sql_query("delete from {$g5['eyoom_respond']} where {$where}", false); } function respond_countdown($cnt) { global $g5, $member; $set = !$cnt ? "respond=0" : "respond=respond-{$cnt}"; sql_query("update {$g5['eyoom_member']} set {$set} where mb_id='" . $member['mb_id'] . "'", false); } function respond_read($where) { global $g5, $member; $where .= " and wr_mb_id = '" . $member['mb_id'] . "'"; sql_query("update {$g5['eyoom_respond']} set re_chk = 1 where {$where}", false); } } $respond = new respond(); switch ($act) { default: if (!$rid) { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.', G5_BBS_URL . '/respond.php'); } $where = "rid = '{$rid}'"; $where2 = " and wr_mb_id = '" . $member['mb_id'] . "'"; $row = sql_fetch("select * from {$g5[eyoom_respond]} where {$where} {$where2}", false); if (!$row['re_chk']) { $respond->respond_read($where); $respond->respond_countdown(1); } $go_url = G5_BBS_URL . '/board.php?bo_table=' . $row['bo_table'] . '&wr_id=' . $row['wr_id']; $go_url .= $row['wr_cmt'] ? '#c_' . $row['wr_cmt'] : ''; break;
function DEFENSIO_Quarantine() { // remove all global $blogid, $pluginMenuURL, $pluginURL, $pluginSelfParam, $blog, $user, $blogURL, $defaultURL, $hostURL, $service, $skinSetting, $configVal, $suri; $comment_TYPE = !empty($_GET['t']) ? $_GET['t'] : ''; if ($comment_TYPE != "T") { $comment_TYPE = "C"; } $id = defensio_get_all_comments_id($comment_TYPE); //if ( count($id) > 0 ) defensio_make_to_spam($comment_TYPE, implode(',',$id)); if (count($id) > 0) { defensio_make_to_spam($comment_TYPE); } foreach ($id as $t) { $comment_TYPE == 'C' ? deleteCommentInOwner($blogid, $t, false) : deleteTrackback($blogid, $t); } defensio_clear_comments($comment_TYPE); if (array_key_exists('ajaxcall', $_GET)) { respond::ResultPage(0); } else { header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } }