_GET['action'] == 'alliance') {
     $order_str = 'alliance_points DESC';
     if ($order == 'points') {
         $order_str = 'alliance_points DESC';
     } elseif ($order == 'planets') {
         $order_str = 'alliance_planets DESC';
     } elseif ($order == 'honor') {
         $order_str = 'alliance_honor DESC';
             imageline($im, $t * $size, 0, $t * $size, 162 * $size, $grid);
         } else {
             imageline($im, 0, $t * $size, 162 * $size, $t * $size, $grid3);
             imageline($im, $t * $size, 0, $t * $size, 162 * $size, $grid3);
 // Quadrant grid
 imageline($im, 0, 81 * $size, 162 * $size, 81 * $size, $grid2);
 imageline($im, 81 * $size, 0, 81 * $size, 162 * $size, $grid2);
 // Read ALL starsystems from the DB
 $sql = 'SELECT s.system_id, s.system_name, s.sector_id, s.system_x, s.system_y FROM starsystems s';
 if (!($q_systems = $db->query($sql))) {
     message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query starsystems data');
 while ($system = $db->fetchrow($q_systems)) {
     $glob_systems[$system['system_id']] = $system;
 // Select all members of the alliance
 $q_members = $db->query('SELECT user_id,user_name FROM user WHERE user_alliance=' . $alliance['alliance_id']);
 $i = 0;
 while ($member = $db->fetchrow($q_members)) {
     $members[$i] = $member['user_id'];
     $names[$members[$i]] = $member['user_name'];
 // Select all starsystems of the alliance
 $q_planets = $db->query('SELECT system_id FROM planets WHERE planet_owner IN (' . implode(',', $members) . ') GROUP BY system_id');
 // Select all planets of the alliance that have at least a fleet in the orbit
 // NOTE: Here we can do some optimization, SELECTing fleets before doing this one
 $q_planets1 = $db->query('SELECT system_id, planet_id, planet_name FROM planets WHERE planet_owner IN (' . implode(',', $members) . ') AND planet_id IN (SELECT planet_id FROM ship_fleets WHERE user_id IN (' . implode(',', $members) . '))');
Exemple #10
if (($handle = @fopen($image_url, "rb")) != true) {
    $map_data = '<map name="detail_map">';
    $im = imagecreatetruecolor(162 * $size, 162 * $size);
    imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    $color[1] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 90, 64, 64, 0);
    $color[2] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 128, 64, 64, 0);
    $color[3] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 196, 64, 64, 0);
    $color[4] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 96, 96, 96, 0);
    $color[5] = imagecolorallocatealpha($im, 255, 0, 0, 20);
    drawMapGrid($im, $size);
    // Obtain ALL the starsystems
    $sql = 'SELECT s.system_id, s.system_name, s.sector_id, s.system_x, s.system_y FROM starsystems s';
    if (!($q_systems = $db->query($sql))) {
        message(DATABASE_ERROR, 'Could not query starsystems data');
    while ($system = $db->fetchrow($q_systems)) {
        $glob_systems[$system['system_id']] = $system;
    // Select known systems
    /*$sql = 'SELECT pl.system_id FROM (planets pl)
             LEFT JOIN (planet_details pd) ON pl.system_id = pd.system_id
             LEFT JOIN (user u) ON pl.planet_owner = u.user_id
      WHERE pd.user_id = "'.$game->player['user_id'].'" AND pd.log_code = 500 OR
            u.user_alliance = '.$game->player['user_alliance'].' 
      GROUP BY pl.system_id';*/
    $sql = 'SELECT system_id FROM `starsystems_details`
	        WHERE user_id = ' . $game->player['user_id'];
    $systems = $db->query($sql);
    while ($system = $db->fetchrow($systems)) {
        $known_systems[$system['system_id']] = $system;
do something ... during error / message:
best also - before, so it's apart from the other messages, also: $sdl->log('- this was not true');

$sdl->finish_job('Mine Job'); // terminates the timer
$sdl->start_job('Recalculate resources');
$db->query('UPDATE planets SET recompute_static=1');
$sdl->finish_job('Recalculate resources');
$sdl->start_job('Recalculate security forces');
$sql = 'SELECT u.user_id FROM user u WHERE u.user_active=1';
$count = 0;
if (!($q_user = $db->query($sql))) {
    $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not query user data');
while ($user = $db->fetchrow($q_user)) {
    $sql = 'SELECT planet_id, planet_owner_enum FROM planets WHERE planet_owner=' . $user['user_id'] . ' ORDER BY  planet_owned_date ASC, planet_id ASC';
    if (!($q_planet = $db->query($sql))) {
        $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not query user data');
    $i = 0;
    while ($planet = $db->fetchrow($q_planet)) {
        if ($planet['planet_owner_enum'] != $i) {
    if (!$db->query('SET @i=0')) {
        $sdl->log('<b>Error:</b> could not set sql iterator variable for planet owner enum! SKIP');
Exemple #12
// create sql-object for db-connection
exec('cd ' . $game_path . 'sig_tmp/; rm -f *.jpg');
$rank_honor = array();
$rank_honor[0] = 0;
$rank_honor[1] = 25;
$rank_honor[2] = 50;
$rank_honor[3] = 150;
$rank_honor[4] = 250;
$rank_honor[5] = 400;
$rank_honor[6] = 700;
$rank_honor[7] = 1200;
$rank_honor[8] = 2000;
$rank_honor[9] = 5000;
$userqry = $db->query('SELECT u.user_name, u.user_planets, u.user_points,u.user_honor, u.user_race,u.user_rank_points,a.alliance_name, u.language FROM (user u) LEFT JOIN (alliance a) ON  a.alliance_id=u.user_alliance WHERE u.user_enable_sig=1 AND user_points>0');
$passed = $total = 0;
while (($player_data = $db->fetchrow($userqry)) == true) {
    if (!isset($player_data['alliance_name'])) {
        $player_data['alliance_name'] = '-';
    $rank_nr = 1;
    if ($player_data['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[0]) {
        $rank_nr = 1;
    if ($player_data['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[1]) {
        $rank_nr = 2;
    if ($player_data['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[2]) {
        $rank_nr = 3;
    if ($player_data['user_honor'] >= $rank_honor[3]) {
        $rank_nr = 4;
Exemple #13
$mines_upgraded = 0;
$miners = array();
$mines_level = array();
$borg = new NPC($db, $sdl);
// We need many infos here, for StartBuild() function
$sql = 'SELECT planet_id, planet_type,
               building_1, building_2, building_3, building_4, building_5,
               building_6, building_7, building_8, building_9, building_10,
               building_11, building_12, building_13,
               resource_1, resource_2, resource_3, resource_4
               research_3, research_4,
               workermine_1, workermine_2, workermine_3
        FROM planets WHERE planet_owner = ' . BORG_USERID;
$borg_planets = $db->query($sql);
while ($planet = $db->fetchrow($borg_planets)) {
    // If we have at least a workers slot
    if ($planet['resource_4'] > 100) {
        $mine = 0;
        $max_reached = 0;
        $miners_updated = false;
        $miners[0] = $planet['workermine_1'];
        $miners[1] = $planet['workermine_2'];
        $miners[2] = $planet['workermine_3'];
        $workers = $planet['resource_4'];
        $mines_level[0] = $planet['building_2'];
        $mines_level[1] = $planet['building_3'];
        $mines_level[2] = $planet['building_4'];
        while ($workers > 100 && $max_reached < 3) {
            // If there is space for new workers
            if ($miners[$mine] < $mines_level[$mine] * 100 + 100) {