public function forgot() { $content = ''; $token_handler = new security(); $token_handler->set_token(); $token = $token_handler->get_token(); $register_form = "\n <form action='?controller=users&action=reset' method='post'>\n Username: <input type='text' name='username' placeholder='ex: john' autofocus>\n <br>\n email: <input type='text' name='email'>\n <br><br>\n <input type='submit' value='reset'>\n <input type='hidden' value='{$token}' name='token'>\n </form>\n\n "; $content .= $register_form; $output['content'] = $content; $output['page'] = 'views/forgot.php'; return $output; }
public function login() { // 1st time (&submit is not set) or error=true - just show form and/or error message // 2nd time (&submit==yes) - check // if ok, redirect to home // if not, set $content to error message and just show form again if (!isset($_SESSION['log'])) { $_SESSION['log'] = new timestamp("login"); } $content = ""; $output['page'] = 'views/login/index.php'; //$header = 'CSS AEC-Foyer Lataste ADTJK System V2.0'; $token_handler = new security(); $token_handler->set_token(); $token = $token_handler->get_token(); $login_form = "\n <form action='?controller=login&action=submit' method='post'>\n Username: <input type='text' name='username' placeholder='ex: john' autofocus>\n <br>\n Password: <input type='password' name='password'>\n <br><br>\n <input type='submit' value='login'>\n <input type='hidden' value='{$token}' name='token'>\n </form>\n\n "; $current_year = date("Y"); $footer = "CSS AEC-Foyer Lataste ADTJK Copyright {$current_year} All Rights Reserved - Webmaster:"; // $output ['header'] = $header; $output['login_form'] = $login_form; $output['content'] = $content; $output['footer'] = $footer; return $output; }
public function set_top_form($top_form) { // form: add record form on top: field names, field labels, drop_down menu name (from previous $drop_down set method) // follows the $main_table columns order // Also, set_drop_down method does not 'select' value retrieved from DB. // $html = "<tr>"; $html .= "<form action='{$top_form['action']}' method='{$top_form['method']}' id='{$top_form['id']}'>"; $i = 0; $autofocus = ''; foreach ($top_form['elements'] as $key => $bla) { //echo 'key: '.$key.'<br>'; foreach ($bla as $key2 => $key3) { $i++; // $key2: value position inside numbered array //echo '.....key2:'.$key2.'<br>'; //echo '.....key3:'.$key3.'<br>'; $value = ''; switch ($key2) { case 'text': if ($i == 1) { $autofocus = 'autofocus'; } if (isset($this->form_values)) { $value = $this->form_values[$key3]; } $html .= '<td>' . "<div " . $top_form['div'] . ">"; $html .= "<input type='text' name='{$key3}' value='{$value}' {$autofocus}>"; $html .= "</td></div>"; $i++; break; case 'date': if ($i == 1) { $autofocus = 'autofocus'; } if (isset($this->form_values)) { $value = $this->form_values[$key3]; } $html .= '<td>' . "<div " . $top_form['div'] . ">"; $html .= "<input type='date' name='{$key3}' value='{$value}' {$autofocus}>"; $html .= "</td></div>"; $i++; break; case 'drop_down': $html .= '<td>' . "<div " . $top_form['div'] . ">"; $html .= $this->drop_down[$key3]; $html .= "</td></div>"; break; case 'submit': $html .= "<td><div "; if (isset($top_form['div_button'])) { $html .= $top_form['div_button']; } else { $html .= $top_form['div']; } $html .= ">"; $html .= "<input type='submit' value='{$key3}'>"; $html .= "</td></div>"; break; case 'check_box': // check_box works just like drop_down; needs a proper function to pre make html $html .= '<td>' . "<div " . $top_form['div'] . ">"; $html .= $this->check_box[$key3]; $html .= "</td></div>"; break; case 'label': $html .= '<td>' . "<div " . $top_form['div'] . ">"; $html .= $this->form_values[$key3]; $html .= "</td></div>"; break; case 'hidden': foreach ($key3 as $hidden_name => $hidden_value) { $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='{$hidden_name}' value='{$hidden_value}'>"; } break; default: $html .= '<td></td>'; break; } } } // TODO: insert token check here if (!isset($this->token)) { $token_handler = new security(); $token_handler->set_token(); $this->token = $token_handler->get_token(); } //echo $_SESSION['token']; //die(); // TODO: troubleshoot: if multiple forms at the same time, token check might fail since each form // will have produced its own token, but only one will be checked - make an array of tokens then iterate? $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='token' value = '{$this->token}'>"; $html .= "</form>"; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; } if (isset($top_form['action_links'])) { $action_links = $top_form['action_links']; $html .= "<td><div class='small_link_button'>"; foreach ($action_links as $row) { //var_dump($row); $html .= "<a href='" . $row[1] . $id . "&token=" . $this->token . "'>" . $row[0] . "</a>"; } $html .= "</div></td>"; } $html .= "</tr>"; $this->top_form = $html; }