public static function render_page_process($PATH) { $main = null; if (isset($PATH[0])) { $upload_ids = explode(',', $PATH[0]); foreach ($upload_ids as $i => $upload_id) { if (isset($upload_id[5]) && substr($upload_id, 0, 2) == 'S:') { $t = explode(':', $upload_id); $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT UploadID, UploadTime FROM phoromatic_results WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id ORDER BY UploadTime DESC'); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', $t[1]); $test_result_result = $stmt->execute(); $cutoff_time = is_numeric($t[2]) ? strtotime('today -' . $t[2] . ' days') : false; while ($test_result_row = $test_result_result->fetchArray()) { if ($cutoff_time !== false && strtotime($test_result_row['UploadTime']) < $cutoff_time) { break; } $upload_ids[] = $test_result_row['UploadID']; } unset($upload_ids[$i]); } } $upload_ids = array_unique($upload_ids); $result_files = array(); $display_rows = array(); $system_types = array(); $schedule_types = array(); $trigger_types = array(); $upload_times = array(); $benchmark_tickets = array(); $xml_result_hash = array(); $tickets = array(); foreach ($upload_ids as $id) { $result_share_opt = phoromatic_server::read_setting('force_result_sharing') ? '1 = 1' : 'AccountID = (SELECT AccountID FROM phoromatic_account_settings WHERE LetOtherGroupsViewResults = "1" AND AccountID = phoromatic_results.AccountID)'; $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_results WHERE PPRID = :pprid AND (AccountID = :account_id OR ' . $result_share_opt . ') LIMIT 1'); $stmt->bindValue(':pprid', $id); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $result = $stmt->execute(); $row = $result->fetchArray(); if (false && empty($row)) { // TODO XXX // XXX this code is ultimately dead $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_results WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND UploadID = :upload_id LIMIT 1'); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt->bindValue(':upload_id', $id); $result = $stmt->execute(); $row = $result->fetchArray(); } if (empty($row)) { continue; } $composite_xml = phoromatic_server::phoromatic_account_result_path($row['AccountID'], $row['UploadID']) . 'composite.xml'; if (!is_file($composite_xml)) { echo 'File Not Found: ' . $composite_xml; return false; } $display_rows[$composite_xml] = $row; pts_arrays::unique_push($benchmark_tickets, $row['BenchmarkTicketID']); pts_arrays::unique_push($upload_times, $row['UploadTime']); pts_arrays::unique_push($xml_result_hash, $row['XmlUploadHash']); pts_arrays::unique_push($system_types, $row['SystemID']); pts_arrays::unique_push($schedule_types, $row['ScheduleID']); pts_arrays::unique_push($trigger_types, $row['Trigger']); pts_arrays::unique_push($tickets, $row['BenchmarkTicketID']); // Update view counter $stmt_view = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('UPDATE phoromatic_results SET TimesViewed = (TimesViewed + 1) WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND UploadID = :upload_id'); $stmt_view->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt_view->bindValue(':upload_id', $row['UploadID']); $stmt_view->execute(); } $result_file_title = null; if (count($system_types) == 1) { $result_file_title = phoromatic_system_id_to_name($system_types[0]) . ' Tests'; } if (!empty($tickets) && $tickets[0] != null) { $system_name_format = 'ORIGINAL_DATA'; } else { if (count($trigger_types) == 1 && $trigger_types[0] != null && $benchmark_tickets[0] != null && count($display_rows) > 1) { $system_name_format = 'TRIGGER_AND_SYSTEM'; } else { if (empty($schedule_types[0])) { $system_name_format = 'ORIGINAL_DATA'; } else { if (count($display_rows) == 1) { $system_name_format = 'SYSTEM_NAME'; } else { if (count($schedule_types) == 1 && count($system_types) == 1) { $system_name_format = 'TRIGGER'; $result_file_title = phoromatic_schedule_id_to_name($schedule_types[0]); } else { if (count($schedule_types) == 1) { $system_name_format = 'TRIGGER_AND_SYSTEM'; } else { if (false && count($trigger_types) == 1) { // TODO XXX: this approach yields garbage strings generally without refining the selector // i.e. first make sure all the schedules match or are comparable $system_name_format = 'SYSTEM_AND_SCHEDULE'; } else { $system_name_format = null; } } } } } } } if (count($schedule_types) == 1 && $schedule_types[0] != 0) { self::$schedule_id = $schedule_types[0]; } foreach ($display_rows as $composite_xml => $row) { // $row['SystemID'] . ' ' . $row['ScheduleID'] . ' ' . $row['Trigger'] switch ($system_name_format) { case 'ORIGINAL_DATA': $system_name = null; break; case 'SYSTEM_NAME': $system_name = phoromatic_system_id_to_name($row['SystemID']); break; case 'TRIGGER': $system_name = $row['Trigger']; break; case 'TRIGGER_AND_SYSTEM': $system_name = phoromatic_system_id_to_name($row['SystemID']) . ': ' . $row['Trigger']; break; case 'SYSTEM_AND_SCHEDULE': $system_name = phoromatic_schedule_id_to_name($row['ScheduleID']) . ': ' . $row['Trigger']; break; default: $system_name = phoromatic_system_id_to_name($row['SystemID']) . ' - ' . phoromatic_schedule_id_to_name($row['ScheduleID']) . ' - ' . $row['Trigger']; } if ($system_name == null) { $rf = new pts_result_file($composite_xml); $identifiers = $rf->get_system_identifiers(); if (count($identifiers) == 1) { $system_name = $identifiers[0]; } } $system_name = str_replace('.SYSTEM', phoromatic_system_id_to_name($row['SystemID']), $system_name); $system_name = str_replace('.GROUP', phoromatic_account_id_to_group_name($row['AccountID']), $system_name); $system_variables = explode(';', phoromatic_server::system_id_variables($row['SystemID'], $row['AccountID'])); foreach ($system_variables as $var) { $var = explode('=', $var); if (count($var) == 2) { $system_name = str_replace('.' . $var[0], $var[1], $system_name); } } $result_files[] = new pts_result_merge_select($composite_xml, null, $system_name); } $result_file = new pts_result_file(null, true); $result_file->set_title('Phoromatic Results'); if (!empty($result_files)) { $attributes = array('new_result_file_title' => $result_file_title); if (!empty($result_files)) { $result_file->merge($result_files, $attributes); } } $extra_attributes = array(); if (isset($_GET['upload_to_openbenchmarking'])) { $ob_url = pts_openbenchmarking_client::upload_test_result($result_file, false); if ($ob_url) { header('Location: ' . $ob_url); } } $attribute_options = array('normalize_results' => 'normalize_result_buffer', 'sort_by_performance' => 'sort_result_buffer_values', 'sort_by_reverse' => 'reverse_result_buffer', 'sort_by_name' => 'sort_result_buffer', 'condense_comparison' => 'condense_multi_way', 'force_line_graph' => 'force_tracking_line_graph'); $url_append = null; foreach ($attribute_options as $web_var => $attr_var) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$web_var])) { $extra_attributes[$attr_var] = true; $url_append .= '&' . $web_var . '=1'; } } if (isset($_POST['transpose_comparison'])) { $result_file->invert_multi_way_invert(); } $intent = null; if (isset($_GET['download']) && $_GET['download'] == 'csv') { $result_csv = pts_result_file_output::result_file_to_csv($result_file); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=phoromatic-result.csv'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($result_csv)); ob_clean(); flush(); echo $result_csv; return; } else { if (isset($_GET['download']) && $_GET['download'] == 'txt') { $result_txt = pts_result_file_output::result_file_to_text($result_file); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/txt'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=phoromatic-result.txt'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($result_txt)); ob_clean(); flush(); echo $result_txt; return; } else { if (isset($_GET['download']) && $_GET['download'] == 'pdf') { ob_start(); $_REQUEST['force_format'] = 'PNG'; // Force to PNG renderer $_REQUEST['svg_dom_gd_no_interlacing'] = true; // Otherwise FPDF will fail $tdir = pts_client::create_temporary_directory(); pts_client::generate_result_file_graphs($result_file, $tdir, $extra_attributes); $pdf = new pts_pdf_template($result_file->get_title(), null); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-308x160.png', 69, 85, 73, 38); $pdf->Ln(120); $pdf->WriteStatementCenter(''); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->WriteBigHeaderCenter($result_file->get_title()); $pdf->WriteText($result_file->get_description()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->SetSubject($result_file->get_title() . ' Benchmarks'); //$pdf->SetKeywords(implode(', ', $identifiers)); $pdf->WriteHeader('Test Systems:'); foreach ($result_file->get_systems() as $s) { $pdf->WriteMiniHeader($s->get_identifier()); $pdf->WriteText($s->get_hardware()); $pdf->WriteText($s->get_software()); } $pdf->AddPage(); $placement = 1; $results = $result_file->get_result_objects(); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($results); $i++) { if (is_file($tdir . 'result-graphs/' . $i . '.png')) { $pdf->Ln(100); $pdf->Image($tdir . 'result-graphs/' . $i . '.png', 50, 40 + ($placement - 1) * 120, 120); } if ($placement == 2) { $placement = 0; if ($i != count($results)) { $pdf->AddPage(); } } $placement++; } ob_get_clean(); $pdf->Output('phoromatic.pdf', 'I'); //pts_file_io::delete($tdir, null, true); return; } else { if (isset($_GET['download']) && $_GET['download'] == 'xml') { echo $result_file->get_xml(); return; } } } } $main .= '<h1>' . $result_file->get_title() . '</h1>'; $main .= phoromatic_annotate_entry('RESULT', implode(',', $upload_ids), 'TOP'); if ($result_file->get_system_count() == 1 || ($intent = pts_result_file_analyzer::analyze_result_file_intent($result_file, $intent, true))) { $table = new pts_ResultFileCompactSystemsTable($result_file, $intent); } else { $table = new pts_ResultFileSystemsTable($result_file); } $main .= '<p style="text-align: center; overflow: auto;" class="result_object">' . pts_render::render_graph_inline_embed($table, $result_file, $extra_attributes) . '</p>'; $table = new pts_ResultFileTable($result_file, $intent); $main .= '<p style="text-align: center; overflow: auto;" class="result_object">' . pts_render::render_graph_inline_embed($table, $result_file, $extra_attributes) . '</p>'; $main .= '<div id="pts_results_area">'; foreach ($result_file->get_result_objects(isset($_POST['show_only_changed_results']) ? 'ONLY_CHANGED_RESULTS' : -1) as $i => $result_object) { $main .= '<h2><a name="r-' . $i . '"></a><a name="' . $result_object->get_comparison_hash(true, false) . '"></a>' . $result_object->test_profile->get_title() . '</h2>'; $main .= phoromatic_annotate_entry('RESULT', implode(',', $upload_ids), $result_object->get_comparison_hash(true, false)); $main .= '<p class="result_object">'; $main .= pts_render::render_graph_inline_embed($result_object, $result_file, $extra_attributes); $main .= '</p>'; } $main .= '</div>'; } else { // No result } $right = null; if (self::$schedule_id && !empty(self::$schedule_id)) { $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_schedules WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id LIMIT 1'); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', self::$schedule_id); $result = $stmt->execute(); $row = $result->fetchArray(); if (!empty($row)) { $right .= '<h3><a href="?schedules/' . $row['ScheduleID'] . '">' . $row['Title'] . '</a></h3>'; if (!empty($row['ActiveOn'])) { $right .= '<p align="center"><strong>' . phoromatic_schedule_activeon_string($row['ActiveOn'], $row['RunAt']) . '</strong></p>'; } $right .= '<p>Compare this result file to the latest results from the past: '; $right .= '<select name="view_results_from_past" id="view_results_from_past" onchange="phoromatic_jump_to_results_from(\'' . $row['ScheduleID'] . '\', \'view_results_from_past\', \'' . $PATH[0] . ',\');">'; $oldest_upload_time = strtotime(phoromatic_oldest_result_for_schedule(self::$schedule_id)); $opts = array('Week' => 7, 'Three Weeks' => 21, 'Month' => 30, 'Quarter' => 90, 'Six Months' => 180, 'Year' => 365); foreach ($opts as $str_name => $time_offset) { if ($oldest_upload_time > time() - 86400 * $time_offset) { break; } $right .= '<option value="' . $time_offset . '">' . $str_name . '</option>'; } $right .= '<option value="all">All Results</option>'; $right .= '</select>'; $right .= '</p>'; } } if (true) { $compare_results = array(); $hash_matches = 0; $ticket_matches = 0; $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_results WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ComparisonHash = :comparison_hash AND PPRID NOT IN (:pprid) ORDER BY UploadTime DESC LIMIT 12'); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt->bindValue(':comparison_hash', $result_file->get_contained_tests_hash(false)); $stmt->bindValue(':pprid', implode(',', $upload_ids)); $result = $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) { $compare_results[$row['PPRID']] = $row; $hash_matches++; } foreach ($benchmark_tickets as $ticket_id) { $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT * FROM phoromatic_results WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND BenchmarkTicketID = :ticket_id AND PPRID NOT IN (:pprid) ORDER BY UploadTime DESC LIMIT 12'); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt->bindValue(':ticket_id', $ticket_id); $stmt->bindValue(':pprid', implode(',', $upload_ids)); $result = $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $result->fetchArray()) { $compare_results[$row['PPRID']] = $row; $ticket_matches++; } } if (!empty($compare_results)) { $right .= '<hr /><h3>Compare Results</h3><form name="compare_similar_results" onsubmit="return false;"> <input type="hidden" value="' . implode(',', $upload_ids) . '" id="compare_similar_results_this" />'; foreach ($compare_results as &$row) { $right .= '<p><input type="checkbox" value="' . $row['PPRID'] . '" name="compare_results" /> ' . $row['Title'] . '<br /><em>' . phoromatic_system_id_to_name($row['SystemID'], $row['AccountID']) . '</em></p>'; } $right .= '<p><input type="submit" value="Compare Results" id="compare_results_submit" onclick="javascript:phoromatic_do_custom_compare_results(this); return false;" /></p></form>'; if ($ticket_matches > 3) { $right .= '<p><a href="/results/ticket/' . $ticket_id . '">Find All Matching Results</a>'; } else { if ($hash_matches > 3) { $right .= '<p><a href="/results/hash/' . $result_file->get_contained_tests_hash(false) . '">Find All Matching Results</a>'; } } } } if (count($upload_ids) > 1) { $checkbox_options = array('normalize_results' => 'Normalize Results', 'sort_by_performance' => 'Sort Results By Performance', 'sort_by_name' => 'Reverse Result By Identifier', 'sort_by_reverse' => 'Reverse Result Order', 'show_only_changed_results' => 'Show Only Results With Result Variation', 'force_line_graph' => 'Force Line Graph'); if ($result_file->is_multi_way_comparison()) { $checkbox_options['condense_comparison'] = 'Condense Comparison'; $checkbox_options['transpose_comparison'] = 'Transpose Comparison'; } $right .= '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" name="update_result_view" method="post"><hr /><h3>Result Analysis Options</h3><p align="left">' . PHP_EOL; foreach ($checkbox_options as $val => $name) { $right .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $val . '" value="1" ' . (isset($_POST[$val]) ? 'checked="checked" ' : null) . '/> ' . $name . '<br />'; } $right .= '<br /><input type="submit" value="Refresh Results"></p></form>'; } if (self::$schedule_id && !empty(self::$schedule_id) && $system_types[0] && $trigger_types[0]) { $stmt = phoromatic_server::$db->prepare('SELECT UserContextStep FROM phoromatic_system_context_logs WHERE AccountID = :account_id AND ScheduleID = :schedule_id AND SystemID = :system_id AND TriggerID = :trigger_id'); $stmt->bindValue(':account_id', $_SESSION['AccountID']); $stmt->bindValue(':system_id', $system_types[0]); $stmt->bindValue(':schedule_id', self::$schedule_id); $stmt->bindValue(':trigger_id', $trigger_types[0]); $result = $stmt->execute(); if ($row = $result->fetchArray()) { $right .= '<hr /><h3>User Context Logs</h3>'; do { $right .= '<p><a href="?logs/context/' . $system_types[0] . ',' . self::$schedule_id . ',' . base64_encode($trigger_types[0]) . '">' . $row['UserContextStep'] . '</a></p>'; } while ($row = $result->fetchArray()); } } $right .= '<hr /><h3>Result Export</h3>'; $right .= '<p><a href="/public.php?t=result&ut=' . implode(',', $upload_ids) . $url_append . '">Public Viewer</a></p>'; $right .= '<p><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '/&download=pdf' . $url_append . '">Download As PDF</a></p>'; $right .= '<p><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '/&download=csv">Download As CSV</a></p>'; $right .= '<p><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '/&download=xml">Download As XML</a></p>'; $right .= '<p><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '/&download=txt">Download As TEXT</a></p>'; $right .= '<p><a href="?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '/&upload_to_openbenchmarking">Upload To</a></p>'; if (is_file(phoromatic_server::phoromatic_account_result_path($_SESSION['AccountID'], $row['UploadID']) . '')) { $right .= '<hr /><p><a href="?logs/system/' . $row['UploadID'] . '">View System Logs</a></p>'; } echo phoromatic_webui_header_logged_in(); echo phoromatic_webui_main($main, phoromatic_webui_right_panel_logged_in($right)); echo phoromatic_webui_footer(); }
public static function run($r) { $_REQUEST['force_format'] = 'PNG'; // Force to PNG renderer $_REQUEST['svg_dom_gd_no_interlacing'] = true; // Otherwise FPDF will fail $tdir = pts_client::create_temporary_directory(); pts_client::generate_result_file_graphs($r[0], $tdir); $result_file = new pts_result_file($r[0]); $pdf = new pts_pdf_template($result_file->get_title(), null); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-308x160.png', 69, 85, 73, 38); $pdf->Ln(120); $pdf->WriteStatementCenter(''); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->WriteBigHeaderCenter($result_file->get_title()); $pdf->WriteText($result_file->get_description()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->SetSubject($result_file->get_title() . ' Benchmarks'); //$pdf->SetKeywords(implode(', ', $identifiers)); $pdf->WriteHeader('Test Systems:'); foreach ($result_file->get_systems() as $s) { $pdf->WriteMiniHeader($s->get_identifier()); $pdf->WriteText($s->get_hardware()); $pdf->WriteText($s->get_software()); //$pdf->WriteText($notes_r[$i]); } /* if(count($identifiers) > 1 && is_file($tdir . 'result-graphs/overview.jpg')) { $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Ln(100); $pdf->Image($tdir . 'result-graphs/overview.jpg', 15, 40, 180); } */ $pdf->AddPage(); $placement = 1; $results = $result_file->get_result_objects(); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($results); $i++) { if (is_file($tdir . 'result-graphs/' . $i . '.png')) { $pdf->Ln(100); $pdf->Image($tdir . 'result-graphs/' . $i . '.png', 50, 40 + ($placement - 1) * 120, 120); } if ($placement == 2) { $placement = 0; if ($i != count($results)) { $pdf->AddPage(); } } $placement++; } // To save: /* $pdf_file = 'SAVE_TO'; if(substr($pdf_file, -4) != '.pdf') { $pdf_file .= '.pdf'; } */ $pdf_file = pts_client::user_home_directory() . $r[0] . '.pdf'; $pdf->Output($pdf_file); pts_file_io::delete($tdir, null, true); echo PHP_EOL . 'Saved To: ' . $pdf_file . PHP_EOL; }
public static function result_file_to_pdf(&$result_file, $dest, $output_name, $extra_attributes = null) { ob_start(); $_REQUEST['force_format'] = 'JPEG'; // Force to PNG renderer $_REQUEST['svg_dom_gd_no_interlacing'] = true; // Otherwise FPDF will fail $pdf = new pts_pdf_template($result_file->get_title(), null); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Image(PTS_CORE_STATIC_PATH . 'images/pts-308x160.png', 69, 85, 73, 38); $pdf->Ln(120); $pdf->WriteStatementCenter(''); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->WriteBigHeaderCenter($result_file->get_title()); $pdf->WriteText($result_file->get_description()); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->Ln(15); $pdf->SetSubject($result_file->get_title() . ' Benchmarks'); //$pdf->SetKeywords(implode(', ', $identifiers)); $pdf->WriteHeader('Test Systems:'); foreach ($result_file->get_systems() as $s) { $pdf->WriteMiniHeader($s->get_identifier()); $pdf->WriteText($s->get_hardware()); $pdf->WriteText($s->get_software()); } $pdf->AddPage(); $placement = 1; $i = 0; foreach ($result_file->get_result_objects() as $key => &$result_object) { $graph = pts_render::render_graph_process($result_object, $result_file, false, $extra_attributes); if ($graph == false) { continue; } $graph->renderGraph(); $output = $graph->svg_dom->output(null); $pdf->Ln(100); $pdf->ImageJPGInline($output, 50, 40 + ($placement - 1) * 120, 120); if ($placement == 2) { $placement = 0; if ($i != count($results)) { $pdf->AddPage(); } } $placement++; $i++; } ob_get_clean(); $pdf->Output($dest, $output_name); }