$table_name = 'scorecard_stars';
     $table_key_column = 'stars';
     //Save based data values in prepared variables
     $stars_counter = 0;
     for ($stars = 3; $stars >= 0; $stars--) {
         $b = array();
         $b['based_id'] = $stars;
         $b['name'] = "{$stars} Stars";
         $based_list[] = $b;
         $based_key[$stars] = $stars_counter;
     $total_key = $stars_counter + 1;
 //retrieve saved plan data of this year
 $plans = scorecard::retrievePlan($based, $year_period);
 //retrieve manually input data from last year to current year
 $manual_inputs = scorecard::retrieveManualInput($based, $year_period, $year_previous);
 //Prepare name of each data table
 $table_header = array();
 $table_header['daily'] = 'Daily Average';
 $table_header['total'] = 'Monthly Total';
 $table = array();
 $table['daily'] = array();
 $table['total'] = array();
 $table['neutral'] = array();
 //Default table collection for monthly and daily values
 //where monthly = total and daily = average
 $table_collection = array();
 $table_collection['sent_value'] = 'Gross Sales';
 $table_collection['sent'] = 'Quantity';