/ * 3 video posts / * All regular posts / * The posts with the ID 39185133 / / function getPosts($nStart = 0,$mNum = 20,$sType = null,$nID = null) / * Request $mNum $sType posts starting from $nStart. / * Take posts of all types if $sType = null. / / OR / * If $mNum = 'all', get all $sType posts starting from $nStart / * Take posts of all types if $sType = null. / / OR / * If $nID is given, request the post with the ID $nID. /*/ $oTumblr->getPosts(null, null, null); /* You're quite done! Now, you can get the array that contain the result. / / function dumpArray($bChrono = false,$bDebug = false) / * Sort the array in chronological order if $bChrono is true, inverse if false. / * Return the array-formated content of the requests made to the API. / * If $bDebug = true, return raw decoded JSON from the last request in ['temp'] key of the array. This option was mainly created to help me while dev. /*/ $aTumblr = $oTumblr->dumpArray(); /* Execution time counter */ $nEndTime = microtime(true); $nExecTime = $nEndTime - $nStartTime; if ($aTumblr['stats']['num-inarray'] > 0) { $nExecTimePerPost = $nExecTime / $aTumblr['stats']['num-inarray']; } else { $nExecTimePerPost = 0;
/ * 3 video posts / * All regular posts / * The posts with the ID 39185133 / / function getPosts($nStart = 0,$mNum = 20,$sType = null,$nID = null) / * Request $mNum $sType posts starting from $nStart. / * Take posts of all types if $sType = null. / / OR / * If $mNum = 'all', get all $sType posts starting from $nStart / * Take posts of all types if $sType = null. / / OR / * If $nID is given, request the post with the ID $nID. /*/ $oTumblr->getPosts(0,3,'video'); $oTumblr->getPosts(null,'all','regular'); $oTumblr->getPosts(null,null,null,36624807); /* You're quite done! Now, you can get the array that contain the result. / / function dumpArray($bChrono = false,$bDebug = false) / * Sort the array in chronological order if $bChrono is true, inverse if false. / * Return the array-formated content of the requests made to the API. / * If $bDebug = true, return raw decoded JSON from the last request in ['temp'] key of the array. This option was mainly created to help me while dev. /*/ $aTumblr = $oTumblr->dumpArray(); /* Execution time counter */ $nEndTime = microtime(true); $nExecTime = $nEndTime - $nStartTime;