function grep_munich($url, $table_name)
    $html = scraperWiki::scrape($url);
    $count = 0;
    # Use the PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser to extract <td> tags
    $dom = new simple_html_dom();
    //Drop all old informations by dropping the table
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("drop table if exists " . $table_name);
    $table = $dom->getElementById('flight_info_area');
    foreach ($table->find('tr') as $data) {
        // Flight details. Read tds or ths
        $tds = $data->find("td");
        //if there are less then 7 columns continue to next loop
        if (sizeof($tds) < 7) {
        //print $data->plaintext . "\n";
        $flightnr = $tds[1]->plaintext;
        $from = $tds[2]->plaintext;
        $time = $tds[3]->plaintext;
        $expected_time = $tds[4]->plaintext;
        //Create date
        $date = date("Y-m-d");
        //Build array of flight informations
        $flight_data = array("date" => $date, "count" => $count, "flightnr" => $flightnr, "from" => $from, "time" => $time, "expected_time" => $expected_time);
        //Save the informations of one flight
        scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array("date", "count"), $flight_data, $table_name);
        $count = $count + 1;
function insertar($nombreTabla, $idContrato, $fecha, $objeto, $importe, $adjudicatario, $NIF)
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("insert into " . $nombreTabla . " values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", array($idContrato, $fecha, utf8_decode($objeto), $importe, utf8_decode($adjudicatario), $NIF));
        $party = trim(str_replace(")", "", $partycell));
        $name = trim(str_replace("Cllr. ", "", strip_tags($party)));
        $namecell = $nameparty[0];
        $name = trim(str_replace("Cllr. ", "", strip_tags($namecell)));
        print $name;
        #$party = $row->find("p",0);
        //$party = $cell->find("p",0);
        print $party;
        $moredetails["name"] = $name;
        $moredetails["party"] = $party;
        return $moredetails;
//$moredetails = array();
//$moredetails = get_details($content);
$moredetails = get_nameparty($content);
foreach ($moredetails as $moredetail) {
    $lea = "lea";
    print $lea;
    $councillors["{$name}"] = array("LEA" => $lea, "Party" => $moredetails["party"]);
unset($dom, $html, $uri);
scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("drop table councillors");
scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("create table if not exists councillors (`auth` string, `lea` string, `name` string, `party` string)");
#, `email` string, `address` string, `phone` string, `mobile` string, `image` string)");
foreach ($councillors as $name => $values) {
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("insert or replace into councillors values (:auth, :lea, :name, :party)", array("auth" => "Carlow County Council", "lea" => $values["LEA"], "name" => $name, "party" => $values["Party"]));
function saveHydroAuthority($authority)
    # Save applications
    $pk = array("name");
    $verbose = 2;
    scraperwiki::save_sqlite($pk, $authority, "hydro_authorities", $verbose);
function parsePage($html1, $pageNo)
    $numrecords = 1 + 20 * $pageNo;
    foreach ($html1->find("table[@style='padding: 5px; 5px; 5px; 5px;']") as $row) {
        $tr1 = $row->find("tr", 0);
        # print $tr1 . "\n";
        $title = $tr1->find("a[@target='_self']", 0);
        $papertitle = "" . $title->href . "&preflayout=flat";
        foreach ($tr1->find("div.authors") as $author) {
            $tr2 = $row->find("tr", 1);
            $year = $tr2->find("td", 0);
            $addinfo = $tr2->find("td", 2);
            $tr3 = $row->find("tr", 2);
            $publisher = $tr3->find("td", 0);
            $abstract = getAbstract($papertitle);
            print "abstract " . $abstract . "\n";
            print $title->innertext . ", ";
            print $author->plaintext . ", ";
            print $year->innertext . ", ";
            print $addinfo->plaintext . ", ";
            print $publisher->plaintext . ", ";
            print $abstract . "/n";
            scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array("a"), array("a" => $numrecords, "title" => $title->innertext, "author" => $author->plaintext, "year" => $year->innertext, "addinfo" => $addinfo->plaintext, "publisher" => $publisher->plaintext, "abstract" => $abstract), $table_name = "acmdata1", $verbose = 2);
    return $numrecords;
function populateDOM($htmlDOM, $src_link, $upd_flag = false)
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sources (src_link TEXT PRIMARY KEY, timestamp DATETIME, src_dump TEXT)");
    echo "Checking local cache...<br>\n";
    $result = scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("SELECT src_link, timestamp, src_dump FROM sources WHERE src_link = :slnk", array("slnk" => $src_link));
    if (empty($result->data[0][2]) || $upd_flag == true) {
        echo "No Cache for this site (or force-update flag given), scraping live site for local cache...<br>\n";
        // Load the site and save it locally so that we dont end up crawling their site a million times during development
        $source = scraperWiki::scrape($src_link);
        $save_source = $htmlDOM->save();
        echo "Scrape complete, storing into cache...<br>\n";
        scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO sources VALUES (:slnk, :stime, :sdmp)", array("slnk" => $src_link, "stime" => time(), "sdmp" => $save_source));
        echo "Cache saved.<br>\n";
        echo "Populate DOM Complete.";
        return $htmlDOM;
    } else {
        echo "Using local cache, as cached data exists from '" . date(DATE_RFC822, $result->data[0][1]) . ".'<br>\n";
        echo "Loading...<br>\n";
        echo "Populate DOM Complete.";
        return $htmlDOM;
function lbl_recyclebins_locs($dom)
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("drop table if exists r_locs");
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("create table r_locs ('address' string, 'types' string, 'latitude' string, 'longitude' string)");
    $descs = lbl_recyclebins_types();
    foreach ($dom->find("tr") as $id => $data) {
        $tds = $data->find("td");
        if (count($tds)) {
            $add = $tds[0]->plaintext;
            $tmp = explode(', ', $tds[1]->plaintext);
            $types = '';
            foreach ($tmp as $k => $v) {
                $types .= trim($descs[$v]) . "; ";
            $lat = '';
            $lon = '';
            if ($i = preg_match('/([\\w]{2}[\\d]+\\s\\d[\\w]{2})/', $add, $matches)) {
                if ($pcode = $matches[0]) {
                    try {
                        $geo = scraperwiki::gb_postcode_to_latlng($pcode);
                        $lat = $geo[0];
                        $lon = $geo[1];
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        $lat = '';
                        $lon = '';
            scraperwiki::sqliteexecute("insert into r_locs values (:address,:types,:latitude,:longitude)", array($add, $types, $lat, $lon));
function createTable()
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute('create table tagtable(appname text primary key,url text, type text, function type, license type)');
    scraperwiki::sqliteexecute('create table htmltable(appname text primary key,html text)');