Exemple #1
function mtPublicIP($host)
    // Instanciate MT API call
    $API = new routeros_api();
    $API->debug = false;
    // Set a default value to return if connection to MT fails
    $ipaddr = "";
    // Query Mikrotik
    if ($API->connect($host, 'admin', 'DataCom')) {
        $ARRAY = $API->read();
        $ipaddr = substr($ARRAY['0']['address'], 0, -3);
        if ($ipaddr == "") {
            $API->connect($host, 'admin', 'DataCom');
            $ARRAY = $API->read();
            foreach ($ARRAY as $addr) {
                if ($addr['interface'] == "ether1") {
                    $ipaddr = substr($addr['address'], 0, -3);
    return $ipaddr;
                             <div class="panel-body panel-body-table">
                                 <div class="table-responsive">
                                     <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
                                                 <th width="50%">Nombre Interfaz</th>
                                                 <th width="20%">Estado</th>
                                                 <th width="30%">Velocidad LAN</th>
 $API->write("/interface/ethernet/getall", true);
 $READ = $API->read(false);
 $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
 if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
     // si hay mas de 1 queue.
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
         $name = sanear_string($ARRAY[$x]['name']);
         $speed = sanear_string($ARRAY[$x]['speed']);
         if ($ARRAY[$x]['running'] == "true") {
             $estado = "<span class='ok'>conectado</span>";
         } else {
             $estado = "<span class='fail'>desconectado</span>";
         $datos_interface = '<tr>';
         $datos_interface .= '<td>' . $name . '</td>';
         $datos_interface .= '<td>' . $estado . '</td>';

//Conectamos al CAPsMAN
$IP = $_SESSION['ip'];
$user = $_SESSION['user'];
$password = $_SESSION['password'];
$interfaz = $_SESSION['interfaz'];
$API = new routeros_api();
if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
    //Creamos dos array para almacenar los datos de trafico
    $rows = array();
    $rows2 = array();
    //Enviamos el comando de monitor para capturar el tráfico una vez
    $API->write("/interface/monitor-traffic", false);
    $API->write("=interface=" . $interfaz, false);
    $API->write("=once=", true);
    $READ = $API->read(false);
    $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
    //Si hay datos
    if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
        //En rx almacenamos el trafico leido y en tx el de transmision
        $rx = number_format($ARRAY[0]["rx-bits-per-second"] / 1024, 1);
        $tx = number_format($ARRAY[0]["tx-bits-per-second"] / 1024, 1);
        //En el array establecemos un nombre y unos datos
        $rows['name'] = 'Tx';
        $rows['data'][] = $tx;
        $rows2['name'] = 'Rx';
        $rows2['data'][] = $rx;
    } else {
                             <div class="panel-body">
                                 <table id="customers2" class="table datatable">
 $API->write("/tool/user-manager/user/getall", true);
 $READ = $API->read(false);
 $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
 if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
     // si hay mas de 1 queue.
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
         if (!empty($ARRAY[$x]['caller-id']) == "") {
             $mac = "Sin MAC Fija";
         } else {
             if ($ARRAY[$x]['caller-id'] == "bind") {
                 $mac = "Por Blindar";
             } else {
                 $mac = $ARRAY[$x]['caller-id'];
         if (!empty($ARRAY[$x]['actual-profile']) == "") {
Exemple #5
require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$host = "";
// Convert results to integer MS
function convertms($resulttime)
    $result1 = explode(":", $resulttime);
    $result2 = explode(".", $result1[2]);
    $msval = $result1[0] * 60 * 60 * 1000 + $result1[1] * 60 * 1000 + $result2[0] * 1000 + $result2[1];
    return $msval;
// Instanciate MT API call
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
// Query Mikrotik
if ($API->connect($host, 'admin', 'DataCom')) {
    $TARGET = $API->read();
    $tunuser = $TARGET[0]['user'];
    $pingtargarr = explode(':', $TARGET[0]['connect-to']);
    $pingtarg = $pingtargarr[0];
    echo "Ping Target: " . $pingtarg . "\n";
    $API->write('/ping', false);
    $API->write('=address=' . $pingtarg, false);
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
// Query Tunnel End point for real public ip
if ($API->connect($pingtarg, 'admin', 'D@t@c0m#')) {
    $TUNNELS = $API->read();
    $allPortsAccessRB = explode(',', $allPortsAccessRB);
    $portsAccessCR = "";
    for ($cont3 = 0; $cont3 < count($estadoAccessCR); $cont3++) {
        $allPortsAccessCR = $estadoAccessCR[$cont3]['new-customer-vid'] . "," . $allPortsAccessCR;
    if ($allPortsAccessCR[strlen($allPorts) - 1] == ",") {
        $allPortsAccessCR = rtrim($allPorts, ',');
    $allPortsAccessCR = implode(',', array_unique(explode(',', $allPortsAccessCR)));
    $allPortsAccessCR = explode(',', $allPortsAccessCR);
    $API->write("/interface/ethernet/monitor", false);
    $API->write("=numbers=" . $valores, false);
    $API->write("=once=", true);
    $READ = $API->read(false);
    $statusPorts = $API->parse_response($READ);
    //Array Colores,
    $colores = ["#00fff9", "#ff00e7", "#a3ff00", "#ffdc0b", "#ff4400", "#7c00ff", "#3377ff", "#ff7468", "#20e523", "#fcc512", "#9f0d0d", "#bc9ad4", "#79addd", "#e7d1e5", "#7bcf5a", "#cc8324", "#b80f12", "#0da9b0", "#eea7b9", "#1e7352", "#eee117", "#b80000", "#00137a", "#AA0078", "#3333FF", "#99FF00", "#FFCC00", "#CC0000", "#587498", "#E86850", "#FFD800", "##00FF00", "#FF0000", "#0000FF", "#FF6600", "#A16B23", "#C9341C", "#ECC5A8", "#A3CBF1", "#79BFA1", "#FB7374", "#FF9900", "#4FD5D6", "#D6E3B5", "#FFD197", "#FFFF66", "#FFC3CE", "#21B6A8", "#CDFFFF", ""];
//Sacar valores String TRUNK CR
for ($cont = 0; $cont < count($estadoTrunkCR); $cont++) {
    //Concatenamos todos los puertos de trunk
    $puertosTrunk = $estadoTrunkCR[$cont]['tagged-ports'] . "," . $puertosTrunk;
//Eliminamos la ultima coma
$rest = substr($puertosTrunk, 0, -1);
            $API->write("/interface/ethernet/set", false);
            $API->write("=disabled=no", false);
            $API->write("=.id=" . $Ports[$cont]['name']);
            $Ports = $API->read();
for ($cont = 0; $cont < $numPorts; $cont++) {
    if (isset($_POST['disablePort' . $cont])) {
        $API = new routeros_api();
        $IP = $_SESSION['ip'];
        $user = $_SESSION['user'];
        $password = $_SESSION['password'];
        if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
            $API->write("/interface/ethernet/set", false);
            $API->write("=disabled=yes", false);
            $API->write("=.id=" . $Ports[$cont]['name']);
            $Ports = $API->read();
<!--Boton cerrar sesión-->

if ($_GET['logOut'] == 'yes') {
            $actualPort = $arrayPorts[$cont];
            //Get all ports of VLAN
            $previousPort = $estadoTrunkCR[$cont2]['tagged-ports'];
            //Delete port from previousPort
            $finalPort = str_replace($actualPort, "", $previousPort);
            //Replace ,, to , if the port is deleted in the middle of string
            $finalPort = str_replace(',,', ",", $finalPort);
            //Delete the last comma
            if ($finalPort[strlen($finalPort) - 1] == ",") {
                $finalPort = rtrim($finalPort, ',');
            //DELETE VLAN if last PORT
            if ($previousPort === $actualPort) {
                $API = new routeros_api();
                if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
                    $API->write("/interface/ethernet/switch/egress-vlan-tag/remove", false);
                    $API->write("=.id=" . $cont2);
                    $Ports = $API->read();
            } else {
                $API = new routeros_api();
                if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
                    $API->comm("/interface/ethernet/switch/egress-vlan-tag/set", array(".id" => $cont2, "tagged-ports" => $finalPort));
 if ($prioridad == "1/1") {
     $uploadCalculado = 1;
 } elseif ($prioridad == "4/4") {
     $uploadCalculado = 0.75;
 } elseif ($prioridad == "6/6") {
     $uploadCalculado = 0.5;
 } elseif ($prioridad == "8/8") {
     $uploadCalculado = 0.25;
 $mask = "/32";
 $upload = $download * $uploadCalculado;
 $bytesUpload = $upload * 1024;
 $bytesDownload = $download * 1024;
 $total_canal = $bytesUpload . "/" . $bytesDownload;
 $insertar = "1";
 $API->write("/queue/simple/getall", false);
 $API->write("?target=" . $target . $mask, true);
 $READ = $API->read(false);
 $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
 if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
     // si el nombre de usuario "ya existe" lo edito
     echo "Error: La IP No puede estar repetida.";
 } else {
     $API->write("/queue/simple/add", false);
     $API->write("=name=" . $user, false);
     $API->write("=target=" . $target, false);
     $API->write("=max-limit=" . $total_canal, false);
     $API->write("=limit-at=" . $total_canal, false);
     $API->write("=priority=" . $prioridad, false);
     $API->write("=place-before=" . $insertar, true);
     $READ = $API->read(false);


for ($cont = 0; $cont < $numPorts; $cont++) {
    if (isset($_POST['formMaster' . $cont])) {
        $seleccion = $_POST['formMaster' . $cont];
        $API = new routeros_api();
        $IP = $_SESSION['ip'];
        $user = $_SESSION['user'];
        $password = $_SESSION['password'];
        if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
            $API->write("/interface/ethernet/set", false);
            $API->write("=master-port=" . $seleccion, false);
            $API->write("=.id=" . $Ports[$cont]['name']);
            $ARRAY = $API->read();

<!--Boton cerrar sesión-->

if ($_GET['logOut'] == 'yes') {
                                     <div class="col-md-8">
                                         <input type="text" id="name" name="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Nombre Completo de Cliente">
                                 <div class="form-group">
                                     <label class="col-md-4 control-label">Identificaci&oacute;n</label>
                                     <div class="col-md-8">
                                         <input type="text" name="no_id" id="no_id" class="form-control" placeholder="Ingrese n&uacute;mero identificaci&oacute;n">
                                 <div class="form-group">
                                     <label class="col-md-4 control-label">Plan</label>
                                     <div class="col-md-8">
                                         <select name="plan" id="plan" class="control-select select">
 $API->write("/tool/user-manager/profile/getall", true);
 $READ = $API->read(false);
 $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
 if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
     // si hay mas de 1 queue.
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
         //$precio = $ARRAY[$x]['price'];
         $plan = $ARRAY[$x]['name'];
         $price = $ARRAY[$x]['price'];
         $datos_planes = '<option value="' . $plan . '">' . $plan . '</option>';
         echo $datos_planes;
 } else {
     // si no hay ningun binding
     echo "No hay Ningun Plan.";
$destinationVlan = $_POST['destinationVlan'];
if (isset($_POST['submitButton'])) {
    $API = new routeros_api();
    if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
        $API->comm("/ip/firewall/filter/add", array("chain" => "forward", "action" => $permitDeny, "in-interface" => $sourceVlan, "out-interface" => $destinationVlan));
for ($cont = 0; $cont < $numFirewall; $cont++) {
    if (isset($_POST['disableRule' . $cont])) {
        $API = new routeros_api();
        $IP = $_SESSION['ip'];
        $user = $_SESSION['user'];
        $password = $_SESSION['password'];
        if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
            $API->write("/ip/firewall/filter/remove", false);
            $API->write("=.id=" . $cont);
            $Ports = $API->read();

<!--Boton cerrar sesión-->

if ($_GET['logOut'] == 'yes') {
Exemple #13
    echo $menu;
    <div id="main">
        <div class="header">
            <h2>Resumen de RouterBoard</h2>

        <div class="content">
            <h2 class="content-subhead">Información del equipo</h2>
    //Enviamos el comando
    $API->write("/system/identity/getall", true);
    //Leemos la respuesta y la mandamos a una variable
    $READ = $API->read(false);
    //Parseamos el resultado (Lo hacemos facil de leer)
    $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
    //Consulta del estado de la interfaz
                <table class="pure-table">
                            <th>Nombre Equipo</th>
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
function searchString($texto, $cadena)
    if (preg_match("/" . $cadena . "/", $texto)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
if ($_POST['criterio'] == "") {
    echo "Ingrese un criterio de busqueda";
} else {
    $message = $_POST['criterio'];
    if ($API->connect(IP_MIKROTIK, USER, PASS)) {
        $API->write('/cancel', false);
        $READ = $API->read(false);
        $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
        echo "<br />";
        if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
            for ($x = 0; $x <= count($ARRAY); $x++) {
                //Clasifico errores del Log.
                if (preg_match("/" . $message . "/i", $ARRAY[$x]["message"])) {
                    if (searchString($ARRAY[$x]["message"], "authentication failed")) {
                        echo "<p><strong>" . $ARRAY[$x]["time"] . "</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $ARRAY[$x]["message"], "authentication failed" . "</p>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<p><strong>" . $ARRAY[$x]["time"] . "</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp; <span style=\"color:#666;\">" . $ARRAY[$x]["message"] . "</span></p>";
Exemple #15

$usuario = "Usuario";
$rol = "Comercial";
include "../../../includes/variables.php";
include "../layouts/menu.php";
require '../apimikrotik.php';
require '../functions/funciones.php';
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
$plan = $_REQUEST['plan'];
if ($API->connect(IP_MIKROTIK, USER, PASS)) {
    $API->write("/tool/user-manager/user/getall", false);
    $API->write('?name=' . $plan, true);
    $READ = $API->read(false);
    $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
    if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
        // si hay mas de 1 queue.
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
            //$precio = $ARRAY[$x]['price'];
            $price = $ARRAY[$x]['price'];
            echo $price;
    } else {
        // si no hay ningun binding
        echo "No hay Ningun Plan.";
} else {
    echo "No hay conexion";

require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
//Query Botruc-41
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'P@55w0rd!')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    $cleanlat = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['latitude']);
    $cleanlong = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['longitude']);
    $botruc41['latitude'] = $cleanlat[1] + trim($cleanlat[2], "'") / 60 + trim(trim($cleanlat[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
    $botruc41['longitude'] = 0 - $cleanlong[1] - trim($cleanlong[2], "'") / 60 - trim(trim($cleanlong[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
//Query Botruc-40
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'P@55w0rd!')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    $cleanlat = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['latitude']);
    $cleanlong = explode(" ", $ARRAY[0]['longitude']);
    $botruc40['latitude'] = $cleanlat[1] + trim($cleanlat[2], "'") / 60 + trim(trim($cleanlat[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
    $botruc40['longitude'] = 0 - $cleanlong[1] - trim($cleanlong[2], "'") / 60 - trim(trim($cleanlong[3], "'"), "'") / 3600;
//Build device insert query
$insertquery[0] = "INSERT INTO Device (accountID,deviceID,groupID,equipmentType,vehicleID,uniqueID,displayName,description,isActive,lastUpdateTime,lastInputState) VALUES ('gtg','Botruc40','lmbotruc','netmodem','Botruc40','Botruc40','Botruc40','Botruc40',1," . time() . ",40000) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE groupID=VALUES(groupID),lastUpdateTime=VALUES(lastUpdateTime),displayName=VALUES(displayName),description=VALUES(description);";
                        <h2 style="margin: 20px;">Informaci&oacute;n General</h2>

                <!-- PAGE CONTENT WRAPPER -->
                <div class="page-content-wrap">
                <div class="row"><!-- Inicia Fila Row -->
                	<div class="col-md-5">
                		<form role="form" id="Get_Info" action="../action/get_clients_queue.php" method="POST">
                			<div class="form-horizontal">
                			<div class="form-group"><!-- Inicia Grupo Control -->
                				<label class="col-md-4 control-label">Escoja el Usuario</label>
                				<div class="col-md-8"><!--Inicia Columna md-8-->
                				<select name="Usuario" id="Usuario" class="control-select select-definido">
		                                        <!-- Traemos los Usuarios de los Queues y los imprimimos en cada option -->
    $API->write("/queue/simple/getall", true);
    $READ = $API->read(false);
    $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
    if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
        // si hay mas de 1 queue.
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
            $name = sanear_string($ARRAY[$x]['name']);
            $id_umkt = $ARRAY[$x]['.id'];
            $datos_queue = "<option value='{$id_umkt}'>" . $name . "</option>";
            echo $datos_queue;
    } else {
        // si no hay ningun binding
        echo "<option value=''>No hay ningún usuario en Queue Simple</option>";
Exemple #18
     $hostek = $nd_list[$i]['ipaddr'];
     if (!empty($nd_list['port'])) {
         $hostek .= ':' . $nd_list[$i]['port'];
     $result = $LMS->WIFI_GetAllSignal($hostek, $nd_list[$i]['login']);
     if ($result) {
         $data = $result;
     } else {
         $data = array();
 if ($nastype === 14) {
     $MT->debug = false;
     $MT->port = $nd_list[$i]['port'];
     if ($connect = $MT->connect($nd_list[$i]['ipaddr'], $nd_list[$i]['login'], $nd_list[$i]['passwd'])) {
         $result = $MT->read();
         if ($result) {
             for ($k = 0; $k < sizeof($result); $k++) {
                 if (isset($result[$k]['signal-strength']) && !empty($result[$k]['signal-strength'])) {
                     $tab[$k]['rx_signal'] = substr($result[$k]['signal-strength'], 0, strpos($result[$k]['signal-strength'], "dBm"));
                 } else {
                     $tab[$k]['rx_signal'] = 0;
                 if (isset($result[$k]['tx-signal-strength']) && !empty($result[$k]['tx-signal-strength'])) {
                     $tab[$k]['tx_signal'] = $result[$k]['tx-signal-strength'];
                 } else {
                     $tab[$k]['tx_signal'] = 0;
                 if (isset($result[$k]['rx-rate']) && !empty($result[$k]['rx-rate'])) {
Exemple #19
        <div class="content">
            <h2 class="content-subhead">Información General</h2>
            <table class="pure-table" ng-controller="Tablas">
                            <th>Nombre Cliente</th>
                            <th>MAC CPE</th>
                            <th>Tiempo Conexi&oacute;n</th>

    $API->write("/ppp/active/getall", true);
    $READ = $API->read(false);
    $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
    if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
        // si hay mas de 1 queue.
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
            $name = sanear_string($ARRAY[$x]['name']);
            $datos_pppoe = '<tr>';
            $datos_pppoe .= '<td>' . $name . '</td>';
            $datos_pppoe .= '<td>' . $ARRAY[$x]['caller-id'] . '</td>';
            $datos_pppoe .= '<td>' . $ARRAY[$x]['address'] . '</td>';
            $datos_pppoe .= '<td>' . $ARRAY[$x]['uptime'] . '</td>';
            $datos_pppoe .= '</tr>';
            echo $datos_pppoe;
    } else {
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
if ($API->connect(IP_MIKROTIK, USER, PASS)) {
    //Creacion Usuarios PPPoE Usermanager
    $customer = "admin";
    $name = $_POST['name'];
    $phone = $_POST['no_id'];
    $user = strtolower($_POST['user']);
    $password = $_POST['password'];
    $plan = $_POST['plan'];
    $perfil = "5 minutos";
    $comentarios = $_POST['comentarios'];
    $fecha_activacion = date('Y-m-d');
    if (isset($user) || isset($password) || isset($plan)) {
        //valido nombre usuario
        $API->write("/tool/user-manager/user/getall", false);
        $API->write('?name=' . $user, true);
        $READ = $API->read(false);
        $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
        //Crea usuario, customer y password
        if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
            // si el nombre de usuario "ya existe" lo edito
            echo "Error: El nombre no puede estar duplicado, el proceso no termino.";
        } else {
            $API->write("/tool/user-manager/user/add", false);
            $API->write("=customer=" . $customer, false);
            $API->write("=name=" . $user, false);
            $API->write("=first-name=" . $name, false);
            $API->write("=phone=" . $phone, false);
            $API->write("=comment=" . "Fecha activacion " . $fecha_activacion . " - " . $comentarios, false);
            $API->write("=password=" . $password, true);
                             <div class="panel-body">
                                 <table id="customers2" class="table datatable">
                                             <th width="30%">Nombre</th>
                                             <th width="15%">IP</th>
                                             <th width="30%">Perfil</th>
 $API->write("/ip/hotspot/active/getall", true);
 $READ = $API->read(false);
 $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
 if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
     // si hay mas de 1 queue.
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
         $name = sanear_string($ARRAY[$x]['user']);
         $datos_user_hotspot = '<tr>';
         $datos_user_hotspot .= '<td>' . $name . '</td>';
         $datos_user_hotspot .= '<td>' . $ARRAY[$x]['address'] . '</td>';
         $datos_user_hotspot .= '<td>' . $ARRAY[$x]['login-by'] . '</td>';
         $datos_user_hotspot .= '</tr>';
         echo $datos_user_hotspot;
 } else {
     // si no hay ningun binding
                             <div class="panel-body">
                                 <table id="customers2" class="table datatable">
                                             <th>Tipo de IP</th>
 $API->write("/ip/firewall/address-list/getall", true);
 $READ = $API->read(false);
 $ARRAY = $API->parse_response($READ);
 if (count($ARRAY) > 0) {
     // si hay mas de 1 queue.
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($ARRAY); $x++) {
         if ($ARRAY[$x]['dynamic'] == "false") {
             $tipo_list = "Estatico";
         } else {
             $tipo_list = "Din&aacute;mico";
         if (!empty($ARRAY[$x]['comment']) == "") {
             $comentarios = "";
         } else {
             $comentarios = $ARRAY[$x]['comment'];
Exemple #23

// Email Alerts Function
function email_alert($message, $subject)
    system("echo '{$message}' | mail -s '{$subject}' trouble@getdatacom.com -- -f alerts@mydatacomgts.com");
// Read old states from file
$oldstate = parse_ini_file("/root/oldstatefile.txt");
// Get current states from Mikrotik
require '/usr/local/gts/routeros_api.class.php';
$API = new routeros_api();
$API->debug = false;
// Query Mikrotik
if ($API->connect('', 'admin', 'd@t@c0m#')) {
    $ARRAY = $API->read();
    foreach ($ARRAY as $item) {
        $currentstate[$item['name']] = $item['caller-id'];
    $savefile = "";
    foreach ($currentstate as $name => $ip) {
        $savefile .= $name . "=" . $ip . "\n";
    file_put_contents("/root/oldstatefile.txt", $savefile);
// Compare old to new arrays
$newchange = array_diff_assoc($currentstate, $oldstate);
$oldchange = array_diff_assoc($oldstate, $currentstate);
// Figure out changed IPs and Tunnel Ups
for ($cont = 0; $cont < count($routes); $cont++) {
    if (isset($_POST['disableInterfaceRouting' . $cont])) {
        $API = new routeros_api();
        $IP = $_SESSION['ip'];
        $user = $_SESSION['user'];
        $password = $_SESSION['password'];
        if ($API->connect($IP, $user, $password)) {
            $API->write("/ip/route/remove", false);
            $API->write("=.id=" . $cont);
            $Ports = $API->read();
<!--Boton cerrar sesión-->
if ($_GET['logOut'] == 'yes') {