if (!defined('init_executes')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//levels data
$LevelsData = new LevelsData();
//Setup the finances class
$finance = new AccountFinances();
//prepare multi errors
//bind the onsuccess message
$ERRORS->onSuccess('Your purchase has been successfully delivered.', '/index.php?page=purchase_gold');
$character = isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false;
$GoldAmount = isset($_POST['amount']) ? (int) $_POST['amount'] : false;
//assume the realm is 1 (for now)
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
if (!$character) {
Exemple #2
 private function ProcessItemReward($entry)
     global $CORE;
     //Make sure we have a selected realm
     //It's set to realm 1 by default but
     //it might be needed later on
     if ($this->realm === false) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The realm id is missing.';
         return false;
     //Make sure a character is selected
     if (!$this->character) {
         $this->errors[] = 'This code requires a character to be selected.';
         return false;
     //load the sendmail class
     if (!$CORE->isLoaded_ServerModule('commands')) {
     //prepare the sendmail class
     $command = new server_Commands();
     //check if the realm is online
     if ($command->CheckConnection($this->realm) !== true) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The realm is currently unavailable. Please try again in few minutes.';
         return false;
     //load the characters handling class
     if (!$CORE->isLoaded_ServerModule('character')) {
     //construct the characters handler
     $chars = new server_Character();
     if (!$chars->setRealm($this->realm)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The website failed to load realm database. Please contact the administration for more information.';
         return false;
     //check if the character belongs to this account
     if (!$chars->isMyCharacter(false, $this->character, (int) $this->account)) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The selected character does not belong to this account.';
         return false;
     //Send the item
     $sentMail = $command->sendItems($this->character, $entry, 'Promotion Code Reward', $this->realm);
     //make sure the mail was sent
     if ($sentMail !== true) {
         $this->errors[] = 'The website was unable to deliver your reward due to reason: ' . $sentMail;
         return false;
     unset($chars, $command);
     return true;
Exemple #3
//check the cooldown
if (time() < $cooldown) {
    $ERRORS->Add('This tool is on a cooldown, please try again later.');
## The actual unstuck script begins here
//load the character module
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//prepare the commands class
$command = new server_Commands();
//prepare the character handler
$chars = new server_Character();
//setup the maps data class
$MD = new MapsData();
//setup the map points data class
$MP = new MapPoints();
//start logging
$logs->add('TELEPORTER', 'Starting log session. Teleporting player: ' . $charName . ', to point: ' . $pointId . ', selected realm: ' . $RealmId . '.', 'pending');
//connect to the database
if ($chars->setRealm($RealmId)) {
    ####   check if the character is valid    ######
    //get some character data
    $charData = $chars->getCharacterData(false, $charName, array('guid', 'level'));
    //find the map key by pointId
Exemple #4
if (!defined('init_executes')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//Setup the finances class
$finance = new AccountFinances();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//prepare multi errors
//bind the onsuccess message
$ERRORS->onSuccess('Successfull character faction change.', '/index.php?page=factionchange');
$character = isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false;
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
//define how much a faction change is going to cost
$factionChangePrice = 5;
if (!$character) {
    $ERRORS->Add("Please select a character first.");
Exemple #5
if (!defined('init_executes')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//prepare multi errors
//bind the onsuccess message
$ERRORS->onSuccess('The armor set was successfully sent.', '/index.php?page=itemsets');
$character = isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false;
$armorset = isset($_POST['armorset']) ? (int) $_POST['armorset'] : false;
//Get the user selected realm
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
//get the account gold
$accountGold = (int) $CURUSER->get('gold');
if (!$character) {
    $ERRORS->Add("Please select a character first.");
Exemple #6
if (!defined('init_executes')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
if (!$CURUSER->isOnline()) {
    echo 'Error: You must be logged in.';
//load the character module
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//Setup the finances class
$finance = new AccountFinances();
//Prepare the characters class
$chars = new server_Character();
//prepare multi errors
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
$refundId = isset($_POST['id']) ? (int) $_POST['id'] : false;
if (!$RealmId) {
    echo 'There is no realm assigned to your account.';
if (!$chars->setRealm($RealmId)) {
    echo 'The realm assigned to your account is invalid.';
Exemple #7
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//load the refund system
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//prepare multi errors
$items = isset($_POST['items']) ? $_POST['items'] : false;
$charName = isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false;
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
//check if the realm is online
if ($command->CheckConnection($RealmId) !== true) {
    $ERRORS->Add("The realm is currently unavailable. Please try again in few minutes.");
if (!$charName) {
    $ERRORS->Add("Please select a character first.");
if (!$items) {
Exemple #8
if (!defined('init_executes')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//levels data
$LevelsData = new LevelsData();
//Setup the finances class
$finance = new AccountFinances();
//prepare multi errors
//bind the onsuccess message
$ERRORS->onSuccess('Your purchase has been successfully delivered.', '/index.php?page=levels');
$level = isset($_POST['levels']) ? (int) $_POST['levels'] : false;
$character = isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false;
//assume the realm is 1 (for now)
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
if (!$character) {
if (!defined('init_executes')) {
    header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found');
//load the coin activity handler
//load the characters handling class
//load the log class
//load the sendmail class
//prepare the sendmail class
$command = new server_Commands();
//Setup the finances class
$finance = new AccountFinances();
//prepare the log
$logs = new purchaseLog();
//prepare multi errors
//bind the onsuccess message
$ERRORS->onSuccess('Successfull character re-customization.', '/index.php?page=recustomization');
$character = isset($_POST['character']) ? $_POST['character'] : false;
//assume the realm is 1 (for now)
$RealmId = $CURUSER->GetRealm();
//define how much a faction change is going to cost
$recustomizationPrice = 5;
if (!$character) {
    $ERRORS->Add("Please select a character first.");