public function index() { if (!array_key_exists("reference", $_GET)) { show_404(); } else { $user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($user_id !== FALSE) { // Preload Header and Footer $this->allow_build_header = TRUE; $this->allow_build_footer = TRUE; $this->set_property_info_list($_GET["reference"]); parent::index(); // Preload js and CSS script that not cover by base $this->page_js_css(); //fake the value here will link with db in the future to get the uique $reference = md5(uniqid($user_id, true)); $this->session->set_userdata('Reference', $reference); $this->load_view(); $this->session->set_userdata('secure', '1'); } else { //TODO Temporary use 404 page show_error($this->get_page403("This page is for registered or login member. Please register or re-login.", $this->session->userdata('client_base_url')), 403, ""); } } }
public function index() { // Preload Header and Footer parent::index(); $this->session->set_userdata('secure', '1'); $this->session->set_userdata("action", $this->get_action()); $this->extemplate->render(); }
public function index() { parent::index(); $content = "ressphere policy"; $title = "Ressphere Properties - Term and Conditions"; $this->SEO_Tags($content); $this->set_title($title); $this->extemplate->add_js('js/property_main_page.js'); $this->extemplate->write_view('contents', '_usercontrols/properties_policy_content', '', TRUE); $this->extemplate->render(); }
public function index() { // Preload Header and Footer parent::index(); // Set web related info $this->SEO_Tags($this->content); $this->set_title($this->title); // Preload js and CSS script that not cover by base $this->page_js_css(); $this->load_view(); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper("url"); $this->load->library("extemplate"); $this->load->library("session"); $user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($user_id !== FALSE) { $this->tempDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'temp' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $user_id; } }
public function index() { if (!array_key_exists("reference", $_GET)) { show_404(); } else { // Preload Header and Footer $this->allow_build_header = TRUE; $this->allow_build_footer = TRUE; $this->set_property_info_list($_GET["reference"]); $this->set_social_media($this->property_info_list); parent::index(); // Preload js and CSS script that not cover by base $this->page_js_css(); $this->load_view(); } }
public function index() { // Preload Header and Footer parent::index(); $content = "404 Page Not Found"; $title = "404 Ressphere Page Not Found"; $this->SEO_Tags($content); $wsdl = $this->_get_wsdl_base_url(); $this->extemplate->set_extemplate('page404_home'); $this->extemplate->write("title", $title); $this->extemplate->add_js($wsdl . 'js/jquery.easing.min.js', 'import', FALSE, FALSE); $this->extemplate->add_css($wsdl . 'css/404.css', 'link', FALSE, FALSE); //cb_change_profile $this->extemplate->write_view('content', '_usercontrols/cb_404_page', array('reason' => "Look like something wrong! The page you were looking for is not here", 'img404' => $wsdl . 'images/404img.svg', 'homepage' => base_url(), 'contactus' => $wsdl . '#contact'), TRUE); $this->extemplate->render(); }
public function index() { // Preload Header and Footer $user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); if ($user_id !== FALSE) { $this->allow_build_header = FALSE; $this->allow_build_footer = FALSE; parent::index(); $this->session->set_userdata('secure', '1'); // Preload js and CSS script that not cover by base $this->page_js_css(); $this->load_view(); } else { show_404(); } }
protected function index() { // Preload Header and Footer parent::index(); // Include necessary JS and CSS $this->extemplate->add_css($this->wsdl . 'css/_sidebar/simple-sidebar.css', 'link', FALSE, FALSE); $this->extemplate->add_css('css/properties_search.css'); $this->extemplate->add_js('js/property_search.js'); // Page content $this->extemplate->write_view('contents', '_usercontrols/cb_properties_search_structure', "", TRUE); //$this->extemplate->write('contents', "<div>".$type.$page."...</div>", TRUE); //$this->extemplate->write_view('contents', '_usercontrols/cb_properties_category_doughnut',array('width'=>500, 'height'=>500) ,TRUE); /*$this->extemplate->write_view('features', '_usercontrols/cb_features', array('feature_list'=>$this->_get_features()), TRUE); */ // Display page $this->extemplate->render(); }
public function index() { // Preload Header and Footer parent::index(); // Set web related info $content = "Ressphere Properties Home Page"; $title = "Ressphere Properties"; $this->SEO_Tags($content); $this->set_title($title); // Preload js and CSS script that not cover by base $this->page_js_css(); // Page content $this->extemplate->write_view('contents', '_usercontrols/cb_properties_category_doughnut', array('width' => 500, 'height' => 500), TRUE); /*$this->extemplate->write_view('features', '_usercontrols/cb_features', array('feature_list'=>$this->_get_features()), TRUE); */ // Display page $this->extemplate->render(); }