function parse() { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/remotefile.class.php'; $rfObj = new remotePageProperty($this->url); $data = array(); $data['title'] = $this->cleanTitle($rfObj->getPageTitle()); $page = $rfObj->page_content; // to do - grab description from meta tag or story content if (preg_match('/<meta name="description"[^>]*content="([^"]+)"/i', $page, $match)) { $data['description'] = $match[1]; } else { $temp = $rfObj->getPageParagraphs(); require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/utilities.class.php'; $utilObj = new utilities(); $temp = $utilObj->shorten($temp, LENGTH_LONG_CAPTION); $data['description'] = $temp; //$this->log('Caption from gPP: '.$temp); } $data['images'] = $this->parseImages($rfObj); // to do - grab content // to do - use my code to grab keywords using semantic library return $this->jsonData($data); }
<?php // verify email address setupAppFramework(); if (isset($_GET['test'])) { require_once PATH_CORE . '/classes/remotefile.class.php'; $rfObj = new remotePageProperty($_GET['url']); echo $rfObj->getPageTitle(); $matches = $rfObj->getPageParagraphs(); print_r($matches); require_once PATH_CORE . '/utilities/calais/opencalais.php'; $oc = new OpenCalais($init['calais']); $entities = $oc->getEntities($matches); foreach ($entities as $idea) { echo $idea . "<br />"; } exit; foreach ($entities as $type => $values) { echo "<b>" . $type . "</b>"; echo "<ul>"; foreach ($values as $entity) { echo "<li>" . $entity . "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } exit; } if (!isset($_GET['e']) and !isset($_GET['a'])) { $result = false; $app->facebook->redirect(URL_CANVAS . '?p=home&msgType=error&&msg=' . urlencode('There was a problem with your request.')); } else {