Exemple #1
 public function index()
     $content = "";
     /* CONFIGURES DROP DOWN Menus (2 in this case: programs and genre) */
     $connection = new database();
     $table = new simple_table_ops();
     $sql = "SELECT courses.course_id, levels.level\n                FROM courses\n                JOIN levels ON courses.level_id = levels.level_id\n                WHERE courses.school_year_id = {$_SESSION['current_school_year_id']}\n                ORDER BY levels.level_id ASC\n\n        ";
     $courses_result = $connection->query($sql);
     if ($connection->get_row_num() == 0) {
         // no courses were setup - redirect
         $content .= "<p> No courses were found for the year {$_SESSION['current_school_year']}.<p>Go to [COURSES] to add a new one.";
         $output['content'] = $content;
         return $output;
     $drop_down = array('course_id' => array('course' => $courses_result));
     /* CONFIGURES top column in neat names and html formatted */
     $neat_column_names = array('Select', 'Surname', 'Name', 'Surname Kh', 'Name Kh', 'Genre', 'Program', 'Age');
     /* CONFIGURES main left table */
     // selects ALL students from students where student_id is not inside [COURSES] table
     // need: select students that are not found in [COURSES] of the current_year_id.
             $sql = "SELECT students.student_id, students.nom, students.prenom, students.nom_khmer, students.prenom_khmer, sexes.sex, programs.program, TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,students.dob,NOW()) AS age
                     FROM students
                     LEFT JOIN courses ON courses.student_id=students.student_id
                     JOIN sexes ON students.sex_id=sexes.sex_id
                     JOIN programs ON students.program_id=programs.program_id
                     WHERE courses.school_year_id Is Null AND students.active_id=1
                     ORDER BY age ASC, nom ASC, prenom ASC";
     $sql = "SELECT students.student_id, students.nom, students.prenom, students.nom_khmer, students.prenom_khmer, sexes.sex, programs.program, TIMESTAMPDIFF(YEAR,students.dob,NOW()) AS age\n                FROM students\n                JOIN sexes    ON students.sex_id=sexes.sex_id\n                JOIN programs ON students.program_id=programs.program_id\n                WHERE students.active_id=1 AND NOT students.student_id IN (\n                    SELECT students.student_id\n                    FROM students\n                    JOIN classes ON classes.student_id                 = students.student_id\n                    JOIN courses ON courses.course_id = classes.course_id\n                    JOIN school_years ON school_years.school_year_id = courses.school_year_id\n                    WHERE courses.school_year_id = {$_SESSION['current_school_year_id']})\n                ORDER BY age ASC, students.prenom, students.nom";
     // CHECK: if no result, warn that you need to add students to students table before making courses!
     // $content .= 'Before building courses, you need to add STUDENTS to the [STUDENTS] table!';
     $result = $connection->query($sql);
     if ($connection->get_row_num() == 0) {
         // no records found -
         $output['menu2'] = "No free students were found. To add a new STUDENT, click <a href='?controller=students&action=index'>HERE</a>.";
     $content .= "<div class='submit_top_left'><table width='100%'><tr><td>" . $table->get_html_drop_down('course_id') . "</td></tr></table></div>";
     $content .= "<div class='half_left'><br><br><table width='100%'>";
     $content .= $table->get_html_table_column_names();
     $content .= "<form action = '?controller=classes&action=move' method = 'post' id='top_form'>";
     $content .= $table->get_html_check_box();
     $content .= "<div class='submit_top_left2'><input type ='submit' value='Move selected STUDENTS to Course ->'></div>";
     $content .= "</form></table></div>";
     //TODO (secondary):
     //  foreach (total of courses.levels_id)
     //      select student from classes
     //      assemble table with new tables from select and add row containing levels.level on top
     //      alternate div class table_row1/table_row2 for each group of class
     //  end foreach
     $courses_sql = "SELECT classes.classe_id,\n                               levels.level,\n                               students.nom, students.prenom, students.nom_khmer, students.prenom_khmer,\n                               sexes.sex,\n                               programs.program\n\n                        FROM courses\n                        JOIN classes ON classes.course_id                  = courses.course_id\n                        JOIN students ON classes.student_id               = students.student_id\n                        JOIN programs ON programs.program_id             = students.program_id\n                        JOIN sexes    ON sexes.sex_id                    = students.sex_id\n                        JOIN school_years ON school_years.school_year_id = courses.school_year_id\n                        JOIN levels   ON levels.level_id                 = courses.level_id\n                        WHERE courses.school_year_id = " . $_SESSION['current_school_year_id'] . "\n                        ORDER BY school_years.school_year DESC, levels.level_id ASC, students.nom ASC, students.prenom ASC\n                        ";
     // TODO: priority high - generate tables per level_id
     $courses_table = new simple_table_ops();
     $columns = array('Surname', 'Name', 'Surname Kh', 'Name Kh', 'Genre', 'Program', 'Action');
     $details_link = array(1 => array('details', '?controller=classes&action=details&id='));
     $content .= "<div class='half_right'>";
     $sql = "SELECT level_id FROM courses GROUP BY level_id ORDER BY level_id";
     $levels_result = $connection->query($sql);
     foreach ($levels_result as $row) {
         $content .= "<table width='100%'>";
         foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
             $courses_sql = "SELECT classes.classe_id,\n\n                               students.nom, students.prenom, students.nom_khmer, students.prenom_khmer,\n                               sexes.sex,\n                               programs.program\n\n                        FROM courses\n                        JOIN classes ON classes.course_id                  = courses.course_id\n                        JOIN students ON classes.student_id               = students.student_id\n                        JOIN programs ON programs.program_id             = students.program_id\n                        JOIN sexes    ON sexes.sex_id                    = students.sex_id\n                        JOIN school_years ON school_years.school_year_id = courses.school_year_id\n                        JOIN levels   ON levels.level_id                 = courses.level_id\n                        WHERE courses.school_year_id = " . $_SESSION['current_school_year_id'] . " AND courses.level_id={$value}\n                        ORDER BY school_years.school_year DESC, levels.level_id ASC, students.nom ASC, students.prenom ASC\n                        ";
             $content .= "<tr><td colspan='7'>Grade: " . $value . "</td></tr>";
             $content .= $courses_table->get_html_table_column_names();
             $content .= $courses_table->get_html_main_table();
             $content .= '</td></tr>';
         $content .= "</table>";
     $content .= "</div>";
     $output['content'] = $content;
     return $output;
Exemple #2
 public function acl_index()
     // [controllers] -> [acl] <- [profiles]
     // on the left: show ALL [controllers] table contents with a check box to select
     // on the right: [acl] table with details link
     $connection = new database();
     $table = new simple_table_ops();
     $content = "<div class='link_button'>\n                        <a href='?controller=admin&action=users_index'>Users</a>\n                        <a href='?controller=admin&action=controllers_index'>Controllers</a>\n                        <a href='?controller=admin&action=profiles_index'>Profiles</a>\n                    </div>";
     /* CONFIGURES DROP DOWN Menus (2 in this case: programs and genre) */
     $sql = 'SELECT profile_id, profile FROM profiles';
     $profiles_result = $connection->query($sql);
     $sql = 'SELECT active_id, active FROM actives';
     $actives_result = $connection->query($sql);
     $drop_down = array('profile_id' => array('profile' => $profiles_result), 'active_id' => array('active' => $actives_result));
     /* CONFIGURES Form structure */
     // add form: presents only profile_id, active_id and submit button. controller_id comes from $_POST['checkbox_array'] configured
     // by simple_table_ops->set_html_checkbox
     $sql = "SELECT controller_id, controller, c_action FROM controllers ORDER BY controller ASC, c_action ASC";
     /* CONFIGURES Main table contents (from MySQL) */
     $content .= "<div class='third_left'>";
     $content .= "<div class='submit_top_acl'><table>";
     $content .= "<form action = '?controller=admin&action=acl_add' method = 'post' id='top_form'>";
     $content .= "<td>Profile: </td><td>" . $table->get_html_drop_down('profile_id') . "</td>";
     $content .= "<td>Access?: </td><td>" . $table->get_html_drop_down('active_id') . "</td>";
     $content .= "<td><input type ='submit' value='Move ->'></td>";
     $content .= "</table></div>";
     $columns = array('Select', 'Controller', 'Action');
     $content .= "<table width='100%'>" . $table->get_html_table_column_names();
     $content .= $table->get_html_check_box();
     $content .= "</form></table>";
     $content .= "</div>";
     $content .= "<div class='column_margin'></div>";
     // START OF RIGHT TABLE - [acl] and its appendices *******************************************************************/
     $content .= "<div class='two_thirds_right'>";
     $columns = array('Profile', 'Controller', 'Action', 'Access', 'Details');
     $sql = "SELECT acl.acl_id, profiles.profile, controllers.controller, controllers.c_action, actives.active\n                FROM acl\n                JOIN controllers ON controllers.controller_id = acl.controller_id\n                JOIN profiles    ON profiles.profile_id = acl.profile_id\n                JOIN actives     ON actives.active_id = acl.active_id\n                ORDER BY profiles.profile ASC, controllers.controller ASC, controllers.c_action ASC\n        ";
     $details_link = array(1 => array('edit', '?controller=admin&action=acl_details&id='));
     $content .= "<table>" . $table->get_html_table_column_names() . $table->get_html_main_table() . '</table>';
     /******************************** END OF RIGHT TABLE **********************************************/
     $content .= "</div>";
     /* CONFIGURE profiles TABLE */
     $output['content'] = $content;
     return $output;