public static function image_apply_color_filter($destImage, $srcImage, $hexaColor)
     if (!file_exists($srcImage)) {
         return false;
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destImage))) {
     $rgbColor = sh_colors::RGBStringToRGBArray('#' . $hexaColor);
     $baseImage = imagecreatefrompng($srcImage);
     imagesavealpha($baseImage, true);
     imagefilter($baseImage, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, $rgbColor['R'], $rgbColor['G'], $rgbColor['B']);
     imagepng($baseImage, $destImage);
     return true;
 protected function createPreview($font, $height)
     if (file_exists(SH_FONTS_FOLDER . $font)) {
         $font = SH_FONTS_FOLDER . $font;
     } elseif (file_exists($this->linker->site->templateFolder . 'fonts/' . $font)) {
         $font = $this->linker->site->templateFolder . 'fonts/' . $font;
     } else {
         die('The font ' . $font . ' was not found!');
     $text = self::PREVIEW_TEXT;
     $image = SH_TEMPIMAGES_FOLDER . md5(microtime());
     $imageBuilder = $this->linker->imagesBuilder;
     list($size) = $imageBuilder->getFontSizeByTextHeight(sh_fonts::FONT_THUMB_TEXT, $font, $height);
     $dims = $imageBuilder->getDimensions($text, $size, $font);
     $imageBuilder->createImageWithBackground($image, sh_colors::RGBStringToRGBArray('FFFFFF'), $dims['width'], $dims['height']);
     $imageBuilder->addText($text, $image, $dims['left'], $dims['top'], $font, $size, '000000');
     $contentType = mime_content_type($image);
     header('Content-type: ' . $contentType);
     return true;
 public function addText($text, $image, $x, $y, $font, $fontSize, $fontColor, $transparency = 0, $addReflect = false)
     $srcImage = imagecreatefrompng($image);
     $width = imagesx($srcImage);
     $box = $this->getDimensions($text, $fontSize, $font);
     $textHeight = $box['height'];
     imagesavealpha($srcImage, true);
     imagealphablending($srcImage, false);
     $color = sh_colors::RGBStringToRGBArray($fontColor);
     $r = 120;
     $g = rand(0, 255);
     $b = rand(0, 255);
     $newColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($srcImage, $r, $g, $b, $transparency);
     if ($addReflect == true) {
         $reflect = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $textHeight / 2);
         $textColor2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($reflect, $r, $g, $b, 0);
         $transparentColor2 = imagecolorallocatealpha($reflect, 0, 0, 0, 127);
         imagefill($reflect, 0, 0, $transparentColor2);
         imagecolortransparent($reflect, $transparentColor2);
         // writes the text
         imagettftext($reflect, $fontSize, 0, $x, $textHeight / 2, $textColor2, $font, $text);
         $cpt = 0;
         $open = false;
         // Gets the pixels that are colored in the first line
         for ($a = 1; $a < $width + 1; $a++) {
             for ($b = 1; $b < $textHeight / 2 - 1; $b++) {
                 $color = imagecolorat($reflect, $a, $b);
                 $colorrgb = imagecolorsforindex($reflect, $color);
                 if ($colorrgb['alpha'] < 45) {
                     $trans = $colorrgb['alpha'] + 127 - $b * 1.5 / ($textHeight / 2) * 45;
                     if ($trans < 127) {
                         $tempColor = imagecolorallocatealpha($srcImage, $colorrgb['red'], $colorrgb['green'], $colorrgb['blue'], $trans);
                         imagesetpixel($srcImage, $a, $y + $textHeight / 2 - $b, $tempColor);
     // writes the text
     imagettftext($srcImage, $fontSize, 0, $x, $y, $newColor, $font, $text);
     imagepng($srcImage, $image);
     return true;