public function test_import_numerical_19() {
        $xml = '  <question type="numerical">
      <text>Numerical question</text>
    <questiontext format="html">
      <text>What is the answer?</text>
      <text>General feedback: Think Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy.</text>
    <answer fraction="100">
        <text>Well done!</text>
    <answer fraction="0">
        <text>What were you thinking?!</text>
    <answer fraction="0">
        <text>Completely wrong.</text>
        $xmldata = xmlize($xml);

        $importer = new qformat_xml();
        $q = $importer->import_numerical($xmldata['question']);

        $expectedq = new stdClass();
        $expectedq->qtype = 'numerical';
        $expectedq->name = 'Numerical question';
        $expectedq->questiontext = 'What is the answer?';
        $expectedq->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $expectedq->generalfeedback = 'General feedback: Think Hitch-hikers guide to the Galaxy.';
        $expectedq->generalfeedbackformat = FORMAT_HTML;
        $expectedq->defaultmark = 1;
        $expectedq->length = 1;
        $expectedq->penalty = 0.1;

        $expectedq->answer = array('42', '13', '*');
        $expectedq->fraction = array(1, 0, 0);
        $expectedq->feedback = array(
            array('text' => 'Well done!',
                    'format' => FORMAT_HTML),
            array('text' => 'What were you thinking?!',
                    'format' => FORMAT_HTML),
            array('text' => 'Completely wrong.',
                    'format' => FORMAT_HTML));
        $expectedq->tolerance = array(0.001, 1, 0);

        $this->assert(new question_check_specified_fields_expectation($expectedq), $q);