$t->info('  1.1 - Trying to retrieve a non-existent theme object throws an exception');
try {
    $t->fail('No exception thrown');
} catch (sfException $e) {
$t->info('  1.2 - Play with the current theme');
$t->is($manager->getCurrentTheme(), false, '->getCurrentTheme() returns false when there is no theme set');
$t->is($manager->getCurrentThemeObject(), false, '->getCurrentThemeObject() return false when there is no theme set');
$t->info('2 - Set some themes and see what happens');
$manager = new sfThemeManager($context);
$themeConfig = array('layout' => 'app_test_layout', 'stylesheets' => array('main'), 'javascripts' => array('main.js'));
$t->info('  2.1 - Setting a non-existent theme as current throws an exception');
try {
    $t->fail('Exception not thrown');
} catch (sfException $e) {
$t->info('  2.2 - Set a real theme with a bad layout name throws InvalidArgumentException');
$badThemeConfig = $themeConfig;
$badThemeConfig['layout'] = 'non_existent';
$manager->addTheme('bad_theme', $badThemeConfig);
try {
    $t->fail('No exception thrown');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$t->info('  2.3 - Set a real, valid theme and view the results');