Exemple #1
 public function WatermarkText(&$gdimg, $text, $size, $alignment, $hex_color = '000000', $ttffont = '', $opacity = 100, $margin = 5, $angle = 0, $bg_color = false, $bg_opacity = 0, $fillextend = '')
     // text watermark requested
     if (!$text) {
         return false;
     ImageAlphaBlending($gdimg, true);
     if (preg_match('#^([0-9\\.\\-]*)x([0-9\\.\\-]*)(@[LCR])?$#i', $alignment, $matches)) {
         $originOffsetX = intval($matches[1]);
         $originOffsetY = intval($matches[2]);
         $alignment = @$matches[4] ? $matches[4] : 'L';
         $margin = 0;
     } else {
         $originOffsetX = 0;
         $originOffsetY = 0;
     $metaTextArray = array('^Fb' => $this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo['filesize'], '^Fk' => round($this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo['filesize'] / 1024), '^Fm' => round($this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo['filesize'] / 1048576), '^X' => $this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo[0], '^Y' => $this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo[1], '^x' => ImageSX($gdimg), '^y' => ImageSY($gdimg), '^^' => '^');
     $text = strtr($text, $metaTextArray);
     $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
     $text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text);
     $textlines = explode("\n", $text);
     $this->DebugMessage('Processing ' . count($textlines) . ' lines of text', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     if (@is_readable($ttffont) && is_file($ttffont)) {
         $opacity = 100 - intval(max(min($opacity, 100), 0));
         $letter_color_text = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg, $hex_color, false, $opacity * 1.27);
         $this->DebugMessage('Using TTF font "' . $ttffont . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $TTFbox = ImageTTFbBox($size, $angle, $ttffont, $text);
         $min_x = min($TTFbox[0], $TTFbox[2], $TTFbox[4], $TTFbox[6]);
         $max_x = max($TTFbox[0], $TTFbox[2], $TTFbox[4], $TTFbox[6]);
         //$text_width = round($max_x - $min_x + ($size * 0.5));
         $text_width = round($max_x - $min_x);
         $min_y = min($TTFbox[1], $TTFbox[3], $TTFbox[5], $TTFbox[7]);
         $max_y = max($TTFbox[1], $TTFbox[3], $TTFbox[5], $TTFbox[7]);
         //$text_height = round($max_y - $min_y + ($size * 0.5));
         $text_height = round($max_y - $min_y);
         $TTFboxChar = ImageTTFbBox($size, $angle, $ttffont, 'jH');
         $char_min_y = min($TTFboxChar[1], $TTFboxChar[3], $TTFboxChar[5], $TTFboxChar[7]);
         $char_max_y = max($TTFboxChar[1], $TTFboxChar[3], $TTFboxChar[5], $TTFboxChar[7]);
         $char_height = round($char_max_y - $char_min_y);
         if ($alignment == '*') {
             $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin;
             while ($text_origin_y - $text_height < ImageSY($gdimg)) {
                 $text_origin_x = $margin;
                 while ($text_origin_x < ImageSX($gdimg)) {
                     ImageTTFtext($gdimg, $size, $angle, $text_origin_x, $text_origin_y, $letter_color_text, $ttffont, $text);
                     $text_origin_x += $text_width + $margin;
                 $text_origin_y += $text_height + $margin;
         } else {
             // this block for background color only
             switch ($alignment) {
                 case '*':
                     // handled separately
                 case 'T':
                     $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - round($text_width / 2) : round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width) / 2);
                     $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin + $originOffsetY;
                 case 'B':
                     $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - round($text_width / 2) : round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width) / 2);
                     $text_origin_y = ImageSY($gdimg) + $TTFbox[1] - $margin + $originOffsetY;
                 case 'L':
                     $text_origin_x = $margin + $originOffsetX;
                     $text_origin_y = $originOffsetY ? $originOffsetY : round((ImageSY($gdimg) - $text_height) / 2) + $char_height;
                 case 'R':
                     $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - $text_width : ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                     $text_origin_y = $originOffsetY ? $originOffsetY : round((ImageSY($gdimg) - $text_height) / 2) + $char_height;
                 case 'C':
                     $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - round($text_width / 2) : round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width) / 2);
                     $text_origin_y = $originOffsetY ? $originOffsetY : round((ImageSY($gdimg) - $text_height) / 2) + $char_height;
                 case 'TL':
                     $text_origin_x = $margin + $originOffsetX;
                     $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin + $originOffsetY;
                 case 'TR':
                     $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - $text_width : ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                     $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin + $originOffsetY;
                 case 'BL':
                     $text_origin_x = $margin + $originOffsetX;
                     $text_origin_y = ImageSY($gdimg) + $TTFbox[1] - $margin + $originOffsetY;
                 case 'BR':
                     $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - $text_width : ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                     $text_origin_y = ImageSY($gdimg) + $TTFbox[1] - $margin + $originOffsetY;
             //ImageRectangle($gdimg, $text_origin_x + $min_x, $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1], $text_origin_x + $min_x + $text_width, $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1] - $text_height, $letter_color_text);
             if (phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($bg_color)) {
                 $text_background_alpha = round(127 * ((100 - min(max(0, $bg_opacity), 100)) / 100));
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg, $bg_color, false, $text_background_alpha);
             } else {
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg, 'FFFFFF', false, 127);
             $x1 = $text_origin_x + $min_x;
             $y1 = $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1];
             $x2 = $text_origin_x + $min_x + $text_width;
             $y2 = $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1] - $text_height;
             $x_TL = preg_match('#x#i', $fillextend) ? 0 : min($x1, $x2);
             $y_TL = preg_match('#y#i', $fillextend) ? 0 : min($y1, $y2);
             $x_BR = preg_match('#x#i', $fillextend) ? ImageSX($gdimg) : max($x1, $x2);
             $y_BR = preg_match('#y#i', $fillextend) ? ImageSY($gdimg) : max($y1, $y2);
             //while ($y_BR > ImageSY($gdimg)) {
             //	$y_TL--;
             //	$y_BR--;
             //	$text_origin_y--;
             $this->DebugMessage('WatermarkText() calling ImageFilledRectangle($gdimg, ' . $x_TL . ', ' . $y_TL . ', ' . $x_BR . ', ' . $y_BR . ', $text_color_background)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
             ImageFilledRectangle($gdimg, $x_TL, $y_TL, $x_BR, $y_BR, $text_color_background);
             // end block for background color only
             $y_offset = 0;
             foreach ($textlines as $dummy => $line) {
                 $TTFboxLine = ImageTTFbBox($size, $angle, $ttffont, $line);
                 $min_x_line = min($TTFboxLine[0], $TTFboxLine[2], $TTFboxLine[4], $TTFboxLine[6]);
                 $max_x_line = max($TTFboxLine[0], $TTFboxLine[2], $TTFboxLine[4], $TTFboxLine[6]);
                 //$text_width = round($max_x - $min_x + ($size * 0.5));
                 $text_width_line = round($max_x_line - $min_x_line);
                 $min_y_line = min($TTFboxLine[1], $TTFboxLine[3], $TTFboxLine[5], $TTFboxLine[7]);
                 $max_y_line = max($TTFboxLine[1], $TTFboxLine[3], $TTFboxLine[5], $TTFboxLine[7]);
                 //$text_height = round($max_y - $min_y + ($size * 0.5));
                 $text_height_line = round($max_y_line - $min_y_line);
                 switch ($alignment) {
                     // $text_origin_y set above, just re-set $text_origin_x here as needed
                     case 'L':
                     case 'TL':
                     case 'BL':
                         // no change neccesary
                     case 'C':
                     case 'T':
                     case 'B':
                         $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - round($text_width_line / 2) : round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width_line) / 2);
                     case 'R':
                     case 'TR':
                     case 'BR':
                         $text_origin_x = $originOffsetX ? $originOffsetX - $text_width_line : ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width_line + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                 //ImageTTFtext($gdimg, $size, $angle, $text_origin_x, $text_origin_y, $letter_color_text, $ttffont, $text);
                 $this->DebugMessage('WatermarkText() calling ImageTTFtext($gdimg, ' . $size . ', ' . $angle . ', ' . $text_origin_x . ', ' . ($text_origin_y + $y_offset) . ', $letter_color_text, ' . $ttffont . ', ' . $line . ')', __FILE__, __LINE__);
                 ImageTTFtext($gdimg, $size, $angle, $text_origin_x, $text_origin_y + $y_offset, $letter_color_text, $ttffont, $line);
                 $y_offset += $char_height;
         return true;
     } else {
         $size = min(5, max(1, $size));
         $this->DebugMessage('Using built-in font (size=' . $size . ') for text watermark' . ($ttffont ? ' because $ttffont !is_readable(' . $ttffont . ')' : ''), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $text_width = 0;
         $text_height = 0;
         foreach ($textlines as $dummy => $line) {
             $text_width = max($text_width, ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line));
             $text_height += ImageFontHeight($size);
         if ($img_watermark = phpthumb_functions::ImageCreateFunction($text_width, $text_height)) {
             ImageAlphaBlending($img_watermark, false);
             if (phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($bg_color)) {
                 $text_background_alpha = round(127 * ((100 - min(max(0, $bg_opacity), 100)) / 100));
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($img_watermark, $bg_color, false, $text_background_alpha);
             } else {
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($img_watermark, 'FFFFFF', false, 127);
             $this->DebugMessage('WatermarkText() calling ImageFilledRectangle($img_watermark, 0, 0, ' . ImageSX($img_watermark) . ', ' . ImageSY($img_watermark) . ', $text_color_background)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
             ImageFilledRectangle($img_watermark, 0, 0, ImageSX($img_watermark), ImageSY($img_watermark), $text_color_background);
             if ($angle && function_exists('ImageRotate')) {
                 // using $img_watermark_mask is pointless if ImageRotate function isn't available
                 if ($img_watermark_mask = phpthumb_functions::ImageCreateFunction($text_width, $text_height)) {
                     $mask_color_background = ImageColorAllocate($img_watermark_mask, 0, 0, 0);
                     ImageAlphaBlending($img_watermark_mask, false);
                     ImageFilledRectangle($img_watermark_mask, 0, 0, ImageSX($img_watermark_mask), ImageSY($img_watermark_mask), $mask_color_background);
                     $mask_color_watermark = ImageColorAllocate($img_watermark_mask, 255, 255, 255);
             $text_color_watermark = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($img_watermark, $hex_color);
             foreach ($textlines as $key => $line) {
                 switch ($alignment) {
                     case 'C':
                         $x_offset = round(($text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line)) / 2);
                         $originOffsetX = (ImageSX($gdimg) - ImageSX($img_watermark)) / 2;
                         $originOffsetY = (ImageSY($gdimg) - ImageSY($img_watermark)) / 2;
                     case 'T':
                         $x_offset = round(($text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line)) / 2);
                         $originOffsetX = (ImageSX($gdimg) - ImageSX($img_watermark)) / 2;
                         $originOffsetY = $margin;
                     case 'B':
                         $x_offset = round(($text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line)) / 2);
                         $originOffsetX = (ImageSX($gdimg) - ImageSX($img_watermark)) / 2;
                         $originOffsetY = ImageSY($gdimg) - ImageSY($img_watermark) - $margin;
                     case 'L':
                         $x_offset = 0;
                         $originOffsetX = $margin;
                         $originOffsetY = (ImageSY($gdimg) - ImageSY($img_watermark)) / 2;
                     case 'TL':
                         $x_offset = 0;
                         $originOffsetX = $margin;
                         $originOffsetY = $margin;
                     case 'BL':
                         $x_offset = 0;
                         $originOffsetX = $margin;
                         $originOffsetY = ImageSY($gdimg) - ImageSY($img_watermark) - $margin;
                     case 'R':
                         $x_offset = $text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line);
                         $originOffsetX = ImageSX($gdimg) - ImageSX($img_watermark) - $margin;
                         $originOffsetY = (ImageSY($gdimg) - ImageSY($img_watermark)) / 2;
                     case 'TR':
                         $x_offset = $text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line);
                         $originOffsetX = ImageSX($gdimg) - ImageSX($img_watermark) - $margin;
                         $originOffsetY = $margin;
                     case 'BR':
                         if (!empty($originOffsetX) || !empty($originOffsetY)) {
                             // absolute pixel positioning
                         } else {
                             $x_offset = $text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line);
                             $originOffsetX = ImageSX($gdimg) - ImageSX($img_watermark) - $margin;
                             $originOffsetY = ImageSY($gdimg) - ImageSY($img_watermark) - $margin;
                 $this->DebugMessage('WatermarkText() calling ImageString($img_watermark, ' . $size . ', ' . $x_offset . ', ' . $key * ImageFontHeight($size) . ', ' . $line . ', $text_color_watermark)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
                 ImageString($img_watermark, $size, $x_offset, $key * ImageFontHeight($size), $line, $text_color_watermark);
                 if ($angle && $img_watermark_mask) {
                     $this->DebugMessage('WatermarkText() calling ImageString($img_watermark_mask, ' . $size . ', ' . $x_offset . ', ' . $key * ImageFontHeight($size) . ', ' . $text . ', $mask_color_watermark)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
                     ImageString($img_watermark_mask, $size, $x_offset, $key * ImageFontHeight($size), $text, $mask_color_watermark);
             if ($angle && $img_watermark_mask) {
                 $img_watermark = ImageRotate($img_watermark, $angle, $text_color_background);
                 $img_watermark_mask = ImageRotate($img_watermark_mask, $angle, $mask_color_background);
                 phpthumb_filters::ApplyMask($img_watermark_mask, $img_watermark);
             //phpthumb_filters::WatermarkOverlay($gdimg, $img_watermark, $alignment, $opacity, $margin);
             $this->DebugMessage('WatermarkText() calling phpthumb_filters::WatermarkOverlay($gdimg, $img_watermark, ' . ($originOffsetX . 'x' . $originOffsetY) . ', ' . $opacity . ', 0)', __FILE__, __LINE__);
             phpthumb_filters::WatermarkOverlay($gdimg, $img_watermark, $originOffsetX . 'x' . $originOffsetY, $opacity, 0);
             return true;
     return false;
// Debug output, to try and help me diagnose problems
$phpThumb->DebugTimingMessage('phpThumbDebug[6]', __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (@$_GET['phpThumbDebug'] == '6') {
if ($phpThumb->rawImageData) {
    // great
} elseif (@$_GET['new']) {
    // generate a blank image resource of the specified size/background color/opacity
    if ($phpThumb->w <= 0 || $phpThumb->h <= 0) {
        $phpThumb->ErrorImage('"w" and "h" parameters required for "new"');
    @(list($bghexcolor, $opacity) = explode('|', $_GET['new']));
    if (!phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($bghexcolor)) {
        $phpThumb->ErrorImage('BGcolor parameter for "new" is not valid');
    $opacity = strlen($opacity) ? $opacity : 100;
    if ($phpThumb->gdimg_source = phpthumb_functions::ImageCreateFunction($phpThumb->w, $phpThumb->h)) {
        $alpha = (100 - min(100, max(0, $opacity))) * 1.27;
        if ($alpha) {
            $phpThumb->setParameter('is_alpha', true);
            ImageAlphaBlending($phpThumb->gdimg_source, false);
            ImageSaveAlpha($phpThumb->gdimg_source, true);
        $new_background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($phpThumb->gdimg_source, $bghexcolor, false, $alpha);
        ImageFilledRectangle($phpThumb->gdimg_source, 0, 0, $phpThumb->w, $phpThumb->h, $new_background_color);
    } else {
        $phpThumb->ErrorImage('failed to create "new" image (' . $phpThumb->w . 'x' . $phpThumb->h . ')');
 function ImageHexColorAllocate(&$gdimg_hexcolorallocate, $HexColorString, $dieOnInvalid = false, $alpha = false)
     if (!is_resource($gdimg_hexcolorallocate)) {
         die('$gdimg_hexcolorallocate is not a GD resource in ImageHexColorAllocate()');
     if (phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($HexColorString)) {
         $R = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 0, 2));
         $G = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 2, 2));
         $B = hexdec(substr($HexColorString, 4, 2));
         return phpthumb_functions::ImageColorAllocateAlphaSafe($gdimg_hexcolorallocate, $R, $G, $B, $alpha);
     if ($dieOnInvalid) {
         die('Invalid hex color string: "' . $HexColorString . '"');
     return ImageColorAllocate($gdimg_hexcolorallocate, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0);
 function CreateGDoutput()
     // Create the GD image (either true-color or 256-color, depending on GD version)
     $this->gdimg_output = phpthumb_functions::ImageCreateFunction($this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height);
     // Images that have transparency must have the background filled with the configured 'bg' color
     // otherwise the transparent color will appear as black
     ImageSaveAlpha($this->gdimg_output, true);
     if ($this->is_alpha && phpthumb_functions::gd_version() >= 2) {
         ImageAlphaBlending($this->gdimg_output, false);
         $output_full_alpha = phpthumb_functions::ImageColorAllocateAlphaSafe($this->gdimg_output, 255, 255, 255, 127);
         ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, 0, 0, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $output_full_alpha);
     } else {
         $current_transparent_color = ImageColorTransparent($this->gdimg_source);
         if ($this->bg || @$current_transparent_color >= 0) {
             $this->config_background_hexcolor = $this->bg ? $this->bg : $this->config_background_hexcolor;
             if (!phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($this->config_background_hexcolor)) {
                 return $this->ErrorImage('Invalid hex color string "' . $this->config_background_hexcolor . '" for parameter "bg"');
             $background_color = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($this->gdimg_output, $this->config_background_hexcolor);
             ImageFilledRectangle($this->gdimg_output, 0, 0, $this->thumbnail_width, $this->thumbnail_height, $background_color);
     $this->DebugMessage('CreateGDoutput() returning canvas "' . $this->thumbnail_width . 'x' . $this->thumbnail_height . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     return true;
 function WhiteBalance(&$gdimg, $targetColor = '')
     if (phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($targetColor)) {
         $targetPixel = array('red' => hexdec(substr($targetColor, 0, 2)), 'green' => hexdec(substr($targetColor, 2, 2)), 'blue' => hexdec(substr($targetColor, 4, 2)));
     } else {
         $Analysis = phpthumb_filters::HistogramAnalysis($gdimg, false);
         $targetPixel = array('red' => max(array_keys($Analysis['red'])), 'green' => max(array_keys($Analysis['green'])), 'blue' => max(array_keys($Analysis['blue'])));
     $grayValue = phpthumb_functions::GrayscaleValue($targetPixel['red'], $targetPixel['green'], $targetPixel['blue']);
     $scaleR = $grayValue / $targetPixel['red'];
     $scaleG = $grayValue / $targetPixel['green'];
     $scaleB = $grayValue / $targetPixel['blue'];
     for ($x = 0; $x < ImageSX($gdimg); $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y < ImageSY($gdimg); $y++) {
             $currentPixel = phpthumb_functions::GetPixelColor($gdimg, $x, $y);
             $newColor = phpthumb_functions::ImageColorAllocateAlphaSafe($gdimg, max(0, min(255, round($currentPixel['red'] * $scaleR))), max(0, min(255, round($currentPixel['green'] * $scaleG))), max(0, min(255, round($currentPixel['blue'] * $scaleB))), $currentPixel['alpha']);
             ImageSetPixel($gdimg, $x, $y, $newColor);
     return true;
 function WatermarkText(&$gdimg, $text, $size, $alignment, $hex_color = '000000', $ttffont = '', $opacity = 100, $margin = 5, $angle = 0, $bg_color = false, $bg_opacity = 0, $fillextend = '')
     // text watermark requested
     if (!$text) {
         return false;
     ImageAlphaBlending($gdimg, true);
     $metaTextArray = array('^Fb' => $this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo['filesize'], '^Fk' => round($this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo['filesize'] / 1024), '^Fm' => round($this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo['filesize'] / 1048576), '^X' => $this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo[0], '^Y' => $this->phpThumbObject->getimagesizeinfo[1], '^x' => ImageSX($gdimg), '^y' => ImageSY($gdimg), '^^' => '^');
     $text = strtr($text, $metaTextArray);
     $text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
     $text = str_replace("\r", "\n", $text);
     $textlines = explode("\n", $text);
     if (@is_readable($ttffont) && is_file($ttffont)) {
         $opacity = 100 - intval(max(min($opacity, 100), 0));
         $this->DebugMessage('Using TTF font "' . $ttffont . '"', __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $TTFbox = ImageTTFbBox($size, $angle, $ttffont, $text);
         $min_x = min($TTFbox[0], $TTFbox[2], $TTFbox[4], $TTFbox[6]);
         $max_x = max($TTFbox[0], $TTFbox[2], $TTFbox[4], $TTFbox[6]);
         //$text_width = round($max_x - $min_x + ($size * 0.5));
         $text_width = round($max_x - $min_x);
         $min_y = min($TTFbox[1], $TTFbox[3], $TTFbox[5], $TTFbox[7]);
         $max_y = max($TTFbox[1], $TTFbox[3], $TTFbox[5], $TTFbox[7]);
         //$text_height = round($max_y - $min_y + ($size * 0.5));
         $text_height = round($max_y - $min_y);
         $TTFboxChar = ImageTTFbBox($size, $angle, $ttffont, 'jH');
         $char_min_y = min($TTFboxChar[1], $TTFboxChar[3], $TTFboxChar[5], $TTFboxChar[7]);
         $char_max_y = max($TTFboxChar[1], $TTFboxChar[3], $TTFboxChar[5], $TTFboxChar[7]);
         $char_height = round($char_max_y - $char_min_y);
         switch ($alignment) {
             case 'T':
                 $text_origin_x = round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width) / 2);
                 $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin;
             case 'B':
                 $text_origin_x = round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width) / 2);
                 $text_origin_y = ImageSY($gdimg) + $TTFbox[1] - $margin;
             case 'L':
                 $text_origin_x = $margin;
                 $text_origin_y = round((ImageSY($gdimg) - $text_height) / 2) + $char_height;
             case 'R':
                 $text_origin_x = ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                 $text_origin_y = round((ImageSY($gdimg) - $text_height) / 2) + $char_height;
             case 'C':
                 $text_origin_x = round((ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width) / 2);
                 $text_origin_y = round((ImageSY($gdimg) - $text_height) / 2) + $char_height;
             case 'TL':
                 $text_origin_x = $margin;
                 $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin;
             case 'TR':
                 $text_origin_x = ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                 $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin;
             case 'BL':
                 $text_origin_x = $margin;
                 $text_origin_y = ImageSY($gdimg) + $TTFbox[1] - $margin;
             case 'BR':
                 $text_origin_x = ImageSX($gdimg) - $text_width + $TTFbox[0] - $min_x + round($size * 0.25) - $margin;
                 $text_origin_y = ImageSY($gdimg) + $TTFbox[1] - $margin;
         $letter_color_text = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg, $hex_color, false, $opacity * 1.27);
         if ($alignment == '*') {
             $text_origin_y = $char_height + $margin;
             while ($text_origin_y - $text_height < ImageSY($gdimg)) {
                 $text_origin_x = $margin;
                 while ($text_origin_x < ImageSX($gdimg)) {
                     ImageTTFtext($gdimg, $size, $angle, $text_origin_x, $text_origin_y, $letter_color_text, $ttffont, $text);
                     $text_origin_x += $text_width + $margin;
                 $text_origin_y += $text_height + $margin;
         } else {
             //ImageRectangle($gdimg, $text_origin_x + $min_x, $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1], $text_origin_x + $min_x + $text_width, $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1] - $text_height, $letter_color_text);
             if (phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($bg_color)) {
                 $text_background_alpha = round(127 * ((100 - min(max(0, $bg_opacity), 100)) / 100));
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg, $bg_color, false, $text_background_alpha);
             } else {
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($gdimg, 'FFFFFF', false, 127);
             $x1 = $text_origin_x + $min_x;
             $y1 = $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1];
             $x2 = $text_origin_x + $min_x + $text_width;
             $y2 = $text_origin_y + $TTFbox[1] - $text_height;
             $x_TL = eregi('x', $fillextend) ? 0 : min($x1, $x2);
             $y_TL = eregi('y', $fillextend) ? 0 : min($y1, $y2);
             $x_BR = eregi('x', $fillextend) ? ImageSX($gdimg) : max($x1, $x2);
             $y_BR = eregi('y', $fillextend) ? ImageSY($gdimg) : max($y1, $y2);
             //while ($y_BR > ImageSY($gdimg)) {
             //	$y_TL--;
             //	$y_BR--;
             //	$text_origin_y--;
             ImageFilledRectangle($gdimg, $x_TL, $y_TL, $x_BR, $y_BR, $text_color_background);
             ImageTTFtext($gdimg, $size, $angle, $text_origin_x, $text_origin_y, $letter_color_text, $ttffont, $text);
         return true;
     } else {
         $size = min(5, max(1, $size));
         $this->DebugMessage('Using built-in font (size=' . $size . ') for text watermark' . ($ttffont ? ' because $ttffont !is_readable(' . $ttffont . ')' : ''), __FILE__, __LINE__);
         $text_width = 0;
         $text_height = 0;
         foreach ($textlines as $dummy => $line) {
             $text_width = max($text_width, ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line));
             $text_height += ImageFontHeight($size);
         if ($img_watermark = phpthumb_functions::ImageCreateFunction($text_width, $text_height)) {
             ImageAlphaBlending($img_watermark, false);
             if (phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($bg_color)) {
                 $text_background_alpha = round(127 * ((100 - min(max(0, $bg_opacity), 100)) / 100));
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($img_watermark, $bg_color, false, $text_background_alpha);
             } else {
                 $text_color_background = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($img_watermark, 'FFFFFF', false, 127);
             ImageFilledRectangle($img_watermark, 0, 0, ImageSX($img_watermark), ImageSY($img_watermark), $text_color_background);
             if ($angle && function_exists('ImageRotate')) {
                 // using $img_watermark_mask is pointless if ImageRotate function isn't available
                 if ($img_watermark_mask = phpthumb_functions::ImageCreateFunction($text_width, $text_height)) {
                     $mask_color_background = ImageColorAllocate($img_watermark_mask, 0, 0, 0);
                     ImageAlphaBlending($img_watermark_mask, false);
                     ImageFilledRectangle($img_watermark_mask, 0, 0, ImageSX($img_watermark_mask), ImageSY($img_watermark_mask), $mask_color_background);
                     $mask_color_watermark = ImageColorAllocate($img_watermark_mask, 255, 255, 255);
             $text_color_watermark = phpthumb_functions::ImageHexColorAllocate($img_watermark, $hex_color);
             foreach ($textlines as $key => $line) {
                 switch ($alignment) {
                     case 'C':
                     case 'T':
                     case 'B':
                         $x_offset = round(($text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line)) / 2);
                     case 'L':
                     case 'TL':
                     case 'BL':
                         $x_offset = 0;
                     case 'R':
                     case 'TR':
                     case 'BR':
                         $x_offset = $text_width - ImageFontWidth($size) * strlen($line);
                 ImageString($img_watermark, $size, $x_offset, $key * ImageFontHeight($size), $line, $text_color_watermark);
                 if ($angle && $img_watermark_mask) {
                     ImageString($img_watermark_mask, $size, $x_offset, $key * ImageFontHeight($size), $text, $mask_color_watermark);
             if ($angle && $img_watermark_mask) {
                 $img_watermark = ImageRotate($img_watermark, $angle, $text_color_background);
                 $img_watermark_mask = ImageRotate($img_watermark_mask, $angle, $mask_color_background);
                 phpthumb_filters::ApplyMask($img_watermark_mask, $img_watermark);
             phpthumb_filters::WatermarkOverlay($gdimg, $img_watermark, $alignment, $opacity, $margin);
             return true;
     return false;
 function Sepia(&$gdimg, $amount, $targetColor)
     $amount = is_numeric($amount) ? max(0, min(100, $amount)) : 50;
     $targetColor = phpthumb_functions::IsHexColor($targetColor) ? $targetColor : 'A28065';
     $TargetPixel['red'] = hexdec(substr($targetColor, 0, 2));
     $TargetPixel['green'] = hexdec(substr($targetColor, 2, 2));
     $TargetPixel['blue'] = hexdec(substr($targetColor, 4, 2));
     $ImageSX = ImageSX($gdimg);
     $ImageSY = ImageSY($gdimg);
     for ($x = 0; $x < $ImageSX; $x++) {
         for ($y = 0; $y < $ImageSY; $y++) {
             $OriginalPixel = phpthumb_functions::GetPixelColor($gdimg, $x, $y);
             $GrayPixel = phpthumb_functions::GrayscalePixel($OriginalPixel);
             // http://www.gimpguru.org/Tutorials/SepiaToning/
             // "In the traditional sepia toning process, the tinting occurs most in
             // the mid-tones: the lighter and darker areas appear to be closer to B&W."
             $SepiaAmount = (128 - abs($GrayPixel['red'] - 128)) / 128 * ($amount / 100);
             foreach ($TargetPixel as $key => $value) {
                 $NewPixel[$key] = round(max(0, min(255, $GrayPixel[$key] * (1 - $SepiaAmount) + $TargetPixel[$key] * $SepiaAmount)));
             $newColor = phpthumb_functions::ImageColorAllocateAlphaSafe($gdimg, $NewPixel['red'], $NewPixel['green'], $NewPixel['blue'], $OriginalPixel['alpha']);
             ImageSetPixel($gdimg, $x, $y, $newColor);
     return true;