function scheduler_print_schedulebox(scheduler_instance $scheduler, $studentid, $groupid = 0) { global $output; $availableslots = $scheduler->get_slots_available_to_student($studentid); $startdatemem = ''; $starttimemem = ''; $availableslotsmenu = array(); foreach ($availableslots as $slot) { $startdatecnv = $output->userdate($slot->starttime); $starttimecnv = $output->usertime($slot->starttime); $startdatestr = ($startdatemem != '' and $startdatemem == $startdatecnv) ? "-----------------" : $startdatecnv; $starttimestr = ($starttimemem != '' and $starttimemem == $starttimecnv) ? '' : $starttimecnv; $startdatemem = $startdatecnv; $starttimemem = $starttimecnv; $url = new moodle_url('/mod/scheduler/view.php', array('id' => $scheduler->cmid, 'slotid' => $slot->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey())); if ($groupid) { $url->param('what', 'schedulegroup'); $url->param('subaction', 'dochooseslot'); $url->param('groupid', $groupid); } else { $url->param('what', 'schedule'); $url->param('subaction', 'dochooseslot'); $url->param('studentid', $studentid); } $availableslotsmenu[$url->out()] = "{$startdatestr} {$starttimestr}"; } $chooser = new url_select($availableslotsmenu); if ($availableslots) { echo $output->box_start(); echo $output->heading(get_string('chooseexisting', 'scheduler'), 3); echo $output->render($chooser); echo $output->box_end(); } }
/** * Create a scheduler instance from the database. */ protected static function load_from_record($id, stdClass $coursemodule) { $scheduler = new scheduler_instance(); $scheduler->load($id); $scheduler->cm = $coursemodule; $scheduler->groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($coursemodule); return $scheduler; }
/** * Get scheduler instance. * * NOTE: to be used from observers only. * * @throws \coding_exception * @return \scheduler_instance */ public function get_scheduler() { if ($this->is_restored()) { throw new \coding_exception('get_scheduler() is intended for event observers only'); } if (!isset($this->scheduler)) { debugging('scheduler property should be initialised in each event', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); global $CFG; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/scheduler/locallib.php'; $this->scheduler = \scheduler_instance::load_by_coursemodule_id($this->contextinstanceid); } return $this->scheduler; }
/** * Update activity grades * * @param object $scheduler * @param int $userid specific user only, 0 means all */ function scheduler_update_grades($schedulerrecord, $userid = 0, $nullifnone = true) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'; $scheduler = scheduler_instance::load_by_id($schedulerrecord->id); if ($scheduler->scale == 0) { scheduler_grade_item_update($schedulerrecord); } else { if ($grades = $scheduler->get_user_grades($userid)) { foreach ($grades as $k => $v) { if ($v->rawgrade == -1) { $grades[$k]->rawgrade = null; } } scheduler_grade_item_update($schedulerrecord, $grades); } else { scheduler_grade_item_update($schedulerrecord); } } }
public function teacherview_tabs(scheduler_instance $scheduler, moodle_url $baseurl, $selected, $inactive = null) { $statstab = $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'statistics', 'viewstatistics', 'overall'); $statstab->subtree = array($this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'overall', 'viewstatistics', 'overall'), $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'studentbreakdown', 'viewstatistics', 'studentbreakdown'), $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'staffbreakdown', 'viewstatistics', 'staffbreakdown', $scheduler->get_teacher_name()), $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'lengthbreakdown', 'viewstatistics', 'lengthbreakdown'), $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'groupbreakdown', 'viewstatistics', 'groupbreakdown')); $level1 = array($this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'myappointments', 'view', 'myappointments'), $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'allappointments', 'view', 'allappointments'), $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'datelist', 'datelist'), $statstab, $this->teacherview_tab($baseurl, 'export', 'export')); return $this->tabtree($level1, $selected, $inactive); }
public function build(scheduler_instance $scheduler, array $fields, $mode, $userid, $groupid, $includeempty, $pageperteacher) { if ($groupid) { $this->studfilter = array_keys(groups_get_members($groupid, '')); } $this->canvas->set_title(format_string($scheduler->name)); if ($userid) { $slots = $scheduler->get_slots_for_teacher($userid, $groupid); $this->build_page($scheduler, $fields, $slots, $mode, $includeempty); } else { if ($pageperteacher) { $teachers = $scheduler->get_teachers(); foreach ($teachers as $teacher) { $slots = $scheduler->get_slots_for_teacher($teacher->id, $groupid); $title = fullname($teacher); $this->canvas->start_page($title); $this->build_page($scheduler, $fields, $slots, $mode, $includeempty); } } else { $slots = $scheduler->get_slots_for_group($groupid); $this->build_page($scheduler, $fields, $slots, $mode, $includeempty); } } }
/** * Construct an array with subtitution rules for mail templates, relating to * a single appointment. Any of the parameters can be null. * @param scheduler_instance $scheduler The scheduler instance * @param scheduler_slot $slot The slot data as an MVC object * @param user $attendant A {@link $USER} object describing the attendant (teacher) * @param user $attendee A {@link $USER} object describing the attendee (student) * @param object $course A course object relating to the ontext of the message * @param object $recipient A {@link $USER} object describing the recipient of the message (used for determining the message language) * @return array A hash with mail template substitutions */ function scheduler_get_mail_variables(scheduler_instance $scheduler, scheduler_slot $slot, $attendant, $attendee, $course, $recipient) { global $CFG; $lang = scheduler_get_message_language($recipient, $course); // Force any string formatting to happen in the target language. $oldlang = force_current_language($lang); $tz = core_date::get_user_timezone($recipient); $vars = array(); if ($scheduler) { $vars['MODULE'] = $scheduler->name; $vars['STAFFROLE'] = $scheduler->get_teacher_name(); $vars['SCHEDULER_URL'] = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/scheduler/view.php?id=' . $scheduler->cmid; } if ($slot) { $vars['DATE'] = userdate($slot->starttime, get_string('strftimedate'), $tz); $vars['TIME'] = userdate($slot->starttime, get_string('strftimetime'), $tz); $vars['ENDTIME'] = userdate($slot->endtime, get_string('strftimetime'), $tz); $vars['LOCATION'] = format_string($slot->appointmentlocation); } if ($attendant) { $vars['ATTENDANT'] = fullname($attendant); $vars['ATTENDANT_URL'] = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $attendant->id . '&course=' . $scheduler->course; } if ($attendee) { $vars['ATTENDEE'] = fullname($attendee); $vars['ATTENDEE_URL'] = $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $attendee->id . '&course=' . $scheduler->course; } // Reset language settings. force_current_language($oldlang); return $vars; }
/** * Creates a scheduler with certain settings, * having 10 appointments, from 1 hour in the future to 9 days, 1 hour in the future, * and booking a given student into these slots - either unattended bookings ($bookedslots) * or attended bookings ($attendedslots). * * The scheduler is created in a new course, into which the given student is enrolled. * Also, two other students (without any slot bookings) is created in the course. * */ private function create_data_for_bookable_appointments($schedulermode, $maxbookings, $guardtime, $studentid, array $bookedslots, array $attendedslots) { global $DB; $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $this->getDataGenerator()->enrol_user($studentid, $course->id); $options['slottimes'] = array(); for ($c = 0; $c < 10; $c++) { $options['slottimes'][$c] = time() + $c * DAYSECS + HOURSECS; if (in_array($c, $bookedslots) || in_array($c, $attendedslots)) { $options['slotstudents'][$c] = $studentid; } } $schedrec = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('scheduler', array('course' => $course->id), $options); $scheduler = scheduler_instance::load_by_id($schedrec->id); $scheduler->schedulermode = $schedulermode; $scheduler->maxbookings = $maxbookings; $scheduler->guardtime = $guardtime; $scheduler->save(); $slotrecs = $DB->get_records('scheduler_slots', array('schedulerid' => $scheduler->id), 'starttime ASC'); $slotrecs = array_values($slotrecs); foreach ($attendedslots as $id) { $DB->set_field('scheduler_appointment', 'attended', 1, array('slotid' => $slotrecs[$id]->id)); } for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $dummystud = $this->create_student($course->id); } return $scheduler->id; }
public function test_calendar_events() { global $DB; $scheduler = scheduler_instance::load_by_id($this->schedulerid); $slot = scheduler_slot::load_by_id($this->slotid, $scheduler); $slot->save(); $oldstart = $slot->starttime; $this->assert_event_exists($this->teacherid, $slot->starttime, "Meeting with your Students"); foreach ($this->students as $student) { $this->assert_event_exists($student, $slot->starttime, "Meeting with your Teacher"); } $newstart = time() + 3 * DAYSECS; $slot->starttime = $newstart; $slot->save(); foreach ($this->students as $student) { $this->assert_event_absent($student, $oldstart); $this->assert_event_exists($student, $newstart, "Meeting with your Teacher"); } $this->assert_event_absent($this->teacherid, $oldstart); $this->assert_event_exists($this->teacherid, $newstart, "Meeting with your Students"); // Delete one of the appointments. $app = $slot->get_appointment($this->appointmentids[0]); $slot->remove_appointment($app); $slot->save(); $this->assert_event_absent($this->students[0], $newstart); $this->assert_event_exists($this->students[1], $newstart, "Meeting with your Teacher"); $this->assert_event_exists($this->teacherid, $newstart, "Meeting with your Students"); // Delete all appointments. $DB->delete_records('scheduler_appointment', array('slotid' => $this->slotid)); $slot = scheduler_slot::load_by_id($this->slotid, $scheduler); $slot->save(); foreach ($this->students as $student) { $this->assert_event_absent($student, $newstart); } $this->assert_event_absent($this->teacherid, $newstart); }
/** * Test the "appointment" data object * (basic functionality, with minimal reference to slots) **/ public function test_appointment() { global $DB; $instance = scheduler_instance::load_by_coursemodule_id($this->moduleid); $slot = array_values($instance->get_slots())[0]; $factory = new scheduler_appointment_factory($slot); $user = $this->getdataGenerator()->create_user(); $app0 = new stdClass(); $app0->slotid = 1; $app0->studentid = $user->id; $app0->attended = 0; $app0->grade = 0; $app0->appointmentnote = 'testnote'; $app0->timecreated = time(); $app0->timemodified = time(); $id1 = $DB->insert_record('scheduler_appointment', $app0); $appobj = $factory->create_from_id($id1); $this->assertEquals($user->id, $appobj->studentid); $this->assertEquals(fullname($user), fullname($appobj->get_student())); $this->assertFalse($appobj->is_attended()); $this->assertEquals(0, $appobj->grade); $app0->attended = 1; $app0->grade = -7; $id2 = $DB->insert_record('scheduler_appointment', $app0); $appobj = $factory->create_from_id($id2); $this->assertEquals($user->id, $appobj->studentid); $this->assertEquals(fullname($user), fullname($appobj->get_student())); $this->assertTrue($appobj->is_attended()); $this->assertEquals(-7, $appobj->grade); }
/** * Process ajax requests * * @package mod * @subpackage scheduler * @copyright 2014 Henning Bostelmann and others (see README.txt) * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ define('AJAX_SCRIPT', true); require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/config.php'; require_once 'locallib.php'; $id = required_param('id', PARAM_INT); $action = required_param('action', PARAM_ALPHA); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('scheduler', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $scheduler = scheduler_instance::load_by_coursemodule_id($id); require_login($course, true, $cm); require_sesskey(); $return = 'OK'; switch ($action) { case 'saveseen': $appid = required_param('appointmentid', PARAM_INT); $slotid = $DB->get_field('scheduler_appointment', 'slotid', array('id' => $appid)); $slot = $scheduler->get_slot($slotid); $app = $slot->get_appointment($appid); $newseen = required_param('seen', PARAM_BOOL); if ($USER->id != $slot->teacherid) { require_capability('mod/scheduler:manageallappointments', $scheduler->context); } $app->attended = $newseen; $slot->save();
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/scheduler/lib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/scheduler/locallib.php'; require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/scheduler/renderable.php'; // Read common request parameters. $id = optional_param('id', '', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID - if it's not specified, must specify 'a', see below. $action = optional_param('what', 'view', PARAM_ALPHA); $subaction = optional_param('subaction', '', PARAM_ALPHA); $offset = optional_param('offset', -1, PARAM_INT); if ($id) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('scheduler', $id, 0, false, MUST_EXIST); $scheduler = scheduler_instance::load_by_coursemodule_id($id); } else { $a = required_param('a', PARAM_INT); // Scheduler ID. $scheduler = scheduler_instance::load_by_id($a); $cm = $scheduler->get_cm(); } $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course), '*', MUST_EXIST); $defaultsubpage = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm) ? 'myappointments' : 'allappointments'; $subpage = optional_param('subpage', $defaultsubpage, PARAM_ALPHA); require_login($course->id, false, $cm); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); // TODO require_capability('mod/scheduler:view', $context); // Initialize $PAGE, compute blocks. $PAGE->set_url('/mod/scheduler/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_scheduler'); // Print the page header. $strschedulers = get_string('modulenameplural', 'scheduler'); $strscheduler = get_string('modulename', 'scheduler'); $strtime = get_string('time');