$query_sort = 'users.user_colour_token ' . $sort_direction_upper; } elseif ($sort_column == 'played') { $query_sort = 'user_flag_played ' . $sort_direction_upper; } else { $query_sort = 'users.user_' . $sort_column . ' ' . $sort_direction_upper; } // Count the total number of users first $user_total_count = $db->get_value("SELECT count(user_id) AS total FROM mmrpg_users AS users WHERE users.user_id <> 0;", 'total'); // If the requested page would go over the limit, floor it if (ceil($show_limit * $sheet_number) > $user_total_count) { $sheet_number = ceil($user_total_count / $show_limit); $row_offset = $show_limit * ($sheet_number - 1); } // Collect a list of all users in the database $user_fields = rpg_user::get_fields(true, 'users'); $user_roles_fields = rpg_user_role::get_fields(true, 'roles'); $user_query = "SELECT\n {$user_fields},\n {$user_roles_fields},\n (CASE WHEN leaderboard.board_points > 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS user_flag_played\n FROM mmrpg_users AS users\n LEFT JOIN mmrpg_roles AS roles ON roles.role_id = users.role_id\n LEFT JOIN mmrpg_leaderboard AS leaderboard ON leaderboard.user_id = users.user_id\n WHERE users.user_id <> 0\n ORDER BY {$query_sort}\n LIMIT {$row_offset}, {$show_limit}\n ;"; $user_index = $db->get_array_list($user_query, 'user_id'); $user_index_count = !empty($user_index) ? count($user_index) : 0; // Collect a leaderboard index so we can check if published $leaderboard_tokens = rpg_prototype::leaderboard_index_tokens(); // Collect a list of completed user sprite tokens $random_sprite = 'kalinka'; // Calculate the number of sheets to display $num_sheets = ceil($user_total_count / $show_limit); // Define a function for generating user sheet links $gen_page_link = function ($i, $show_active = true, $show_text = false) use($sort_column, $sort_direction, $show_limit, $sheet_number, $num_sheets) { $active = $show_active && $i == $sheet_number ? true : false; $visible = $i == 1 || $i == $num_sheets || abs($i - $sheet_number) < 5 ? true : false; $link = 'admin/users/sort=' . $sort_column . '-' . $sort_direction . '&show=' . $show_limit . '&sheet=' . $i; $class = 'link_inline' . ($active ? ' active' : '') . (!$visible ? ' compact' : '');
public static function print_database_markup($ability_info, $print_options = array()) { // Define the global variables global $mmrpg_index, $this_current_uri, $this_current_url; global $mmrpg_database_abilities, $mmrpg_database_abilities, $mmrpg_database_types; global $db; // Collect global indexes for easier search $mmrpg_types = rpg_type::get_index(); // Define the markup variable $this_markup = ''; // Define the print style defaults if (!isset($print_options['layout_style'])) { $print_options['layout_style'] = 'website'; } if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { if (!isset($print_options['show_basics'])) { $print_options['show_basics'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_icon'])) { $print_options['show_icon'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_sprites'])) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_robots'])) { $print_options['show_robots'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_records'])) { $print_options['show_records'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_footer'])) { $print_options['show_footer'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_key'])) { $print_options['show_key'] = false; } } elseif ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { if (!isset($print_options['show_basics'])) { $print_options['show_basics'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_icon'])) { $print_options['show_icon'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_sprites'])) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_robots'])) { $print_options['show_robots'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_records'])) { $print_options['show_records'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_footer'])) { $print_options['show_footer'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_key'])) { $print_options['show_key'] = false; } } elseif ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'event') { if (!isset($print_options['show_basics'])) { $print_options['show_basics'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_icon'])) { $print_options['show_icon'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_sprites'])) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_robots'])) { $print_options['show_robots'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_records'])) { $print_options['show_records'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_footer'])) { $print_options['show_footer'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_key'])) { $print_options['show_key'] = false; } } // Collect the ability sprite dimensions $ability_image_size = !empty($ability_info['ability_image_size']) ? $ability_info['ability_image_size'] : 40; $ability_image_size_text = $ability_image_size . 'x' . $ability_image_size; $ability_image_token = !empty($ability_info['ability_image']) ? $ability_info['ability_image'] : $ability_info['ability_token']; // Collect the ability's type for background display $ability_type_class = !empty($ability_info['ability_type']) ? $ability_info['ability_type'] : 'none'; if ($ability_type_class != 'none' && !empty($ability_info['ability_type2'])) { $ability_type_class .= '_' . $ability_info['ability_type2']; } elseif ($ability_type_class == 'none' && !empty($ability_info['ability_type2'])) { $ability_type_class = $ability_info['ability_type2']; } $ability_header_types = 'ability_type_' . $ability_type_class . ' '; // If this is a special category of item, it's a special type if (preg_match('/^item-score-ball-(red|blue|green|purple)$/i', $ability_info['ability_token'])) { $ability_info['ability_type_special'] = 'bonus'; } elseif (preg_match('/^item-super-(pellet|capsule)$/i', $ability_info['ability_token'])) { $ability_info['ability_type_special'] = 'multi'; } // Define the sprite sheet alt and title text $ability_sprite_size = $ability_image_size * 2; $ability_sprite_size_text = $ability_sprite_size . 'x' . $ability_sprite_size; $ability_sprite_title = $ability_info['ability_name']; //$ability_sprite_title = $ability_info['ability_number'].' '.$ability_info['ability_name']; //$ability_sprite_title .= ' Sprite Sheet | Robot Database | Mega Man RPG World'; // Define the sprite frame index for robot images $ability_sprite_frames = array('frame_01', 'frame_02', 'frame_03', 'frame_04', 'frame_05', 'frame_06', 'frame_07', 'frame_08', 'frame_09', 'frame_10'); // Limit any damage or recovery percents to 100% if (!empty($ability_info['ability_damage_percent']) && $ability_info['ability_damage'] > 100) { $ability_info['ability_damage'] = 100; } if (!empty($ability_info['ability_damage2_percent']) && $ability_info['ability_damage2'] > 100) { $ability_info['ability_damage2'] = 100; } if (!empty($ability_info['ability_recovery_percent']) && $ability_info['ability_recovery'] > 100) { $ability_info['ability_recovery'] = 100; } if (!empty($ability_info['ability_recovery2_percent']) && $ability_info['ability_recovery2'] > 100) { $ability_info['ability_recovery2'] = 100; } // Start the output buffer ob_start(); ?> <div class="database_container database_<?php echo $ability_info['ability_class'] == 'item' ? 'item' : 'ability'; ?> _container" data-token="<?php echo $ability_info['ability_token']; ?> " style="<?php echo $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact' ? 'margin-bottom: 2px !important;' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website' || $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <a class="anchor" id="<?php echo $ability_info['ability_token']; ?> "> </a> <?php } ?> <div class="subbody event event_triple event_visible" data-token="<?php echo $ability_info['ability_token']; ?> " style="<?php echo ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'event' ? 'margin: 0 !important; ' : '') . ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact' ? 'margin-bottom: 2px !important; ' : ''); ?> "> <?php if ($print_options['show_icon']) { ?> <div class="this_sprite sprite_left" style="height: 40px;"> <?php if ($print_options['show_icon']) { ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_key'] !== false) { ?> <div class="icon ability_type <?php echo $ability_header_types; ?> " style="font-size: 9px; line-height: 11px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 2px; padding: 0 0 1px !important;"><?php echo 'No.' . $ability_info['ability_key']; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($ability_image_token != 'ability') { ?> <div class="icon ability_type <?php echo $ability_header_types; ?> "><div style="background-image: url(i/a/<?php echo $ability_image_token; ?> /ir<?php echo $ability_image_size; ?> .png?<?php echo MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE; ?> ); background-color: #000000; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); " class="sprite sprite_ability sprite_40x40 sprite_40x40_icon sprite_size_<?php echo $ability_image_size_text; ?> sprite_size_<?php echo $ability_image_size_text; ?> _icon"><?php echo $ability_info['ability_name']; ?> 's Mugshot</div></div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="icon ability_type <?php echo $ability_header_types; ?> "><div style="background-image: none; background-color: #000000; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); " class="sprite sprite_ability sprite_40x40 sprite_40x40_icon sprite_size_<?php echo $ability_image_size_text; ?> sprite_size_<?php echo $ability_image_size_text; ?> _icon">No Image</div></div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_basics']) { ?> <h2 class="header header_left <?php echo $ability_header_types; ?> <?php echo !$print_options['show_icon'] ? 'noicon' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <a href="<?php echo preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' . preg_replace('/^item-/i', '', $ability_info['ability_token']) . '/' : 'database/abilities/' . $ability_info['ability_token'] . '/'; ?> "><?php echo $ability_info['ability_name']; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $ability_info['ability_name']; ?> 's Data <?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($ability_info['ability_type_special'])) { ?> <div class="header_core ability_type"><?php echo ucfirst($ability_info['ability_type_special']); ?> Type</div> <?php } elseif (!empty($ability_info['ability_type']) && !empty($ability_info['ability_type2'])) { ?> <div class="header_core ability_type"><?php echo ucfirst($ability_info['ability_type']) . ' / ' . ucfirst($ability_info['ability_type2']); ?> Type</div> <?php } elseif (!empty($ability_info['ability_type'])) { ?> <div class="header_core ability_type"><?php echo ucfirst($ability_info['ability_type']); ?> Type</div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="header_core ability_type">Neutral Type</div> <?php } ?> </h2> <div class="body body_left" style="margin-right: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 2px 0; min-height: 10px; <?php echo !$print_options['show_icon'] ? 'margin-left: 0; ' : ''; echo $print_options['layout_style'] == 'event' ? 'font-size: 10px; min-height: 150px; ' : ''; ?> "> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="48%" /> <col width="1%" /> <col width="48%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Name :</label> <span class="ability_type ability_type_"><?php echo $ability_info['ability_name']; ?> </span> </td> <td class="center"> </td> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Type :</label> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { ?> <?php if (!empty($ability_info['ability_type_special'])) { echo '<a href="' . ((preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' : 'database/abilities/') . $ability_info['ability_type_special'] . '/') . '" class="ability_type ' . $ability_header_types . '">' . ucfirst($ability_info['ability_type_special']) . '</a>'; } elseif (!empty($ability_info['ability_type'])) { $temp_string = array(); $ability_type = !empty($ability_info['ability_type']) ? $ability_info['ability_type'] : 'none'; $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . ((preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' : 'database/abilities/') . $ability_type . '/') . '" class="ability_type ability_type_' . $ability_type . '">' . $mmrpg_types[$ability_type]['type_name'] . '</a>'; if (!empty($ability_info['ability_type2'])) { $ability_type2 = !empty($ability_info['ability_type2']) ? $ability_info['ability_type2'] : 'none'; $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . ((preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' : 'database/abilities/') . $ability_type2 . '/') . '" class="ability_type ability_type_' . $ability_type2 . '">' . $mmrpg_types[$ability_type2]['type_name'] . '</a>'; } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<a href="' . ((preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' : 'database/abilities/') . 'none/') . '" class="ability_type ability_type_none">Neutral</a>'; } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php if (!empty($ability_info['ability_type_special'])) { echo '<span class="ability_type ' . $ability_header_types . '">' . ucfirst($ability_info['ability_type_special']) . '</span>'; } elseif (!empty($ability_info['ability_type'])) { $temp_string = array(); $ability_type = !empty($ability_info['ability_type']) ? $ability_info['ability_type'] : 'none'; $temp_string[] = '<span class="ability_type ability_type_' . $ability_type . '">' . $mmrpg_types[$ability_type]['type_name'] . '</span>'; if (!empty($ability_info['ability_type2'])) { $ability_type2 = !empty($ability_info['ability_type2']) ? $ability_info['ability_type2'] : 'none'; $temp_string[] = '<span class="ability_type ability_type_' . $ability_type2 . '">' . $mmrpg_types[$ability_type2]['type_name'] . '</span>'; } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="ability_type ability_type_none">Neutral</span>'; } ?> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if ($ability_info['ability_class'] != 'item') { ?> <?php if ($ability_image_token != 'ability') { ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Power :</label> <?php if (!empty($ability_info['ability_damage']) || !empty($ability_info['ability_recovery'])) { ?> <?php if (!empty($ability_info['ability_damage'])) { ?> <span class="ability_stat"><?php echo $ability_info['ability_damage'] . (!empty($ability_info['ability_damage_percent']) ? '%' : ''); ?> Damage</span><?php } ?> <?php if (!empty($ability_info['ability_recovery'])) { ?> <span class="ability_stat"><?php echo $ability_info['ability_recovery'] . (!empty($ability_info['ability_recovery_percent']) ? '%' : ''); ?> Recovery</span><?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <span class="ability_stat">-</span> <?php } ?> </td> <td class="center"> </td> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Accuracy :</label> <span class="ability_stat"><?php echo $ability_info['ability_accuracy'] . '%'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Energy :</label> <span class="ability_stat"><?php echo (!empty($ability_info['ability_energy']) ? $ability_info['ability_energy'] : '-') . (!empty($ability_info['ability_energy_percent']) ? '%' : ''); ?> </span> </td> <td class="center"> </td> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Speed :</label> <span class="ability_stat"><?php echo !empty($ability_info['ability_speed']) ? $ability_info['ability_speed'] : '1'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <?php } else { ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Power :</label> <span class="ability_stat">-</span> </td> <td class="center"> </td> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Accuracy :</label> <span class="ability_stat">-</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Energy :</label> <span class="ability_stat">-</span> </td> <td class="center"> </td> <td class="right"> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Speed :</label> <span class="ability_stat">-</span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="100%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td class="right"> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { ?> <label style="display: block; float: left;">Description :</label> <?php } ?> <div class="description_container" style="white-space: normal; text-align: left; <?php echo $print_options['layout_style'] == 'event' ? 'font-size: 12px; ' : ''; ?> "><?php // Define the search/replace pairs for the description $temp_find = array('{DAMAGE}', '{RECOVERY}', '{DAMAGE2}', '{RECOVERY2}', '{}'); $temp_replace = array(!empty($ability_info['ability_damage']) ? $ability_info['ability_damage'] : 0, !empty($ability_info['ability_recovery']) ? $ability_info['ability_recovery'] : 0, !empty($ability_info['ability_damage2']) ? $ability_info['ability_damage2'] : 0, !empty($ability_info['ability_recovery2']) ? $ability_info['ability_recovery2'] : 0, ''); $temp_description = !empty($ability_info['ability_description']) ? $ability_info['ability_description'] : ''; if (!empty($ability_info['ability_description2'])) { $temp_description .= ' ' . $ability_info['ability_description2']; } echo !empty($temp_description) ? str_replace($temp_find, $temp_replace, $temp_description) : '…'; ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_sprites'] && (!isset($ability_info['ability_image_sheets']) || $ability_info['ability_image_sheets'] !== 0) && $ability_image_token != 'ability') { ?> <?php // Start the output buffer and prepare to collect sprites ob_start(); // Define the alts we'll be looping through for this ability $temp_alts_array = array(); $temp_alts_array[] = array('token' => '', 'name' => $ability_info['ability_name'], 'summons' => 0); // Append predefined alts automatically, based on the ability image alt array if (!empty($ability_info['ability_image_alts'])) { $temp_alts_array = array_merge($temp_alts_array, $ability_info['ability_image_alts']); } elseif ($ability_info['ability_type'] == 'copy' && preg_match('/^(mega-man|proto-man|bass)$/i', $ability_info['ability_token'])) { foreach ($mmrpg_database_types as $type_token => $type_info) { if (empty($type_token) || $type_token == 'none' || $type_token == 'copy') { continue; } $temp_alts_array[] = array('token' => $type_token, 'name' => $ability_info['ability_name'] . ' (' . ucfirst($type_token) . ' Core)', 'summons' => 0); } } elseif (!empty($ability_info['ability_image_sheets'])) { for ($i = 2; $i <= $ability_info['ability_image_sheets']; $i++) { $temp_alts_array[] = array('sheet' => $i, 'name' => $ability_info['ability_name'] . ' (Sheet #' . $i . ')', 'summons' => 0); } } // Loop through the alts and display images for them (yay!) foreach ($temp_alts_array as $alt_key => $alt_info) { // Define the current image token with alt in mind $temp_ability_image_token = $ability_image_token; $temp_ability_image_token .= !empty($alt_info['token']) ? '_' . $alt_info['token'] : ''; $temp_ability_image_token .= !empty($alt_info['sheet']) ? '-' . $alt_info['sheet'] : ''; $temp_ability_image_name = $alt_info['name']; // Update the alt array with this info $temp_alts_array[$alt_key]['image'] = $temp_ability_image_token; // Collect the number of sheets $temp_sheet_number = !empty($ability_info['ability_image_sheets']) ? $ability_info['ability_image_sheets'] : 1; // Loop through the different frames and print out the sprite sheets foreach (array('right', 'left') as $temp_direction) { $temp_direction2 = substr($temp_direction, 0, 1); $temp_embed = '[ability:' . $temp_direction . ']{' . $temp_ability_image_token . '}'; $temp_title = $temp_ability_image_name . ' | Icon Sprite ' . ucfirst($temp_direction); $temp_title .= '<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">' . $temp_embed . '</div>'; $temp_title = htmlentities($temp_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true); $temp_label = 'Icon ' . ucfirst(substr($temp_direction, 0, 1)); echo '<div class="frame_container" data-clickcopy="' . $temp_embed . '" data-direction="' . $temp_direction . '" data-image="' . $temp_ability_image_token . '" data-frame="icon" style="padding-top: 20px; float: left; position: relative; margin: 0; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); width: ' . $ability_sprite_size . 'px; height: ' . $ability_sprite_size . 'px; overflow: hidden;">'; echo '<img style="margin-left: 0;" data-tooltip="' . $temp_title . '" src="i/a/' . $temp_ability_image_token . '/i' . $temp_direction2 . $ability_sprite_size . '.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '" />'; echo '<label style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 0; color: #EFEFEF; font-size: 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);">' . $temp_label . '</label>'; echo '</div>'; } // Loop through the different frames and print out the sprite sheets foreach ($ability_sprite_frames as $this_key => $this_frame) { $margin_left = ceil((0 - $this_key) * $ability_sprite_size); $frame_relative = $this_frame; //if ($temp_sheet > 1){ $frame_relative = 'frame_'.str_pad((($temp_sheet - 1) * count($ability_sprite_frames) + $this_key + 1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $frame_relative_text = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $frame_relative)); foreach (array('right', 'left') as $temp_direction) { $temp_direction2 = substr($temp_direction, 0, 1); $temp_embed = '[ability:' . $temp_direction . ':' . $frame_relative . ']{' . $temp_ability_image_token . '}'; $temp_title = $temp_ability_image_name . ' | ' . $frame_relative_text . ' Sprite ' . ucfirst($temp_direction); $temp_title .= '<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">' . $temp_embed . '</div>'; $temp_title = htmlentities($temp_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true); $temp_label = $frame_relative_text . ' ' . ucfirst(substr($temp_direction, 0, 1)); //$image_token = !empty($ability_info['ability_image']) ? $ability_info['ability_image'] : $ability_info['ability_token']; //if ($temp_sheet > 1){ $temp_ability_image_token .= '-'.$temp_sheet; } echo '<div class="frame_container" data-clickcopy="' . $temp_embed . '" data-direction="' . $temp_direction . '" data-image="' . $temp_ability_image_token . '" data-frame="' . $frame_relative . '" style="padding-top: 20px; float: left; position: relative; margin: 0; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); width: ' . $ability_sprite_size . 'px; height: ' . $ability_sprite_size . 'px; overflow: hidden;">'; echo '<img style="margin-left: ' . $margin_left . 'px;" title="' . $temp_title . '" alt="' . $temp_title . '" src="i/a/' . $temp_ability_image_token . '/s' . $temp_direction2 . $ability_sprite_size . '.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '" />'; echo '<label style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 0; color: #EFEFEF; font-size: 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);">' . $temp_label . '</label>'; echo '</div>'; } } } // Collect the sprite markup from the output buffer for later $this_sprite_markup = ob_get_clean(); ?> <h2 id="sprites" class="header header_full <?php echo $ability_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left;"> <?php echo $ability_info['ability_name']; ?> 's Sprites <span class="header_links image_link_container"> <span class="images" style="<?php echo count($temp_alts_array) == 1 ? 'visibility: hidden;' : ''; ?> "><?php // Loop though and print links for the alts foreach ($temp_alts_array as $alt_key => $alt_info) { $alt_type = ''; $alt_style = ''; $alt_title = $alt_info['name']; if (preg_match('/^(?:[-_a-z0-9\\s]+)\\s\\(([a-z0-9]+)\\sCore\\)$/i', $alt_info['name'])) { $alt_type = strtolower(preg_replace('/^(?:[-_a-z0-9\\s]+)\\s\\(([a-z0-9]+)\\sCore\\)$/i', '$1', $alt_info['name'])); $alt_name = '•'; //ucfirst($alt_type); //substr(ucfirst($alt_type), 0, 2); $alt_type = 'ability_type ability_type_' . $alt_type . ' core_type '; $alt_style = 'border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; '; } else { $alt_name = $alt_key + 1; //$alt_key == 0 ? $ability_info['ability_name'] : 'Alt'.($alt_key > 1 ? ' '.$alt_key : ''); //$alt_key == 0 ? $ability_info['ability_name'] : $ability_info['ability_name'].' Alt'.($alt_key > 1 ? ' '.$alt_key : ''); $alt_type = 'ability_type ability_type_empty '; $alt_style = 'border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; '; //if ($ability_info['ability_type'] == 'copy' && $alt_key == 0){ $alt_type = 'ability_type ability_type_empty '; } } echo '<a href="#" data-tooltip="' . $alt_title . '" class="link link_image ' . ($alt_key == 0 ? 'link_active ' : '') . '" data-image="' . $alt_info['image'] . '">'; echo '<span class="' . $alt_type . '" style="' . $alt_style . '">' . $alt_name . '</span>'; echo '</a>'; } ?> </span> <span class="pipe" style="<?php echo count($temp_alts_array) == 1 ? 'visibility: hidden;' : ''; ?> ">|</span> <span class="directions"><?php // Loop though and print links for the alts foreach (array('right', 'left') as $temp_key => $temp_direction) { echo '<a href="#" data-tooltip="' . ucfirst($temp_direction) . ' Facing Sprites" class="link link_direction ' . ($temp_key == 0 ? 'link_active' : '') . '" data-direction="' . $temp_direction . '">'; echo '<span class="ability_type ability_type_empty" style="border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; ">' . ucfirst($temp_direction) . '</span>'; echo '</a>'; } ?> </span> </span> </h2> <div id="sprites_body" class="body body_full" style="margin: 0; padding: 10px; min-height: auto;"> <div style="border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20); border-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; background: #4d4d4d url(images/assets/sprite-grid.gif) scroll repeat -10px -30px; overflow: hidden; padding: 10px 30px;"> <?php echo $this_sprite_markup; ?> </div> <? // Collect the sprite contributor index for display $user_fields = rpg_user::get_fields(true, 'user'); $user_role_fields = rpg_user_role::get_fields(true, 'role'); $contributor_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT {$user_fields}, {$user_role_fields}, (CASE WHEN user.user_name_public <> '' THEN user.user_name_public ELSE user.user_name END) AS user_name_current FROM mmrpg_users AS user LEFT JOIN mmrpg_roles AS role ON role.role_id = user.role_id WHERE role.role_token IN ('developer', 'administrator', 'contributor', 'moderator') ORDER BY user_name_current ASC; ", 'user_id'); // Define the editor title based on ID $temp_editor_title = 'Undefined'; $temp_final_divider = '<span style="color: #565656;"> | </span>'; $temp_editor_ids = array(); // Check if an image editor ID has been defined if (!empty($ability_info['ability_image_editor']) && isset($contributor_index[$ability_info['ability_image_editor']])){ $temp_editor_ids[] = $ability_info['ability_image_editor']; } // Check if a second image editor ID has been defined if (!empty($ability_info['ability_image_editor2']) && isset($contributor_index[$ability_info['ability_image_editor2']])){ $temp_editor_ids[] = $ability_info['ability_image_editor2']; } // If not empty, loop through and add image editors to the string if (!empty($temp_editor_ids)){ $temp_editor_title = array(); foreach ($temp_editor_ids AS $editor_id){ $temp_editor = $contributor_index[$editor_id]; $temp_name_public = !empty($temp_editor['user_name_public']) ? $temp_editor['user_name_public'] : $temp_editor['user_name']; $temp_name_real = !empty($temp_editor['user_name']) ? $temp_editor['user_name'] : $temp_editor['user_name_clean']; $temp_name_public_clean = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '', strtolower($temp_name_public)); $temp_name_real_clean = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '', strtolower($temp_name_real)); if ($temp_name_public_clean != $temp_name_real_clean){ $temp_editor_title[] = '<strong>'.$temp_name_public.' / '.$temp_name_real.'</strong>'; } else { $temp_editor_title[] = '<strong>'.$temp_name_public.'</strong>'; } } if (count($temp_editor_title) > 1){ $temp_final_divider = '<br />'; } $temp_editor_title = implode(' and ', $temp_editor_title); } // Print out the final credits footer based on if special case or Capcom original if ($ability_info['ability_game'] == 'MMRPG'){ echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Artwork by <strong>Mega Man RPG Prototype</strong></p>'."\n"; } elseif ($ability_info['ability_game'] == 'MMRPG2'){ echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Artwork by <strong>Mega Man RPG World</strong></p>'."\n"; } else { echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Artwork by <strong>Capcom</strong></p>'."\n"; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_robots'] && $ability_info['ability_class'] != 'item') { ?> <h2 class="header header_full <?php echo $ability_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left;"> <?php echo $ability_info['ability_name']; ?> 's Robots </h2> <div class="body body_full" style="margin: 0; padding: 2px 3px;"> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="100%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td class="right"> <div class="robot_container"> <?php // Collect the full robot index to loop through $ability_type_one = !empty($ability_info['ability_type']) ? $ability_info['ability_type'] : false; $ability_type_two = !empty($ability_info['ability_type2']) ? $ability_info['ability_type2'] : false; $ability_robot_rewards = array(); $ability_robot_rewards_level = array(); $ability_robot_rewards_core = array(); $ability_robot_rewards_player = array(); // Collect a FULL list of abilities for display $temp_required = array(); if (!empty($ability_info['ability_master'])) { $temp_required[] = $ability_info['ability_master']; } $temp_robots_index = rpg_robot::get_index(false, false, 'master', $temp_required); // Loop through and remove any robots that do not learn the ability foreach ($temp_robots_index as $robot_token => $robot_info) { // Define the match flah to prevent doubling up $temp_match_flag = false; // Loop through this robot's ability rewards one by one foreach ($robot_info['robot_rewards']['abilities'] as $temp_info) { // If the temp info's type token matches this ability if ($temp_info['token'] == $ability_info['ability_token']) { // Add this ability to the rewards list $ability_robot_rewards_level[] = array_merge($robot_info, array('token' => $robot_info['robot_token'], 'level' => $temp_info['level'])); $temp_match_flag = true; break; } } // If a type match was found, continue if ($temp_match_flag) { continue; } // If this ability's type matches the robot's first if (!empty($robot_info['robot_core']) && ($robot_info['robot_core'] == $ability_type_one || $robot_info['robot_core'] == $ability_type_two)) { // Add this ability to the rewards list $ability_robot_rewards_core[] = array_merge($robot_info, array('token' => $robot_info['robot_token'], 'level' => 'core')); continue; } // If this ability's type matches the robot's second if (!empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) && ($robot_info['robot_core2'] == $ability_type_one || $robot_info['robot_core2'] == $ability_type_two)) { // Add this ability to the rewards list $ability_robot_rewards_core[] = array_merge($robot_info, array('token' => $robot_info['robot_token'], 'level' => 'core')); continue; } // If a type match was found, continue if ($temp_match_flag) { continue; } // If this ability's in the robot's list of player-only abilities if (!empty($robot_info['robot_abilities']) && in_array($ability_info['ability_token'], $robot_info['robot_abilities']) || !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) && $robot_info['robot_core'] == 'copy' || !empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) && $robot_info['robot_core2'] == 'copy') { // Add this ability to the rewards list $ability_robot_rewards_player[] = array_merge($robot_info, array('token' => $robot_info['robot_token'], 'level' => 'player')); continue; } // If a type match was found, continue if ($temp_match_flag) { continue; } } // Combine the arrays together into one $ability_robot_rewards = array_merge($ability_robot_rewards_level, $ability_robot_rewards_core, $ability_robot_rewards_player); // Loop through the collected robots if there are any if (!empty($ability_robot_rewards)) { $temp_string = array(); $robot_key = 0; $robot_method_key = 0; $robot_method = ''; $temp_global_abilities = self::get_global_abilities(); foreach ($ability_robot_rewards as $this_info) { $this_level = $this_info['level']; $this_robot = $temp_robots_index[$this_info['token']]; $this_robot_token = $this_robot['robot_token']; $this_robot_name = $this_robot['robot_name']; $this_robot_image = !empty($this_robot['robot_image']) ? $this_robot['robot_image'] : $this_robot['robot_token']; $this_robot_energy = !empty($this_robot['robot_energy']) ? $this_robot['robot_energy'] : 0; $this_robot_attack = !empty($this_robot['robot_attack']) ? $this_robot['robot_attack'] : 0; $this_robot_defense = !empty($this_robot['robot_defense']) ? $this_robot['robot_defense'] : 0; $this_robot_speed = !empty($this_robot['robot_speed']) ? $this_robot['robot_speed'] : 0; $this_robot_method = 'level'; $this_robot_method_text = 'Level Up'; $this_robot_title_html = '<strong class="name">' . $this_robot_name . '</strong>'; if (is_numeric($this_level)) { if ($this_level > 1) { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="level">Lv ' . str_pad($this_level, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</span>'; } else { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="level">Start</span>'; } } else { if ($this_level == 'core') { $this_robot_method = 'core'; $this_robot_method_text = 'Core Match'; } elseif ($this_level == 'player') { $this_robot_method = 'player'; $this_robot_method_text = 'Player Only'; } $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="level"> </span>'; } $this_stat_base_total = $this_robot_energy + $this_robot_attack + $this_robot_defense + $this_robot_speed; $this_stat_width_total = 84; if (!empty($this_robot['robot_core'])) { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="robot_core type_' . $this_robot['robot_core'] . '">' . ucwords($this_robot['robot_core'] . (!empty($this_robot['robot_core2']) ? ' / ' . $this_robot['robot_core2'] : '')) . ' Core</span>'; } else { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="robot_core type_none">Neutral Core</span>'; } $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="class">' . (!empty($this_robot['robot_description']) ? $this_robot['robot_description'] : '…') . '</span>'; if (!empty($this_robot_speed)) { $temp_speed_width = floor($this_stat_width_total * ($this_robot_speed / $this_stat_base_total)); } if (!empty($this_robot_defense)) { $temp_defense_width = floor($this_stat_width_total * ($this_robot_defense / $this_stat_base_total)); } if (!empty($this_robot_attack)) { $temp_attack_width = floor($this_stat_width_total * ($this_robot_attack / $this_stat_base_total)); } if (!empty($this_robot_energy)) { $temp_energy_width = $this_stat_width_total - ($temp_speed_width + $temp_defense_width + $temp_attack_width); } if (!empty($this_robot_energy)) { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="energy robot_type robot_type_energy" style="width: ' . $temp_energy_width . '%;" title="' . $this_robot_energy . ' Energy">' . $this_robot_energy . '</span>'; } if (!empty($this_robot_attack)) { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="attack robot_type robot_type_attack" style="width: ' . $temp_attack_width . '%;" title="' . $this_robot_attack . ' Attack">' . $this_robot_attack . '</span>'; } if (!empty($this_robot_defense)) { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="defense robot_type robot_type_defense" style="width: ' . $temp_defense_width . '%;" title="' . $this_robot_defense . ' Defense">' . $this_robot_defense . '</span>'; } if (!empty($this_robot_speed)) { $this_robot_title_html .= '<span class="speed robot_type robot_type_speed" style="width: ' . $temp_speed_width . '%;" title="' . $this_robot_speed . ' Speed">' . $this_robot_speed . '</span>'; } $this_robot_sprite_size = !empty($this_robot['robot_image_size']) ? $this_robot['robot_image_size'] : 40; $this_robot_sprite_path = 'images/sprites/robots/' . $this_robot_image . '/mug_left_' . $this_robot_sprite_size . 'x' . $this_robot_sprite_size . '.png'; if (!file_exists(MMRPG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR . $this_robot_sprite_path)) { $this_robot_image = 'robot'; $this_robot_sprite_path = 'i/r/robot/ml40.png'; } else { $this_robot_sprite_path = 'i/r/' . $this_robot_image . '/ml' . $this_robot_sprite_size . '.png'; } if ($this_robot_image != 'robot') { $this_robot_sprite_html = '<span class="mug"><img class="size_' . $this_robot_sprite_size . 'x' . $this_robot_sprite_size . '" src="' . $this_robot_sprite_path . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '" alt="' . $this_robot_name . ' Mug" /></span>'; } else { $this_robot_sprite_html = '<span class="mug"></span>'; } $this_robot_title_html = '<span class="label">' . $this_robot_title_html . '</span>'; //$this_robot_title_html = (is_numeric($this_level) && $this_level > 1 ? 'Lv '.str_pad($this_level, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' : ' : $this_level.' : ').$this_robot_title_html; if ($robot_method != $this_robot_method) { if ($this_robot_method == 'level' && $ability_info['ability_token'] == 'buster-shot') { continue; } $temp_separator = '<div class="robot_separator">' . $this_robot_method_text . '</div>'; $temp_string[] = $temp_separator; $robot_method = $this_robot_method; $robot_method_key++; // Print out the disclaimer if a global ability if (in_array($ability_info['ability_token'], $temp_global_abilities)) { $temp_string[] = '<div class="" style="margin: 10px auto; text-align: center; color: #767676; font-size: 11px;">' . $ability_info['ability_name'] . ' can be equipped by <em>any</em> robot master!</div>'; } } // If this is a global ability, don't bother showing EVERY compatible robot if ($this_robot_method == 'level' && $ability_info['ability_token'] == 'buster-shot' || $this_robot_method != 'level' && in_array($ability_info['ability_token'], $temp_global_abilities)) { continue; } if ($this_level >= 0) { //title="'.$this_robot_title_plain.'" $temp_markup = '<a href="' . MMRPG_CONFIG_ROOTURL . 'database/robots/' . $this_robot['robot_token'] . '/" class="robot_name robot_type robot_type_' . (!empty($this_robot['robot_core']) ? $this_robot['robot_core'] . (!empty($this_robot['robot_core2']) ? '_' . $this_robot['robot_core2'] : '') : 'none') . '" style="' . ($this_robot_image == 'robot' ? 'opacity: 0.3; ' : '') . '">'; $temp_markup .= '<span class="chrome">' . $this_robot_sprite_html . $this_robot_title_html . '</span>'; $temp_markup .= '</a>'; $temp_string[] = $temp_markup; $robot_key++; continue; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_ability robot_type_none"><span class="chrome">Neutral</span></span>'; } ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink permalink" href="<?php echo preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' . preg_replace('/^item-/i', '', $ability_info['ability_token']) . '/' : 'database/abilities/' . $ability_info['ability_token'] . '/'; ?> " rel="permalink">+ Permalink</a> <?php } elseif ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink permalink" href="<?php echo preg_match('/^item-/', $ability_info['ability_token']) ? 'database/items/' . preg_replace('/^item-/i', '', $ability_info['ability_token']) . '/' : 'database/abilities/' . $ability_info['ability_token'] . '/'; ?> " rel="permalink">+ View More</a> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // Collect the outbut buffer contents $this_markup = trim(ob_get_clean()); // Return the generated markup return $this_markup; }
</div>'); } */ /* * INDEX PAGE : FILE */ // Define the SEO variables for this page //$this_seo_title = 'File | '.$this_seo_title; //$this_seo_description = 'Mega Man RPG World is a browser-based fangame that combines the mechanics of both the Pokémon and Mega Man series of video games into one strange and wonderful little time waster.'; // Define the MARKUP variables for this page //$this_markup_header = 'Mega Man RPG World File'; // Include the database index array files require 'database/types.php'; require 'database/robots.php'; // Collect an index of user roles for display $role_fields = rpg_user_role::get_fields(true); $this_roles_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT {$role_fields} FROM mmrpg_roles ORDER BY role_id ASC", 'role_id'); $this_fields_index = rpg_field::get_index(); // Collect the current request type if set $this_action = $this_current_sub; $allow_fadein = true; // Define the allowable actions in this script $allowed_actions = array('save', 'new', 'load', 'unload', 'reset', 'exit', 'game', 'profile'); // If this action is not allowed, kill the script if (empty($this_action)) { die('An action must be defined!'); } elseif (!in_array($this_action, $allowed_actions)) { die(ucfirst($this_action) . ' is not an allowed action!'); } else { $allow_fadein = false; }
public static function print_database_markup($robot_info, $print_options = array(), $cache_markup = false) { // Define the markup variable $this_markup = ''; // Define the global variables global $mmrpg_index, $this_current_uri, $this_current_url, $db; global $mmrpg_database_players, $mmrpg_database_items, $mmrpg_database_fields, $mmrpg_database_types; global $mmrpg_stat_base_max_value; // Collect the approriate database indexes if (empty($mmrpg_database_players)) { $mmrpg_database_players = rpg_player::get_index(true); } if (empty($mmrpg_database_items)) { $mmrpg_database_items = rpg_item::get_index(true); } if (empty($mmrpg_database_fields)) { $mmrpg_database_fields = rpg_field::get_index(true); } if (empty($mmrpg_database_types)) { $mmrpg_database_types = rpg_type::get_index(); } // Define the print style defaults if (!isset($print_options['layout_style'])) { $print_options['layout_style'] = 'website'; } if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { if (!isset($print_options['show_basics'])) { $print_options['show_basics'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_mugshot'])) { $print_options['show_mugshot'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_quotes'])) { $print_options['show_quotes'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_description'])) { $print_options['show_description'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_sprites'])) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_abilities'])) { $print_options['show_abilities'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_records'])) { $print_options['show_records'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_footer'])) { $print_options['show_footer'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_key'])) { $print_options['show_key'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_stats'])) { $print_options['show_stats'] = true; } } elseif ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { if (!isset($print_options['show_basics'])) { $print_options['show_basics'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_mugshot'])) { $print_options['show_mugshot'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_quotes'])) { $print_options['show_quotes'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_description'])) { $print_options['show_description'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_sprites'])) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_abilities'])) { $print_options['show_abilities'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_records'])) { $print_options['show_records'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_footer'])) { $print_options['show_footer'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_key'])) { $print_options['show_key'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_stats'])) { $print_options['show_stats'] = false; } } elseif ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'event') { if (!isset($print_options['show_basics'])) { $print_options['show_basics'] = true; } if (!isset($print_options['show_mugshot'])) { $print_options['show_mugshot'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_quotes'])) { $print_options['show_quotes'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_description'])) { $print_options['show_description'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_sprites'])) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_abilities'])) { $print_options['show_abilities'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_records'])) { $print_options['show_records'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_footer'])) { $print_options['show_footer'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_key'])) { $print_options['show_key'] = false; } if (!isset($print_options['show_stats'])) { $print_options['show_stats'] = false; } } // Collect the robot sprite dimensions $robot_image_size = !empty($robot_info['robot_image_size']) ? $robot_info['robot_image_size'] : 40; $robot_image_size_text = $robot_image_size . 'x' . $robot_image_size; $robot_image_token = !empty($robot_info['robot_image']) ? $robot_info['robot_image'] : $robot_info['robot_token']; //die('<pre>$robot_info = '.print_r($robot_info, true).'</pre>'); // Collect the robot's type for background display $robot_header_types = 'type_' . (!empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? $robot_info['robot_core'] . (!empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) ? '_' . $robot_info['robot_core2'] : '') : 'none') . ' '; // Define the sprite sheet alt and title text $robot_sprite_size = $robot_image_size * 2; $robot_sprite_size_text = $robot_sprite_size . 'x' . $robot_sprite_size; $robot_sprite_title = $robot_info['robot_name']; // Prepare the variable for extra text $robot_info['robot_name_append'] = ''; // Define the sprite frame index for robot images $robot_sprite_frames = array('base', 'taunt', 'victory', 'defeat', 'shoot', 'throw', 'summon', 'slide', 'defend', 'damage', 'base2'); // Collect the field info if applicable $field_info_array = array(); $temp_robot_fields = array(); if (!empty($robot_info['robot_field']) && $robot_info['robot_field'] != 'field') { $temp_robot_fields[] = $robot_info['robot_field']; } if (!empty($robot_info['robot_field2'])) { $temp_robot_fields = array_merge($temp_robot_fields, $robot_info['robot_field2']); } if ($temp_robot_fields) { foreach ($temp_robot_fields as $key => $token) { if (!empty($mmrpg_database_fields[$token])) { $field_info_array[] = rpg_field::parse_index_info($mmrpg_database_fields[$token]); } } } // Define the class token for this robot $robot_class_token = ''; $robot_class_token_plural = ''; if ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { $robot_class_token = 'robot'; $robot_class_token_plural = 'robots'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha') { $robot_class_token = 'mecha'; $robot_class_token_plural = 'mechas'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'boss') { $robot_class_token = 'boss'; $robot_class_token_plural = 'bosses'; } // Define the default class tokens for "empty" images $default_robot_class_tokens = array('robot', 'mecha', 'boss'); // Automatically disable sections if content is unavailable if (empty($robot_info['robot_description2'])) { $print_options['show_description'] = false; } if (isset($robot_info['robot_image_sheets']) && $robot_info['robot_image_sheets'] === 0) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = false; } elseif (in_array($robot_image_token, $default_robot_class_tokens)) { $print_options['show_sprites'] = false; } // Define the base URLs for this robot $database_url = 'database/'; $database_category_url = $database_url; if ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { $database_category_url .= 'robots/'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha') { $database_category_url .= 'mechas/'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'boss') { $database_category_url .= 'bosses/'; } $database_category_robot_url = $database_category_url . $robot_info['robot_token'] . '/'; // Calculate the robot base stat total $robot_info['robot_total'] = 0; $robot_info['robot_total'] += $robot_info['robot_energy']; $robot_info['robot_total'] += $robot_info['robot_attack']; $robot_info['robot_total'] += $robot_info['robot_defense']; $robot_info['robot_total'] += $robot_info['robot_speed']; // Calculate this robot's maximum base stat for reference $robot_info['robot_max_stat_name'] = 'unknown'; $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value'] = 0; $temp_types = array('energy', 'attack', 'defense', 'speed'); foreach ($temp_types as $type) { if ($robot_info['robot_' . $type] > $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value']) { $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value'] = $robot_info['robot_' . $type]; $robot_info['robot_max_stat_name'] = $type; } } // Collect the database records for this robot if ($print_options['show_records']) { global $db; $temp_robot_records = array('robot_encountered' => 0, 'robot_defeated' => 0, 'robot_unlocked' => 0, 'robot_summoned' => 0, 'robot_scanned' => 0); //$temp_robot_records['player_count'] = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(board_id) AS player_count FROM mmrpg_leaderboard WHERE board_robots LIKE '%[".$robot_info['robot_token'].":%' AND board_points > 0", 'player_count'); $temp_player_query = "SELECT\n mmrpg_saves.user_id,\n mmrpg_saves.save_values_robot_database,\n mmrpg_leaderboard.board_points\n FROM mmrpg_saves\n LEFT JOIN mmrpg_leaderboard ON mmrpg_leaderboard.user_id = mmrpg_saves.user_id\n WHERE mmrpg_saves.save_values_robot_database LIKE '%\"{$robot_info['robot_token']}\"%' AND mmrpg_leaderboard.board_points > 0;"; $temp_player_list = $db->get_array_list($temp_player_query); if (!empty($temp_player_list)) { foreach ($temp_player_list as $temp_data) { $temp_values = !empty($temp_data['save_values_robot_database']) ? json_decode($temp_data['save_values_robot_database'], true) : array(); $temp_entry = !empty($temp_values[$robot_info['robot_token']]) ? $temp_values[$robot_info['robot_token']] : array(); foreach ($temp_robot_records as $temp_record => $temp_count) { if (!empty($temp_entry[$temp_record])) { $temp_robot_records[$temp_record] += $temp_entry[$temp_record]; } } } } $temp_values = array(); //echo '<pre>'.print_r($temp_robot_records, true).'</pre>'; } // Define the common stat container variables $stat_container_percent = 74; $stat_base_max_value = 2000; $stat_padding_area = 76; if (!empty($mmrpg_stat_base_max_value[$robot_info['robot_class']])) { $stat_base_max_value = $mmrpg_stat_base_max_value[$robot_info['robot_class']]; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { $stat_base_max_value = 400; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha') { $stat_base_max_value = 400; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'boss') { $stat_base_max_value = 2000; } // If this is a mecha class, do not show potential stat totals... for now //if ($robot_info['robot_class'] != 'master'){ // $print_options['show_stats'] = false; //} // Define the variable to hold compact footer link markup $compact_footer_link_markup = array(); //$compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link link_permalink" href="'.$database_category_robot_url.'">+ Huh?</a>'; // Add a link to the sprites in the compact footer markup if (!in_array($robot_image_token, $default_robot_class_tokens)) { $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link" href="' . $database_category_robot_url . '#sprites">#Sprites</a>'; } if (!empty($robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_start'])) { $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link" href="' . $database_category_robot_url . '#quotes">#Quotes</a>'; } if (!empty($robot_info['robot_description2'])) { $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link" href="' . $database_category_robot_url . '#description">#Description</a>'; } if (!empty($robot_info['robot_abilities'])) { $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link" href="' . $database_category_robot_url . '#abilities">#Abilities</a>'; } $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link" href="' . $database_category_robot_url . '#stats">#Stats</a>'; $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link" href="' . $database_category_robot_url . '#records">#Records</a>'; /* $compact_footer_link_markup[] = '<a class="link '.$robot_header_types.'" href="'.$database_category_robot_url.'">View More</a>'; */ // Start the output buffer ob_start(); /*<div class="database_container database_<?= $robot_class_token ?>_container database_<?= $print_options['layout_style'] ?>_container" data-token="<?= $robot_info['robot_token']?>" style="<?= $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact' ? 'margin-bottom: 2px !important;' : '' ?>">*/ ?> <div class="database_container layout_<?php echo str_replace('website_', '', $print_options['layout_style']); ?> " data-token="<?php echo $robot_info['robot_token']; ?> "> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website' || $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <a class="anchor" id="<?php echo $robot_info['robot_token']; ?> "></a> <?php } ?> <div class="subbody event event_triple event_visible" data-token="<?php echo $robot_info['robot_token']; ?> "> <?php if ($print_options['show_mugshot']) { ?> <div class="this_sprite sprite_left" style="height: 40px;"> <?php if ($print_options['show_mugshot']) { ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_key'] !== false) { ?> <div class="mugshot robot_type <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="font-size: 9px; line-height: 11px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 2px; padding: 0 0 1px !important;"><?php echo 'No.' . $robot_info['robot_key']; ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (!in_array($robot_image_token, $default_robot_class_tokens)) { ?> <div class="mugshot robot_type <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> "><div style="background-image: url(i/r/<?php echo $robot_image_token; ?> /mr<?php echo $robot_image_size; ?> .png?<?php echo MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE; ?> ); " class="sprite sprite_robot sprite_40x40 sprite_40x40_mug sprite_size_<?php echo $robot_image_size_text; ?> sprite_size_<?php echo $robot_image_size_text; ?> _mug robot_status_active robot_position_active"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_name']; ?> 's Mugshot</div></div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="mugshot robot_type <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> "><div style="background-image: none; background-color: #000000; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6); " class="sprite sprite_robot sprite_40x40 sprite_40x40_mug sprite_size_<?php echo $robot_image_size_text; ?> sprite_size_<?php echo $robot_image_size_text; ?> _mug robot_status_active robot_position_active">No Image</div></div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_basics']) { ?> <h2 class="header header_left <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> <?php echo !$print_options['show_mugshot'] ? 'nomug' : ''; ?> " style="<?php echo !$print_options['show_mugshot'] ? 'margin-left: 0;' : ''; ?> "> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <a href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> "><?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Data <?php } ?> <div class="header_core robot_type"><?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? ucwords($robot_info['robot_core'] . (!empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) ? ' / ' . $robot_info['robot_core2'] : '')) : 'Neutral'; echo $robot_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha' ? ' Type' : ' Core'; ?> </div> </h2> <div class="body body_left <?php echo !$print_options['show_mugshot'] ? 'fullsize' : ''; ?> "> <table class="full"> <colgroup> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <col width="48%" /> <col width="1%" /> <col width="48%" /> <?php } else { ?> <col width="40%" /> <col width="1%" /> <col width="59%" /> <?php } ?> </colgroup> <tbody> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Name :</label> <span class="robot_type" style="width: auto;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_name']; ?> </span> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_generation'])) { ?> <span class="robot_type" style="width: auto;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_generation']; ?> Gen</span><?php } ?> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <?php // Define the source game string if ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'mega-man' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'roll') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'proto-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man 3'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'bass') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man 7'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'disco' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'rhythm') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man RPG Prototype'; } elseif (preg_match('/^flutter-fly/i', $robot_info['robot_token'])) { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man RPG Prototype'; } elseif (preg_match('/^beetle-borg/i', $robot_info['robot_token'])) { $temp_source_string = '<span title="Rockman & Forte 2 : Challenger from the Future (JP)">Mega Man & Bass 2</span>'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'bond-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man RPG Prototype'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'enker') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man : Dr. Wily\'s Revenge'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'punk') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man III'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'ballade') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man IV'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'quint') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man II'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'oil-man' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'time-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Powered Up'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'solo') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Star Force 3'; } elseif (preg_match('/^duo-2/i', $robot_info['robot_token'])) { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man 8'; } elseif (preg_match('/^duo/i', $robot_info['robot_token'])) { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Power Battles'; } elseif (preg_match('/^trio/i', $robot_info['robot_token'])) { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man RPG Prototype'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'cosmo-man' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'lark-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Battle Network 5'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'laser-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Battle Network 4'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'desert-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Battle Network 3'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'planet-man' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'gate-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Battle Network 2'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'shark-man' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'number-man' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'color-man') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man Battle Network'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_token'] == 'trill' || $robot_info['robot_token'] == 'slur') { $temp_source_string = '<span title="Rockman.EXE Stream (JP)">Mega Man NT Warrior</span>'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MM085') { $temp_source_string = '<span title="Rockman & Forte (JP)">Mega Man & Bass</span>'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MM30') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man V'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MM21') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man : The Wily Wars'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MM19') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man RPG Prototype'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MMEXE') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man EXE'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MM00' || $robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MM01') { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man'; } elseif (preg_match('/^MM([0-9]{2})$/', $robot_info['robot_game'])) { $temp_source_string = 'Mega Man ' . ltrim(str_replace('MM', '', $robot_info['robot_game']), '0'); } elseif (!empty($robot_info['robot_game'])) { $temp_source_string = $robot_info['robot_game']; } else { $temp_source_string = '???'; } ?> <label>Source :</label> <span class="robot_type"><?php echo $temp_source_string; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Model :</label> <span class="robot_type"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_number']; ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <label>Class :</label> <span class="robot_type"><?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_description']) ? $robot_info['robot_description'] : '…'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Type :</label> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { ?> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_core2'])) { ?> <span class="robot_type type_<?php echo $robot_info['robot_core'] . '_' . $robot_info['robot_core2']; ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $database_category_url; echo $robot_info['robot_core']; ?> /"><?php echo ucfirst($robot_info['robot_core']); ?> </a> / <a href="<?php echo $database_category_url; echo $robot_info['robot_core2']; ?> /"><?php echo ucfirst($robot_info['robot_core2']); echo $robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master' ? ' Core' : ' Type'; ?> </a> </span> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $database_category_url; echo !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? $robot_info['robot_core'] : 'none'; ?> /" class="robot_type type_<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? $robot_info['robot_core'] : 'none'; ?> "><?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? ucfirst($robot_info['robot_core']) : 'Neutral'; echo $robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master' ? ' Core' : ' Type'; ?> </a> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <span class="robot_type type_<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? $robot_info['robot_core'] . (!empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) ? '_' . $robot_info['robot_core2'] : '') : 'none'; ?> "><?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? ucwords($robot_info['robot_core'] . (!empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) ? ' / ' . $robot_info['robot_core2'] : '')) : 'Neutral'; echo $robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master' ? ' Core' : ' Type'; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <label><?php echo empty($field_info_array) || count($field_info_array) == 1 ? 'Field' : 'Fields'; ?> :</label> <?php // Loop through the robots fields if available if (!empty($field_info_array)) { foreach ($field_info_array as $key => $field_info) { ?> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { ?> <a href="<?php echo $database_url; ?> fields/<?php echo $field_info['field_token']; ?> /" class="field_type field_type_<?php echo (!empty($field_info['field_type']) ? $field_info['field_type'] : 'none') . (!empty($field_info['field_type2']) ? '_' . $field_info['field_type2'] : ''); ?> " <?php echo $key > 0 ? 'title="' . $field_info['field_name'] . '"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $key == 0 ? $field_info['field_name'] : preg_replace('/^([a-z0-9]+)\\s([a-z0-9]+)$/i', '$1…', $field_info['field_name']); ?> </a> <?php } else { ?> <span class="field_type field_type_<?php echo (!empty($field_info['field_type']) ? $field_info['field_type'] : 'none') . (!empty($field_info['field_type2']) ? '_' . $field_info['field_type2'] : ''); ?> " <?php echo $key > 0 ? 'title="' . $field_info['field_name'] . '"' : ''; ?> ><?php echo $key == 0 ? $field_info['field_name'] : preg_replace('/^([a-z0-9]+)\\s([a-z0-9]+)$/i', '$1…', $field_info['field_name']); ?> </span> <?php } ?> <?php } } else { ?> <span class="field_type">…</span> <?php } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Energy :</label> <span class="stat" style="width: <?php echo $stat_container_percent; ?> %;"> <?php if (false && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_energy" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_energy'] / $robot_info['robot_total'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_energy']; ?> </span></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_energy" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_energy'] / $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_energy']; ?> </span></span> <?php } ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <label>Weaknesses :</label> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_weaknesses'])) { $temp_string = array(); foreach ($robot_info['robot_weaknesses'] as $robot_weakness) { if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . $database_url . 'abilities/' . $robot_weakness . '/" class="robot_weakness robot_type type_' . $robot_weakness . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_weakness]['type_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $temp_string[] = '<span class="robot_weakness robot_type type_' . $robot_weakness . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_weakness]['type_name'] . '</span>'; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_weakness robot_type type_none">None</span>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Attack :</label> <span class="stat" style="width: <?php echo $stat_container_percent; ?> %;"> <?php if (false && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_attack" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_attack'] / $robot_info['robot_total'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_attack']; ?> </span></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_attack" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_attack'] / $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_attack']; ?> </span></span> <?php } ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <label>Resistances :</label> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_resistances'])) { $temp_string = array(); foreach ($robot_info['robot_resistances'] as $robot_resistance) { if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . $database_url . 'abilities/' . $robot_resistance . '/" class="robot_resistance robot_type type_' . $robot_resistance . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_resistance]['type_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $temp_string[] = '<span class="robot_resistance robot_type type_' . $robot_resistance . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_resistance]['type_name'] . '</span>'; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_resistance robot_type type_none">None</span>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Defense :</label> <span class="stat" style="width: <?php echo $stat_container_percent; ?> %;"> <?php if (false && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_defense" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_defense'] / $robot_info['robot_total'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_defense']; ?> </span></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_defense" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_defense'] / $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_defense']; ?> </span></span> <?php } ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <label>Affinities :</label> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_affinities'])) { $temp_string = array(); foreach ($robot_info['robot_affinities'] as $robot_affinity) { if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . $database_url . 'abilities/' . $robot_affinity . '/" class="robot_affinity robot_type type_' . $robot_affinity . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_affinity]['type_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $temp_string[] = '<span class="robot_affinity robot_type type_' . $robot_affinity . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_affinity]['type_name'] . '</span>'; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_affinity robot_type type_none">None</span>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Speed :</label> <span class="stat" style="width: <?php echo $stat_container_percent; ?> %;"> <?php if (false && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_speed" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_speed'] / $robot_info['robot_total'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_speed']; ?> </span></span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_speed" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_speed'] / $robot_info['robot_max_stat_value'] * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_speed']; ?> </span></span> <?php } ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"> <label>Immunities :</label> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_immunities'])) { $temp_string = array(); foreach ($robot_info['robot_immunities'] as $robot_immunity) { if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . $database_url . 'abilities/' . $robot_immunity . '/" class="robot_immunity robot_type type_' . $robot_immunity . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_immunity]['type_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $temp_string[] = '<span class="robot_immunity robot_type type_' . $robot_immunity . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_immunity]['type_name'] . '</span>'; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_immunity robot_type type_none">None</span>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php if (false && ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website' || $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact')) { ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Total :</label> <span class="stat" style="width: <?php echo $stat_container_percent; ?> %;"> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact' && $robot_info['robot_total'] < $stat_base_max_value) { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_empty"> <span class="robot_stat type_none" style="padding-left: <?php echo round($robot_info['robot_total'] / $stat_base_max_value * $stat_padding_area, 4); ?> %;"><span><?php echo $robot_info['robot_total']; ?> </span></span> </span> <?php } else { ?> <span class="robot_stat type_none" style="padding-left: <?php echo $stat_padding_area; ?> %;"><span style="display: inline-block; width: 35px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_total']; ?> </span></span> <?php } ?> </span> </td> <td></td> <td class="right"><?/* <label>Immunities :</label> <?php if (!empty($robot_info['robot_immunities'])) { $temp_string = array(); foreach ($robot_info['robot_immunities'] as $robot_immunity) { if ($print_options['layout_style'] != 'event') { $temp_string[] = '<a href="' . $database_url . 'abilities/' . $robot_immunity . '/" class="robot_immunity robot_type type_' . $robot_immunity . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_immunity]['type_name'] . '</a>'; } else { $temp_string[] = '<span class="robot_immunity robot_type type_' . $robot_immunity . '">' . $mmrpg_database_types[$robot_immunity]['type_name'] . '</span>'; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_immunity robot_type type_none">None</span>'; } ?> */?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'event') { ?> <?php // Define the search and replace arrays for the robot quotes $temp_find = array('{this_player}', '{this_robot}', '{target_player}', '{target_robot}'); $temp_replace = array('Doctor', $robot_info['robot_name'], 'Doctor', 'Robot'); ?> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="center" style="font-size: 13px; padding: 5px 0; "> <span class="robot_quote">"<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_taunt']) ? str_replace($temp_find, $temp_replace, $robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_taunt']) : '…'; ?> "</span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <?php // Define the various tabs we are able to scroll to $section_tabs = array(); if ($print_options['show_sprites']) { $section_tabs[] = array('sprites', 'Sprites', false); } if ($print_options['show_quotes']) { $section_tabs[] = array('quotes', 'Quotes', false); } if ($print_options['show_description']) { $section_tabs[] = array('description', 'Description', false); } if ($print_options['show_abilities']) { $section_tabs[] = array('abilities', 'Abilities', false); } if ($print_options['show_stats']) { $section_tabs[] = array('stats', 'Stats', false); } if ($print_options['show_records']) { $section_tabs[] = array('records', 'Records', false); } // Automatically mark the first element as true or active $section_tabs[0][2] = true; // Define the current URL for this robot or mecha page $temp_url = 'database/'; if ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha') { $temp_url .= 'mechas/'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { $temp_url .= 'robots/'; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'boss') { $temp_url .= 'bosses/'; } $temp_url .= $robot_info['robot_token'] . '/'; ?> <div class="section_tabs"> <?php foreach ($section_tabs as $tab) { echo '<a class="link_inline link_' . $tab[0] . ' ' . ($tab[2] ? 'active' : '') . '" href="' . $temp_url . '#' . $tab[0] . '" data-anchor="#' . $tab[0] . '"><span class="wrap">' . $tab[1] . '</span></a>'; } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_sprites']) { ?> <?php // Start the output buffer and prepare to collect sprites ob_start(); // Define the alts we'll be looping through for this robot $temp_alts_array = array(); $temp_alts_array[] = array('token' => '', 'name' => $robot_info['robot_name'], 'summons' => 0); // Append predefined alts automatically, based on the robot image alt array if (!empty($robot_info['robot_image_alts'])) { $temp_alts_array = array_merge($temp_alts_array, $robot_info['robot_image_alts']); } elseif ($robot_info['robot_core'] == 'copy' && preg_match('/^(mega-man|proto-man|bass|doc-robot)$/i', $robot_info['robot_token'])) { foreach ($mmrpg_database_types as $type_token => $type_info) { if (empty($type_token) || $type_token == 'none' || $type_token == 'copy') { continue; } $temp_alts_array[] = array('token' => $type_token, 'name' => $robot_info['robot_name'] . ' (' . ucfirst($type_token) . ' Core)', 'summons' => 0); } } elseif (!empty($robot_info['robot_image_sheets'])) { for ($i = 2; $i <= $robot_info['robot_image_sheets']; $i++) { $temp_alts_array[] = array('sheet' => $i, 'name' => $robot_info['robot_name'] . ' (Sheet #' . $i . ')', 'summons' => 0); } } // Loop through the alts and display images for them (yay!) foreach ($temp_alts_array as $alt_key => $alt_info) { // Define the current image token with alt in mind $temp_robot_image_token = $robot_image_token; $temp_robot_image_token .= !empty($alt_info['token']) ? '_' . $alt_info['token'] : ''; $temp_robot_image_token .= !empty($alt_info['sheet']) ? '-' . $alt_info['sheet'] : ''; $temp_robot_image_name = $alt_info['name']; // Update the alt array with this info $temp_alts_array[$alt_key]['image'] = $temp_robot_image_token; // Collect the number of sheets $temp_sheet_number = !empty($robot_info['robot_image_sheets']) ? $robot_info['robot_image_sheets'] : 1; // Loop through the different frames and print out the sprite sheets foreach (array('right', 'left') as $temp_direction) { $temp_direction2 = substr($temp_direction, 0, 1); $temp_embed = '[robot:' . $temp_direction . ']{' . $temp_robot_image_token . '}'; $temp_title = $temp_robot_image_name . ' | Mugshot Sprite ' . ucfirst($temp_direction); $temp_title .= '<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">' . $temp_embed . '</div>'; $temp_title = htmlentities($temp_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true); $temp_label = 'Mugshot ' . ucfirst(substr($temp_direction, 0, 1)); echo '<div class="frame_container" data-clickcopy="' . $temp_embed . '" data-direction="' . $temp_direction . '" data-image="' . $temp_robot_image_token . '" data-frame="mugshot" style="padding-top: 20px; float: left; position: relative; margin: 0; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); width: ' . $robot_sprite_size . 'px; height: ' . $robot_sprite_size . 'px; overflow: hidden;">'; echo '<img style="margin-left: 0;" data-tooltip="' . $temp_title . '" src="i/r/' . $temp_robot_image_token . '/m' . $temp_direction2 . $robot_sprite_size . '.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '" />'; echo '<label style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 0; color: #EFEFEF; font-size: 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);">' . $temp_label . '</label>'; echo '</div>'; } // Loop through the different frames and print out the sprite sheets foreach ($robot_sprite_frames as $this_key => $this_frame) { $margin_left = ceil((0 - $this_key) * $robot_sprite_size); $frame_relative = $this_frame; //if ($temp_sheet > 1){ $frame_relative = 'frame_'.str_pad((($temp_sheet - 1) * count($robot_sprite_frames) + $this_key + 1), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } $frame_relative_text = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $frame_relative)); foreach (array('right', 'left') as $temp_direction) { $temp_direction2 = substr($temp_direction, 0, 1); $temp_embed = '[robot:' . $temp_direction . ':' . $frame_relative . ']{' . $temp_robot_image_token . '}'; $temp_title = $temp_robot_image_name . ' | ' . $frame_relative_text . ' Sprite ' . ucfirst($temp_direction); $temp_title .= '<div style="margin-top: 4px; letting-spacing: 1px; font-size: 90%; font-family: Courier New; color: rgb(159, 150, 172);">' . $temp_embed . '</div>'; $temp_title = htmlentities($temp_title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', true); $temp_label = $frame_relative_text . ' ' . ucfirst(substr($temp_direction, 0, 1)); //$image_token = !empty($robot_info['robot_image']) ? $robot_info['robot_image'] : $robot_info['robot_token']; //if ($temp_sheet > 1){ $temp_robot_image_token .= '-'.$temp_sheet; } echo '<div class="frame_container" data-clickcopy="' . $temp_embed . '" data-direction="' . $temp_direction . '" data-image="' . $temp_robot_image_token . '" data-frame="' . $frame_relative . '" style="padding-top: 20px; float: left; position: relative; margin: 0; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); width: ' . $robot_sprite_size . 'px; height: ' . $robot_sprite_size . 'px; overflow: hidden;">'; echo '<img style="margin-left: ' . $margin_left . 'px;" title="' . $temp_title . '" alt="' . $temp_title . '" src="i/r/' . $temp_robot_image_token . '/s' . $temp_direction2 . $robot_sprite_size . '.png?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '" />'; echo '<label style="position: absolute; left: 5px; top: 0; color: #EFEFEF; font-size: 10px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);">' . $temp_label . '</label>'; echo '</div>'; } } } // Collect the sprite markup from the output buffer for later $this_sprite_markup = ob_get_clean(); ?> <h2 id="sprites" class="header header_full <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left; overflow: hidden; height: auto;"> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Sprites <span class="header_links image_link_container"> <span class="images" style="<?php echo count($temp_alts_array) == 1 ? 'visibility: hidden;' : ''; ?> "><?php // Loop though and print links for the alts $alt_type_base = 'robot_type type_' . (!empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? $robot_info['robot_core'] : 'none') . ' '; foreach ($temp_alts_array as $alt_key => $alt_info) { $alt_type = ''; $alt_style = ''; $alt_title = $alt_info['name']; $alt_type2 = $alt_type_base; if (preg_match('/^(?:[-_a-z0-9\\s]+)\\s\\(([a-z0-9]+)\\sCore\\)$/i', $alt_info['name'])) { $alt_type = strtolower(preg_replace('/^(?:[-_a-z0-9\\s]+)\\s\\(([a-z0-9]+)\\sCore\\)$/i', '$1', $alt_info['name'])); $alt_name = '•'; //ucfirst($alt_type); //substr(ucfirst($alt_type), 0, 2); $alt_type = 'robot_type type_' . $alt_type . ' core_type '; $alt_type2 = 'robot_type type_' . $alt_type . ' '; $alt_style = 'border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; '; } else { $alt_name = $alt_key == 0 ? $robot_info['robot_name'] : 'Alt' . ($alt_key > 1 ? ' ' . $alt_key : ''); //$alt_key == 0 ? $robot_info['robot_name'] : $robot_info['robot_name'].' Alt'.($alt_key > 1 ? ' '.$alt_key : ''); $alt_type = 'robot_type type_empty '; $alt_style = 'border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; '; //if ($robot_info['robot_core'] == 'copy' && $alt_key == 0){ $alt_type = 'robot_type type_empty '; } } echo '<a href="#" data-tooltip="' . $alt_title . '" data-tooltip-type="' . $alt_type2 . '" class="link link_image ' . ($alt_key == 0 ? 'link_active ' : '') . '" data-image="' . $alt_info['image'] . '">'; echo '<span class="' . $alt_type . '" style="' . $alt_style . '">' . $alt_name . '</span>'; echo '</a>'; } ?> </span> <span class="pipe" style="<?php echo count($temp_alts_array) == 1 ? 'visibility: hidden;' : ''; ?> ">|</span> <span class="directions"><?php // Loop though and print links for the alts foreach (array('right', 'left') as $temp_key => $temp_direction) { echo '<a href="#" data-tooltip="' . ucfirst($temp_direction) . ' Facing Sprites" data-tooltip-type="' . $alt_type_base . '" class="link link_direction ' . ($temp_key == 0 ? 'link_active' : '') . '" data-direction="' . $temp_direction . '">'; echo '<span class="ability_type ability_type_empty" style="border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important; ">' . ucfirst($temp_direction) . '</span>'; echo '</a>'; } ?> </span> </span> </h2> <div id="sprites_body" class="body body_full" style="margin: 0; padding: 10px; min-height: 10px;"> <div style="border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.20); border-radius: 0.5em; -moz-border-radius: 0.5em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.5em; background: #4d4d4d url(images/assets/sprite-grid.gif) scroll repeat -10px -30px; overflow: hidden; padding: 10px 30px;"> <?php echo $this_sprite_markup; ?> </div> <? // Collect the sprite contributor index for display $user_fields = rpg_user::get_fields(true, 'user'); $user_role_fields = rpg_user_role::get_fields(true, 'role'); $contributor_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT {$user_fields}, {$user_role_fields}, (CASE WHEN user.user_name_public <> '' THEN user.user_name_public ELSE user.user_name END) AS user_name_current FROM mmrpg_users AS user LEFT JOIN mmrpg_roles AS role ON role.role_id = user.role_id WHERE role.role_token IN ('developer', 'administrator', 'contributor', 'moderator') ORDER BY user_name_current ASC; ", 'user_id'); // Define the editor title based on ID $temp_editor_title = 'Undefined'; $temp_final_divider = '<span style="color: #565656;"> | </span>'; $temp_editor_ids = array(); // Check if an image editor ID has been defined if (!empty($robot_info['robot_image_editor']) && isset($contributor_index[$robot_info['robot_image_editor']])){ $temp_editor_ids[] = $robot_info['robot_image_editor']; } // Check if a second image editor ID has been defined if (!empty($robot_info['robot_image_editor2']) && isset($contributor_index[$robot_info['robot_image_editor2']])){ $temp_editor_ids[] = $robot_info['robot_image_editor2']; } // If not empty, loop through and add image editors to the string if (!empty($temp_editor_ids)){ $temp_editor_title = array(); foreach ($temp_editor_ids AS $editor_id){ $temp_editor = $contributor_index[$editor_id]; $temp_name_public = !empty($temp_editor['user_name_public']) ? $temp_editor['user_name_public'] : $temp_editor['user_name']; $temp_name_real = !empty($temp_editor['user_name']) ? $temp_editor['user_name'] : $temp_editor['user_name_clean']; $temp_name_public_clean = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '', strtolower($temp_name_public)); $temp_name_real_clean = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/i', '', strtolower($temp_name_real)); if ($temp_name_public_clean != $temp_name_real_clean){ $temp_editor_title[] = '<strong>'.$temp_name_public.' / '.$temp_name_real.'</strong>'; } else { $temp_editor_title[] = '<strong>'.$temp_name_public.'</strong>'; } } if (count($temp_editor_title) > 1){ $temp_final_divider = '<br />'; } $temp_editor_title = implode(' and ', $temp_editor_title); } // Define the robots created by specific creators outside of the Capcom characters $temp_adrian_robots = array('disco', 'rhythm', 'flutter-fly', 'flutter-fly-2', 'flutter-fly-3'); // Print out the final credits footer based on if special case or Capcom original if (in_array($robot_info['robot_token'], $temp_adrian_robots)){ echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Character by <strong>Adrian Marceau</strong></p>'."\n"; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MMRPG'){ echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Artwork by <strong>Mega Man RPG Prototype</strong></p>'."\n"; } elseif ($robot_info['robot_game'] == 'MMRPG2'){ echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Artwork by <strong>Mega Man RPG World</strong></p>'."\n"; }else { echo '<p class="text text_editor" style="text-align: center; color: #868686; font-size: 10px; line-height: 13px; margin-top: 6px;">Sprite Editing by '.$temp_editor_title.' '.$temp_final_divider.' Original Artwork by <strong>Capcom</strong></p>'."\n"; } ?> </div> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> #sprites" rel="permalink">#Sprites</a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_quotes']) { ?> <h2 id="quotes" class="header header_left <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left;"> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Quotes </h2> <div class="body body_left" style="margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 2px 0; min-height: 10px;"> <?php // Define the search and replace arrays for the robot quotes $temp_find = array('{this_player}', '{this_robot}', '{target_player}', '{target_robot}'); $temp_replace = array('Doctor', $robot_info['robot_name'], 'Doctor', 'Robot'); ?> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="100%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Start Quote : </label> <span class="robot_quote">"<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_start']) ? str_replace($temp_find, $temp_replace, $robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_start']) : '…'; ?> "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Taunt Quote : </label> <span class="robot_quote">"<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_taunt']) ? str_replace($temp_find, $temp_replace, $robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_taunt']) : '…'; ?> "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Victory Quote : </label> <span class="robot_quote">"<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_victory']) ? str_replace($temp_find, $temp_replace, $robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_victory']) : '…'; ?> "</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Defeat Quote : </label> <span class="robot_quote">"<?php echo !empty($robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_defeat']) ? str_replace($temp_find, $temp_replace, $robot_info['robot_quotes']['battle_defeat']) : '…'; ?> "</span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> #quotes" rel="permalink">#Quotes</a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_description'] && !empty($robot_info['robot_description2'])) { ?> <h2 id="description" class="header header_left <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left; "> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Description </h2> <div class="body body_left" style="margin-right: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 2px 0; min-height: 10px;"> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="100%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td class="right"> <div class="robot_description" style="text-align: left; padding: 0 4px;"><?php echo $robot_info['robot_description2']; ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> #description" rel="permalink">#Description</a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_abilities']) { ?> <h2 id="abilities" class="header header_full <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left;"> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Abilities </h2> <div class="body body_full" style="margin: 0; padding: 2px 3px; min-height: 10px;"> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="100%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <td class="right"> <div class="ability_container"> <?php // Define the robot ability class and collect the cores for testing $robot_ability_class = !empty($robot_info['robot_class']) ? $robot_info['robot_class'] : 'master'; $robot_ability_core = !empty($robot_info['robot_core']) ? $robot_info['robot_core'] : false; $robot_ability_core2 = !empty($robot_info['robot_core2']) ? $robot_info['robot_core2'] : false; $robot_ability_list = !empty($robot_info['robot_abilities']) ? $robot_info['robot_abilities'] : array(); $robot_ability_rewards = !empty($robot_info['robot_rewards']['abilities']) ? $robot_info['robot_rewards']['abilities'] : array(); // Collect a FULL list of abilities for display $temp_required = array(); foreach ($robot_ability_rewards as $info) { $temp_required[] = $info['token']; } $temp_abilities_index = rpg_ability::get_index(false, false, '', $temp_required); // Clone abilities into new array for filtering $new_ability_rewards = array(); foreach ($robot_ability_rewards as $this_info) { $new_ability_rewards[$this_info['token']] = $this_info; } $robot_copy_program = $robot_ability_core == 'copy' || $robot_ability_core2 == 'copy' ? true : false; //if ($robot_copy_program){ $robot_ability_list = $temp_all_ability_tokens; } $robot_ability_core_list = array(); if ((!empty($robot_ability_core) || !empty($robot_ability_core2)) && $robot_ability_class != 'mecha') { // only robot masters can core match abilities foreach ($temp_abilities_index as $token => $info) { if (!empty($info['ability_type']) && ($robot_copy_program || $info['ability_type'] == $robot_ability_core || $info['ability_type'] == $robot_ability_core2) || !empty($info['ability_type2']) && ($info['ability_type2'] == $robot_ability_core || $info['ability_type2'] == $robot_ability_core2)) { $robot_ability_list[] = $info['ability_token']; $robot_ability_core_list[] = $info['ability_token']; } } } foreach ($robot_ability_list as $this_token) { if ($this_token == '*') { continue; } if (!isset($new_ability_rewards[$this_token])) { if (in_array($this_token, $robot_ability_core_list)) { $new_ability_rewards[$this_token] = array('level' => 'Player', 'token' => $this_token); } else { $new_ability_rewards[$this_token] = array('level' => 'Player', 'token' => $this_token); } } } $robot_ability_rewards = $new_ability_rewards; //die('<pre>'.print_r($robot_ability_rewards, true).'</pre>'); if (!empty($robot_ability_rewards)) { $temp_string = array(); $ability_key = 0; $ability_method_key = 0; $ability_method = ''; foreach ($robot_ability_rewards as $this_info) { if (!isset($temp_abilities_index[$this_info['token']])) { continue; } $this_level = $this_info['level']; $this_ability = $temp_abilities_index[$this_info['token']]; $this_ability_token = $this_ability['ability_token']; $this_ability_name = $this_ability['ability_name']; $this_ability_class = !empty($this_ability['ability_class']) ? $this_ability['ability_class'] : 'master'; $this_ability_image = !empty($this_ability['ability_image']) ? $this_ability['ability_image'] : $this_ability['ability_token']; $this_ability_type = !empty($this_ability['ability_type']) ? $this_ability['ability_type'] : false; $this_ability_type2 = !empty($this_ability['ability_type2']) ? $this_ability['ability_type2'] : false; if (!empty($this_ability_type) && !empty($mmrpg_database_types[$this_ability_type])) { $this_ability_type = $mmrpg_database_types[$this_ability_type]['type_name'] . ' Type'; } else { $this_ability_type = ''; } if (!empty($this_ability_type2) && !empty($mmrpg_database_types[$this_ability_type2])) { $this_ability_type = str_replace('Type', '/ ' . $mmrpg_database_types[$this_ability_type2]['type_name'], $this_ability_type); } $this_ability_damage = !empty($this_ability['ability_damage']) ? $this_ability['ability_damage'] : 0; $this_ability_damage2 = !empty($this_ability['ability_damage2']) ? $this_ability['ability_damage2'] : 0; $this_ability_damage_percent = !empty($this_ability['ability_damage_percent']) ? true : false; $this_ability_damage2_percent = !empty($this_ability['ability_damage2_percent']) ? true : false; if ($this_ability_damage_percent && $this_ability_damage > 100) { $this_ability_damage = 100; } if ($this_ability_damage2_percent && $this_ability_damage2 > 100) { $this_ability_damage2 = 100; } $this_ability_recovery = !empty($this_ability['ability_recovery']) ? $this_ability['ability_recovery'] : 0; $this_ability_recovery2 = !empty($this_ability['ability_recovery2']) ? $this_ability['ability_recovery2'] : 0; $this_ability_recovery_percent = !empty($this_ability['ability_recovery_percent']) ? true : false; $this_ability_recovery2_percent = !empty($this_ability['ability_recovery2_percent']) ? true : false; if ($this_ability_recovery_percent && $this_ability_recovery > 100) { $this_ability_recovery = 100; } if ($this_ability_recovery2_percent && $this_ability_recovery2 > 100) { $this_ability_recovery2 = 100; } $this_ability_accuracy = !empty($this_ability['ability_accuracy']) ? $this_ability['ability_accuracy'] : 0; $this_ability_description = !empty($this_ability['ability_description']) ? $this_ability['ability_description'] : ''; $this_ability_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE}', $this_ability_damage, $this_ability_description); $this_ability_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY}', $this_ability_recovery, $this_ability_description); $this_ability_description = str_replace('{DAMAGE2}', $this_ability_damage2, $this_ability_description); $this_ability_description = str_replace('{RECOVERY2}', $this_ability_recovery2, $this_ability_description); //$this_ability_title_plain = $this_ability_name; //if (!empty($this_ability_type)){ $this_ability_title_plain .= ' | '.$this_ability_type; } //if (!empty($this_ability_damage)){ $this_ability_title_plain .= ' | '.$this_ability_damage.' Damage'; } //if (!empty($this_ability_recovery)){ $this_ability_title_plain .= ' | '.$this_ability_recovery.' Recovery'; } //if (!empty($this_ability_accuracy)){ $this_ability_title_plain .= ' | '.$this_ability_accuracy.'% Accuracy'; } //if (!empty($this_ability_description)){ $this_ability_title_plain .= ' | '.$this_ability_description; } $this_ability_title_plain = rpg_ability::print_editor_title_markup($robot_info, $this_ability); $this_ability_method = 'level'; $this_ability_method_text = 'Level Up'; $this_ability_title_html = '<strong class="name">' . $this_ability_name . '</strong>'; if (is_numeric($this_level)) { if ($this_level > 1) { $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="level">Lv ' . str_pad($this_level, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '</span>'; } else { $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="level">Start</span>'; } } else { $this_ability_method = 'player'; $this_ability_method_text = 'Player Only'; if (!in_array($this_ability_token, $robot_info['robot_abilities'])) { $this_ability_method = 'core'; $this_ability_method_text = 'Core Match'; } $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="level"> </span>'; } // If this is a boss, don't bother showing player or core match abilities if ($this_ability_method != 'level' && $robot_info['robot_class'] == 'boss') { continue; } if (!empty($this_ability_type)) { $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="type">' . $this_ability_type . '</span>'; } if (!empty($this_ability_damage)) { $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="damage">' . $this_ability_damage . (!empty($this_ability_damage_percent) ? '%' : '') . ' ' . ($this_ability_damage && $this_ability_recovery ? 'D' : 'Damage') . '</span>'; } if (!empty($this_ability_recovery)) { $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="recovery">' . $this_ability_recovery . (!empty($this_ability_recovery_percent) ? '%' : '') . ' ' . ($this_ability_damage && $this_ability_recovery ? 'R' : 'Recovery') . '</span>'; } if (!empty($this_ability_accuracy)) { $this_ability_title_html .= '<span class="accuracy">' . $this_ability_accuracy . '% Accuracy</span>'; } $this_ability_sprite_path = 'images/sprites/abilities/' . $this_ability_image . '/icon_left_40x40.png'; if (!file_exists(MMRPG_CONFIG_ROOTDIR . $this_ability_sprite_path)) { $this_ability_image = 'ability'; $this_ability_sprite_path = 'i/a/ability/il40.png'; } else { $this_ability_sprite_path = 'i/a/' . $this_ability_image . '/il40.png'; } $this_ability_sprite_html = '<span class="icon"><img src="' . $this_ability_sprite_path . '?' . MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE . '" alt="' . $this_ability_name . ' Icon" /></span>'; $this_ability_title_html = '<span class="label">' . $this_ability_title_html . '</span>'; //$this_ability_title_html = (is_numeric($this_level) && $this_level > 1 ? 'Lv '.str_pad($this_level, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' : ' : $this_level.' : ').$this_ability_title_html; // Show the ability method separator if necessary if ($ability_method != $this_ability_method && $robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { $temp_separator = '<div class="ability_separator">' . $this_ability_method_text . '</div>'; $temp_string[] = $temp_separator; $ability_method = $this_ability_method; $ability_method_key++; // Print out the disclaimer if a copy-core robot if ($this_ability_method != 'level' && $robot_copy_program) { $temp_string[] = '<div class="" style="margin: 10px auto; text-align: center; color: #767676; font-size: 11px;">Copy Core robots can equip <em>any</em> ' . ($this_ability_method == 'player' ? 'player' : 'type') . ' ability!</div>'; } } // If this is a copy core robot, don't bother showing EVERY core-match ability if ($this_ability_method != 'level' && $robot_copy_program) { continue; } elseif ($this_level >= 0 || !$robot_copy_program) { $temp_element = $this_ability_class == 'master' ? 'a' : 'span'; $temp_markup = '<' . $temp_element . ' ' . ($this_ability_class == 'master' ? 'href="' . MMRPG_CONFIG_ROOTURL . 'database/abilities/' . $this_ability['ability_token'] . '/"' : '') . ' class="ability_name ability_class_' . $this_ability_class . ' ability_type ability_type_' . (!empty($this_ability['ability_type']) ? $this_ability['ability_type'] : 'none') . (!empty($this_ability['ability_type2']) ? '_' . $this_ability['ability_type2'] : '') . '" title="' . $this_ability_title_plain . '" style="' . ($this_ability_image == 'ability' ? 'opacity: 0.3; ' : '') . '">'; $temp_markup .= '<span class="chrome">' . $this_ability_sprite_html . $this_ability_title_html . '</span>'; $temp_markup .= '</' . $temp_element . '>'; $temp_string[] = $temp_markup; $ability_key++; continue; } } echo implode(' ', $temp_string); } else { echo '<span class="robot_ability type_none"><span class="chrome">None</span></span>'; } ?> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> #abilities" rel="permalink">#Abilities</a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_stats']) { ?> <h2 id="stats" class="header header_full <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left;"> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Stats </h2> <div class="body body_full" style="margin: 0 auto 5px; padding: 2px 0; min-height: 10px;"> <?php // Define the various levels we'll display in this chart $display_levels = array(1, 5, 10, 50, 100); //range(1, 100, 1); ?> <table class="full stat_container" style=""> <colgroup> <col width="20%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> <col width="10%" /> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th class="top left level">Level</th> <th class="top center energy" colspan="1">Energy</th> <th class="top center weapons" colspan="1">Weapons</th> <th class="top center attack" colspan="2">Attack</th> <th class="top center defense" colspan="2">Defense</th> <th class="top center speed" colspan="2">Speed</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="sub left level" > </th> <th class="sub center energy max">-</th> <th class="sub center weapons max">-</th> <th class="sub center attack min">Min</th> <th class="sub center attack max">Max</th> <th class="sub center defense min">Min</th> <th class="sub center defense max">Max</th> <th class="sub center speed min">Min</th> <th class="sub center speed max">Max</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php // Define or collect the base stats for this robot, ready to be modified $base_stats = array(); $base_stats['energy'] = $robot_info['robot_energy']; $base_stats['weapons'] = $robot_info['robot_weapons']; $base_stats['attack'] = $robot_info['robot_attack']; $base_stats['defense'] = $robot_info['robot_defense']; $base_stats['speed'] = $robot_info['robot_speed']; // Loop through the display levels and calculate stat adjustments foreach ($display_levels as $level) { // Calculate the minimum stat values for this robot with only level-based stat boosts $min_stats = array(); $min_stats['energy'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMIN($base_stats['energy'], $level); $min_stats['attack'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMIN($base_stats['attack'], $level); $min_stats['defense'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMIN($base_stats['defense'], $level); $min_stats['speed'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMIN($base_stats['speed'], $level); // Calculate the maximum stat values for this robot considering both level and overkill-based stat boosts $max_stats = array(); //$max_stats['energy'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMAX($base_stats['energy'], $level); $max_stats['attack'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMAX($base_stats['attack'], $level); $max_stats['defense'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMAX($base_stats['defense'], $level); $max_stats['speed'] = MMRPG_SETTINGS_STATS_GET_ROBOTMAX($base_stats['speed'], $level); ?> <tr> <td class="left level">Lv <?php echo $level; ?> </td> <td class="center energy max"><?php echo number_format($min_stats['energy'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center weapons max"><?php echo number_format($base_stats['weapons'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center attack min"><?php echo number_format($min_stats['attack'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center attack max"><?php echo number_format($max_stats['attack'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center defense min"><?php echo number_format($min_stats['defense'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center defense max"><?php echo number_format($max_stats['defense'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center speed min"><?php echo number_format($min_stats['speed'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> <td class="center speed max"><?php echo number_format($max_stats['speed'], 0, '.', ','); ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="left help" colspan="9"> <?php if ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { ?> * Min stats represent a robot's base values without any knockout bonuses applied.<br /> ** Max stats represent a robot's potential values with maximum knockout bonuses applied. <?php } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'mecha') { ?> * Min stats represent a mecha's base values without any difficulty mods applied.<br /> ** Max stats represent a mecha's potential values with maximum difficulty mods applied. <?php } elseif ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'boss') { ?> * Min stats represent a boss's base values without any difficulty mods applied.<br /> ** Max stats represent a boss's potential values with maximum difficulty mods applied. <?php } ?> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> #stats" rel="permalink">#Stats</a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_records']) { ?> <h2 id="records" class="header header_full <?php echo $robot_header_types; ?> " style="margin: 10px 0 0; text-align: left;"> <?php echo $robot_info['robot_name'] . $robot_info['robot_name_append']; ?> 's Records </h2> <div class="body body_full" style="margin: 0 auto 5px; padding: 2px 0; min-height: 10px;"> <table class="full" style="margin: 5px auto 10px;"> <colgroup> <col width="100%" /> </colgroup> <tbody> <?php if ($robot_info['robot_class'] == 'master') { ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Unlocked By : </label> <span class="robot_quote"><?php echo $temp_robot_records['robot_unlocked'] == 1 ? '1 Player' : number_format($temp_robot_records['robot_unlocked'], 0, '.', ',') . ' Players'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Encountered : </label> <span class="robot_quote"><?php echo $temp_robot_records['robot_encountered'] == 1 ? '1 Time' : number_format($temp_robot_records['robot_encountered'], 0, '.', ',') . ' Times'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Summoned : </label> <span class="robot_quote"><?php echo $temp_robot_records['robot_summoned'] == 1 ? '1 Time' : number_format($temp_robot_records['robot_summoned'], 0, '.', ',') . ' Times'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Defeated : </label> <span class="robot_quote"><?php echo $temp_robot_records['robot_defeated'] == 1 ? '1 Time' : number_format($temp_robot_records['robot_defeated'], 0, '.', ',') . ' Times'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="right"> <label>Scanned : </label> <span class="robot_quote"><?php echo $temp_robot_records['robot_scanned'] == 1 ? '1 Time' : number_format($temp_robot_records['robot_scanned'], 0, '.', ',') . ' Times'; ?> </span> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> #records" rel="permalink">#Records</a> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($print_options['show_footer'] && $print_options['layout_style'] == 'website_compact') { ?> <div class="link_wrapper"> <a class="link link_top" data-href="#top" rel="nofollow">^ Top</a> <a class="link link_permalink" href="<?php echo $database_category_robot_url; ?> " rel="permalink">+ View More</a> </div> <span class="link_container"> <?php echo !empty($compact_footer_link_markup) ? implode("\n", $compact_footer_link_markup) : ''; ?> </span> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <?php // Collect the outbut buffer contents $this_markup = trim(ob_get_clean()); // Return the generated markup return $this_markup; }
public static function save_session($user_id = 0) { // Reference global variables global $db; $session_token = self::session_token(); $mmrpg_index_players = rpg_player::get_index(); // Do NOT load, save, or otherwise alter the game file while viewing remote if (defined('MMRPG_REMOTE_GAME')) { return true; } // Collect or update the user ID in the session if (empty($user_id) && isset($_SESSION[$session_token]['USER']['userid'])) { $user_id = $_SESSION[$session_token]['USER']['userid']; } else { $_SESSION[$session_token]['USER']['userid'] = $user_id; } // Update the last saved value $_SESSION[$session_token]['values']['last_save'] = time(); // If this is NOT demo mode, load from database if (empty($_SESSION[$session_token]['DEMO'])) { // UPDATE DATABASE INFO // Collect the save info $save = $_SESSION[$session_token]; $this_user = $save['USER']; $this_cache_date = !empty($save['CACHE_DATE']) ? $save['CACHE_DATE'] : MMRPG_CONFIG_CACHE_DATE; $this_counters = !empty($save['counters']) ? $save['counters'] : array(); $this_values = !empty($save['values']) ? $save['values'] : array(); $this_flags = !empty($save['flags']) ? $save['flags'] : array(); $this_settings = !empty($save['battle_settings']) ? $save['battle_settings'] : array(); $this_stars = !empty($save['values']['battle_stars']) ? $save['values']['battle_stars'] : array(); unset($save); // Collect this user's ID from the database if not set if (empty($user_id)) { // Generate new user, save, and board IDs for this listing $temp_user_id = $db->get_value('SELECT MAX(user_id) AS user_id FROM mmrpg_users WHERE user_id < ' . MMRPG_SETTINGS_GUEST_ID, 'user_id') + 1; $temp_save_id = $db->get_value('SELECT MAX(save_id) AS save_id FROM mmrpg_saves', 'save_id') + 1; $temp_board_id = $db->get_value('SELECT MAX(board_id) AS board_id FROM mmrpg_leaderboard', 'board_id') + 1; // Generate the USER details for import $temp_user_array = array(); $temp_user_array['user_id'] = $temp_user_id; $temp_user_array['role_id'] = isset($this_user['roleid']) ? $this_user['roleid'] : 3; $temp_user_array['user_name'] = $this_user['username']; $temp_user_array['user_name_clean'] = $this_user['username_clean']; $temp_user_array['user_name_public'] = !empty($this_user['displayname']) ? $this_user['displayname'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_password'] = $this_user['password']; $temp_user_array['user_password_encoded'] = $this_user['password_encoded']; $temp_user_array['user_profile_text'] = !empty($this_user['profiletext']) ? $this_user['profiletext'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_credit_text'] = !empty($this_user['creditstext']) ? $this_user['creditstext'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_credit_line'] = !empty($this_user['creditsline']) ? $this_user['creditsline'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_image_path'] = !empty($this_user['imagepath']) ? $this_user['imagepath'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_background_path'] = !empty($this_user['backgroundpath']) ? $this_user['backgroundpath'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_colour_token'] = !empty($this_user['colourtoken']) ? $this_user['colourtoken'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_gender'] = !empty($this_user['gender']) ? $this_user['gender'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_email_address'] = !empty($this_user['emailaddress']) ? $this_user['emailaddress'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_website_address'] = !empty($this_user['websiteaddress']) ? $this_user['websiteaddress'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_date_created'] = time(); $temp_user_array['user_date_accessed'] = time(); $temp_user_array['user_date_modified'] = time(); $temp_user_array['user_date_birth'] = !empty($this_user['dateofbirth']) ? $this_user['dateofbirth'] : 0; $temp_user_array['user_flag_approved'] = !empty($this_user['approved']) ? 1 : 0; // Generate the BOARD details for import $temp_board_array = array(); $temp_board_array['board_id'] = $temp_board_id; $temp_board_array['user_id'] = $temp_user_id; $temp_board_array['save_id'] = $temp_save_id; $temp_board_array['board_points'] = !empty($this_counters['battle_points']) ? $this_counters['battle_points'] : 0; $temp_board_array['board_robots'] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_battles'] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_stars'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_stars_dr_light'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_stars_dr_wily'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_stars_dr_cossack'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_dr_light'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_dr_wily'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_dr_cossack'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions_dr_light'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions_dr_wily'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions_dr_cossack'] = 0; $temp_board_ability_tokens = array(); if (!empty($this_values['battle_rewards'])) { //foreach ($this_values['battle_rewards'] AS $player_token => $player_array){ foreach ($mmrpg_index_players as $player_token => $player_array) { if ($player_token == 'player') { continue; } $player_reward_array = !empty($this_values['battle_rewards'][$player_token]) ? $this_values['battle_rewards'][$player_token] : array(); $player_battles_array = !empty($this_values['battle_complete'][$player_token]) ? $this_values['battle_complete'][$player_token] : array(); $player_database_token = str_replace('-', '_', $player_token); if (!empty($player_reward_array)) { $temp_board_array['board_points_' . $player_database_token] = $player_reward_array['player_points']; $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token] = array(); if (!empty($player_reward_array['player_robots'])) { foreach ($player_reward_array['player_robots'] as $robot_token => $robot_array) { $temp_token = $robot_array['robot_token']; $temp_level = !empty($robot_array['robot_level']) ? $robot_array['robot_level'] : 1; $temp_robot_info = array('robot_token' => $temp_token, $temp_level); $temp_board_array['board_robots'][] = '[' . $temp_token . ':' . $temp_level . ']'; $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token][] = '[' . $temp_token . ':' . $temp_level . ']'; } } if (!empty($player_reward_array['player_abilities'])) { foreach ($player_reward_array['player_abilities'] as $ability_token => $ability_array) { //if (!isset($ability_array['ability_token'])){ die('player_abilities->'.print_r($ability_array, true)); } $temp_token = !empty($ability_array['ability_token']) ? $ability_array['ability_token'] : $ability_token; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_' . $player_database_token] += 1; if (!in_array($temp_token, $temp_board_ability_tokens)) { $temp_board_array['board_abilities'] += 1; $temp_board_ability_tokens[] = $temp_token; } } } if (!empty($player_battles_array)) { foreach ($player_battles_array as $battle_token => $battle_info) { $temp_token = $battle_info['battle_token']; $temp_board_array['board_battles'][] = '[' . $temp_token . ']'; $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token][] = '[' . $temp_token . ']'; $temp_board_array['board_missions'] += 1; $temp_board_array['board_missions_' . $player_database_token] += 1; } } } else { $temp_board_array['board_points_' . $player_database_token] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token] = array(); } $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token]) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token]) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token]) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token]) : ''; } } if (!empty($this_stars)) { foreach ($this_stars as $temp_star_token => $temp_star_info) { $temp_star_player = str_replace('-', '_', $temp_star_info['star_player']); $temp_board_array['board_stars'] += 1; $temp_board_array['board_stars_' . $temp_star_player] += 1; } } $temp_board_array['board_robots'] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_robots']) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_robots']) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_battles'] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_battles']) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_battles']) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_date_created'] = $temp_user_array['user_date_created']; $temp_board_array['board_date_modified'] = $temp_user_array['user_date_modified']; // Generate the SAVE details for import $temp_save_array = array(); if (!empty($this_values['battle_index'])) { unset($this_values['battle_index']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_complete'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_complete'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_complete']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_complete']); if (isset($this_values['battle_complete_hash']) && $this_values['battle_complete_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_complete']); } unset($this_values['battle_complete'], $this_values['battle_complete_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_failure'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_failure'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_failure']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_failure']); if (isset($this_values['battle_failure_hash']) && $this_values['battle_failure_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_failure']); } unset($this_values['battle_failure'], $this_values['battle_failure_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_rewards'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_rewards'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_rewards']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_rewards']); if (isset($this_values['battle_rewards_hash']) && $this_values['battle_rewards_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_rewards']); } unset($this_values['battle_rewards'], $this_values['battle_rewards_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_settings'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_settings'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_settings']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_settings']); if (isset($this_values['battle_settings_hash']) && $this_values['battle_settings_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_settings']); } unset($this_values['battle_settings'], $this_values['battle_settings_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_items'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_items'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_items']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_items']); if (isset($this_values['battle_items_hash']) && $this_values['battle_items_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_items']); } unset($this_values['battle_items'], $this_values['battle_items_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_stars'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_stars'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_stars']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_stars']); if (isset($this_values['battle_stars_hash']) && $this_values['battle_stars_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_stars']); } unset($this_values['battle_stars'], $this_values['battle_stars_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['robot_database'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_robot_database'] = json_encode($this_values['robot_database']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_robot_database']); if (isset($this_values['robot_database_hash']) && $this_values['robot_database_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_robot_database']); } unset($this_values['robot_database'], $this_values['robot_database_hash']); } $temp_save_array['save_id'] = $temp_save_id; $temp_save_array['user_id'] = $temp_user_id; $temp_save_array['save_counters'] = json_encode($this_counters); $temp_save_array['save_values'] = json_encode($this_values); $temp_save_array['save_flags'] = json_encode($this_flags); $temp_save_array['save_settings'] = json_encode($this_settings); $temp_save_array['save_cache_date'] = $this_cache_date; $temp_save_array['save_file_name'] = $this_file['name']; $temp_save_array['save_file_path'] = $this_file['path']; $temp_save_array['save_date_created'] = $temp_user_array['user_date_created']; $temp_save_array['save_date_accessed'] = $temp_user_array['user_date_accessed']; $temp_save_array['save_date_modified'] = $temp_user_array['user_date_modified']; // Insert these users into the database $temp_user_array_return = $db->insert('mmrpg_users', $temp_user_array); $temp_save_array_return = $db->insert('mmrpg_saves', $temp_save_array); $temp_board_array_return = $db->insert('mmrpg_leaderboard', $temp_board_array); unset($temp_user_array, $temp_save_array, $temp_board_array); // Update the ID in the user array and continue $this_user['userid'] = $temp_user_id; $user_id = $temp_user_id; } // DEBUG $DEBUG = ''; // Define the user database update array and populate $temp_user_array = array(); $temp_user_array['user_name'] = $this_user['username']; $temp_user_array['user_name_clean'] = $this_user['username_clean']; $temp_user_array['user_name_public'] = !empty($this_user['displayname']) ? $this_user['displayname'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_password'] = $this_user['password']; $temp_user_array['user_password_encoded'] = $this_user['password_encoded']; $temp_user_array['user_profile_text'] = !empty($this_user['profiletext']) ? $this_user['profiletext'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_credit_text'] = !empty($this_user['creditstext']) ? $this_user['creditstext'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_credit_line'] = !empty($this_user['creditsline']) ? $this_user['creditsline'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_image_path'] = !empty($this_user['imagepath']) ? $this_user['imagepath'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_background_path'] = !empty($this_user['backgroundpath']) ? $this_user['backgroundpath'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_colour_token'] = !empty($this_user['colourtoken']) ? $this_user['colourtoken'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_gender'] = !empty($this_user['gender']) ? $this_user['gender'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_email_address'] = !empty($this_user['emailaddress']) ? $this_user['emailaddress'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_website_address'] = !empty($this_user['websiteaddress']) ? $this_user['websiteaddress'] : ''; $temp_user_array['user_date_modified'] = time(); $temp_user_array['user_date_accessed'] = time(); $temp_user_array['user_date_birth'] = !empty($this_user['dateofbirth']) ? $this_user['dateofbirth'] : 0; $temp_user_array['user_flag_approved'] = !empty($this_user['approved']) ? 1 : 0; // Update this user's info in the database $db->update('mmrpg_users', $temp_user_array, 'user_id = ' . $this_user['userid']); unset($temp_user_array); // DEBUG //$DEBUG .= '$db->update(\'mmrpg_users\', $temp_user_array, \'user_id = \'.$this_user[\'userid\']);'; //$DEBUG .= '<pre>$temp_user_array = '.print_r($temp_user_array, true).'</pre>'; //$DEBUG .= '<pre>$this_user = '******'</pre>'; // Define the board database update array and populate $temp_board_array = array(); $temp_board_array['board_points'] = !empty($this_counters['battle_points']) ? $this_counters['battle_points'] : 0; $temp_board_array['board_robots'] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_battles'] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_stars'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_stars_dr_light'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_stars_dr_wily'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_stars_dr_cossack'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_dr_light'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_dr_wily'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_dr_cossack'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions_dr_light'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions_dr_wily'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_missions_dr_cossack'] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_awards'] = !empty($this_values['prototype_awards']) ? array_keys($this_values['prototype_awards']) : ''; $temp_board_ability_tokens = array(); if (!empty($this_values['battle_rewards'])) { //foreach ($this_values['battle_rewards'] AS $player_token => $player_array){ foreach ($mmrpg_index_players as $player_token => $player_array) { if ($player_token == 'player' || !self::player_unlocked($player_token)) { continue; } $player_reward_array = !empty($this_values['battle_rewards'][$player_token]) ? $this_values['battle_rewards'][$player_token] : array(); $player_battles_array = !empty($this_values['battle_complete'][$player_token]) ? $this_values['battle_complete'][$player_token] : array(); $player_database_token = str_replace('-', '_', $player_token); if (!empty($player_reward_array)) { $temp_board_array['board_points_' . $player_database_token] = !empty($player_reward_array['player_points']) ? $player_reward_array['player_points'] : 0; $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token] = array(); if (!empty($player_reward_array['player_robots'])) { foreach ($player_reward_array['player_robots'] as $robot_token => $robot_array) { //if (!isset($robot_array['robot_token'])){ die('player_robots->'.print_r($robot_array, true)); } $temp_token = !empty($robot_array['robot_token']) ? $robot_array['robot_token'] : $robot_token; $temp_level = !empty($robot_array['robot_level']) ? $robot_array['robot_level'] : 1; $temp_robot_info = array('robot_token' => $temp_token, $temp_level); $temp_board_array['board_robots'][] = '[' . $temp_token . ':' . $temp_level . ']'; $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token][] = '[' . $temp_token . ':' . $temp_level . ']'; } } if (!empty($player_reward_array['player_abilities'])) { foreach ($player_reward_array['player_abilities'] as $ability_token => $ability_array) { //if (!isset($ability_array['ability_token'])){ die('player_abilities->'.print_r($ability_array, true)); } $temp_token = !empty($ability_array['ability_token']) ? $ability_array['ability_token'] : $ability_token; $temp_board_array['board_abilities_' . $player_database_token] += 1; if (!in_array($temp_token, $temp_board_ability_tokens)) { $temp_board_array['board_abilities'] += 1; $temp_board_ability_tokens[] = $temp_token; } } } if (!empty($player_battles_array)) { foreach ($player_battles_array as $battle_token => $battle_info) { $temp_token = $battle_info['battle_token']; $temp_board_array['board_battles'][] = '[' . $temp_token . ']'; $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token][] = '[' . $temp_token . ']'; $temp_board_array['board_missions'] += 1; $temp_board_array['board_missions_' . $player_database_token] += 1; } } } else { $temp_board_array['board_points_' . $player_database_token] = 0; $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token] = array(); $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token] = array(); } $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token]) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_robots_' . $player_database_token]) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token]) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_battles_' . $player_database_token]) : ''; } } if (!empty($this_stars)) { foreach ($this_stars as $temp_star_token => $temp_star_info) { $temp_star_player = str_replace('-', '_', $temp_star_info['star_player']); $temp_board_array['board_stars'] += 1; $temp_board_array['board_stars_' . $temp_star_player] += 1; } } //$temp_board_array['board_robots'] = json_encode($temp_board_array['board_robots']); $temp_board_array['board_robots'] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_robots']) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_robots']) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_battles'] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_battles']) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_battles']) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_awards'] = !empty($temp_board_array['board_awards']) ? implode(',', $temp_board_array['board_awards']) : ''; $temp_board_array['board_date_modified'] = time(); // Update this board's info in the database $db->update('mmrpg_leaderboard', $temp_board_array, 'user_id = ' . $this_user['userid']); unset($temp_board_array); // Clear any leaderboard data that exists in the session, forcing it to recache if (isset($_SESSION[$session_token]['BOARD']['boardrank'])) { unset($_SESSION[$session_token]['BOARD']['boardrank']); } // Define the save database update array and populate $temp_save_array = array(); if (!empty($this_values['battle_index'])) { ////foreach ($this_values['battle_index'] AS $key => $array){ $this_values['battle_index'][$key] = json_decode($array, true); } ////$temp_save_array['save_values_battle_index'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_index']); ////$temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_index']); ////if (isset($this_values['battle_index_hash']) && $this_values['battle_index_hash'] == $temp_hash){ unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_index']); } //unset($this_values['battle_index'], $this_values['battle_index_hash']); unset($this_values['battle_index']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_complete'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_complete'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_complete']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_complete']); if (isset($this_values['battle_complete_hash']) && $this_values['battle_complete_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_complete']); } unset($this_values['battle_complete'], $this_values['battle_complete_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_failure'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_failure'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_failure']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_failure']); if (isset($this_values['battle_failure_hash']) && $this_values['battle_failure_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_failure']); } unset($this_values['battle_failure'], $this_values['battle_failure_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_rewards'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_rewards'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_rewards']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_rewards']); if (isset($this_values['battle_rewards_hash']) && $this_values['battle_rewards_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_rewards']); } unset($this_values['battle_rewards'], $this_values['battle_rewards_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_settings'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_settings'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_settings']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_settings']); if (isset($this_values['battle_settings_hash']) && $this_values['battle_settings_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_settings']); } unset($this_values['battle_settings'], $this_values['battle_settings_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_items'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_items'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_items']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_items']); if (isset($this_values['battle_items_hash']) && $this_values['battle_items_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_items']); } unset($this_values['battle_items'], $this_values['battle_items_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['battle_stars'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_battle_stars'] = json_encode($this_values['battle_stars']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_stars']); if (isset($this_values['battle_stars_hash']) && $this_values['battle_stars_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_battle_stars']); } unset($this_values['battle_stars'], $this_values['battle_stars_hash']); } if (!empty($this_values['robot_database'])) { $temp_save_array['save_values_robot_database'] = json_encode($this_values['robot_database']); $temp_hash = md5($temp_save_array['save_values_robot_database']); if (isset($this_values['robot_database_hash']) && $this_values['robot_database_hash'] == $temp_hash) { unset($temp_save_array['save_values_robot_database']); } unset($this_values['robot_database'], $this_values['robot_database_hash']); } $temp_save_array['save_counters'] = json_encode($this_counters); $temp_save_array['save_values'] = json_encode($this_values); $temp_save_array['save_flags'] = json_encode($this_flags); $temp_save_array['save_settings'] = json_encode($this_settings); $temp_save_array['save_cache_date'] = $this_cache_date; $temp_save_array['save_date_modified'] = time(); // Update this save's info in the database $db->update('mmrpg_saves', $temp_save_array, 'user_id = ' . $this_user['userid']); unset($temp_save_array); // DEBUG //$DEBUG .= '$db->update(\'mmrpg_saves\', $temp_save_array, \'user_id = \'.$this_user[\'userid\']);'; //$DEBUG .= '<pre>$temp_save_array = '.print_r($temp_save_array, true).'</pre>'; //$DEBUG .= '<pre>$this_user = '******'</pre>'; // DEBUG //$DEBUG .= '$db->update(\'mmrpg_leaderboard\', $temp_board_array, \'user_id = \'.$this_user[\'userid\']);'; //$DEBUG .= '<pre>$temp_board_array = '.print_r($temp_board_array, true).'</pre>'; //$DEBUG .= '<pre>$this_user = '******'</pre>'; } else { // DEBUG //echo 'but we\'re in demo mode'; } // Pull the updated user info from the database $user_fields = rpg_user::get_fields(true, 'user'); $user_role_fields = rpg_user_role::get_fields(true, 'role'); $this_userinfo = $db->get_array("SELECT\n {$user_fields}, {$user_role_fields}\n FROM mmrpg_users AS user\n LEFT JOIN mmrpg_roles AS role ON role.role_id = user.role_id\n WHERE user.user_id = '{$user_id}'\n LIMIT 1"); // Update the session with the new user info $_SESSION['GAME']['USER']['userinfo'] = $this_userinfo; // Return true on success return true; }
*/ // Define the SEO variables for this page $this_seo_title = 'Credits | About | ' . $this_seo_title; $this_seo_description = 'Mega Man RPG World was created and is continually developed and maintained by Adrian Marceau / Ageman20XX, though the project would not have been possible without a great deal of inspiration and contributions from multiple outside sources. Being a Mega Man fan-game, this project obviously owes most of it\'s thanks to Capcom and of course, Keiji Inafune. Mega Man RPG World is a browser-based fangame that combines the mechanics of both the Pokémon and Mega Man series of video games into one strange and wonderful little time waster.'; // Define the Open Graph variables for this page $this_graph_data['title'] = 'Credits and Contributors'; $this_graph_data['description'] = 'Mega Man RPG World was created and is continually developed and maintained by Adrian Marceau / Ageman20XX, though the project would not have been possible without a great deal of inspiration and contributions from multiple outside sources. Being a Mega Man fan-game, this project obviously owes most of it\'s thanks to Capcom and of course, Keiji Inafune.'; //$this_graph_data['image'] = MMRPG_CONFIG_ROOTURL.'images/assets/mmrpg-prototype-logo.png'; //$this_graph_data['type'] = 'website'; // Define the MARKUP variables for this page $this_markup_header = 'Mega Man RPG World Credits'; // Collect user data for all contributors in the database $contributor_ids = array(412, 92, 3842, 2, 110, 18, 435, 4117, 4091, 4307, 1330); // 484 Ephnee $user_fields = rpg_user::get_fields(true, 'user'); $role_fields = rpg_user_role::get_fields(true, 'role'); $contributor_index = $db->get_array_list("SELECT\n {$user_fields}, {$role_fields}\n FROM mmrpg_users AS user\n LEFT JOIN mmrpg_roles AS role ON role.role_id = user.role_id\n WHERE user.user_id IN (" . implode(', ', $contributor_ids) . ")\n ;", 'user_id'); //die(print_r($contributor_index, true)); function temp_sort_by_date($u1, $u2) { global $contributor_ids; if ($u1['user_id'] == 412) { return -1; } elseif ($u2['user_id'] == 412) { return 1; } elseif (array_search($u1['user_id'], $contributor_ids) < array_search($u2['user_id'], $contributor_ids)) { return -1; } elseif (array_search($u1['user_id'], $contributor_ids) > array_search($u2['user_id'], $contributor_ids)) { return 1; } elseif ($u1['user_date_created'] < $u2['user_date_created']) { return -1;