public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->per_page = sets::pp('post_gouf'); $sorter = new Database_Sorter('overall'); $this->sorters[] = $sorter; }
public function __construct($data = array()) { parent::__construct($data); $this->set('comment_rights', sets::user('rights') || $this->get('cookie') == query::$cookie); $this->set('text', Transform_Text::cut_long_words($this->get('text'))); $this->set('delete_rights', sets::user('rights')); $this->set('avatar', md5(strtolower($this->get('email')))); }
public static function rights($soft = false) { if (sets::user('rights')) { return true; } if ($soft) { return false; } die; }
protected function check_access($url) { if (sets::user('rights') < $this->minimal_rights) { return false; } $function = $this->get_function($url); if (array_key_exists($function, $this->url_rights) && sets::user('rights') < $this->function_rights[$function]) { return false; } return true; }
public function set_sizes($sizes, $height = false) { if (!empty($height) && is_numeric($sizes)) { $sizes = array($sizes, $height); } if (!is_array($sizes)) { $sizes = explode('x', sets::video($sizes)); } $this->width = $sizes[0]; $this->height = $sizes[1]; return $this; }
function plugins () { $plugins = Database::get_full_vector('plugin'); $used = sets::array_get('plugins'); foreach ($plugins as $id => &$plugin) { $plugin['on'] = !empty($used[$id]); } return $plugins; }
protected function get_items() { $items = $this->load_batch('news'); foreach ($items as $id => &$item) { $item['id'] = $id; $item = new Model_News($item); if ($this->area == 'workshop' || sets::user('rights')) { $item['is_editable'] = true; } } $this->load_meta($items); $this->data['items'] = $items; if ($this->count > $this->per_page) { $this->data['navi'] = $this->get_bottom_navi('news'); } }
public function check_access($function) { $data = $this->reader->get_data(); if (sets::user('rights') < $this->minimal_rights) { return false; } if (array_key_exists($function, $this->function_rights) && sets::user('rights') < $this->function_rights[$function]) { return false; } foreach ($data as $key => $item) { if (array_key_exists($key, $this->field_rights) && sets::user('rights') < $this->field_rights[$key]) { return false; } } return true; }
public function __construct($reader, $writer) { parent::__construct($reader, $writer); $data = $this->reader->get_data(); if (empty($data['id']) || !Check::id($data['id'])) { throw new Error_Update('Incorrect Id'); } $model = new Model_Video($data['id']); $model->load(); if ($model->is_phantom()) { throw new Error_Update('Incorrect Id'); } if ($model['area'] != 'workshop' && !sets::user('rights')) { throw new Error_Update('Not enough rights'); } $this->model = $model; }
protected function get_jss_data($files, $admin_files) { $admin_files = (array) $admin_files; if (sets::user('rights')) { $files = array_merge($files, $admin_files); } $a = microtime(true); $mtime = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { $path = ROOT_DIR.SL.'jss'.SL.$file; $mtime = max($mtime, filemtime($path)); } return array( 'list' => $files, 'date' => $mtime, ); }
public function set($key, $value = null) { parent::set($key, $value); if (in_array($key, $this->meta_fields)) { $meta = (array) $this->get('meta', true); if (is_string($value)) { $value = array_unique(array_filter(explode('|', $value))); } $meta[$key] = array(); foreach ((array) $value as $item) { $meta[$key][$item] = array(); } parent::set('meta', $meta); if ($key == 'category' && !sets::show('nsfw')) { if (in_array($this->nsfw_category, $value)) { $this->set('hidden', true); } } } return $this; }
static function get($name, $key = false, $sets_retrieve = true) { if ($key === false) { return self::array_get($name); } if (isset(self::$data[$name][$key])) { return self::$data[$name][$key]; } // Если внезапно нужной настройки не оказалось, последние меры умирающего. if (empty(self::$data)) { include ROOT_DIR.SL.'engine'.SL.'config.php'; self::import($def); if (isset($def[$name][$key])) { return $def[$name][$key]; } } if ($sets_retrieve && ($sets = sets::get($name,$key,false))) { // return $sets; } return null; }
protected function log_version() { Database::insert('versions', array('type' => $this->table, 'item_id' => $this->get_id(), 'data' => base64_encode(serialize($this->get_data())), 'time' => $this->get('sortdate'), 'author' => sets::user('name'), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); }
?> >5</option> <option value="7"<?php echo sets::pp('board_posts') == 7 ? ' selected="yes"' : ''; ?> >7</option> <option value="10"<?php echo sets::pp('board_posts') == 10 ? ' selected="yes"' : ''; ?> >10</option> <option value="15"<?php echo sets::pp('board_posts') == 15 ? ' selected="yes"' : ''; ?> >15</option> <option value="20"<?php echo sets::pp('board_posts') == 20 ? ' selected="yes"' : ''; ?> >20</option> </select> <br /> Все треды на главной: <input type="checkbox" class="settings" rel="board.allthreads" value="1"<?php echo sets::board('allthreads') ? ' checked' : ''; ?> > <br /> Сразу показывать видео: <input type="checkbox" class="settings" rel="board.embedvideo" value="1"<?php echo sets::board('embedvideo') ? ' checked' : ''; ?> >
<tr> <td colspan="2" id="is_dublicates"> </td> </tr> <tr id="transparent" class="art_images"> <td colspan="2"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="input field_name"> Теги </td> <td class="inputdata input_tags"> <? if (!sets::edit('newtags')) { ?> <input size="65%" name="tags" value="" type="text"> <? } else { ?> <div id="add_tags"> <div class="tags-loader"> <img src="/images/ajax-loader.gif" /> </div> <select data-placeholder=" " multiple id="chozen" name="tag[]"> </select> </div> <? } ?> </td> </tr>
public function save () { if ( !ctype_alnum(query::$post['type']) || !Check::num(query::$post['id']) ) { return; } $input = 'input__'.query::$post['type']; $func = 'edit_'.query::$post['part']; $input = new $input(); if (query::$post['type'] == 'order') { query::$post['type'] = 'orders'; } $old_data = Database::get_full_row(query::$post['type'], query::$post['id']); $input->$func(); $new_data = Database::get_full_row(query::$post['type'], query::$post['id']); if ($old_data != $new_data) { unset($new_data['id']); Database::update('search', array('lastupdate' => 0), 'place = ? and item_id = ?', array(query::$post['type'], query::$post['id'])); if (query::$post['type'] == 'orders') { query::$post['type'] = 'order'; } Database::insert('versions',array( 'type' => query::$post['type'], 'item_id' => query::$post['id'], 'data' => base64_encode(serialize($new_data)), 'time' => ceil(microtime(true)*1000), 'author' => sets::user('name'), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); } }
function get_data() { if ($this->template != 'slideshow') { global $url; global $error; global $sets; global $def; if (is_numeric($url[2])) { $return['display'] = array('booru_single', 'comments'); $return['art'] = $this->get_art(1, 'id=' . $url[2] . ' and area != "deleted"'); $url['area'] = $return['art'][0]['area']; $return['comments'] = $this->get_comments($url[1], $url[2], is_numeric($url[5]) ? $url[5] : ($url[4] == 'all' ? false : 1)); $return['navi']['curr'] = $url[4] == 'all' ? 'all' : max(1, $url[5]); $return['navi']['all'] = true; $return['navi']['name'] = "Страница комментариев"; $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/comments/'; $return['navi']['start'] = max($return['navi']['curr'] - 5, 2); $return['navi']['last'] = ceil($return['comments']['number'] / $sets['pp']['comment_in_post']); $this->side_modules['top'] = array(); $return['art'][0]['rating'] = $this->get_rating($url[2]); $return['art'][0]['packs'] = $this->get_packs($url[2]); $return['art'][0]['pool'] = $this->get_pools($url[2]); } elseif ($url[2] != 'pool' && $url[2] != 'cg_packs' && $url[2] != 'download') { $return['display'] = array('booru_page', 'navi'); if ($url[2] == 'page' || !$url[2]) { $area = 'area = "' . $url['area'] . '"'; $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[3]); if ($sets['art']['sort'] == 'tag-desc') { $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], $area, 'order by (length(tag) - length(replace(tag,\'|\',\'\'))) desc'); } elseif ($sets['art']['sort'] == 'tag-asc') { $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], $area, 'order by (length(tag) - length(replace(tag,\'|\',\'\')))'); } else { $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], $area); } } elseif ($url[2] == 'date') { $parts = explode('-', $url[3]); if (is_numeric($parts[0] . $parts[1] . $parts[2]) && count($parts) == 3) { $area = 'area = "' . $url['area'] . '" and pretty_date ="' . Transform_Time::ru_month($parts[1]) . ' ' . $parts[2] . ', ' . $parts[0] . '"'; $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[5]); $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], $area); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/' . $url[3] . '/'; } else { $error = true; } } elseif ($url[2] != 'mixed') { $this->mixed_parse($url[2] . '=' . $url[3]); $area = 'area = "' . $url['area'] . '" and locate("|' . ($url['tag'] ? $url['tag'] : mysql_real_escape_string($url[3])) . '|",art.' . $url[2] . ')'; $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[5]); $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], $area); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/' . $url[3] . '/'; $return['rss'] = $this->make_rss($url[1], $url[2], $url[3]); } else { $area = $this->mixed_make_sql($this->mixed_parse($url[3])); $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[5]); $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], $area); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/' . $url[3] . '/'; } $return['navi']['start'] = max($return['navi']['curr'] - 5, 2); $return['navi']['last'] = ceil(obj::db()->sql('select count(id) from art where (' . $area . ')', 2) / $sets['pp']['art']); } else { if ($url[2] == 'pool') { if (is_numeric($url[3])) { if ($url[4] != 'sort') { $return['display'] = array('booru_poolsingle', 'booru_page', 'navi'); } else { $return['display'] = array('booru_poolsingle', 'booru_page'); } $return['pool'] = Database::get_full_row('art_pool', $url[3]); $query = Database::set_counter()->order('order', 'asc'); if ($url[4] != 'sort') { $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[5]); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/' . $url[3] . '/'; $return['navi']['start'] = max($return['navi']['curr'] - 5, 2); $query->limit(sets::pp('art'), ($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * sets::pp('art')); } $pool = $query->get_vector('art_in_pool', 'art_id', 'pool_id = ?', $url[3]); $return['pool']['count'] = Database::get_counter(); if ($url[4] != 'sort') { $return['navi']['last'] = ceil($return['pool']['count'] / $sets['pp']['art']); } $where = 'id=' . implode(' or id=', $pool); $pool = array_flip($pool); if ($art = $this->get_art(false, $where, '')) { foreach ($art as $one) { $return['art']['thumbs'][$pool[$one['id']]] = $one; } ksort($return['art']['thumbs']); } $return['rss'] = $this->make_rss($url[1], $url[2], $url[3]); } else { $return['display'] = array('booru_poolpage', 'navi'); $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[4]); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/'; $return['navi']['start'] = max($return['navi']['curr'] - 5, 2); $return['navi']['last'] = ceil(obj::db()->sql('select count(id) from art_pool', 2) / $sets['pp']['art_pool']); $return['pools'] = obj::db()->sql(' select as id, as name, count(*) as count from art_pool as p left join art_in_pool as a on = a.pool_id group by order by p.sortdate desc limit ' . ($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art_pool'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art_pool'], 'id'); } } elseif ($url[2] == 'cg_packs') { $this->side_modules['top'] = array(); if (is_numeric($url[3])) { $return['display'] = array('booru_pack_single', 'booru_page', 'navi'); $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[5]); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/' . $url[3] . '/'; $return['navi']['start'] = max($return['navi']['curr'] - 5, 2); $return['navi']['last'] = ceil(obj::db()->sql('select count(*) from art_in_pack where pack_id=' . $url[3], 2) / $sets['pp']['art']); $return['pool'] = obj::db()->sql('select * from art_pack where id=' . $url[3], 1); $return['art']['thumbs'] = $this->get_art(($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art'], 'p.pack_id=' . $url[3], 'order by p.`order`', 'as a left join art_in_pack as p on = p.art_id'); } else { $return['display'] = array('booru_pack_list', 'navi'); $return['navi']['curr'] = max(1, $url[4]); $return['navi']['meta'] = $url[2] . '/'; $return['navi']['start'] = max($return['navi']['curr'] - 5, 2); $return['navi']['last'] = ceil(obj::db()->sql('select count(*) from art_pack where cover != ""', 2) / $sets['pp']['art_cg_pool']); $return['pools'] = obj::db()->sql('select * from art_pack where cover != "" order by `date` desc limit ' . ($return['navi']['curr'] - 1) * $sets['pp']['art_cg_pool'] . ', ' . $sets['pp']['art_cg_pool'], 'id'); } } else { if ($url[3] == 'pack') { if (empty($url[4]) || !is_numeric($url[4])) { $error = true; } else { if (empty($url[5]) || !is_numeric($url[5])) { $pack = obj::db()->sql("select title, weight from art_pack where id = {$url['4']}", 1); if ($pack['weight'] == 0) { $error = true; } else { $this->template = 'download'; $this->side_modules = array(); $name = str_replace(array(' ', ';'), '_', $pack['title']); $file = ROOT_DIR . SL . 'files' . SL . 'pack_cache' . SL . 'pack_' . $url[4] . '.zip'; return array('file' => $file, 'name' => $name . '.zip'); } } else { $this->template = 'download'; $this->side_modules = array(); $art = obj::db()->sql("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tselect a.md5, a.extension, p.filename\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom art as a left join art_in_pack as p on = p.art_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere = {$url['5']} and p.pack_id = {$url['4']}", 1); $file = ROOT_DIR . SL . 'images' . SL . 'booru' . SL . 'full' . SL . $art['md5'] . '.' . $art['extension']; if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'jpg') { $type = 'jpeg'; } else { $type = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } return array('file' => $file, 'name' => $art['filename'], 'type' => $type); } } } else { $this->template = 'download'; $this->side_modules = array(); if (pathinfo($url[3], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'jpg') { $type = 'jpeg'; } else { $type = pathinfo($url[3], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); } return array('file' => ROOT_DIR . SL . 'images' . SL . 'booru' . SL . 'full' . SL . $url[3], 'name' => $url[3], 'type' => $type); } } } $return['navi']['base'] = '/art' . ($url['area'] != $def['area'][0] ? '/' . $url['area'] : '') . '/'; return $return; } }
?> <td class="imageholder"> <div class="image-0"> <img src="<?php echo $block['image']; ?> " /> </div> </td> <? } ?> <td valign="top"> <?php echo $block['comment_count'] > $sets['pp']['comment_in_post'] ? '<p class="help"> Показываются только ' . $sets['pp']['comment_in_post'] . ' последних ' . obj::transform('text')->wcase(sets::pp('comment_in_post'), 'комментарий', 'комментария', 'комментариев') . '. <a href="' . $def['site']['dir'] . '/' . $block['place'] . '/' . $block['id'] . '/comments/all"> Читать все </a>. </p>' : ''; ?> <? $i = $block['comment_count']; foreach ($block['comments'] as $comment) { $i--; if ($i < $sets['pp']['comment_in_post']) { ?> <div class="comment" id="comment-<?php echo $comment['id']; ?> "<?php
<title><?php echo $data['head']['title']; ?> </title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $def['site']['dir']; ?> /jss/m/?b=jss&f=plugins.css,main.css,header.css<?php echo sets::user('rights') ? ',admin.css' : ''; ?> &ver=23" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $def['site']['dir']; ?> /jss/config.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $def['site']['dir']; ?> /jss/m/?b=jss&f=lock.js,jquery-1.6.2.min.js,plugins.js,main.js <?php echo sets::user('rights') ? ',admin.js' : ''; ?> <?php echo sets::plugins(1) ? ',plugin/censor.js' : ''; ?> <?php echo sets::plugins(2) ? ',plugin/hider.js' : ''; ?> &ver=36"></script> </head>
<h2 class="commentsh2"> Подписаться на комментарии. </h2> <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> E-mail: <input name="email" value="<?php echo sets::get('user', 'mail'); ?> " size="22" type="text" /> <br /><br /> <select name="rule_type" class="subscribe_type"> <option value="all" class="selected">Подписаться на все</option> <option value="author">Подписаться на автора</option> <option value="category">Подписаться на категорию</option> <option value="language">Подписаться на язык</option> </select> <span class="subscribe_author subscribe_field hidden"> <select> <? foreach($data['main']['author'] as $alias => $name) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $alias; ?> "><?php echo $name; ?> </option> <? } ?> </select>
function get_threads($condition = '', $limit = '') { $return = $this->get_thread_records($condition, $limit); if (is_array($return)) { $keys = 'thread='.implode(' or thread=', array_keys($return)); $posts = obj::db()->sql('select * from board where `type`="post" and ('.$keys.')'); if (is_array($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { $return[$post['thread']]['posts'][$post['id']] = $post; } foreach ($return as $key => $thread) { if (!empty($thread['posts'])) { list($total_images, $total_flash, $total_video) = $this->process_content($thread['posts']); $total = count($thread['posts']); krsort($thread['posts']); $thread['posts'] = array_slice($thread['posts'],0,sets::pp('board_posts')); list($images, $flash, $video) = $this->count_content($thread['posts']); $return[$key]['posts'] = array_reverse($thread['posts']); $return[$key]['skipped'] = array( 'images' => ($total_images - $images), 'flash' => ($total_flash - $flash), 'video' => ($total_video - $video), 'posts' => ($total - count($thread['posts'])), ); } } } } else { return false; } $this->build_inner_links($this->inner_links, $return); return $return; }
// Пробуем прочитать настройки для хэша $sess = Database::get_row('settings', array('data', 'lastchange'), 'cookie = ?', query::$cookie); // Проверяем полученные настройки if (isset($sess['data']) && isset($sess['lastchange'])) { // Настройки есть // Обновляем cookie еще на 2 мес у клиента, если она поставлена больше месяца назад if (intval($sess['lastchange']) < time() - 3600 * 24 * 30) { setcookie('settings', query::$cookie, time() + 3600 * 24 * 60, '/', $cookie_domain); // Фиксируем факт обновления в БД Database::update('settings', array('lastchange' => time()), 'cookie = ?', query::$cookie); } // Проверяем валидность настроек и исправляем, если что-то не так if (base64_decode($sess['data']) !== false && is_array(unserialize(base64_decode($sess['data'])))) { // Все ок, применяем сохраненные настройки $sets = array_replace_recursive($sets, unserialize(base64_decode($sess['data']))); $user = Database::get_row('user', 'login, email, rights', 'cookie = ?', query::$cookie); if (!empty($user)) { $sets['user'] = array_replace($sets['user'], $user); } sets::import($sets); } else { // Заполняем поле настройками 'по-умолчанию' (YTowOnt9 разворачивается в пустой массив) Database::update('settings', array('data' => 'YTowOnt9'), 'cookie = ?', query::$cookie); } } else { // Настроек нет, создаем их setcookie('settings', query::$cookie, time() + 3600 * 24 * 60, '/', $cookie_domain); // Вносим в БД сессию с дефолтными настройками Database::insert('settings', array('cookie' => query::$cookie, 'data' => 'YTowOnt9', 'lastchange' => time())); } }
</table> </div> <hr /> <h3 title="За сутки">Новые комментарии (<?php echo count($data['main']['comment']); ?> )</h3> <a id="overview_comments" class="slide" href="#"> <?php echo $variations[sets::user('overview_comments')]; ?> </a> <div class="<?php echo sets::user('overview_comments') ? 'closed' : ''; ?> "> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th>Автор</th> <th>Текст комментария</th> <th>Где оставлен</th> </tr> <? if (is_array($data['main']['comment'])) foreach ($data['main']['comment'] as $item) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $item['username']; ?>
?> </a> <? } ?> </span> <span class="date"> <?php echo $thread['pretty_date']; ?> </span> <div class="tbody<?php echo empty($thread['multi_content']) ? '' : ' multi'; ?> "> <? if (!empty($thread['content']['video'])) { foreach ($thread['content']['video'] as $video_key => $video) { ?> <? if (!sets::board('embedvideo')) { ?> <div class="video video_frame" style="height:<?php echo $video['height']; ?> px;"> <br /> <input type="button" class="open_video margin10" rel="<?php echo $id . '-' . $video_key; ?> " value="Показать видео"> <br /> <input type="button" class="always_embed_video" value="Всегда показывать"> </div> <? } else { ?> <div class="video"> <?php
<div class="center margin10" width="100%"> <? if(!sets::get('board','allthreads')) { ?> <a href="#" class="switch_allboards" rel="1"> Убрать приветствие, показывать тут ленту всех тредов. </a> <? } else { ?> <a href="#" class="switch_allboards" rel="0"> Убрать ленту всех тредов, показывать тут приветствие. </a> <? } ?> </div>