function selectAudio(&$prg) { global $config; $files = $prg->listAudioFiles('TRUE', 'kbps DESC'); foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f['download_access'] == 't') { //$f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/getFile.php/' . $f['filename'] . '?audio=1&id=' . $prg->id . '&filename=' . $f['filename']; //$f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/getFile.php?audio=1&id=' . $prg->id . '&filename=' . $f['filename']; $baseUrl = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($prg); $f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/fid__' . $f['id']; return $f; } } /* if(!$retval) { foreach($files as $f) { if($f['stream_access']=='t') { $f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/listen.php?id=' . $prg->id . '&fileid=' . $f['id']; return $f; } } } */ return NULL; }
/** static */ function redirectToHomeNode($obj, $script) { global $page; $url = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($obj); $oldParams = substr(strstr(myGetenv("REQUEST_URI"), '.php'), 4); $url = $url . "/{$script}" . $oldParams; $page->redirect($url); exit; }
function selectAudioVideo(&$prg) { global $config; $files = $prg->listAudioFiles('TRUE', 'kbps DESC'); if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $f) { if ($f['download_access'] == 't') { /* sun 8.2.06 added to format properly the enclosure url --rama */ $station = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($prg->get('station'), 23); $series = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($prg->get('series'), 23); $title = sotf_Utils::makeValidName($prg->get('title'), 30); if ($station != "" && $series != "" && $title != "") { $fname = "{$station}-{$series}-{$title}"; } elseif ($station != "" && $title != "") { $fname = "{$station}-{$title}"; } elseif ($title != "") { $fname = $title; } /* end properly format enclosure url */ //$f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/getFile.php/' . $f['filename'] . '?audio=1&id=' . $prg->id . '&filename=' . $f['filename']; //$f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/getFile.php?audio=1&id=' . $prg->id . '&filename=' . $f['filename']; $baseUrl = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($prg); //$f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/fid__' . $f['id'].".mp3"; // wreutz: very dirty hack for ipooder to work on os x //MODIFIED BY Martin Schmidt $f = array_merge($f, sotf_AudioFile::decodeFormatFilename($f['format'])); if ($prg->isVideoPrg() && $f['format'] == "mp4") { //echo "drinnen"; $f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/' . 'fid__' . $f['id'] . '__' . $fname . ".mp4"; return $f; } else { if ($prg->isAudioPrg()) { $f['url'] = $baseUrl . '/getFile.php/' . 'fid__' . $f['id'] . '__' . $fname . ".mp3"; //rjankowski changed order to get parsed by getFile.php return $f; } } ////////////////////////// // rama: included $fname as formatted name $station-$series-$title } } } /* if(!$retval and is_array($files)) { foreach($files as $f) { if($f['stream_access']=='t') { $f['url'] = $config['rootUrl'] . '/listen.php?id=' . $prg->id . '&fileid=' . $f['id']; return $f; } } } */ return NULL; }
} } $mainContentFiles[$i] = array_merge($mainContentFiles[$i], sotf_AudioFile::decodeFormatFilename($mainContentFiles[$i]['format'])); //ADDED BY Martin Schmidt //print_r($mainContentFiles[$i]); if ($prg->isVideoPrg() && $mainContentFiles[$i]['format'] == "flv" && $mainContentFiles[$i]['download_access'] == 't') { $flv_path = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($prg) . '/getFile.php/' . 'fid__' . $mainContentFiles[$i]['id'] . '__' . $fname . ".flv"; $flv_found = true; //$_SESSION['flv_path'] = $flv_path; } $smarty->assign('FLV_PATH', $flv_path); ///////////////////// //ADDED BY Klaus Temper //print_r($mainContentFiles[$i]); if ($mainContentFiles[$i]['format'] == "mp3" && $mainContentFiles[$i]['download_access'] == 't') { $mp3_path = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($prg) . '/getFile.php/' . $mainContentFiles[$i]['filename'] . '?audio=1&id=' . $mainContentFiles[$i]['prog_id'] . '&filename=' . $mainContentFiles[$i]['filename']; $mp3_found = true; } $smarty->assign('mp3_PATH', $mp3_path); ///////////////////// $d = getdate($mainContentFiles[$i]['play_length']); $d['hours']--; $mainContentFiles[$i]['playtime_string'] = ($d['hours'] ? $d['hours'] . ':' : '') . sprintf('%02d', $d['minutes']) . ':' . sprintf('%02d', $d['seconds']); } $smarty->assign('FLV_FOUND', $flv_found); $smarty->assign('AUDIO_FILES', $mainContentFiles); if ($prg->isVideoPrg()) { $smarty->assign('VIDEO_PRG', 'true'); } // other files $otherFiles = $prg->getAssociatedObjects('sotf_other_files', 'filename');
exit; } // delete prog $delprog = sotf_Utils::getParameter('delprog'); $prgid = sotf_Utils::getParameter('prgid'); if ($delprog) { $prg =& $repository->getObject($prgid); $prg->delete(); $page->redirect(mygetenv('PHP_SELF') . "#progs"); exit; } // generate output $smarty->assign('STATION_ID', $stationid); $smarty->assign('STATION', $st->get('name')); $smarty->assign('STATION_DATA', $st->getAllWithIcon()); $smarty->assign('HOME_URL', sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($st)); if ($st->isLocal()) { $smarty->assign('IS_LOCAL', 1); } $smarty->assign('ROLES', $st->getRoles()); if ($st->getJingle()) { $smarty->assign('JINGLE', 1); } if ($entered) { $smarty->assign('ENTERED', $entered); } if (!$start) { $start = 0; } $seriesList = $st->listSeries(); if (!empty($seriesList)) {
//ADDED BY Martin Schmidt for ($i = 0; $i < $to; $i++) { if ($prg->isLocal()) { // if local, we check if file disappeared in the meantime $path = $prg->getFilePath($mainContentFiles[$i]); if (!is_readable($path)) { debug("DISAPPEARED FILE", $path); unset($mainContentFiles[$i]); continue; } } $mainContentFiles[$i] = array_merge($mainContentFiles[$i], sotf_AudioFile::decodeFormatFilename($mainContentFiles[$i]['format'])); //ADDED BY Martin Schmidt //print_r($mainContentFiles[$i]); if ($prg->isVideoPrg() && $mainContentFiles[$i]['format'] == "flv" && $mainContentFiles[$i]['download_access'] == 't') { $flv_path = sotf_Node::getHomeNodeRootUrl($prg) . '/getFile.php/' . 'fid__' . $mainContentFiles[$i]['id'] . '__' . $fname . ".flv"; $flv_found = true; //$_SESSION['flv_path'] = $flv_path; } $smarty->assign('FLV_PATH', $flv_path); ///////////////////// $d = getdate($mainContentFiles[$i]['play_length']); $d['hours']--; $mainContentFiles[$i]['playtime_string'] = ($d['hours'] ? $d['hours'] . ':' : '') . sprintf('%02d', $d['minutes']) . ':' . sprintf('%02d', $d['seconds']); } $smarty->assign('FLV_FOUND', $flv_found); $smarty->assign('AUDIO_FILES', $mainContentFiles); if ($prg->isVideoPrg()) { $smarty->assign('VIDEO_PRG', 'true'); } // other files