/** * * SITE */ function createSite($id = "site") { $site = new site("reservoirlog CMS"); $site->changeID($id); $site->layout = "default"; $site->style = "default"; $site->save(); //$site->display(); return $site; }
function get_site() { $site = new site(); $site_array = $site::all(); if (empty($site_array)) { $site_array = $site->set_default(); } else { $site_array = $site_array[0]; } return $site_array; }
function created() { $site = new site(); $site->name = $_POST['name']; $site->bonus_type = $_POST['bonus_type']; $site->bonus_max = $_POST['bonus_max']; $site->convert_rate = $_POST['convert_rate']; $site->affiliate_url = ""; $site->url = ""; $site->comment = $_POST['comment']; $site->create(); header("location: index.php"); }
/** * Template loading and setup routine. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // checke request is ajax $this->ajax_request = request::is_ajax(); // Load the template $this->template = new View($this->template); if ($this->auto_render == TRUE) { Event::add('system.post_controller', array($this, '_render')); } /** * 判断用户登录情况 */ if (isset($_REQUEST['session_id'])) { $session = Session::instance($_REQUEST['session_id']); $manager = role::get_manager($_REQUEST['session_id']); } else { $session = Session::instance(); $manager = role::get_manager(); } /* 当前请求的URL */ $current_url = urlencode(url::current(TRUE)); //当前用户管理的站点的ID $this->site_id = site::id(); }
public function cash() { $this->live_cash = 0; $this->played = 0; $this->cash = 0; $this->transactions = transaction::from_account($this->account_id); # här kommer transaktionerna foreach ($this->transactions as $transaction) { $transactions[] = $transaction; if ($transaction->type == "cash_in") { $this->cash += $transaction->amount; } elseif ($transaction->type == "bonus") { $this->cash += $transaction->amount; } elseif ($transaction->type == "cash_out") { $this->cash -= $transaction->amount; } } # här kommer betsen $this->bets = bet::from_account($this->account_id); foreach ($this->bets as $bet) { $bet->match = match::from_id($bet->match_id); $bet->account = account::from_id($bet->account_id); $bet->account->site = site::from_id($bet->account->site_id); $this->played += $bet->bet; if ($bet->match->result == "undecided") { $this->live_cash += $bet->bet; $this->cash -= $bet->bet; } else { $this->cash -= $bet->bet; $this->cash += $bet->result; } } return $this->cash; }
public function index() { $route_data = Myroute::instance()->get(); if ($_POST) { $site_next_flow = site::site_next_flow($this->current_flow); $submit_target = intval($this->input->post('submit_target')); if (Myroute::instance()->edit($_POST)) { //判断添加成功去向 switch ($submit_target) { case 2: remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.update_success'), $site_next_flow['url'], 'success'); default: remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.update_success'), 'site/route', 'success'); } } else { remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.update_error'), 'site/route'); } } $this->template->content = new View("site/route_edit"); $this->template->content->is_modify = 0; if ($this->manager_is_admin == 1) { $this->template->content->is_modify = 1; } $this->template->content->data = $route_data; $this->template->content->site_id = $this->site_id; }
private function get_member_list() { // Call site settings for stored roster & member ranks to track $siteSettings = site::setting(); // Decode JSON from stored roster data $roster = json_decode($siteSettings[0]['fullRoster'], true); $data = array(); // Decode JSON from stored roster ranks $ranks = json_decode($siteSettings[0]['rosterRanks'], true); $filterRanks = array(); // Ranks to track foreach ($ranks as $key => $value) { try { // echo $key . ' == ' . $value['track'] . '<br/>'; if ($value['track']) { $filterRanks[] = $key; } } catch (Exception $e) { // } } foreach ($roster['members'] as $key => $character) { // echo var_dump($character['character']); // echo $character['character']['name']; if (in_array($character['rank'], $filterRanks)) { $data[] = $character['character']['name']; } } json::resp(array('success' => true, 'data' => $data)); }
public function add() { if ($_POST) { //标签过滤 tool::filter_strip_tags($_POST, array('content')); $site_next_flow = site::site_next_flow($this->current_flow); $submit_target = intval($this->input->post('submit_target')); $faq = Myfaq::instance(); if ($faq->add($_POST)) { //判断添加成功去向 switch ($submit_target) { case 1: remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.add_success'), 'site/faq/add', 'success'); case 2: remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.add_success'), $site_next_flow['url'], 'success'); default: remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.add_success'), 'site/faq', 'success'); } } else { remind::set(Kohana::lang('o_global.add_error'), 'site/faq/add'); } } $this->template->content = new View("site/faq_add"); $this->template->content->title = "site faq add"; }
private function check_streaks() { $users = ORM::factory('User')->where('current_streak', '>', 0)->find_all(); if ((bool) $users->count()) { foreach ($users as $user) { $last = $user->pages->where('type', '=', 'page')->find(); if ($last->loaded()) { $nextday = site::day_slug(strtotime('+1 day', strtotime($last->day))); $today = site::day_slug($user->timestamp()); $tomorrow = site::day_slug(strtotime('+1 day', $user->timestamp())); if ($nextday != $today && $nextday != $tomorrow) { $user->current_streak = 0; $user->validation_required(false)->save(); if ($user->doing_challenge()) { $user->fail_challenge(); } } } else { if ($user->doing_challenge()) { $start = $user->challenge->start; if ($user->timestamp() - $start > 24 * 60 * 60) { $user->fail_challenge(); } } } } } }
public static function template($file = '') { $template = ZOTOP_PATH_THEMES . DS . site::theme() . DS . 'template'; if (!empty($file)) { $template .= DS . str_replace('/', DS, trim($file, '/')); } return $template; }
/** * 构造方法 */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if ($this->is_ajax_request()) { $this->template = new View('layout/default_json'); } $this->site_id = site::id(); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->site_id = site::id(); if ($this->site_id <= 0) { die(Kohana::lang('o_global.access_denied')); } }
} public static function success($note, $redirect = false) { self::add('success', $note); if ($redirect) { site::redirect($redirect); die; }
public function printOne($sitePhone) { $siteName = site::GET($sitePhone->siteID)->name; $phoneName = phone::GET($sitePhone->phoneID)->name; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td><b>\tСайт\t</b></td><td><a href=\"/site/view/{$siteEmail->siteID}\">\t{$siteName}\t</a></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>\tТелефон\t</b></td><td><a href=\"/phone/view/{$siteEmail->emailID}\">\t{$phoneName}\t</a></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; }
public function GET($id) { if (!site::IFDELETED($id)) { $getQuery = "SELECT \r\n\t\t\t\t\tid, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tconvert(varchar(max), name) as name,\r\n\t\t\t\t\thostingID, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tmanagerID, \r\n\t\t\t\t\tregistratorID\r\n\t\t\t\tFROM \r\n\t\t\t\t\t[dbo].[site] \r\n\t\t\t\tWHERE \r\n\t\t\t\t\tid={$id};"; $row = mssql_fetch_array(mssql_query($getQuery)); $result = new site($row["id"], $row["name"], $row["hostingID"], $row["managerID"], $row["registratorID"]); return $result; } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('auth_model'); $this->load->model('charts_model'); $this->load->model('dates_model'); $this->load->model('reports_model'); $this->days = 7; }
public function printOne($siteEmail) { $siteName = site::GET($siteEmail->siteID)->name; $emailName = email::GET($siteEmail->emailID)->name; echo "<table>"; echo "<tr><td><b>\tСайт:\t</b></td><td><a href=\"/site/view/{$siteEmail->siteID}\">\t{$siteName}\t</a></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td><b>\temail:\t</b></td><td><a href=\"/email/view/{$siteEmail->emailID}\">\t{$emailName}\t</a></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; }
public function action_twittercallback() { if (arr::get($_GET, 'denied', false)) { notes::error('Seems like you didn\'t want to log in with Twitter anyway. Feel free to try again if it was a mistake!'); site::redirect(); } $token = arr::get($_GET, 'oauth_token', false); $verifier = arr::get($_GET, 'oauth_verifier', false); if (!$token || !$verifier) { notes::error('Something went wrong in the process, and we didn\'t get the expected data back from Twitter. Please try again'); site::redirect(); } $connection = new TwitterOAuth(arr::get($this->creds, 'key'), arr::get($this->creds, 'secret'), Session::instance()->get_once('twitter_oauth_token'), Session::instance()->get_once('twitter_oauth_token_secret')); $token = $connection->getAccessToken($verifier); $oauth_token = arr::get($token, 'oauth_token', ''); $oauth_token_secret = arr::get($token, 'oauth_token_secret', ''); $user_id = arr::get($token, 'user_id', ''); $screen_name = arr::get($token, 'screen_name', ''); $oauth = ORM::factory('Oauth')->where('type', '=', 'twitter')->where('token', '=', $oauth_token)->find(); if ($oauth->loaded()) { try { $user = $oauth->user; user::force_login($user); } catch (exception $e) { if ($user->loaded()) { if (user::logged()) { // Random error, but user got logged in. We don't care, YOLO! } else { notes::error('Whoops! Something wen\'t wrong and we couldn\'t log you in. Please try again or send us a message if the problem persists.'); Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, '1. Couldnt log user in: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } } site::redirect('write'); } else { try { $user = ORM::factory('User'); $user->username = $screen_name; $user->validation_required(false)->save(); $user->add_role('login'); $oauth = ORM::factory('Oauth'); $oauth->user_id = $user->id; $oauth->type = 'twitter'; $oauth->token = $oauth_token; $oauth->token_secret = $oauth_token_secret; $oauth->service_id = $user_id; $oauth->screen_name = $screen_name; $oauth->save(); user::force_login($user); } catch (exception $e) { Kohana::$log->add(Log::ERROR, '2. Couldnt create user: '******'Whoops! Something wen\'t wrong and we couldn\'t log you in. Please try again or send us a message if the problem persists.'); } site::redirect('/write'); } }
public static function getAll() { $link = site::getLink(); $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `sites` ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $data = site::db_query($sql); foreach ($data as &$site) { $site = new portfolio($site['id']); } return $data; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('admin/orders_model'); //user has logged in if ($this->login_model->check_login()) { } else { $this->session->set_userdata('front_error_message', 'Please sign up/in to continue'); redirect('checkout'); } }
public function action_write() { $errors = false; $page = false; if (user::logged()) { $page = $this->request->param('page'); if ($_POST && strlen(arr::get($_POST, 'content', '')) > 0) { $content = arr::get($_POST, 'content', ''); if ($page->type == 'page') { $raw = $page->rawcontent(); if ($raw != "") { $content = $raw . "\n" . $content; } } else { if ($page->type == 'autosave') { $page->type = 'page'; } } try { $page->wordcount = site::count_words($content); $page->content = $content; if ($page->wordcount >= 750 && !(bool) $page->counted) { user::update_stats($page); $page->counted = 1; } $page->duration = $page->duration + (time() - arr::get($_POST, 'start', 999)); $page->update(); $oldsaves = ORM::factory('Page')->where('type', '=', 'autosave')->where('user_id', '=', user::get()->id)->find_all(); if ((bool) $oldsaves->count()) { foreach ($oldsaves as $old) { $old->delete(); } } achievement::check_all(user::get()); notes::success('Your page has been saved!'); //site::redirect('write/'.$page->day); } catch (ORM_Validation_Exception $e) { $errors = $e->errors('models'); } } } else { if ($_POST) { notes::error('You must be logged in to save your page. Please log in and submit again.'); } } $this->bind('errors', $errors); $this->bind('page', $page); $this->template->daystamp = $this->request->param('daystamp'); $this->template->page = $page; seo::instance()->title("Write Your Morning Pages"); seo::instance()->description("Morning Pages is about writing three pages of stream of consciousness thought every day. Become a better person by using MorninPages.net"); }
public static function init($action = "news") { self::$routerData = Router::getParams(); if (!isset(self::$routerData['clanid'])) { self::$routerData['clanid'] = 1; } if (!isset(self::$routerData['site'])) { self::$routerData['site'] = "news"; } SiteData::siteExists(self::$routerData['clanid']); self::$clanData = SiteData::getSiteData(self::$routerData['clanid']); self::testTemplateType(); }
public function newEntry() { if (user::accessLevel($_COOKIE['id']) == 1) { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { site::INSERT($_POST['name'], $_POST['hostingID'], $_POST['managerID'], $_POST['registratorID']); //header("Location: /site"); } else { siteController::loadView('new', $args = array()); } } else { echo "You have no access"; } }
public function action_show() { $token = $this->request->param('id'); $mail = ORM::factory('Mail')->where('token', '=', $token)->find(); if ($mail->loaded()) { $view = View::factory('templates/mail'); $view->mail = $mail; echo $view; } else { notes::add('error', 'Mail not found!'); site::redirect(''); die; } }
/** * 构造方法 */ public function __construct() { $package_name = substr(dirname(__FILE__), strlen(APPPATH . 'controllers/')); empty($package_name) && ($package_name = 'default'); $this->package_name = $package_name; $this->class_name = strtolower(substr(__CLASS__, 0, strpos(__CLASS__, '_'))); $this->phprpc_server = Kohana::config('phprpc.remote.statking.host'); $this->site_ids = role::get_site_ids(); $this->site_id = site::id(); parent::__construct(); if ($this->is_ajax_request() == TRUE) { $this->template = new View('layout/default_json'); } }
public function action_info() { if (!user::logged()) { ajax::error('You must be logged in'); } $user = user::get(); $today = $user->pages->where('day', '=', site::day_slug($user->timestamp()))->find(); $wordcount = 0; if ($today->loaded()) { $wordcount = $today->wordcount; } $doingChallenge = $user->doing_challenge(); ajax::success('ok', array('email' => $user->email, 'bio' => $user->bio, 'website' => $user->website, 'wordcount' => $wordcount, 'options' => array('reminder' => (bool) $user->option->reminder, 'reminder_hour' => $user->option->reminder_hour, 'reminder_minute' => $user->option->reminder_minute, 'reminder_meridiem' => $user->option->reminder_meridiem, 'timezone_id' => $user->option->timezone_id, 'theme_id' => $user->option->theme_id, 'privacymode' => (bool) $user->option->privacymode, 'privacymode_minutes' => $user->option->privacymode_minutes, 'hemingwaymode' => (bool) $user->option->hemingwaymode, 'public' => (bool) $user->option->public, 'rtl' => (bool) $user->option->rtl, 'language' => $user->option->language), 'doingChallenge' => $doingChallenge, 'challengeProgress' => $doingChallenge ? $user->challenge->progress : 0)); }
function profile() { $match_id = $_GET['match_id']; $match = match::from_id($match_id); $bets = bet::from_match($match_id); foreach ($bets as $bet) { $bet->account = account::from_id($bet->account_id); $bet->account->site = site::from_id($bet->account->site_id); $bet->match = match::from_id($bet->match_id); } $data['match'] = $match; $data['bets'] = $bets; $this->view('matches/profile_view.php', $data, 'main_template.php'); }
public function index() { /* 初始化默认查询条件 */ $newsletter_query_struct = array('where' => array('user_id' => 0), 'like' => array(), 'orderby' => array(), 'limit' => array('per_page' => 20, 'offset' => 0)); /* 权限检查 得到所有可管理站点ID列表 */ $site_id_list = role::check('newsletter'); /* Newsletter列表模板 */ $this->template->content = new View("user/newsletter"); /* 搜索功能 */ $search_arr = array('email', 'ip'); $search_value = $this->input->get('search_value'); $search_type = $this->input->get('search_type'); $where_view = array(); if ($search_arr) { foreach ($search_arr as $value) { if ($search_type == $value && strlen($search_value) > 0) { $newsletter_query_struct['where'][$value] = $search_value; if ($value == 'ip') { $newsletter_query_struct['where'][$value] = tool::myip2long($search_value); } } } $where_view['search_type'] = $search_type; $where_view['search_value'] = $search_value; } //当前切入的站点查询条件 $site_in = site::current_query_site_ids(); $where_view['site_id'] = ''; $newsletter_query_struct['where']['site_id'] = $site_in; /* 列表排序 */ $orderby_arr = array(0 => array('id' => 'DESC'), 1 => array('id' => 'ASC'), 2 => array('site_id' => 'ASC'), 3 => array('site_id' => 'DESC'), 4 => array('email' => 'ASC'), 5 => array('email' => 'DESC'), 6 => array('date_add' => 'ASC'), 7 => array('date_add' => 'DESC'), 8 => array('ip' => 'ASC'), 9 => array('ip' => 'DESC'), 10 => array('active' => 'ASC'), 11 => array('active' => 'DESC')); $orderby = controller_tool::orderby($orderby_arr); $newsletter_query_struct['orderby'] = $orderby; /* 每页显示条数 */ $per_page = controller_tool::per_page(); $newsletter_query_struct['limit']['per_page'] = $per_page; /* 调用分页 */ $this->pagination = new Pagination(array('total_items' => Mynewsletter::instance()->query_count($newsletter_query_struct), 'items_per_page' => $per_page)); $newsletter_query_struct['limit']['offset'] = $this->pagination->sql_offset; $newsletters = Mynewsletter::instance()->query_assoc($newsletter_query_struct); foreach ($newsletters as $key => $value) { $site = Mysite::instance($value['site_id'])->get(); $newsletters[$key]['site'] = $site; } /* 调用列表 */ $this->template->content->newsletter_list = $newsletters; /* 搜索信息保存 */ $this->template->content->where = $where_view; }
/** * Add a message to the "popnotes" session. * @param String Type of message. * @param String Message * @return void */ public static function add($type, $note, $redirect = false) { $session = Session::instance(); $popnotes = $session->get('popnotes'); if (!$popnotes) { $popnotes = array(); } $content = array('type' => $type, 'note' => $note); $popnotes[] = $content; $session->set('popnotes', $popnotes);
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('auth_model'); $this->load->model('banner_model'); $this->load->model('subscription_model'); $this->load->model('stripe_model'); $this->load->model('reports_model'); //user has logged in if ($this->auth_model->check_login()) { } else { $this->session->set_userdata('error_message', 'Please sign in to continue'); redirect('sign-in'); } }