public function index() { $mobile = strim($GLOBALS['request']['mobile']); if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 0) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '短信功能关闭'; output($root); } if ($mobile == '') { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '手机号码不能为空'; output($root); } if (!check_mobile($mobile)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = "请输入正确的手机号码"; output($root); } if (!check_ipop_limit(CLIENT_IP, "register_verify_phone", 60, 0)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '发送太快了'; output($root); } $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "user WHERE mobile = " . $mobile; $user = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); if (empty($user)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = "手机号未在本站注册过"; output($root); } //删除超过5分钟的验证码 $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify WHERE mobile_phone = '{$mobile}' and add_time <=" . (get_gmtime() - 300); $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $code = rand(100000, 999999); $message = "您正在找回密码,验证码:" . $code . ",如非本人操作,请忽略本短信【" . app_conf("SHOP_TITLE") . "】"; require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $send = $sms->sendSms($mobile, $message); if ($send['status']) { $add_time = get_gmtime(); $GLOBALS['db']->query("insert into " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify(mobile_phone,code,add_time,send_count,ip) values('{$mobile}','{$code}','{$add_time}',1," . "'" . CLIENT_IP . "')"); /* 插入一条发送成功记录到队列表中 */ $msg_data['dest'] = $mobile; $msg_data['send_type'] = 0; $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($message); $msg_data['send_time'] = $add_time; $msg_data['is_send'] = 1; $msg_data['is_success'] = 1; $msg_data['create_time'] = $add_time; $msg_data['user_id'] = intval($user['id']); $msg_data['title'] = "密码找回验证"; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data); $root['info'] = "验证码发出,请注意查收"; $root['status'] = 1; } else { $root['info'] = "发送失败" . $send['msg']; $root['status'] = 0; } output($root); }
public function send() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $msg_item = M("PromoteMsgList")->getById($id); if ($msg_item) { if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 0) { //短信 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($msg_item['dest'], $msg_item['content']); $msg_item['result'] = $result['msg']; $msg_item['is_success'] = intval($result['status']); $msg_item['send_time'] = TIME_UTC; M("PromoteMsgList")->save($msg_item); if ($result['status']) { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("SUCCESS"); } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("FAILED") . $result['msg']; } } else { //邮件 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_mail.php"; $mail = new mail_sender(); $mail->AddAddress($msg_item['dest']); $mail->IsHTML($msg_item['is_html']); // 设置邮件格式为 HTML $mail->Subject = $msg_item['title']; // 标题 if ($msg_item['is_html']) { $mail_content = $msg_item['content'] . "<br />" . sprintf(app_conf("UNSUBSCRIBE_MAIL_TIP"), app_conf("SHOP_TITLE"), "<a href='" . SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . "/subscribe.php?act=unsubscribe&code=" . base64_encode($msg_item['dest']) . "'>" . $GLOBALS['lang']['CANCEN_EMAIL'] . "</a>"); } else { $mail_content = $msg_item['content'] . " \n " . sprintf(app_conf("UNSUBSCRIBE_MAIL_TIP"), app_conf("SHOP_TITLE"), $GLOBALS['lang']['CANCEN_EMAIL'] . SITE_DOMAIN . APP_ROOT . "/subscribe.php?act=unsubscribe&code=" . base64_encode($msg_item['dest'])); } $mail->Body = $mail_content; // 内容 $result = $mail->Send(); $msg_item['result'] = $mail->ErrorInfo; $msg_item['is_success'] = intval($result); $msg_item['send_time'] = TIME_UTC; M("PromoteMsgList")->save($msg_item); if ($result) { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("SUCCESS"); } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("FAILED") . $mail->ErrorInfo; } } } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("FAILED"); } }
public function send() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $msg_item = M("PromoteMsgList")->getById($id); if ($msg_item) { if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 0) { //短信 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($msg_item['dest'], $msg_item['content']); $msg_item['result'] = $result['msg']; $msg_item['is_success'] = intval($result['status']); $msg_item['send_time'] = NOW_TIME; M("PromoteMsgList")->save($msg_item); if ($result['status']) { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("SUCCESS"); } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("FAILED") . $result['msg']; } } else { //邮件 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_mail.php"; $mail = new mail_sender(); $mail->AddAddress($msg_item['dest']); $mail->IsHTML($msg_item['is_html']); // 设置邮件格式为 HTML $mail->Subject = $msg_item['title']; // 标题 $mail_content = $msg_item['content']; $mail->Body = $mail_content; // 内容 $result = $mail->Send(); $msg_item['result'] = $mail->ErrorInfo; $msg_item['is_success'] = intval($result); $msg_item['send_time'] = NOW_TIME; M("PromoteMsgList")->save($msg_item); if ($result) { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("SUCCESS"); } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("FAILED") . $mail->ErrorInfo; } } } else { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo l("SEND_NOW") . l("FAILED"); } }
public function send_demo() { $test_mobile = $_REQUEST['test_mobile']; require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($test_mobile, l("DEMO_SMS")); if ($result['status']) { $this->success(l("SEND_SUCCESS"), 1); } else { $this->error(l("ERROR_INFO") . $result['msg'], 1); } }
$msg_data['is_send'] = 0; $msg_data['create_time'] = get_gmtime(); $msg_data['user_id'] = 0; $msg_data['is_html'] = $promote_msg['is_html']; $msg_data['msg_id'] = $promote_msg['id']; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list", $msg_data); //插入 if ($id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id()) { $msg_item = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list where id = " . $id); if ($msg_item) { //优先改变发送状态,不论有没有发送成功 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list set is_send = 1,send_time='" . get_gmtime() . "' where id =" . intval($msg_item['id'])); if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 0) { //短信 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($msg_item['dest'], $msg_item['content']); //发送结束,更新当前消息状态 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list set is_success = " . intval($result['status']) . ",result='" . $result['msg'] . "' where id =" . intval($msg_item['id'])); } if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 1) { //邮件 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_mail.php"; $mail = new mail_sender(); $mail->AddAddress($msg_item['dest']); $mail->IsHTML($msg_item['is_html']); // 设置邮件格式为 HTML $mail->Subject = $msg_item['title']; // 标题 //发送推广邮件时加上退订的内容 if ($msg_item['is_html']) {
function send_sms_email($msg_item) { $re = array('status' => 0, 'msg' => ''); if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 0) { //短信 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($msg_item['dest'], $msg_item['content']); //发送结束,更新当前消息状态 //$GLOBALS['db']->query("update ".DB_PREFIX."deal_msg_list set is_success = ".intval($result['status']).",result='".$result['msg']."',send_time='".TIME_UTC."' where id =".intval($msg_item['id'])); $re['status'] = intval($result['status']); $re['msg'] = $result['msg']; } if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 1) { //邮件 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_mail.php"; $mail = new mail_sender(); $mail->AddAddress($msg_item['dest']); $mail->IsHTML($msg_item['is_html']); // 设置邮件格式为 HTML $mail->Subject = $msg_item['title']; // 标题 $mail->Body = $msg_item['content']; // 内容 $is_success = $mail->Send(); $result = $mail->ErrorInfo; //发送结束,更新当前消息状态 //$GLOBALS['db']->query("update ".DB_PREFIX."deal_msg_list set is_success = ".intval($is_success).",result='".$result."',send_time='".TIME_UTC."' where id =".intval($msg_item['id'])); $re['status'] = intval($is_success); $re['msg'] = $result; } return $re; }
public function index() { $mobile_phone = trim($GLOBALS['request']['mobile']); //print_r($GLOBALS['request']); $root = array(); $root['return'] = 1; if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 0) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '短信功能关闭'; //$GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_OFF']; output($root); } if ($mobile_phone == '') { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '手机号码不能为空'; output($root); } if (!check_mobile($mobile_phone)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = "请输入正确的手机号码"; output($root); } if (!check_ipop_limit(CLIENT_IP, "mobile_verify", 60, 0)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '发送太快了'; output($root); } $have_user_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select id from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where mobile = '{$mobile_phone}'"); if ($have_user_id) { //已经验证的 $root['info'] = '该手机号码已经注册过!'; $root['status'] = 0; output($root); } //检查用户,用户密码 $user = $GLOBALS['user_info']; $user_id = intval($user['id']); if ($user_id > 0) { $root['user_login_status'] = 1; //删除超过5分钟的验证码 $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify WHERE mobile_phone = '{$mobile_phone}' and add_time <=" . (get_gmtime() - 300); //$root['sql']=$sql; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $smsSubscribe = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select `id`,`mobile_phone`,`code`,`send_count`,`add_time` from " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify where mobile_phone = '{$mobile_phone}' and type=0 order by id desc"); $new_time = get_gmtime(); $difftime = $new_time - $smsSubscribe['add_time']; if ($smsSubscribe && intval($smsSubscribe['send_count']) <= 1 && $difftime < 61) { $root['info'] = "验证码已发出,请注意查收"; $root['status'] = 1; output($root); } else { if (empty($smsSubscribe) || empty($smsSubscribe['code'])) { //$tempcode = unpack('H4',str_shuffle(md5(uniqid()))); $code = rand(1111, 9999); //$tempcode[1]; } else { //发送一样的,验证码; $code = $smsSubscribe['code']; } $message = $code . "(" . app_conf("SHOP_TITLE") . "手机绑定验证码,请完成验证),如非本人操作,请勿略本短信"; require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $send = $sms->sendSms($mobile_phone, $message); //$send['status']=1; if ($send['status']) { $add_time = get_gmtime(); $re = $GLOBALS['db']->query("insert into " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify(mobile_phone,code,add_time,send_count,ip) values('{$mobile_phone}','{$code}','{$add_time}',1," . "'" . CLIENT_IP . "')"); /*插入一条发送成功记录到队列表中*/ $msg_data['dest'] = $mobile_phone; $msg_data['send_type'] = 0; $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($message); $msg_data['send_time'] = $add_time; $msg_data['is_send'] = 1; $msg_data['is_success'] = 1; $msg_data['create_time'] = $add_time; $msg_data['user_id'] = intval($have_user_id); $msg_data['title'] = "手机号绑定验证"; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data); $root['info'] = "验证码发出,请注意查收"; $root['status'] = 1; } else { $root['info'] = "发送失败"; $root['status'] = 0; } } } else { $root['user_login_status'] = 0; } output($root); }
public function index() { /* //创建验证码表 ,如果表存在则不创建 $table=$GLOBALS['db_config']['DB_PREFIX']."sms_mobile_verify"; $create_table="CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$table."` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `mobile_phone` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `code` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `add_time` int(10) default NULL, `send_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `type` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; $GLOBALS['db']->query($create_table,'SILENT'); //end */ $mobile_phone = trim($GLOBALS['request']['mobile']); $is_login = intval($GLOBALS['request']['is_login']); //is_login 0:仅注册,会判断手机号码,是否存在; 1:可登陆,可注册 不判断手机号码是否存在; $root = array(); //$root['return'] = 1; /* $isMobile = preg_match("/^(13\d{9}|14\d{9}|18\d{9}|15\d{9})|(0\d{9}|9\d{8})$/",$mobile_phone); if(!$isMobile) { $root['info']="请输入正确的手机号码"; $root['status']=0; output($root); } */ if (app_conf("SMS_ON") == 0) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '短信功能关闭'; //$GLOBALS['lang']['SMS_OFF']; output($root); } if ($mobile_phone == '') { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '手机号码不能为空'; output($root); } if (!check_mobile($mobile_phone)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = "请输入正确的手机号码"; output($root); } if (!check_ipop_limit(CLIENT_IP, "register_verify_phone", 60, 0)) { $root['status'] = 0; $root['info'] = '发送太快了'; output($root); } $have_user_id = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select id from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where mobile = '{$mobile_phone}'"); //is_login 0:仅注册,会判断手机号码,是否存在; 1:可登陆,可注册 不判断手机号码是否存在; if ($is_login == 0 && $have_user_id) { //已经验证的 $root['info'] = '该手机号码已经注册过!'; $root['status'] = 0; output($root); } //删除超过5分钟的验证码 $sql = "DELETE FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify WHERE mobile_phone = '{$mobile_phone}' and add_time <=" . (get_gmtime() - 300); //$root['sql']=$sql; $GLOBALS['db']->query($sql); $smsSubscribe = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select `id`,`mobile_phone`,`code`,`send_count`,`add_time` from " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify where mobile_phone = '{$mobile_phone}' and type=0 order by id desc"); $new_time = get_gmtime(); $difftime = $new_time - $smsSubscribe['add_time']; if ($smsSubscribe && intval($smsSubscribe['send_count']) <= 1 && $difftime < 61) { $root['info'] = "验证码已发出,请注意查收"; $root['status'] = 1; output($root); } else { if (empty($smsSubscribe) || empty($smsSubscribe['code'])) { //$tempcode = unpack('H4',str_shuffle(md5(uniqid()))); $code = rand(1111, 9999); //$tempcode[1]; } else { //发送一样的,验证码; $code = $smsSubscribe['code']; } $message = $code . "(" . app_conf("SHOP_TITLE") . "手机绑定验证码,请完成验证),如非本人操作,请勿略本短信"; require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $send = $sms->sendSms($mobile_phone, $message); //$send['status']=1; if ($send['status']) { $add_time = get_gmtime(); $re = $GLOBALS['db']->query("insert into " . DB_PREFIX . "sms_mobile_verify(mobile_phone,code,add_time,send_count,ip) values('{$mobile_phone}','{$code}','{$add_time}',1," . "'" . CLIENT_IP . "')"); /*插入一条发送成功记录到队列表中*/ $msg_data['dest'] = $mobile_phone; $msg_data['send_type'] = 0; $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($message); $msg_data['send_time'] = $add_time; $msg_data['is_send'] = 1; $msg_data['is_success'] = 1; $msg_data['create_time'] = $add_time; $msg_data['user_id'] = intval($have_user_id); $msg_data['title'] = "手机号绑定验证"; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "deal_msg_list", $msg_data); $root['info'] = "验证码发出,请注意查收"; $root['status'] = 1; } else { $root['info'] = "发送失败" . $send['msg']; $root['status'] = 0; } } output($root); }
public function promote_msg_list() { set_time_limit(0); //推广队列的群发 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "conf set `value` = 1 where name = 'PROMOTE_MSG_LOCK' and `value` = 0"); $rs = $GLOBALS['db']->affected_rows(); if ($rs) { $promote_msg = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg where send_status <> 2 and send_time <= " . NOW_TIME . " order by id asc limit 1"); if ($promote_msg) { $last_id = intval($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select value from " . DB_PREFIX . "conf where name = 'PROMOTE_MSG_PAGE'")); //开始更新为发送中 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg set send_status = 1 where id = " . intval($promote_msg['id']) . " and send_status <> 2"); switch (intval($promote_msg['send_type'])) { case 0: //会员组 $group_id = intval($promote_msg['send_type_id']); if ($promote_msg['type'] == 0) { //短信 $sql = "select, from " . DB_PREFIX . "user as u where <> '' "; if ($group_id > 0) { $sql .= " and u.group_id = " . $group_id; } $sql .= " and > " . $last_id . " order by asc"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $dest = $res['mobile']; $uid = $res['id']; $last_id = $res['id']; } if ($promote_msg['type'] == 1) { //邮件 $sql = "select, from " . DB_PREFIX . "user as u where <> '' "; if ($group_id > 0) { $sql .= " and u.group_id = " . $group_id; } $sql .= " and > " . $last_id . " order by asc"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $dest = $res['email']; $uid = $res['id']; $last_id = $res['id']; } break; case 1: //会员等级 $level_id = intval($promote_msg['send_type_id']); if ($promote_msg['type'] == 0) { //短信 $sql = "select, from " . DB_PREFIX . "user as u where <> '' "; if ($level_id > 0) { $sql .= " and u.level_id = " . $level_id; } $sql .= " and > " . $last_id . " order by asc"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $dest = $res['mobile']; $uid = $res['id']; $last_id = $res['id']; } if ($promote_msg['type'] == 1) { //邮件 $sql = "select, from " . DB_PREFIX . "user as u where <> '' "; if ($level_id > 0) { $sql .= " and u.level_id = " . $level_id; } $sql .= " and > " . $last_id . " order by asc"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql); $dest = $res['email']; $uid = $res['id']; $last_id = $res['id']; } break; case 2: //自定义 $send_define_data = trim($promote_msg['send_define_data']); //自定义的内容 $dest_array = preg_split("/[ ,]/i", $send_define_data); foreach ($dest_array as $k => $v) { $rs = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list where msg_id = " . intval($promote_msg['id']) . " and dest = '" . $v . "'"); if ($rs == 0) { $dest = $v; break; } } $last_id = 0; break; } if ($dest) { //开始创建一个新的发送队列 $msg_data['dest'] = $dest; $msg_data['send_type'] = $promote_msg['type']; $msg_data['content'] = addslashes($promote_msg['content']); $msg_data['title'] = $promote_msg['title']; $msg_data['send_time'] = 0; $msg_data['is_send'] = 0; $msg_data['create_time'] = NOW_TIME; $msg_data['user_id'] = intval($uid); $msg_data['is_html'] = $promote_msg['is_html']; $msg_data['msg_id'] = $promote_msg['id']; $GLOBALS['db']->autoExecute(DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list", $msg_data); //插入 if ($id = $GLOBALS['db']->insert_id()) { $msg_item = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select * from " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list where id = " . $id); if ($msg_item) { //优先改变发送状态,不论有没有发送成功 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list set is_send = 1,send_time='" . NOW_TIME . "' where id =" . intval($msg_item['id'])); if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 0) { //短信 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($msg_item['dest'], $msg_item['content']); //发送结束,更新当前消息状态 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list set is_success = " . intval($result['status']) . ",result='" . $result['msg'] . "' where id =" . intval($msg_item['id'])); } if ($msg_item['send_type'] == 1) { //邮件 require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_mail.php"; $mail = new mail_sender(); $mail->AddAddress($msg_item['dest']); $mail->IsHTML($msg_item['is_html']); // 设置邮件格式为 HTML $mail->Subject = $msg_item['title']; // 标题 $mail->Body = $msg_item['content']; // 内容 $is_success = $mail->Send(); $result = $mail->ErrorInfo; //发送结束,更新当前消息状态 $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg_list set is_success = " . intval($is_success) . ",result='" . $result . "' where id =" . intval($msg_item['id'])); } } } $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "conf set value = " . intval($last_id) . " where name='PROMOTE_MSG_PAGE'"); } else { $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg set send_status = 2 where id = " . intval($promote_msg['id'])); $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "conf set value = 0 where name='PROMOTE_MSG_PAGE'"); } } $count = intval($GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select count(*) from " . DB_PREFIX . "promote_msg where send_status <> 2 and send_time <=" . get_gmtime())); $GLOBALS['db']->query("update " . DB_PREFIX . "conf set `value` = 0 where name = 'PROMOTE_MSG_LOCK'"); } else { $count = 0; } $data['count'] = $count; ajax_return($data, true); }
public function sms_demo($tel) { $test_mobile = $tel; require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . "system/utils/es_sms.php"; $sms = new sms_sender(); $result = $sms->sendSms($test_mobile, l("DEMO_SMS")); return $result; }