protected function _restoreSfConfig()
     if (!empty($this->_backupSfConfig)) {
Exemple #2
  * Autoloads symfony
  * Note: This is not compatible with ->bootstrap()
  * Code adopted from command/sfSymfonyCommandApplication.class.php
 public function autoload()
     if ($this->autoload) {
     $this->autoload = 'simple';
     require_once $this->sf_lib_dir . '/util/sfCore.class.php';
     require_once $this->sf_lib_dir . '/config/sfConfig.class.php';
     require_once $this->sf_lib_dir . '/util/sfSimpleAutoload.class.php';
     require_once $this->sf_lib_dir . '/util/sfToolkit.class.php';
     require_once $this->sf_lib_dir . '/util/sfFinder.class.php';
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_symfony_lib_dir' => $this->sf_lib_dir, 'sf_symfony_data_dir' => $this->sf_lib_dir));
     // directory layout
     // include path
     set_include_path(sfConfig::get('sf_lib_dir') . PATH_SEPARATOR . sfConfig::get('sf_app_lib_dir') . PATH_SEPARATOR . sfConfig::get('sf_model_dir') . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
     $cache = sfToolkit::getTmpDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . sprintf('', md5(__FILE__));
     $autoloader = sfSimpleAutoload::getInstance($cache);
     $finder = sfFinder::type('file')->ignore_version_control()->prune('test')->prune('vendor')->name('*.php');
     $autoloader->addDirectory(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') . '/plugins');
     return $this;
 public function configure()
     // upload dir
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_image_dir_name' => $sf_image_dir_name = 'images', 'sf_userimage_dir_name' => $sf_userimage_dir_name = 'userimages', 'sf_userimage_dir' => sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sf_image_dir_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sf_userimage_dir_name, 'sf_default_photo' => 'avatar.gif', 'sf_badgeimage_dir_name' => $sf_badgeimage_dir_name = "badgeimages", 'sf_badgeimage_dir' => sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sf_image_dir_name . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sf_badgeimage_dir_name));
     // set default formatter to DIV
Exemple #4
  * Returns the current application context.
  * @param  bool $forceReload  true to force context reload, false otherwise
  * @return sfContext
 public function getContext($forceReload = false)
     if (null === $this->context || $forceReload) {
         $isContextEmpty = null === $this->context;
         $context = $isContextEmpty ? sfContext::getInstance() : $this->context;
         // create configuration
         $currentConfiguration = $context->getConfiguration();
         $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($currentConfiguration->getApplication(), $currentConfiguration->getEnvironment(), $currentConfiguration->isDebug());
         // connect listeners
         $configuration->getEventDispatcher()->connect('application.throw_exception', array($this, 'listenToException'));
         foreach ($this->listeners as $name => $listener) {
             $configuration->getEventDispatcher()->connect($name, $listener);
         // create context
         $this->context = sfContext::createInstance($configuration);
         if (!$isContextEmpty) {
         } else {
             $this->rawConfiguration = sfConfig::getAll();
     return $this->context;
 protected function loadConfiguration()
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_i18n' => true, 'sf_charset' => 'utf-8', 'sf_upload_dir_name' => str_replace(dmOs::normalize(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . '/'), '', dmOs::normalize(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir'))), 'dm_data_dir' => dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('sf_data_dir'), 'dm'), 'dm_cache_dir' => dmOs::join(sfConfig::get('sf_cache_dir'), 'dm')));
     if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
  * Removes a key from symfony config
 public function remove($key)
     $all = sfConfig::getAll();
     return $this;
 public function initialize()
     if (class_exists('sfPlop')) {
         sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('modules' => array('sf_extranet_dashboard' => array('name' => 'Extranet dashboard', 'route' => '@sf_extranet_dashboard'), 'sf_extranet_event' => array('name' => 'Extranet events', 'route' => '@sf_extranet_event'), 'sf_extranet_document' => array('name' => 'Extranet documents', 'route' => '@sf_extranet_document'))));
     sfConfig::add(array('extranet_dashboard_pagination' => 10, 'extranet_anonymous_name' => 'Anonymous', 'extranet_event_fields' => array('title', 'description', 'date', 'is_published'), 'extranet_document_fields' => array('title', 'category', 'file', 'is_published')));
Exemple #8
 public function setDefaultConfiguration()
     $configuration_list = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Configuration')->createQuery()->execute();
     foreach ($configuration_list as $configuration) {
         sfConfig::add(array($configuration->getKey() => $configuration->getValue()));
     if ($default_timezone = sfConfig::get('sf_default_timezone')) {
 /** Restores all sfConfig values to their state before the current test was
  *   run.
  * @return static
 public function flushConfigs()
     if (isset(self::$_configs)) {
     } else {
         self::$_configs = sfConfig::getAll();
     return $this;
Exemple #10
 public static function initConfiguration($sf_symfony_lib_dir, $sf_symfony_data_dir, $test = false)
     // start timer
     if (SF_DEBUG) {
         sfConfig::set('sf_timer_start', microtime(true));
     // main configuration
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_root_dir' => SF_ROOT_DIR, 'sf_app' => SF_APP, 'sf_environment' => SF_ENVIRONMENT, 'sf_debug' => SF_DEBUG, 'sf_symfony_lib_dir' => $sf_symfony_lib_dir, 'sf_symfony_data_dir' => $sf_symfony_data_dir, 'sf_test' => $test));
     // directory layout
     include $sf_symfony_data_dir . '/config/constants.php';
 public function initializeAmazonS3()
     $uploadDir = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir');
     if (sfConfig::get('app_sf_amazon_plugin_s3_enabled', false) && ($bucket = sfConfig::get('app_sf_amazon_plugin_s3_bucket', false))) {
         //      $s3 = new AmazonS3(
         //          sfConfig::get('app_sf_amazon_plugin_access_key'),
         //          sfConfig::get('app_sf_amazon_plugin_secret_key')
         //      );
         $path = str_replace(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir'), '', $uploadDir);
         sfConfig::add(array('sf_upload_read_dir' => 'http://' . $bucket . '' . $path, 'sf_upload_write_dir' => 's3://' . $bucket . $path));
     } else {
         sfConfig::add(array('sf_upload_read_dir' => $uploadDir, 'sf_upload_write_dir' => $uploadDir));
  * Executes the filter chain.
  * @param sfFilterChain $filterChain
 public function execute($filterChain)
     $config = sfConfig::getAll();
     $host = sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest()->getHost();
     foreach ($config as $key => $value) {
         if ($key == 'dm_' . $host) {
             foreach ($value as $subkey => $subval) {
                 $config['dm_' . $subkey] = $subval;
 public function execute($filterChain)
     // Create a function cache object for the QubitSettings method call
     $cache = new sfFileCache(array('cache_dir' => sfConfig::get('sf_app_cache_dir') . '/settings'));
     // Get settings (from cache if exists)
     if ($cache->has('settings')) {
         $settings = unserialize($cache->get('settings'));
     } else {
         $settings = QubitSetting::getSettingsArray();
         $cache->set('settings', serialize($settings));
     // Overwrite/populate settings into sfConfig object
     // Execute next filter
 public function initialize()
     $this->dispatcher->connect('plop.messaging', array('sfPlopListeners', 'listenToMessagingEvent'));
     // CONFIG
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_version' => '2', 'sf_plop_website_description' => 'Plop CMS - a fully customizable CMS', 'sf_plop_website_keywords' => 'plop, cms', 'sf_plop_use_custom_page_title' => true, 'sf_plop_website_title' => 'Plop CMS', 'sf_plop_website_title_position' => 'after', 'sf_plop_website_title_prefix' => '-', 'sf_plop_website_title_suffix' => '', 'sf_plop_use_title_in_seo_description' => true, 'sf_plop_default_culture' => 'fr', 'sf_plop_cultures' => array('fr', 'en'), 'sf_plop_use_country_flags' => true, 'sf_plop_country_flags_path' => '/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/famfamfam/flags/', 'sf_plop_loaded_admin_themes' => array('admin' => array('name' => 'admin', 'description' => 'Default admin theme', 'color' => '#444'), 'admin-theme-light' => array('name' => 'admin-theme-light', 'description' => 'Light version of the default admin theme', 'color' => '#eee')), 'sf_plop_admin_theme' => 'admin', 'sf_plop_loaded_themes' => array('none' => false, 'victor' => array('name' => 'victor', 'description' => 'Victor grey', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/victor/', 'css' => array('/sfPlopPlugin/themes/victor/css/theme.css', ''), 'subthemes' => array('victor victor-black' => 'Victor black', 'victor victor-blue' => 'Victor blue')), 'dark' => array('name' => 'dark', 'description' => 'Dark', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/dark/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/dark/css/theme.css'), 'florentine' => array('name' => 'florentine', 'description' => 'Florentine', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/florentine/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/florentine/css/theme.css'), 'metal' => array('name' => 'metal', 'description' => 'Metal', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/metal/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/metal/css/theme.css'), 'canvas' => array('name' => 'mfgallery', 'description' => 'Canvas', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/canvas/', 'css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/canvas/css/theme.css'), 'kerbi' => array('name' => 'kerbi', 'description' => 'Kerbi', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/kerbi/', 'css' => array('/sfPlopPlugin/themes/kerbi/css/theme.css', '')), 'architect' => array('name' => 'architect', 'description' => 'Architect', 'location' => '/sfPlopPlugin/themes/architect/', 'css' => array('/sfPlopPlugin/themes/architect/css/theme.css', ''))), 'sf_plop_theme' => 'victor', 'sf_plop_custom_css' => null, 'sf_plop_custom_js' => null, 'sf_plop_custom_favicon' => '/sfPlopPlugin/images/favicon.ico', 'sf_plop_custom_webapp_favicon' => '/sfPlopPlugin/images/apple-touch-icon.png', 'sf_plop_use_html5' => true, 'sf_plop_use_image_zoom' => false, 'sf_plop_use_ajax' => false, 'sf_plop_form_help_format' => '<div class="widget-form-help">%help%</div>', 'sf_plop_use_statistics' => false, 'sf_plop_statistics_code' => '', 'sf_plop_slots_class_prefix' => 'sfPlopSlot', 'sf_plop_allow_registration' => false, 'sf_plop_private_access' => false, 'sf_plop_menu_items' => array('icon' => 'icon', 'title' => 'title', 'subtitle' => 'subtitle'), 'sf_plop_slot_layouts' => array('l' => 'left', 'c' => 'center', 'r' => 'right', 'lc' => 'left + center', 'cr' => 'center + right', 'ml' => 'midleft', 'mr' => 'midright', 'lcr' => 'left + center + right'), 'sf_plop_loaded_slots' => array('RichText' => 'Rich text', 'Text' => 'Simple text', 'PageTitle' => 'Page title', 'Area' => 'Blocks area', 'PageHeader' => 'Page header', 'PageFooter' => 'Page footer', 'MainNavigation' => 'Main navigation', 'SecondNavigation' => 'Second navigation', 'LocaleNavigation' => 'Localization navigation', 'LoginLinks' => 'Login links', 'Breadcrumb' => 'Breadcrumb trail', 'SiteMap' => 'Site map', 'ContactForm' => 'Contact form', 'LoginForm' => 'Login form', 'RegisterForm' => 'Register form', 'Code' => 'Code block', 'XmlFeed' => 'Xml feed', 'Date' => 'Date', 'PoweredByPlopCMS' => 'Powered by Plop CMS', 'ThemeSwitcher' => 'Theme switcher', 'DistantGallery' => 'Distant gallery'), 'sf_plop_loaded_modules' => array('sf_plop_cms' => array('name' => 'Contents', 'route' => '@sf_plop_homepage', 'culture' => 'default'), 'sf_plop_dashboard' => array('name' => 'Dashboard', 'route' => '@sf_plop_dashboard')), 'sf_plop_loaded_links' => array('sf_plop_homepage' => array('name' => 'Homepage', 'route' => '@sf_plop_homepage', 'culture' => 'default')), 'sf_plop_cache_lifetime' => 86400, 'sf_plop_uncached_slots' => array('Date', 'ContactForm', 'LoginForm', 'RegisterForm'), 'sf_plop_richtext_editors' => array('aloha-editor'), 'sf_plop_richtext_editor' => 'aloha-editor', 'sf_plop_richtext_editor_aloha-editor_bridge' => '/sfPlopPlugin/js/admin.aloha.js', 'sf_plop_richtext_editor_aloha-editor_css' => '/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/aloha-editor/src/css/aloha.css', 'sf_plop_richtext_editor_aloha-editor_script' => array('src' => '/sfPlopPlugin/vendor/aloha-editor/src/lib/aloha.js', 'data-aloha-plugins' => 'common/format,common/table,common/list,common/link,common/undo,common/paste,common/contenthandler,common/characterpicker,common/image,common/align,plopcms/plopcms,aloha-editor-extra-plugins/hr/hr')));
     // Enabled slots and modules for sfPlopCMS
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_enabled_slots' => array('RichText', 'Text', 'PageTitle', 'Area', 'PageHeader', 'PageFooter', 'MainNavigation', 'SecondNavigation', 'LocaleNavigation', 'LoginLinks', 'Breadcrumb', 'SiteMap', 'ContactForm', 'LoginForm', 'RegisterForm', 'Code', 'Date', 'XmlFeed', 'ThemeSwitcher', 'PoweredByPlopCMS', 'DistantGallery', 'Asset', 'AssetGallery', 'CustomGalleryAsset', 'AssetGalleryNavigation', 'GoogleMaps', 'GoogleMapsFilter', 'GoogleMapsPosition'), 'sf_plop_enabled_modules' => array('sf_plop_cms', 'sf_plop_dashboard', 'sfAssetLibrary', 'sfAssetGallery'), 'sf_plop_enabled_links' => array('sf_plop_homepage')));
     // Configuration for sfPlopDashoard
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_dashboard_show_welcome_message' => true, 'sf_plop_dashboard_show_browser_recommandations' => true, 'sf_plop_dashboard_show_news' => false, 'sf_plop_dashboard_show_stats' => false));
     // Configuration for sfPlopDashoard / non-overridable settings
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_dashboard_settings_tabs' => array('seo' => 'SEO', 'pluginModules' => 'Modules manager', 'pluginSlots' => 'Content blocks manager', 'statistics' => 'Statistics', 'culture' => 'Content languages', 'messaging' => 'Messaging', 'appearance' => 'Appearance', 'access' => 'Public access')));
     // Configuration for sfPlopMessaging
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_messaging_from_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'sf_plop_messaging_from_name' => 'Anon YMOUS', 'sf_plop_messaging_to_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'sf_plop_messaging_to_name' => 'Anon YMOUS', 'sf_plop_messaging_subject' => 'Your plop website has a message for you', 'sf_plop_messaging_message' => 'Message from your plop website'));
     // Load dynamic config
     sfPlop::loadPlugin(array('slots' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_slots', true), 'modules' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_modules', true), 'themes' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_themes', true), 'links' => sfPlop::get('sf_plop_loaded_links', true)));
     // CSS values
     sfConfig::add(array('sf_plop_css_background-repeat' => array('no-repeat' => 'No repetition', 'repeat' => 'Repetition', 'repeat-x' => 'Horizontal repetition', 'repeat-y' => 'Vertical repetition'), 'sf_plop_css_background-position-x' => array('left' => 'Left', 'center' => 'Center', 'right' => 'Right'), 'sf_plop_css_background-position-y' => array('top' => 'Top', 'center' => 'Middle', 'bottom' => 'Bottom'), 'sf_plop_css_border-style' => array('solid' => 'Solid', 'dashed' => 'Dashed', 'dotted' => 'Dotted'), 'sf_plop_css_font-family' => array('Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' => 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' => 'Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', 'Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif' => 'Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif', '"Times New Roman", Times, serif' => '"Times New Roman", Times, serif', '"Courier New", Courier, mono' => '"Courier New", Courier, mono'), 'sf_plop_css_font-size' => array('.75em' => '1 (75%)', '1em' => '2 (100%)', '1.2em' => '3 (120%)', '1.4em' => '4 (140%)', '1.6em' => '5 (160%)'), 'sf_plop_css_border-width' => array('0px' => '0px', '1px' => '1px', '2px' => '2px', '3px' => '3px', '4px' => '4px', '5px' => '5px', '6px' => '6px', '7px' => '7px', '8px' => '8px', '9px' => '9px', '10px' => '10px'), 'sf_plop_css_website-width' => array('100%' => 'Fluid layout (100%)', '1000px' => 'Screen resolution of 1280x1024 (1000px)', '960px' => 'Screen resolution of 1024x768 (960px)', '750px' => 'Screen resolution of 800x600 (750px)', '320px' => 'Mobile (320px)')));
  * @see sfPluginConfiguration
 public function initialize()
      * Zend Autoloader
      * configure amazon s3
     $uploadDir = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir');
     if (sfConfig::get('app_amazon_s3_enabled') && ($bucket = sfConfig::get('app_amazon_s3_bucket'))) {
         $path = str_replace(sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir'), '', $uploadDir);
         sfConfig::add(array('sf_upload_read_dir' => 'http://' . $bucket . '' . $path, 'sf_upload_write_dir' => 's3://' . $bucket . $path));
     } else {
         sfConfig::add(array('sf_upload_read_dir' => $uploadDir, 'sf_upload_write_dir' => $uploadDir));
      * end amazon s3 config
  * Returns the current application context.
  * @param  bool $forceReload  true to force context reload, false otherwise
  * @return sfContext
 public function getContext($forceReload = false)
     if (is_null($this->context) || $forceReload) {
         if (!is_null($this->context)) {
             $currentConfiguration = $this->context->getConfiguration();
             $configuration = ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration($currentConfiguration->getApplication(), $currentConfiguration->getEnvironment(), $currentConfiguration->isDebug());
             $this->context = sfContext::createInstance($configuration);
         } else {
             $this->context = sfContext::getInstance();
             $this->rawConfiguration = sfConfig::getAll();
         $this->context->getEventDispatcher()->connect('application.throw_exception', array($this, 'ListenToException'));
         foreach ($this->listeners as $name => $listener) {
             $this->context->getEventDispatcher()->connect($name, $listener);
     return $this->context;
// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2011/04/21 12:12:18
  'mod_users_enabled' => true,
  'mod_users_view_class' => 'sfPHP',

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2012/04/03 17:53:17
sfConfig::add(array('sf_error_404_module' => 'default', 'sf_error_404_action' => 'error404', 'sf_login_module' => 'default', 'sf_login_action' => 'login', 'sf_secure_module' => 'default', 'sf_secure_action' => 'secure', 'sf_module_disabled_module' => 'default', 'sf_module_disabled_action' => 'disabled', 'sf_use_database' => true, 'sf_i18n' => false, 'sf_compressed' => false, 'sf_check_lock' => false, 'sf_csrf_secret' => '9b2c2068dbbc7ec0e701ef2ebe56989cd24bab14', 'sf_escaping_strategy' => true, 'sf_escaping_method' => 'ESC_SPECIALCHARS', 'sf_no_script_name' => false, 'sf_cache' => false, 'sf_etag' => false, 'sf_web_debug' => true, 'sf_error_reporting' => 32767, 'sf_file_link_format' => NULL, 'sf_admin_web_dir' => '/sf/sf_admin', 'sf_web_debug_web_dir' => '/sf/sf_web_debug', 'sf_standard_helpers' => array(0 => 'Partial', 1 => 'Cache'), 'sf_enabled_modules' => array(0 => 'default'), 'sf_charset' => 'utf-8', 'sf_logging_enabled' => true, 'sf_default_culture' => 'en'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2012/09/05 15:07:51
sfConfig::add(array('mod_pics_enabled' => true, 'mod_pics_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2013/09/14 22:21:08
sfConfig::add(array('mod_carrera_enabled' => true, 'mod_carrera_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2012/01/02 13:13:59
sfConfig::add(array('mod_timeline_enabled' => true, 'mod_timeline_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2015/07/24 02:54:47
sfConfig::add(array('mod_dashboard_enabled' => true, 'mod_dashboard_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2010/06/22 18:14:52
sfConfig::add(array('mod_sfguardauth_enabled' => true, 'mod_sfguardauth_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));
Exemple #24

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2011/06/03 16:22:58
sfConfig::add(array('app_password_request_lifetime' => 2700, 'app_password_minimum_length' => 6, 'app_mail' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_name' => 'Angel Flight West', 'app_siteurl' => '', 'app_webmaster_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_postmaster_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_member_info_name' => 'Lauren James', 'app_member_info_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_requester_info_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_coordination_name' => 'Coordination Staff', 'app_coordination_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_orders_email' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_postmaster_name' => 'Postmaster', 'app_webmaster_name' => 'Webmaster', 'app_organization_acronym' => 'AFW', 'app_organization_name' => 'Angel Flight West', 'app_organization_address_1' => '3161 Donald Douglas Loop South', 'app_organization_address_2' => 'Santa Monica, CA 90405', 'app_organization_home_page' => '', 'app_organization_phone' => '(310) 390-2958', 'app_organization_hotline' => '(888) 4-AN-ANGEL', 'app_organization_fax' => '(310) 397-9636', 'app_gmap_key' => 'ABQIAAAA7EAfJBBtxz8UFGACdVcirRSvoEyKuLjRhpFUgUuXkqNipjvp7xS8lkE0UFuD1TfAihH_Wsvf90LzUw', 'app_max_permission_per_page' => 50, 'app_max_role_per_page' => 50, 'app_max_person_per_page' => 10, 'app_max_passenger_per_page' => 10, 'app_max_application_per_page' => 25, 'app_max_airport_distance' => 350, 'app_max_mission_summary_per_page' => 10, 'app_max_mop_per_page' => 10, 'app_max_member_roster_per_pager' => 25, 'app_max_member_needsbn_per_pager' => 10, 'app_max_mission_report_per_pager' => 10, 'app_max_recent_activity' => 50, 'app_max_mission_available_per_pager' => 5, 'app_default_airport_ident' => 'APA', 'app_allowed_note_tags' => '<strong><p><ul><li><ol><em><span>', 'app_ground_address_type' => array('patient' => 'Patient\'s Address', 'lodging' => 'Lodging Address', 'facility' => 'Facility address'), 'app_person_titles' => array('Ms' => 'Ms', 'Mrs' => 'Mrs', 'Mr' => 'Mr', 'Dr' => 'Dr'), 'app_gender_types' => array('male' => 'Male', 'female' => 'Female', 'unknown' => 'Unknown'), 'app_medicals' => array(0 => 'Medical', 1 => 'Compassionate'), 'app_countries' => array('United States' => 'United States', 'Canada' => 'Canada', 'Mexico' => 'Mexico'), 'app_flight_statuses' => array('Command pilot' => 'Command pilot', 'Orientation Complete' => 'Orientation Complete', 'Verify Orientation' => 'Verify Orientation', 'Non-pilot' => 'Non-pilot', 'Ground Angel' => 'Ground Angel', 'Mission Assistant' => 'Mission Assistant'), 'app_pilot_license_types' => array('Private' => 'Private', 'Commercial' => 'Commercial', 'ATP' => 'ATP'), 'app_pilot_me_instructor' => array('MEI' => 'MEI', 'MEII' => 'MEII'), 'app_pilot_se_instructor' => array('CFI' => 'CFI', 'CFII' => 'CFII'), 'app_pilot_medical_classes' => array(0 => 'Class I', 1 => 'Class II', 2 => 'Class III'), 'app_payment_types' => array('Check' => 'Check', 'Credit Card' => 'Credit Card', 'Cash' => 'Cash'), 'app_premium_choices' => array('hat' => array(0 => 'Hat - One Size', 1 => 1, 2 => 0), 'shirt_med' => array(0 => 'T-Shirt - Medium', 1 => 2, 2 => 1), 'shirt_lar' => array(0 => 'T-Shirt - Large', 1 => 2, 2 => 2), 'shirt_xll' => array(0 => 'T-Shirt - XL', 1 => 2, 2 => 3), 'shirt_xxl' => array(0 => 'T-Shirt - XXL', 1 => 2, 2 => 4)), 'app_premium_sizes' => array(0 => 'N/A', 1 => 'Medium', 2 => 'Large', 3 => 'X-Large', 4 => 'XX-Large'), 'app_appoints' => array('morning' => 'Morning', 'noon' => 'Noon', 'afternoon' => 'Afternoon', 'evening' => 'Evening', 'exact_time' => 'Exact Time'), 'app_states' => array('AL' => 'Alabama', 'AK' => 'Alaska', 'AZ' => 'Arizona', 'AR' => 'Arkansas', 'CA' => 'California', 'CO' => 'Colorado', 'CT' => 'Connecticut', 'DE' => 'Delaware', 'DC' => 'District of Columbia', 'FL' => 'Florida', 'GA' => 'Georgia', 'HI' => 'Hawaii', 'ID' => 'Idaho', 'IL' => 'Illinois', 'IN' => 'Indiana', 'IA' => 'Iowa', 'KS' => 'Kansas', 'KY' => 'Kentucky', 'LA' => 'Louisiana', 'ME' => 'Maine', 'MD' => 'Maryland', 'MA' => 'Massachusetts', 'MI' => 'Michigan', 'MN' => 'Minnesota', 'MS' => 'Mississippi', 'MO' => 'Missouri', 'MT' => 'Montana', 'NE' => 'Nebraska', 'NV' => 'Nevada', 'NH' => 'New Hampshire', 'NJ' => 'New Jersey', 'NM' => 'New Mexico', 'NY' => 'New York', 'NC' => 'North Carolina', 'ND' => 'North Dakota', 'OH' => 'Ohio', 'OK' => 'Oklahoma', 'OR' => 'Oregon', 'PA' => 'Pennsylvania', 'PR' => 'Puerto Rico', 'RI' => 'Rhode Island', 'SC' => 'South Carolina', 'SD' => 'South Dakota', 'TN' => 'Tennessee', 'TX' => 'Texas', 'UT' => 'Utah', 'VT' => 'Vermont', 'VA' => 'Virginia', 'WA' => 'Washington', 'WV' => 'West Virginia', 'WI' => 'Wisconsin', 'WY' => 'Wyoming'), 'app_short_states' => array('AL' => 'AL', 'AK' => 'AK', 'AZ' => 'AZ', 'AR' => 'AR', 'CA' => 'CA', 'CO' => 'CO', 'CT' => 'CT', 'DE' => 'DE', 'DC' => 'DC', 'FL' => 'FL', 'GA' => 'GA', 'HI' => 'HI', 'ID' => 'ID', 'IL' => 'IL', 'IN' => 'IN', 'IA' => 'IA', 'KS' => 'KS', 'KY' => 'KY', 'LA' => 'LA', 'ME' => 'ME', 'MD' => 'MD', 'MA' => 'MA', 'MI' => 'MI', 'MN' => 'MN', 'MS' => 'MS', 'MO' => 'MO', 'MT' => 'MT', 'NE' => 'NE', 'NV' => 'NV', 'NH' => 'NH', 'NJ' => 'NJ', 'NM' => 'NM', 'NY' => 'NY', 'NC' => 'NC', 'ND' => 'ND', 'OH' => 'OH', 'OK' => 'OK', 'OR' => 'OR', 'PA' => 'PA', 'PR' => 'PR', 'RI' => 'RI', 'SC' => 'SC', 'SD' => 'SD', 'TN' => 'TN', 'TX' => 'TX', 'UT' => 'UT', 'VT' => 'VT', 'VA' => 'VA', 'WA' => 'WA', 'WV' => 'WV', 'WI' => 'WI', 'WY' => 'WY'), 'app_on_behalf' => array('Yourself' => 'Yourself', 'Someone_else' => 'Someone else'), 'app_behalf_person' => array(1 => 'A social worker', 2 => 'Physician or physicians office staff', 3 => 'Other health care professional', 4 => 'Friend or relative '), 'app_relationship' => array('relative' => 'Relative', 'friend' => 'Friend', 'caregiver' => 'Caregiver'), 'app_default_roles' => array(0 => '@Member', 1 => '@Pilot', 2 => '@Staff', 3 => '@Admin')));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2015/12/03 12:43:54
sfConfig::add(array('mod_default_enabled' => true, 'mod_default_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2010/06/17 11:41:29
sfConfig::add(array('mod_proyectoley_enabled' => true, 'mod_proyectoley_view_class' => 'sfPHP'));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2014/07/02 08:04:45
sfConfig::add(array('app_serverhost' => '', 'app_mailing_admin' => '*****@*****.**', 'app_mailing_from' => array('email' => '*****@*****.**', 'fullname' => 'Vendorepuestos Administracion'), 'app_esitef_merchant_key' => 'E23267F07A37E02AC200F699C3500236B8D2FCE4DD3E9535A31C9BEB4C23406E', 'app_esitef_merchant_id' => 'J317371879', 'app_esitef_url' => '', 'app_esitef_connection_timeout' => 50, 'app_esitef_response_timeout' => 50));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2009/06/28 10:39:23
sfConfig::add(array('mod_' . strtolower($moduleName) . '_enabled' => true, 'mod_' . strtolower($moduleName) . '_view_class' => 'sfPHP', 'mod_' . strtolower($moduleName) . '_is_internal' => false));

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2015/12/29 21:05:22
sfConfig::add(array('sf_error_404_module' => 'default', 'sf_error_404_action' => 'error404', 'sf_login_module' => 'default', 'sf_login_action' => 'login', 'sf_secure_module' => 'default', 'sf_secure_action' => 'secure', 'sf_module_disabled_module' => 'default', 'sf_module_disabled_action' => 'disabled', 'sf_use_database' => true, 'sf_i18n' => false, 'sf_compressed' => false, 'sf_check_lock' => false, 'sf_csrf_secret' => 'c63cc86ff85599062f0cb8d938a728afdf0731c5', 'sf_escaping_strategy' => true, 'sf_escaping_method' => 'ESC_SPECIALCHARS', 'sf_no_script_name' => true, 'sf_cache' => false, 'sf_etag' => true, 'sf_web_debug' => false, 'sf_error_reporting' => 341, 'sf_file_link_format' => NULL, 'sf_admin_web_dir' => '/sf/sf_admin', 'sf_web_debug_web_dir' => '/sf/sf_web_debug', 'sf_standard_helpers' => array(0 => 'Partial', 1 => 'Cache'), 'sf_enabled_modules' => array(0 => 'default'), 'sf_charset' => 'utf-8', 'sf_logging_enabled' => false, 'sf_default_culture' => 'en'));
Exemple #30

// auto-generated by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler
// date: 2012/05/20 11:43:07
sfConfig::add(array('sf_error_404_module' => 'default', 'sf_error_404_action' => 'error404', 'sf_login_module' => 'default', 'sf_login_action' => 'login', 'sf_secure_module' => 'default', 'sf_secure_action' => 'secure', 'sf_module_disabled_module' => 'default', 'sf_module_disabled_action' => 'disabled', 'sf_use_database' => true, 'sf_i18n' => false, 'sf_compressed' => false, 'sf_check_lock' => false, 'sf_csrf_secret' => 'ec1f6ef697622d3d3873fb593ac06b8fed5ce2f4', 'sf_escaping_strategy' => true, 'sf_escaping_method' => 'ESC_SPECIALCHARS', 'sf_no_script_name' => false, 'sf_validation_error_prefix' => ' &darr;&nbsp;', 'sf_validation_error_suffix' => ' &nbsp;&darr;', 'sf_validation_error_class' => 'form_error', 'sf_validation_error_id_prefix' => 'error_for_', 'sf_cache' => false, 'sf_etag' => false, 'sf_lazy_cache_key' => false, 'sf_web_debug' => false, 'sf_error_reporting' => 32759, 'sf_file_link_format' => NULL, 'sf_rich_text_js_dir' => 'js/tiny_mce', 'sf_admin_web_dir' => '/sf/sf_admin', 'sf_web_debug_web_dir' => '/sf/sf_web_debug', 'sf_calendar_web_dir' => '/sf/calendar', 'sf_standard_helpers' => array(0 => 'Partial', 1 => 'Cache', 2 => 'Form'), 'sf_enabled_modules' => array(0 => 'default'), 'sf_charset' => 'utf-8', 'sf_logging_enabled' => true, 'sf_default_culture' => 'en'));