public function objectFilter(&$script) { if ($this->isDisabled()) { return; } $class = new sfClassManipulator($script); $class->filterMethod('doSave', array($this, 'filterDoSave')); $script = $class->getCode(); }
public function upgrade() { $specVersion = sfYaml::getSpecVersion(); $queue = array(); $success = true; $finder = sfFinder::type('file')->name('*.yml')->prune('vendor'); foreach ($finder->in(sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir')) as $file) { // attempt to upgrade booleans $original = file_get_contents($file); $upgraded = sfToolkit::pregtr($original, array('/^([^:]+: +)(?:on|y(?:es)?|\\+)(\\s*(#.*)?)$/im' => '\\1true\\2', '/^([^:]+: +)(?:off|no?|-)(\\s*(#.*)?)$/im' => '\\1false\\2')); try { sfYaml::setSpecVersion('1.1'); $yaml11 = sfYaml::load($original); sfYaml::setSpecVersion('1.2'); $yaml12 = sfYaml::load($upgraded); } catch (Exception $e) { // unable to load the YAML $yaml11 = 'foo'; $yaml12 = 'bar'; } if ($yaml11 == $yaml12) { if ($original != $upgraded) { $this->getFilesystem()->touch($file); file_put_contents($file, $upgraded); } } else { $this->logSection('yaml', 'Unable to upgrade ' . sfDebug::shortenFilePath($file), null, 'ERROR'); // force project to use YAML 1.1 spec if ('1.1' != $specVersion) { $specVersion = '1.1'; $class = sfClassManipulator::fromFile(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir') . '/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'); $original = $class->getCode(); $modified = $class->wrapMethod('setup', 'sfYaml::setSpecVersion(\'1.1\');'); if ($original != $modified && $this->askConfirmation(array('Unable to convert YAML file:', sfDebug::shortenFilePath($file), '', 'Would you like to force YAML to be parsed with the 1.1 specification? (Y/n)'), 'QUESTION_LARGE')) { $this->logSection('yaml', 'Forcing YAML 1.1 spec'); $this->getFilesystem()->touch($class->getFile()); $class->save(); } else { $this->logBlock(array('Unable to either upgrade YAML files or force 1.1 spec.', '(see UPGRADE_TO_1_3 file for more information)'), 'ERROR_LARGE'); } } $success = false; } } if ($success && '1.1' == $specVersion) { $file = sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir') . '/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'; $original = file_get_contents($file); $modified = preg_replace('/^\\s*sfYaml::setSpecVersion\\(\'1\\.1\'\\);\\n/im', '', $original); if ($original != $modified) { $this->logSection('yaml', 'Removing setting of YAML 1.1 spec'); $this->getFilesystem()->touch($file); file_put_contents($file, $modified); } } }
/** * Enables a plugin in the ProjectConfiguration class. * * This is a static method that does not rely on the PEAR environment * as we don't want this method to have PEAR as a dependency. * * @param string $plugin The name of the plugin * @param string $configDir The config directory */ public static function enablePlugin($plugin, $configDir) { if (!$configDir) { throw new sfPluginException('You must provide a "config_dir" option.'); } $manipulator = sfClassManipulator::fromFile($configDir . '/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'); $manipulator->wrapMethod('setup', '', sprintf('$this->enablePlugins(\'%s\');', $plugin)); $manipulator->save(); }
public function peerFilter(&$script) { if ($this->isDisabled()) { return; } $doInsertPre = <<<EOF // symfony_behaviors behavior foreach (sfMixer::getCallables('Base{$this->getTable()->getPhpName()}Peer:doInsert:pre') as \$sf_hook) { if (false !== \$sf_hook_retval = call_user_func(\$sf_hook, 'Base{$this->getTable()->getPhpName()}Peer', \$values, \$con)) { return \$sf_hook_retval; } } EOF; $doUpdatePre = <<<EOF // symfony_behaviors behavior foreach (sfMixer::getCallables('Base{$this->getTable()->getPhpName()}Peer:doUpdate:pre') as \$sf_hook) { if (false !== \$sf_hook_retval = call_user_func(\$sf_hook, 'Base{$this->getTable()->getPhpName()}Peer', \$values, \$con)) { return \$sf_hook_retval; } } EOF; // add doInsert and doUpdate hooks $class = new sfClassManipulator($script); $class->filterMethod('doInsert', array($this, 'filterDoInsert')); $class->wrapMethod('doInsert', $doInsertPre); $class->filterMethod('doUpdate', array($this, 'filterDoUpdate')); $class->wrapMethod('doUpdate', $doUpdatePre); $script = $class->getCode(); // add symfony behavior configuration file if ($this->createBehaviorsFile()) { $script .= $this->getBehaviorsInclude(); } }
} } $f = new MethodFilterer(); $sourceFiltered = <<<EOF <?php class Foo { function foo(\$arg) { if (false) { return; } } function baz() { if (true) { return; } } } EOF; $m = new sfClassManipulator($source); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter1')); $t->is($m->getCode(), $source, '->filterMethod() does not change the code if the filter does nothing'); $t->is_deeply($f->lines, array(' function foo()' . PHP_EOL, ' {' . PHP_EOL, ' if (true)' . PHP_EOL, ' {' . PHP_EOL, ' return;' . PHP_EOL, ' }' . PHP_EOL, ' }'), '->filterMethod() filters each line of the method'); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter2')); $t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceFiltered, '->filterMethod() modifies the method');
$error = true; } if ($error) { $this->logBlock('SYMPAL SERVER CHECK RETURNED ERRORS', 'ERROR_LARGE'); if (!$this->askConfirmation('The server check returned some errors and/or warnings. Do you wish to continue with the installation? (y/n)', 'QUESTION_LARGE')) { $this->logBlock('Sympal installation was cancelled!', 'ERROR_LARGE'); return; } } else { if (!$this->askConfirmation('The server check was a success! You should have no problem running Sympal. Do you wish to continue on with the installation? (y/n)', 'QUESTION_LARGE')) { $this->logBlock('Sympal installation was cancelled!', 'ERROR_LARGE'); return; } } $this->logSection('sympal', '...adding Sympal code to ProjectConfiguration'); $manipulator = sfClassManipulator::fromFile(sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir') . '/ProjectConfiguration.class.php'); $manipulator->wrapMethod('setup', '', 'require_once(dirname(__FILE__).\'/../plugins/sfSympalPlugin/config/sfSympalPluginConfiguration.class.php\');'); $manipulator->wrapMethod('setup', '', 'sfSympalPluginConfiguration::enableSympalPlugins($this);'); $manipulator->save(); $this->logSection('sympal', '...downloading sfSympalPlugin'); // Using SVN for now because PEAR ALWAYS FAILS FOR SOME PEOPLE $this->getFilesystem()->execute('svn co plugins/sfSympalPlugin'); //@$this->runTask('plugin:install', 'sfSympalPlugin --stability=alpha'); //$this->disablePlugin('sfSympalPlugin'); // We don't want the explicit enabling of this plugin $this->reloadTasks(); $this->logSection('sympal', '...setup initial data'); $application = $this->askAndValidate('What would you like your first application to be called?', new sfValidatorString(), array('style' => 'QUESTION_LARGE')); $firstName = $this->askAndValidate('What is your first name?', new sfValidatorString(), array('style' => 'QUESTION_LARGE')); $lastName = $this->askAndValidate('What is your last name?', new sfValidatorString(), array('style' => 'QUESTION_LARGE')); $validator = new sfValidatorEmail(array(), array('invalid' => 'Invalid e-mail address!')); $emailAddress = $this->askAndValidate('What is your e-mail address?', $validator, array('style' => 'QUESTION_LARGE'));
$m = new sfClassManipulator($sourceCRLF); $f->lines = array(); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter1')); $t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceCRLF, '->filterMethod() does not change the code if the filter does nothing'); $t->is_deeply($f->lines, array(" function foo()\r\n", " {\r\n", " if (true)\r\n", " {\r\n", " return;\r\n", " }\r\n", " }"), '->filterMethod() filters each line of the method'); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter2')); $t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceFilteredCRLF, '->filterMethod() modifies the method'); // LF $t->diag('LF'); $m = new sfClassManipulator($sourceLF); $f->lines = array(); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter1')); $t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceLF, '->filterMethod() does not change the code if the filter does nothing'); $t->is_deeply($f->lines, array(" function foo()\n", " {\n", " if (true)\n", " {\n", " return;\n", " }\n", " }"), '->filterMethod() filters each line of the method'); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter2')); $t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceFilteredLF, '->filterMethod() modifies the method'); // no EOL $t->diag('no EOL'); $sourceFlat = '<?php class Foo { function foo() { if (true) { return; } } function baz() { if (true) { return; } } }'; $m = new sfClassManipulator($sourceFlat); $f->lines = array(); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter1')); $t->is_deeply($f->lines, array('function foo() { if (true) { return; } }'), '->filterMethod() works when there are no line breaks'); $t->is($m->getCode(), $sourceFlat, '->filterMethod() works when there are no line breaks'); // mixed EOL $t->diag('mixed EOL'); $sourceMixed = "<?php\r\n\nclass Foo\r\n{\n function foo()\r\n {\n if (true)\r\n {\n return;\r\n }\n }\r\n\n function baz()\r\n {\n if (true)\r\n {\n return;\r\n }\n }\r\n}"; $m = new sfClassManipulator($sourceMixed); $f->lines = array(); $m->filterMethod('foo', array($f, 'filter1')); $t->is_deeply($f->lines, array(" function foo()\r\n", " {\n", " if (true)\r\n", " {\n", " return;\r\n", " }\n", " }"), '->filterMethod() filters each line of a mixed EOL-style method');