public function pjActionUpdate()
     if ($this->isAdmin() || $this->isEditor()) {
         if (isset($_POST['order_update'])) {
             $pjOrderModel = pjOrderModel::factory();
             $pjOrderItemModel = pjOrderItemModel::factory();
             $pjProductPriceModel = pjProductPriceModel::factory();
             $pjExtraModel = pjExtraModel::factory();
             $pjProductModel = pjProductModel::factory();
             $arr = $pjOrderModel->find($_POST['id'])->getData();
             if (empty($arr)) {
                 pjUtil::redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?controller=pjAdminOrders&action=pjActionIndex&err=AR08");
             if (isset($_POST['product_id']) && count($_POST['product_id']) > 0) {
                 $keys = array_keys($_POST['product_id']);
                 $pjOrderItemModel->reset()->where('order_id', $_POST['id'])->whereNotIn('hash', $keys)->eraseAll();
                 $pjOrderItemModel->reset()->where('order_id', $_POST['id'])->where('type', 'extra')->eraseAll();
                 foreach ($_POST['product_id'] as $k => $pid) {
                     $product = $pjProductModel->reset()->find($pid)->getData();
                     $price = 0;
                     $price_id = ":NULL";
                     if ($product['set_different_sizes'] == 'T') {
                         $price_id = $_POST['price_id'][$k];
                         $price_arr = $pjProductPriceModel->reset()->find($price_id)->getData();
                         if ($price_arr) {
                             $price = $price_arr['price'];
                     } else {
                         $price = $product['price'];
                     if (strpos($k, 'new_') === 0) {
                         $hash = md5(uniqid(rand(), true));
                         $oid = $pjOrderItemModel->reset()->setAttributes(array('order_id' => $_POST['id'], 'foreign_id' => $pid, 'type' => 'product', 'hash' => $hash, 'price_id' => $price_id, 'price' => $price, 'cnt' => $_POST['cnt'][$k]))->insert()->getInsertId();
                         if ($oid !== false && (int) $oid > 0) {
                             if (isset($_POST['extra_id']) && isset($_POST['extra_id'][$k])) {
                                 foreach ($_POST['extra_id'][$k] as $i => $eid) {
                                     $extra_price = 0;
                                     $extra_arr = $pjExtraModel->reset()->find($eid)->getData();
                                     if (!empty($extra_arr) && !empty($extra_arr['price'])) {
                                         $extra_price = $extra_arr['price'];
                                     $pjOrderItemModel->reset()->setAttributes(array('order_id' => $_POST['id'], 'foreign_id' => $eid, 'type' => 'extra', 'hash' => $hash, 'price_id' => ':NULL', 'price' => $extra_price, 'cnt' => $_POST['extra_cnt'][$k][$i]))->insert();
                     } else {
                         $pjOrderItemModel->reset()->where('hash', $k)->where('type', 'product')->limit(1)->modifyAll(array('foreign_id' => $pid, 'cnt' => $_POST['cnt'][$k], 'price_id' => $price_id, 'price' => $price));
                         if (isset($_POST['extra_id']) && isset($_POST['extra_id'][$k])) {
                             foreach ($_POST['extra_id'][$k] as $i => $eid) {
                                 $extra_price = 0;
                                 $extra_arr = $pjExtraModel->reset()->find($eid)->getData();
                                 if (!empty($extra_arr) && !empty($extra_arr['price'])) {
                                     $extra_price = $extra_arr['price'];
                                 $pjOrderItemModel->reset()->setAttributes(array('order_id' => $_POST['id'], 'foreign_id' => $eid, 'type' => 'extra', 'hash' => $k, 'price_id' => ':NULL', 'price' => $extra_price, 'cnt' => $_POST['extra_cnt'][$k][$i]))->insert();
             $data = array();
             $data['ip'] = pjUtil::getClientIp();
             switch ($_POST['type']) {
                 case 'pickup':
                     if (!empty($_POST['p_dt'])) {
                         $date_time = $_POST['p_dt'];
                         if (count(explode(" ", $date_time)) == 3) {
                             list($_date, $_time, $_period) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                             $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time . ' ' . $_period, $this->option_arr['o_time_format']);
                         } else {
                             list($_date, $_time) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                             $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time, $this->option_arr['o_time_format']);
                         $data['p_dt'] = pjUtil::formatDate($_date, $this->option_arr['o_date_format']) . ' ' . $time;
                     if (isset($_POST['p_location_id']) && (int) $_POST['p_location_id'] > 0) {
                         $data['location_id'] = $_POST['p_location_id'];
                 case 'delivery':
                     if (!empty($_POST['d_dt'])) {
                         $date_time = $_POST['d_dt'];
                         if (count(explode(" ", $date_time)) == 3) {
                             list($_date, $_time, $_period) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                             $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time . ' ' . $_period, $this->option_arr['o_time_format']);
                         } else {
                             list($_date, $_time) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                             $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time, $this->option_arr['o_time_format']);
                         $data['d_dt'] = pjUtil::formatDate($_date, $this->option_arr['o_date_format']) . ' ' . $time;
                     if (isset($_POST['d_location_id']) && (int) $_POST['d_location_id'] > 0) {
                         $data['location_id'] = $_POST['d_location_id'];
             if ($_POST['payment_method'] == 'creditcard') {
                 $data['cc_exp'] = $_POST['cc_exp_month'] . "/" . $_POST['cc_exp_year'];
             $pjOrderModel->reset()->where('id', $_POST['id'])->limit(1)->modifyAll(array_merge($_POST, $data));
             $err = 'AR01';
             pjUtil::redirect(PJ_INSTALL_URL . "index.php?controller=pjAdminOrders&action=pjActionIndex&err={$err}");
         } else {
             $arr = pjOrderModel::factory()->join('pjClient', "", 'left outer')->select('t1.*,t2.c_name as client_name')->find($_GET['id'])->getData();
             if (count($arr) <= 0) {
                 pjUtil::redirect(PJ_INSTALL_URL . "index.php?controller=pjAdminOrders&action=pjActionIndex&err=AR08");
             $this->set('arr', $arr);
             $country_arr = pjCountryModel::factory()->select(', t2.content AS country_title')->join('pjMultiLang', "t2.model='pjCountry' AND AND t2.field='name' AND t2.locale='" . $this->getLocaleId() . "'", 'left outer')->orderBy('`country_title` ASC')->findAll()->getData();
             $this->set('country_arr', $country_arr);
             $product_arr = pjProductModel::factory()->join('pjMultiLang', "t2.foreign_id = AND t2.model = 'pjProduct' AND t2.locale = '" . $this->getLocaleId() . "' AND t2.field = 'name'", 'left')->select("t1.*, t2.content AS name, (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(extra_id SEPARATOR '~:~') FROM `" . pjProductExtraModel::factory()->getTable() . "` WHERE product_id = GROUP BY product_id LIMIT 1) AS allowed_extras ")->orderBy("name ASC")->findAll()->toArray('allowed_extras', '~:~')->getData();
             $this->set('product_arr', $product_arr);
             $location_arr = pjLocationModel::factory()->join('pjMultiLang', "t2.foreign_id = AND t2.model = 'pjLocation' AND t2.locale = '" . $this->getLocaleId() . "' AND t2.field = 'name'", 'left')->select("t1.*, t2.content AS name")->orderBy("name ASC")->findAll()->getData();
             $this->set('location_arr', $location_arr);
             $extra_arr = pjExtraModel::factory()->join('pjMultiLang', "t2.foreign_id = AND t2.model = 'pjExtra' AND t2.locale = '" . $this->getLocaleId() . "' AND t2.field = 'name'", 'left')->select("t1.*, t2.content AS name")->orderBy("name ASC")->findAll()->getData();
             $this->set('extra_arr', $extra_arr);
             $pjProductPriceModel = pjProductPriceModel::factory();
             $oi_arr = array();
             $_oi_arr = pjOrderItemModel::factory()->where('t1.order_id', $arr['id'])->findAll()->getData();
             foreach ($_oi_arr as $item) {
                 if ($item['type'] == 'product') {
                     $item['price_arr'] = $pjProductPriceModel->reset()->join('pjMultiLang', "t2.foreign_id = AND t2.model = 'pjProductPrice' AND t2.locale = '" . $this->getLocaleId() . "' AND t2.field = 'price_name'", 'left')->select("t1.*, t2.content AS price_name")->where('product_id', $item['foreign_id'])->findAll()->getData();
                 $oi_arr[] = $item;
             $this->set('oi_arr', $oi_arr);
             $this->appendJs('chosen.jquery.js', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'harvest/chosen/');
             $this->appendCss('chosen.css', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'harvest/chosen/');
             $this->appendJs('jquery-ui-sliderAccess.js', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'timepicker/');
             $this->appendJs('jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'timepicker/');
             $this->appendCss('jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.css', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'timepicker/');
             $this->appendJs('jquery.validate.min.js', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'validate/');
             $this->appendJs('jquery.noty.packaged.min.js', PJ_THIRD_PARTY_PATH . 'noty/packaged/');
     } else {
         $this->set('status', 2);
					<span class="inline-block">
						<textarea name="d_notes" id="d_notes" class="pj-form-field w500 h120<?php 
        echo $tpl['option_arr']['o_df_include_notes'] == 3 ? ' required' : NULL;
        echo stripslashes($tpl['arr']['d_notes']);
    $date_time = !empty($tpl['arr']['d_dt']) ? pjUtil::formatDate(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($tpl['arr']['d_dt'])), 'Y-m-d', $tpl['option_arr']['o_date_format']) . ' ' . pjUtil::formatTime(date('H:i:s', strtotime($tpl['arr']['d_dt'])), 'H:i:s', $tpl['option_arr']['o_time_format']) : '';
				<label class="title"><?php 
				<span class="block overflow">
					<span class="pj-form-field-custom pj-form-field-custom-after float_left r5">
						<input type="text" name="d_dt" id="d_dt" class="pj-form-field pointer w150 datetimepick required" readonly="readonly" rel="<?php 
    echo $week_start;
" rev="<?php 
    echo $jqDateFormat;
" lang="<?php 
		<div class="dashboard_bottom"></div>
	<div class="clear_left t20 overflow">
		<div class="float_left black t30 t20"><span class="gray"><?php 
    echo ucfirst(__('lblDashLastLogin', true));
:</span> <?php 
    echo pjUtil::formatDate(date('Y-m-d', strtotime($_SESSION[$controller->defaultUser]['last_login'])), 'Y-m-d', $tpl['option_arr']['o_date_format']) . ', ' . pjUtil::formatTime(date('H:i:s', strtotime($_SESSION[$controller->defaultUser]['last_login'])), 'H:i:s', $tpl['option_arr']['o_time_format']);
		<div class="float_right overflow">
    list($hour, $day, $other) = explode("_", date("H:i_l_F d, Y"));
    $days = __('days', true, false);
			<div class="dashboard_date">
    echo $days[date('w')];
    echo pjUtil::formatDate(date('Y-m-d'), 'Y-m-d', $tpl['option_arr']['o_date_format']);
 public function getDiscount($data, $option_arr)
     $resp = array();
     if (isset($data['voucher_code']) && !empty($data['voucher_code'])) {
         $_arr = pjVoucherModel::factory()->where('code', $data['voucher_code'])->findAll()->getData();
         if (count($_arr) > 0) {
             $arr = $_arr[0];
             if ($data['type'] == 'delivery') {
                 $date = null;
                 $time = "00:00:00";
                 if (isset($data['d_dt'])) {
                     $date_time = $data['d_dt'];
                     if (count(explode(" ", $date_time)) == 3) {
                         list($_date, $_time, $_period) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                         $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time . ' ' . $_period, $option_arr['o_time_format']);
                     } else {
                         list($_date, $_time) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                         $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time, $option_arr['o_time_format']);
                     $date = $_date;
                 if (isset($data['p_date'])) {
                     $date = $data['d_date'];
                     if (isset($data['d_hour']) && isset($data['d_minute'])) {
                         $time = $data['d_hour'] . ":" . $data['d_minute'] . ":00";
             } else {
                 $date = null;
                 $time = "00:00:00";
                 if (isset($data['p_dt'])) {
                     $date_time = $data['p_dt'];
                     if (count(explode(" ", $date_time)) == 3) {
                         list($_date, $_time, $_period) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                         $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time . ' ' . $_period, $option_arr['o_time_format']);
                     } else {
                         list($_date, $_time) = explode(" ", $date_time);
                         $time = pjUtil::formatTime($_time, $option_arr['o_time_format']);
                     $date = $_date;
                 if (isset($data['d_date'])) {
                     $date = $data['p_date'];
                     if (isset($data['p_hour']) && isset($data['p_minute'])) {
                         $time = $data['p_hour'] . ":" . $data['p_minute'] . ":00";
             if (!empty($date)) {
                 $date = pjUtil::formatDate($date, $option_arr['o_date_format']);
                 $d = strtotime($date);
                 $dt = strtotime($date . " " . $time);
                 $valid = false;
                 switch ($arr['valid']) {
                     case 'fixed':
                         $time_from = strtotime($arr['date_from'] . " " . $arr['time_from']);
                         $time_to = strtotime($arr['date_to'] . " " . $arr['time_to']);
                         if ($time_from <= $dt && $time_to >= $dt) {
                             $valid = true;
                     case 'period':
                         $d_from = strtotime($arr['date_from']);
                         $d_to = strtotime($arr['date_to']);
                         $t_from = strtotime($arr['date_from'] . " " . $arr['time_from']);
                         $t_to = strtotime($arr['date_to'] . " " . $arr['time_to']);
                         if ($d_from <= $d && $d_to >= $d && $t_from <= $dt && $t_to >= $dt) {
                             $valid = true;
                     case 'recurring':
                         $t_from = strtotime($date . " " . $arr['time_from']);
                         $t_to = strtotime($date . " " . $arr['time_to']);
                         if ($arr['every'] == strtolower(date("l", $dt)) && $t_from <= $dt && $t_to >= $dt) {
                             $valid = true;
                 if ($valid) {
                     $resp['voucher_code'] = $arr['code'];
                     $resp['voucher_type'] = $arr['type'];
                     /* Manmohan code here */
                     $resp['voucher_code_for'] = $arr['code_for'];
                     $resp['voucher_product_id'] = $arr['product_id'];
                     $resp['voucher_category_id'] = $arr['category_id'];
                     /* Manmohan end of code here */
                     $resp['voucher_discount'] = $arr['discount'];
                     $resp['code'] = 200;
                 } else {
                     $resp['code'] = 102;
             } else {
                 $resp['code'] = 103;
         } else {
             $resp['code'] = 101;
     } else {
         $resp['code'] = 100;
     return $resp;