function head_css() { qa_html_theme_base::head_css(); $this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . qa_html(QA_HTML_THEME_LAYER_URLTOROOT . 'notification.css') . '"/>'); $this->content['style'][] = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . qa_html(QA_HTML_THEME_LAYER_URLTOROOT . 'notification.css') . '" />'; qa_html_theme_base::head_css(); }
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function head_css() { parent::head_css(); $css_paths = array('fonts' => 'css/font-awesome.min.css?4.2.0', 'bootstrap' => 'css/bootstrap.min.css?3.3.5', 'donut' => 'css/donut.css?' . DONUT_THEME_VERSION); if (qa_opt('donut_activate_prod_mode')) { $cdn_css_paths = array('bootstrap' => Donut_Option_Keys::BS_CSS_CDN, 'fonts' => Donut_Option_Keys::FA_CDN); unset($css_paths['bootstrap']); unset($css_paths['fonts']); $this->donut_resources($cdn_css_paths, 'css', true); $css_paths['donut'] = 'css/donut.min.css?' . DONUT_THEME_VERSION; //put the donut.min.css for the prod mode } $this->donut_resources($css_paths, 'css'); if (qa_opt('donut_use_local_font')) { $this->donut_resources(array('css/open-sans.css?' . DONUT_THEME_VERSION)); } else { $this->donut_resources(array(',700,700italic,400italic'), 'css', true); } }
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function head_css() { qa_html_theme_base::head_css(); if ($this->template == 'user' && qa_opt('theme_switch_enable')) { } }
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function head_css() { if ($this->request == 'themeoptions') { $this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->rooturl . 'css/admin.css"/>'); $this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . $this->rooturl . 'css/spectrum.css"/>'); // color picker } qa_html_theme_base::head_css(); }
function head_css() { qa_html_theme_base::head_css(); $this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//"/>'); }
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