VALUES ('".$$admin_key."','$ip_address',now(),'2') "; $result = fn_query($conn_id,$query); */ disconnect($conn_id); header("location:user_member_list.php?coded={$coded}"); exit; } else { $error_message = fn_error($conn_id); } $onload = "alert('{$error_message}')"; $user_id = $old_user_id; } if (is_array($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { extract($HTTP_GET_VARS, EXTR_SKIP); } $query = "\r\nSELECT \r\n\t*\r\nFROM \r\n\tmaster_user \r\nWHERE \r\n\tuser_id = '{$user_id}'\r\n"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } $temp = explode("_", $template_name); unset($temp[count($temp) - 1]); $template_name = @implode("_", $temp); $web = new speed_template($template_path); $web->register($template_name); $web->push($template_name, "blok_edit"); $web->parse($template_name); $web_content = $web->return_template($template_name); disconnect($conn_id); require_once "all_pages.php";
$query = "SELECT category_title FROM category WHERE page_id = '" . $page_id . "' AND category_id = '{$category_id}'"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); } $query = "\r\nSELECT \r\n\tnote_pangkas, note_id, note_images,\r\n\tnote_date,\r\n\tnote_title,\r\n\tnote_description,\r\n\tcase \r\n\t\twhen note_special = 'true' then 'Yes'\r\n\t\telse 'No' \r\n\tend as popup_status,\r\n\tcase \r\n\t\twhen note_user != 0 then 'Member'\r\n\t\telse 'Public' \r\n\tend as note_reader\r\nFROM \r\n\tnote \r\nWHERE\r\n\tcategory_id = '{$category_id}' \r\nORDER BY \r\n\tnote_date desc,\r\n\tnote_id desc\r\n"; //$row_count = 5; require_once "../library/paging_script.php"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); if (!$result) { die("Err :<br>" . mysql_error()); } while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { $no++; extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); if ($note_pangkas == 1) { $note_text = proc_pangkastext($note_text, 250); } if ($note_images) { $note_images = "../{$note_path}/t-{$note_images}"; } else { $note_images = "../library/pixel.gif"; } $hide_smilies = 1; $note_text = parse_message($note_text, $hide_smilies); $web->push($template_name, "blok"); } $web->parse($template_name); $web_content = $web->return_template($template_name); disconnect($conn_id); require_once "all_pages.php";
$text_login = "******"; } else { $location_login = "******"; $text_login = "******"; } $conn_id = connect(); $temp_folder = @explode("/", dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[PHP_SELF])); $thisfolder = $temp_folder[@count($temp_folder) - 1]; $template_name = "form_all_pages"; $web = new speed_template($template_path); $web->register($template_name); /* #begin category */ //$query = "SELECT * from category where page='".$$admin_key."'"; //echo $query; exit; //- pages $query = "SELECT * FROM page ORDER BY page_id ASC"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $query2 = "SELECT * from category where page_id = '{$page_id}' ORDER BY category_id ASC"; //echo $query; exit; $result2 = fn_query($conn_id, $query2); while ($rows2 = fn_fetch_array($result2)) { extract($rows2, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $category_url = "note.php?page_id={$page_id}&category=" . $category_id; $web->push($template_name, "blok_category"); } $web->push($template_name, "blok_page"); } /* #end category */ $web->parse($template_name); $web->print_template($template_name);
$onload = "alert('{$error_message}');"; } $web = new speed_template($template_path); $web->register($template_name); ${"selected_" . $search_option} = "selected"; $query = "\r\nSELECT \r\n\t*\r\nFROM \r\n\tmaster_user \r\nWHERE \r\n\t(user_level = 9) or (user_level = 1) "; if ($search_value) { $query .= " and upper({$search_option}) like upper('%{$search_value}%')"; } if (${$admin_key} != "root") { $query .= " and upper(user_id) not like upper('%root%')"; } $query .= "\r\nORDER BY \r\n\tuser_name asc\r\n"; $page_parameter = "search_value={$search_value}&search_option={$search_option}"; require_once "../library/paging_script.php"; if (!$coded) { $coded = encode($page_parameter); } $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { $no++; extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); if ($user_level != "9") { $web->push($template_name, "allow_deleted"); } $web->push($template_name, "blok"); } $web->parse($template_name); $web_content = $web->return_template($template_name); disconnect($conn_id); require_once "all_pages.php";
} else { $location_login = "******"; $text_login = "******"; } $temp_folder = @explode("/", dirname($HTTP_SERVER_VARS[PHP_SELF])); $thisfolder = $temp_folder[@count($temp_folder) - 1]; $template_name = "form_all_pages"; //print $template_path; exit; $web = new speed_template($template_path); $web->register($template_name); $conn_id = connect(); /* #begin menu -> main pages */ $menumainpage_url = './'; //show HOME by default $menumainpage_title = 'Home'; $web->push($template_name, "blok_menumainpages"); /* #begin menu -> pages */ $query = "SELECT page_id,page_title FROM page ORDER BY page_id ASC"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); //show categoryz $query2 = "SELECT category_id,category_title FROM category WHERE page_id = '{$page_id}' ORDER BY category_id ASC"; $result2 = fn_query($conn_id, $query2); while ($rows2 = fn_fetch_array($result2)) { extract($rows2, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $menucategory_url = "./?category={$category_id}"; $menucategory_title = $category_title; $web->push($template_name, "blok_category"); } $menupage_url = './?pg=' . $page_id;
$active_note_text = content_parser($active_note_text); //#begin reply comment //$query = "SELECT * FROM notereply WHERE note_id='$note' ORDER BY notereply_date ASC LIMIT 0,10"; $query = "SELECT * FROM notereply WHERE note_id='{$note}' ORDER BY notereply_date ASC"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $notereply_date = fn_datetimeformat('d-M-Y H:i:s', $notereply_date); $hide_smilies = 1; $notereply_comment = parse_message($notereply_comment, $hide_smilies); if (empty($notereply_author_url)) { $notereply_author_name = $notereply_author; } else { $notereply_author_name = "<a href=\"url-gateway.php?url=http://{$notereply_author_url}\" target=_blank>" . $notereply_author . "</a>"; } $web->push($template_name, "blok_notereply"); } global $data; $data = mt_rand(1000, 10000); //$data2 = mt_rand(0,9).$data.mt_rand(0,9); $enc_data = base64_encode($data); $md_data = md5($data); $sender = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ($msg) { $msg = base64_decode($msg); } //#end $q_page = "WHERE category_id = '{$active_category_id}' "; $query = "\r\n\tSELECT \r\n\t\tcategory_id, note_id,\r\n\t\tnote_title,note_date\r\n\tFROM \r\n\t\tnote \r\n\t{$q_page} \r\n\tORDER BY \r\n\t\tnote_date desc,\r\n\t\tnote_id desc\r\n\t"; require_once "library/paging_script.php"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query);
extract($HTTP_GET_VARS, EXTR_SKIP); } parse_str(decode($coded)); if ($error_message) { $onload = "alert('{$error_message}');"; } $web = new speed_template($template_path); $web->register($template_name); ${"selected_" . $search_option} = "selected"; $query = " SELECT * FROM page ORDER BY page_title ASC"; require_once "../library/paging_script.php"; $result = fn_query($conn_id, $query); while ($rows = fn_fetch_array($result)) { $no++; extract($rows, EXTR_OVERWRITE); $query2 = "SELECT * from category where page_id = '{$page_id}' ORDER BY category_id ASC"; //echo $query; exit; $result2 = fn_query($conn_id, $query2); while ($rows2 = fn_fetch_array($result2)) { extract($rows2, EXTR_OVERWRITE); if ($category_id == $_GET['category_id']) { $web->push($template_name, "blok_category_edit"); } $web->push($template_name, "blok_category"); } $web->push($template_name, "blok"); } $web->parse($template_name); $web_content = $web->return_template($template_name); disconnect($conn_id); require_once "all_pages.php";