Exemple #1
// start the output buffer
/* main content */
// biblio topic save proccess
if (isset($_POST['upload']) and trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileTitle'])) != '') {
    $uploaded_file_id = 0;
    $title = trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileTitle']));
    $url = trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileURL']));
    // create new sql op object
    $sql_op = new simbio_dbop($dbs);
    if (isset($_FILES['file2attach']) and $_FILES['file2attach']['size']) {
        // create upload object
        $file_dir = trim($_POST['fileDir']);
        $file_upload = new simbio_file_upload();
        $file_upload->setMaxSize($sysconf['max_upload'] * 1024);
        $file_upload->setUploadDir(REPO_BASE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file_dir));
        $file_upload_status = $file_upload->doUpload('file2attach');
        if ($file_upload_status === UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
            $file_ext = substr($file_upload->new_filename, strrpos($file_upload->new_filename, '.') + 1);
            $fdata['uploader_id'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
            $fdata['file_title'] = $dbs->escape_string($title);
            $fdata['file_name'] = $dbs->escape_string($file_upload->new_filename);
            $fdata['file_url'] = $dbs->escape_string($url);
            $fdata['file_dir'] = $dbs->escape_string($file_dir);
            $fdata['file_desc'] = $dbs->escape_string(trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileDesc'])));
            $fdata['mime_type'] = $sysconf['mimetype'][$file_ext];
            $fdata['input_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            $fdata['last_update'] = $fdata['input_date'];
Exemple #2
     $data['register_date'] = date('Y-m-d');
     $data['expire_date'] = simbio_date::getNextDate($mtype_data[0], $data['register_date']);
 $data['pin'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberPIN'])));
 $data['member_address'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberAddress'])));
 $data['member_phone'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberPhone'])));
 $data['member_fax'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberFax'])));
 $data['postal_code'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberPostal'])));
 $data['member_notes'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberNotes'])));
 $data['member_email'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['memberEmail'])));
 $data['is_pending'] = intval($_POST['isPending']);
 $data['input_date'] = date('Y-m-d');
 $data['last_update'] = date('Y-m-d');
 if (!empty($_FILES['image']) and $_FILES['image']['size']) {
     // create upload object
     $upload = new simbio_file_upload();
     $upload->setMaxSize($sysconf['max_image_upload'] * 1024);
     // approx. 100 kb
     $upload->setUploadDir(IMAGES_BASE_DIR . 'persons');
     // give new name for upload file
     $new_filename = 'member_' . $data['member_id'];
     $upload_status = $upload->doUpload('image', $new_filename);
     if ($upload_status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
         $data['member_image'] = $dbs->escape_string($upload->new_filename);
 // password confirmation
 if ($mpasswd1 and $mpasswd2 and $mpasswd1 === $mpasswd2) {
     $data['mpasswd'] = 'literal{MD5(\'' . $mpasswd2 . '\')}';
 // labels
 $arr_label = array();
 foreach ($_POST['labels'] as $label) {
     if (trim($label) != '') {
         $arr_label[] = array($label, isset($_POST['label_urls'][$label]) ? $_POST['label_urls'][$label] : null);
 $data['labels'] = $arr_label ? serialize($arr_label) : 'literal{NULL}';
 $data['frequency_id'] = $_POST['frequencyID'] == '0' ? 'literal{0}' : (int) $_POST['frequencyID'];
 $data['spec_detail_info'] = trim($dbs->escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['specDetailInfo'])));
 $data['input_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
 $data['last_update'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
 // image uploading
 if (!empty($_FILES['image']) and $_FILES['image']['size']) {
     // create upload object
     $image_upload = new simbio_file_upload();
     $image_upload->setMaxSize($sysconf['max_image_upload'] * 1024);
     $image_upload->setUploadDir(IMAGES_BASE_DIR . 'docs');
     // upload the file and change all space characters to underscore
     $img_upload_status = $image_upload->doUpload('image', preg_replace('@\\s+@i', '_', $_FILES['image']['name']));
     if ($img_upload_status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
         $data['image'] = $dbs->escape_string($image_upload->new_filename);
         // write log
         utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' upload image file ' . $image_upload->new_filename);
         utility::jsAlert(__('Image Uploaded Successfully'));
     } else {
         // write log
         utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'bibliography', 'ERROR : ' . $_SESSION['realname'] . ' FAILED TO upload image file ' . $image_upload->new_filename . ', with error (' . $image_upload->error . ')');
         utility::jsAlert(__('Image Uploaded Successfully'));
Exemple #4
if (isset($_POST['doImport'])) {
    // check for form validity
    if (!$_FILES['importFile']['name']) {
        utility::jsAlert(__('Please select the file to import!'));
    } else {
        if (empty($_POST['fieldSep']) or empty($_POST['fieldEnc'])) {
            utility::jsAlert(__('Required fields (*)  must be filled correctly!'));
        } else {
            // set PHP time limit
            // set ob implicit flush
            // create upload object
            $upload = new simbio_file_upload();
            // get system temporary directory location
            $temp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
            // set max size
            $max_size = $sysconf['max_upload'] * 1024;
            $upload_status = $upload->doUpload('importFile');
            if ($upload_status != UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
                utility::jsAlert(__('Upload failed! File type not allowed or the size is more than') . ' ' . $sysconf['max_upload'] / 1024 . ' MB');
            // uploaded file path
            $uploaded_file = $temp_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $_FILES['importFile']['name'];
Exemple #5
$can_read = utility::havePrivilege('stock_take', 'r');
$can_write = utility::havePrivilege('stock_take', 'w');
if (!($can_read and $can_write)) {
    die('<div class="errorBox">' . __('You don\'t have enough privileges to access this area!') . '</div>');
// check if there is any active stock take proccess
$stk_query = $dbs->query('SELECT * FROM stock_take WHERE is_active=1');
if ($stk_query->num_rows < 1) {
    echo '<div class="errorBox">' . __('NO stock taking proccess initialized yet!') . '</div>';
// file upload
if (isset($_POST['stUpload']) && isset($_FILES['stFile'])) {
    require SIMBIO_BASE_DIR . 'simbio_FILE/simbio_file_upload.inc.php';
    // create upload object
    $upload = new simbio_file_upload();
    $upload->setMaxSize($sysconf['max_upload'] * 1024);
    // upload the file and change all space characters to underscore
    $upload_status = $upload->doUpload('stFile');
    if ($upload_status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
        // write log
        utility::writeLogs($dbs, 'staff', $_SESSION['uid'], 'stock_take', $_SESSION['realname'] . ' upload stock take file ' . $upload->new_filename);
        // open file
        $stfile = @fopen(FILES_UPLOAD_DIR . $upload->new_filename, 'r');
        if (!$stfile) {
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
            echo 'parent.$(\'#stUploadMsg\').html(\'Failed to open stock take file ' . $upload->new_filename . '. Please check permission for directory ' . FILES_UPLOAD_DIR . '\')';
            echo '.toggleClass(\'errorBox\').css( {\'display\': \'block\'} );' . "\n";
            echo '</script>';
// start the output buffer
/* main content */
// biblio topic save proccess
if (isset($_POST['upload']) and trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileTitle'])) != '') {
    $uploaded_file_id = 0;
    $title = trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileTitle']));
    $url = trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileURL']));
    // create new sql op object
    $sql_op = new simbio_dbop($dbs);
    if (isset($_FILES['file2attach']) and $_FILES['file2attach']['size']) {
        // create upload object
        $file_dir = trim($_POST['fileDir']);
        $file_upload = new simbio_file_upload();
        $file_upload->setMaxSize($sysconf['max_upload'] * 1024);
        $file_upload->setUploadDir(REPOBS . DS . str_replace('/', DS, $file_dir));
        $file_upload_status = $file_upload->doUpload('file2attach');
        if ($file_upload_status === UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
            $file_ext = substr($file_upload->new_filename, strrpos($file_upload->new_filename, '.') + 1);
            $fdata['uploader_id'] = $_SESSION['uid'];
            $fdata['file_title'] = $dbs->escape_string($title);
            $fdata['file_name'] = $dbs->escape_string($file_upload->new_filename);
            $fdata['file_url'] = $dbs->escape_string($url);
            $fdata['file_dir'] = $dbs->escape_string($file_dir);
            $fdata['file_desc'] = $dbs->escape_string(trim(strip_tags($_POST['fileDesc'])));
            $fdata['mime_type'] = $sysconf['mimetype'][$file_ext];
            $fdata['input_date'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
            $fdata['last_update'] = $fdata['input_date'];
Exemple #7
if (isset($_POST['saveData']) and $can_read and $can_write) {
    $labelName = trim(strip_tags($_POST['labelName']));
    $labelDesc = trim(strip_tags($_POST['labelDesc']));
    // check form validity
    if (empty($labelDesc) or empty($labelName)) {
        utility::jsAlert('Label Name OR Label Description must be filled!');
    } else {
        $data['label_desc'] = $dbs->escape_string($labelDesc);
        $data['label_name'] = 'label-' . strtolower(str_ireplace(array(' ', 'label-', '_'), array('-', '', '-'), $dbs->escape_string($labelName)));
        // image uploading
        if (!empty($_FILES['labelImage']) and $_FILES['labelImage']['size']) {
            // create upload object
            $image_upload = new simbio_file_upload();
            $image_upload->setMaxSize($sysconf['max_image_upload'] * 1024);
            $image_upload->setUploadDir(IMAGES_BASE_DIR . 'labels');
            // upload
            $img_upload_status = $image_upload->doUpload('labelImage', $data['label_name']);
            if ($img_upload_status == UPLOAD_SUCCESS) {
                $data['label_image'] = $dbs->escape_string($image_upload->new_filename . '.png');
                // resize the image
                if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled')) {
                    // we use phpthumb class to resize image
                    include LIB . 'phpthumb/ThumbLib.inc.php';
                    // create phpthumb object
                    $src = IMAGES_BASE_DIR . 'labels/' . $image_upload->new_filename;
                    $phpthumb = PhpThumbFactory::create($src);
                    $w = $h = 24;