public static function run($r)
     pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Available Tests');
     $test_count = 0;
     foreach (pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(false) as $identifier) {
         $repo = substr($identifier, 0, strpos($identifier, '/'));
         $id = substr($identifier, strlen($repo) + 1);
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         if (!in_array(phodevi::operating_system(), $repo_index['tests'][$id]['supported_platforms']) || empty($repo_index['tests'][$id]['title'])) {
             // Don't show unsupported tests
         echo sprintf('%-30ls - %-35ls %-9ls', $identifier, $repo_index['tests'][$id]['title'], $repo_index['tests'][$id]['test_type']) . PHP_EOL;
     foreach (pts_file_io::glob(PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH . 'local/*/test-definition.xml') as $path) {
         $test_profile = new pts_test_profile('local/' . basename(dirname($path)));
         if ($test_profile->get_title() != null && $test_profile->is_supported(false)) {
             echo sprintf('%-30ls - %-35ls %-9ls', $test_profile->get_identifier(), $test_profile->get_title(), $test_profile->get_test_hardware_type()) . PHP_EOL;
     if ($test_count == 0) {
         echo PHP_EOL . 'No tests found. Please check that you have Internet connectivity to download test profile data from The Phoronix Test Suite has documentation on configuring the network setup, proxy settings, and PHP network options. Please contact Phoronix Media if you continuing to experience problems.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
 public static function run($r)
     echo PHP_EOL . ' Repositories:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     foreach (pts_openbenchmarking::linked_repositories() as $repo) {
         if ($repo == 'local') {
             // Skip local since it's a fake repository
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         $generated_time = date('F d H:i', $repo_index['main']['generated']);
         $tab = '    ';
         foreach (array('tests', 'suites') as $t) {
             echo PHP_EOL . str_repeat('=', 40) . PHP_EOL . strtoupper($repo . ' ' . $t) . PHP_EOL . 'Generated: ' . $generated_time . PHP_EOL . str_repeat('=', 40) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
             foreach ($repo_index[$t] as $identifier => $test) {
                 echo 'Identifier: ' . $identifier . PHP_EOL;
                 foreach ($test as $i => $j) {
                     echo sprintf('%-22ls', $i) . ': ';
                     if (is_array($j)) {
                         echo implode(', ', $j);
                     } else {
                         echo $j;
                     echo PHP_EOL;
                 echo PHP_EOL;
 public static function run($r)
     echo PHP_EOL . 'Linked Repositories:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     foreach (pts_openbenchmarking::linked_repositories() as $repo) {
         if ($repo == 'local') {
             // Skip local since it's a fake repository
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         $test_count = count($repo_index['tests']);
         $suite_count = count($repo_index['suites']);
         $generated_time = date('F d H:i', $repo_index['main']['generated']);
         echo sprintf('    REPO: %-20ls WEB: %-35ls' . PHP_EOL, $repo, '' . $repo);
         echo sprintf('        LAST GENERATED:  %-3ls' . PHP_EOL, $generated_time);
         echo sprintf('        TEST COUNT:      %-3ls    SUITE COUNT: %-3ls' . PHP_EOL, $test_count, $suite_count);
         echo PHP_EOL;
 public static function run($r)
     pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Recently Updated Tests');
     $recently_updated = array();
     foreach (pts_openbenchmarking::linked_repositories() as $repo) {
         if ($repo == 'local') {
             // Skip local since it's a fake repository
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         $changes[$repo] = pts_openbenchmarking_client::fetch_repository_changelog($repo);
         if (isset($repo_index['tests']) && is_array($repo_index['tests'])) {
             foreach (array_keys($repo_index['tests']) as $identifier) {
                 if ($repo_index['tests'][$identifier]['last_updated'] > time() - 90 * 86400) {
                     $recently_updated[$repo . '/' . $identifier] = $repo_index['tests'][$identifier];
     if (count($recently_updated) > 0) {
         // sort by date
         uasort($recently_updated, array('openbenchmarking_changes', 'compare_time_stamps'));
         // so that tests are shown from newest to oldest
         $recently_updated = array_reverse($recently_updated);
         $longest_identifier_length = array_keys($recently_updated);
         $longest_identifier_length = strlen(pts_strings::find_longest_string($longest_identifier_length)) + 1;
         foreach ($recently_updated as $test_profile => $repo_data) {
             echo sprintf('%-' . $longest_identifier_length . 'ls - %-35ls', $test_profile, $repo_data['title']) . PHP_EOL;
             $br = explode('/', $test_profile);
             if (isset($changes[$br[0]]['tests'][$br[1]]['changes'])) {
                 foreach ($changes[$br[0]]['tests'][$br[1]]['changes'] as $test_profile_version => $data) {
                     echo 'v' . $test_profile_version . ' [' . date('d M Y', $data['last_updated']) . ']' . PHP_EOL;
                     echo '  - ' . $data['commit_description'] . PHP_EOL;
             } else {
                 echo 'Last Updated: ' . date('d F Y', $repo_data['last_updated']) . PHP_EOL;
             echo PHP_EOL;
             // $repo_data['test_type']
     } else {
         echo PHP_EOL . 'No updated tests were found.' . PHP_EOL;
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with this program. If not, see <>.
define('PHOROMATIC_SERVER', true);
//ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');
define('PTS_MODE', 'WEB_CLIENT');
define('PTS_AUTO_LOAD_OBJECTS', true);
include '../../pts-core.php';
if (isset($_GET['index'])) {
    $requested_repo = str_replace(array('..', '/'), null, $_GET['repo']);
    $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($requested_repo, false);
    echo $repo_index;
    pts_logger::add_to_log($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . ' downloaded a copy of the ' . $requested_repo . ' repository index');
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['repos'])) {
        $index_files = pts_file_io::glob(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . '*.index');
        $json_repos = array();
        foreach ($index_files as $index_file) {
            $index_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($index_file), true);
            $json_repos['repos'][basename($index_file, '.index')] = array('title' => basename($index_file, '.index'), 'generated' => $index_data['main']['generated']);
        echo json_encode($json_repos);
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['test'])) {
            $repo = str_replace(array('..', '/'), null, $_GET['repo']);
            $test = str_replace(array('..', '/'), null, $_GET['test']);
 public function get_contained_test_profiles()
     $contained = array();
     // read the repo
     $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($this->repo);
     if (isset($repo_index['tests']) && is_array($repo_index['tests'])) {
         foreach ($repo_index['tests'] as $test_identifier => &$test) {
             if (!in_array(phodevi::operating_system(), $test['supported_platforms']) || empty($test['title'])) {
                 // Initial check to not do unsupported tests
             if ($this->is_virtual_os_selector && !in_array($this->virtual, array_map('strtolower', $test['supported_platforms']))) {
                 // Doing a virtual suite of all tests specific to an OS, but this test profile is not supported there
             } else {
                 if ($this->is_virtual_subsystem_selector && $this->virtual != strtolower($test['test_type'])) {
                     // Doing a virtual suite of all tests specific to a test_type, but this test profile is not supported there
                 } else {
                     if ($this->is_virtual_software_type && $this->virtual != strtolower($test['software_type'])) {
                         // Doing a virtual suite of all tests specific to a software_type, but this test profile is not supported there
                     } else {
                         if ($this->is_virtual_internal_tag && !in_array($this->virtual, array_map('strtolower', $test['internal_tags']))) {
                             // Doing a virtual suite of all tests matching an internal tag
             $test_version = array_shift($test['versions']);
             $test_profile = new pts_test_profile($this->repo . '/' . $test_identifier . '-' . $test_version);
             if ($test_profile->get_display_format() != 'BAR_GRAPH' || !in_array($test_profile->get_license(), array('Free', 'Non-Free'))) {
                 // Also ignore these tests
             if ($this->is_virtual_installed && $test_profile->is_test_installed() == false) {
                 // Test is not installed
             if ($test_profile->is_supported(false)) {
                 // All checks passed, add to virtual suite
                 array_push($contained, $test_profile);
     return $contained;
 public static function read_repository_test_profile_attribute($test_profile, $attribute)
     list($repo, $tp) = explode('/', $test_profile);
     $tp = substr($tp, 0, strrpos($tp, '-'));
     $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
     return isset($repo_index['tests'][$tp][$attribute]) ? $repo_index['tests'][$tp][$attribute] : null;
 public function get_estimated_run_time()
     // get estimated run-time (in seconds)
     if ($this->test_installation != false && is_numeric($this->test_installation->get_average_run_time()) && $this->test_installation->get_average_run_time() > 0) {
         $estimated_run_time = $this->test_installation->get_average_run_time();
     } else {
         $estimated_run_time = parent::get_estimated_run_time();
     if ($estimated_run_time < 2 && PTS_IS_CLIENT) {
         $identifier = explode('/', $this->get_identifier(false));
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($identifier[0]);
         $estimated_run_time = isset($identifier[1]) && isset($repo_index['tests'][$identifier[1]]) && isset($repo_index['tests'][$identifier[1]]['average_run_time']) ? $repo_index['tests'][$identifier[1]]['average_run_time'] : 0;
     return $estimated_run_time;
 public static function invalid_command_helper($passed_args)
     $showed_recent_results = self::recently_saved_results();
     if (!empty($passed_args)) {
         $arg_soundex = soundex($passed_args);
         $similar_tests = array();
         foreach (pts_openbenchmarking::linked_repositories() as $repo) {
             $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
             foreach (array('tests', 'suites') as $type) {
                 if (isset($repo_index[$type]) && is_array($repo_index[$type])) {
                     foreach (array_keys($repo_index[$type]) as $identifier) {
                         if (soundex($identifier) == $arg_soundex) {
                             array_push($similar_tests, array('- ' . $repo . '/' . $identifier, ' [' . ucwords(substr($type, 0, -1)) . ']'));
         foreach (pts_client::saved_test_results() as $result) {
             if (soundex($result) == $arg_soundex) {
                 array_push($similar_tests, array('- ' . $result, ' [Test Result]'));
         if (count($similar_tests) > 0) {
             echo 'Possible Suggestions:' . PHP_EOL;
             if (isset($similar_tests[12])) {
                 // lots of tests... trim it down
                 $similar_tests = array_rand($similar_tests, 12);
             echo pts_user_io::display_text_table($similar_tests) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
     if ($showed_recent_results == false) {
         echo 'See available tests to run by visiting or running:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         echo '    phoronix-test-suite list-tests' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         echo 'Tests can be installed by running:' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         echo '    phoronix-test-suite install <test-name>' . PHP_EOL;
 public static function evaluate_string_to_qualifier($supplied, $bind_version = true, $check_only_type = false)
     $qualified = false;
     $c_repo = null;
     $repos = self::linked_repositories();
     if (($c = strpos($supplied, '/')) !== false) {
         // A repository was explicitly defined
         $c_repo = substr($supplied, 0, $c);
         $test = substr($supplied, $c + 1);
         // If it's in the linked repo list it should have refreshed when starting client
         if (!in_array($c_repo, $repos)) {
             // Pull in this repository's index
         $repos = array($c_repo);
     } else {
         // If it's in the linked repo list it should have refreshed when starting client
         $test = $supplied;
     if (($c = strrpos($test, '-')) !== false) {
         $version = substr($test, $c + 1);
         // TODO: functionalize this and read against types.xsd
         if (isset($version[2]) && !isset($version[8]) && pts_strings::string_only_contains($version, pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL)) {
             $test = substr($test, 0, $c);
         } else {
             $version = null;
     } else {
         $version = null;
     if ($test == null) {
         return false;
     foreach ($repos as $repo) {
         if ($repo == 'local') {
             if (self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'test')) {
                 if (is_file(PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '/test-definition.xml')) {
                     return $repo . '/' . $test;
                     // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
                 } else {
                     if (is_file(PTS_TEST_PROFILE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version . '/test-definition.xml')) {
                         return $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version;
                         // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
             if (self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'suite')) {
                 if (is_file(PTS_TEST_SUITE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '/suite-definition.xml')) {
                     return $repo . '/' . $test;
                     // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
                 } else {
                     if (is_file(PTS_TEST_SUITE_PATH . $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version . '/suite-definition.xml')) {
                         return $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version;
                         // ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null)
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         if (is_array($repo_index) && isset($repo_index['tests'][$test]) && self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'test')) {
             // The test profile at least exists
             // Looking for a particular test profile version?
             if ($version != null) {
                 if (!in_array($version, $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     // Grep to see if the version passed was e.g. 1.3 instead of 1.3.3
                     $versions = $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'];
                     foreach (array_reverse($versions) as $check_version) {
                         if (strstr($check_version, $version) != false) {
                             $version = $check_version;
                 if (in_array($version, $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_profile($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                     return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
             } else {
                 // Assume to use the latest version unless something else is installed
                 $available_versions = $repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'];
                 $version = $available_versions[0];
                 // the latest version available
                 if (pts_c::$test_flags & pts_c::is_run_process) {
                     // Check to see if an older version of the test profile is currently installed
                     foreach ($available_versions as $i => $v) {
                         if (is_file(pts_client::test_install_root_path() . $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $v . '/pts-install.xml')) {
                             $version = $v;
                             if ($i > 0 && pts_c::$test_flags ^ pts_c::batch_mode) {
                                 // It's not the latest test profile version available
                                 trigger_error($repo . '/' . $test . ': The latest test profile version available for upgrade is ' . $available_versions[0] . ' but version ' . $version . ' is the latest currently installed.', E_USER_WARNING);
                 pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_profile($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                 return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
         if (is_array($repo_index) && isset($repo_index['suites'][$test]) && self::check_only_type_compare($check_only_type, 'suite')) {
             // The test profile at least exists
             // Looking for a particular test profile version?
             if ($version != null) {
                 if (!in_array($version, $repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     // Grep to see if the version passed was e.g. 1.3 instead of 1.3.3
                     $versions = $repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'];
                     foreach (array_reverse($versions) as $check_version) {
                         if (strstr($check_version, $version) != false) {
                             $version = $check_version;
                 if (in_array($version, $repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'])) {
                     pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_suite($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                     return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
             } else {
                 // Assume to use the latest version
                 $version = array_shift($repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions']);
                 pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_suite($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
                 return $repo . '/' . $test . ($bind_version ? '-' . $version : null);
     return false;
 public static function run($r)
     pts_client::$display->generic_heading('Available Tests');
     $available_tests = pts_openbenchmarking::available_tests(false);
     $available_suites = pts_openbenchmarking::available_suites(false);
     $test_count = count($available_tests);
     $suite_count = count($available_suites);
     $total_count = $test_count + $suite_count;
     $total_cache_count = 0;
     $total_cache_size = 0;
     if ($test_count == 0 || !pts_network::internet_support_available()) {
         echo PHP_EOL . 'No tests found. Please check that you have Internet connectivity to download test profile data from The Phoronix Test Suite has documentation on configuring the network setup, proxy settings, and PHP network options. Please contact Phoronix Media if you continuing to experience problems.' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
         return false;
     $terminal_width = pts_client::terminal_width();
     // Cache test profiles
     foreach ($available_tests as $i => $identifier) {
         $repo = substr($identifier, 0, strpos($identifier, '/'));
         $test = substr($identifier, strlen($repo) + 1);
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         echo $i . '/' . $total_count . ': ' . ($repo_index['tests'][$test]['title'] != null ? $repo_index['tests'][$test]['title'] . ' [' . $repo_index['tests'][$test]['test_type'] . ']' : null) . PHP_EOL;
         foreach ($repo_index['tests'][$test]['versions'] as $version) {
             $qualified_identifier = $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version;
             echo $qualified_identifier;
             $success = pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_profile($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
             if ($success && is_file(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . $qualified_identifier . '.zip')) {
                 $file_size = round(filesize(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . $qualified_identifier . '.zip') / 1024, 2);
                 $info = $file_size . 'KB - ' . sha1_file(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . $qualified_identifier . '.zip');
                 $r_size = $terminal_width - strlen($qualified_identifier) - 3 - strlen($info);
                 if ($r_size > 0) {
                     echo ' ' . str_repeat('.', $terminal_width - strlen($qualified_identifier) - 3 - strlen($info)) . ' ' . $info . PHP_EOL;
                 $total_cache_size += $file_size;
         echo PHP_EOL;
     // Cache test suites
     foreach ($available_suites as $i => $identifier) {
         $repo = substr($identifier, 0, strpos($identifier, '/'));
         $test = substr($identifier, strlen($repo) + 1);
         $repo_index = pts_openbenchmarking::read_repository_index($repo);
         echo $i + $test_count . '/' . $total_count . ': ' . $repo_index['suites'][$test]['title'] . PHP_EOL;
         foreach ($repo_index['suites'][$test]['versions'] as $version) {
             $qualified_identifier = $repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version;
             echo $qualified_identifier;
             $success = pts_openbenchmarking::download_test_suite($repo . '/' . $test . '-' . $version);
             if ($success && is_file(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . $qualified_identifier . '.zip')) {
                 $file_size = round(filesize(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . $qualified_identifier . '.zip') / 1024, 2);
                 $info = $file_size . 'KB - ' . sha1_file(PTS_OPENBENCHMARKING_SCRATCH_PATH . $qualified_identifier . '.zip');
                 $dot_size = $terminal_width - strlen($qualified_identifier) - 3 - strlen($info);
                 echo ' ' . str_repeat('.', $dot_size >= 0 ? $dot_size : 0) . ' ' . $info . PHP_EOL;
                 $total_cache_size += $file_size;
         echo PHP_EOL;
     echo PHP_EOL . $total_cache_count . ' Files Cached' . PHP_EOL . $test_count . ' Test Profiles' . PHP_EOL . $suite_count . ' Test Suites' . PHP_EOL . $total_cache_size . 'KB Total Cache Size' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;