Exemple #1
 if ($fbConfig->alphauserpoints && file_exists($api_AUP)) {
     static $maxPoints = false;
     if ($maxPoints == false) {
         //Get the max# of points for any one user
         $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT MAX(points) FROM #__alpha_userpoints");
         $maxPoints = $kunena_db->loadResult();
         check_dberror("Unable to load AUP max points.");
     $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT points FROM #__alpha_userpoints WHERE `userid`='" . (int) $fmessage->userid . "'");
     $numPoints = $kunena_db->loadResult();
     check_dberror("Unable to load AUP points.");
     $myGraphAUP = new phpGraph();
     $myGraphAUP->AddValue(_KUNENA_AUP_POINTS, $numPoints);
     $myGraphAUP->SetBarImg(KUNENA_URLGRAPHPATH . "col" . $fbConfig->statscolor . "m.png");
     $myGraphAUP->SetBarImg2(KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "graph.gif");
     //height of the bar
     //should match column width in the <TD> above -5 pixels
     $useGraph = 1;
 // End Integration AlphaUserPoints
 //karma points and buttons
 if ($fbConfig->showkarma && $userinfo->userid != '0') {
     $karmaPoints = $userinfo->karma;
     $karmaPoints = (int) $karmaPoints;
Exemple #2
function showprf($userid, $page)
    $fbConfig =& CKunenaConfig::getInstance();
    $kunena_acl =& JFactory::getACL();
    $kunena_my =& JFactory::getUser();
    $kunena_db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    // ERROR: mixed global $fbIcons
    global $fbIcons;
    //Get userinfo needed later on, this limits the amount of queries
    $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM #__fb_users AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS b ON b.id=a.userid WHERE a.userid='{$userid}'");
    $userinfo = $kunena_db->loadObject();
    check_dberror('Unable to get user profile info.');
    if (!$userinfo) {
        $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__users WHERE id='{$userid}'");
        $userinfo = $kunena_db->loadObject();
        check_dberror('Unable to get user profile info.');
        if (!$userinfo) {
            echo '<h3>' . _KUNENA_PROFILE_NO_USER . '</h3>';
        } else {
            // Check moderator status (admin is moderator)
            $aro_group = $kunena_acl->getAroGroup($userid);
            $is_admin = strtolower($aro_group->name) == 'super administrator' || strtolower($aro_group->name) == 'administrator';
            // there's no profile; set userid and moderator status.
            $kunena_db->setQuery("INSERT INTO #__fb_users (userid,moderator) VALUES ('{$userid}','{$is_admin}')");
            check_dberror('Unable to create user profile.');
            $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT a.*, b.* FROM #__fb_users AS a LEFT JOIN #__users AS b ON b.id=a.userid WHERE a.userid='{$userid}'");
            $userinfo = $kunena_db->loadObject();
            check_dberror('Unable to get user profile info.');
            // TODO: For future use
            // echo '<h3>' . _KUNENA_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND . '</h3>';
            // return;
    // User Hits
    $kunena_db->setQuery('UPDATE #__fb_users SET uhits=uhits+1 WHERE userid=' . $userid);
    $kunena_db->query() or trigger_dberror("Unable to update user hits.");
    // get userprofile hits
    $msg_userhits = $userinfo->uhits;
    //get the username:
    $fb_username = "";
    if ($fbConfig->username) {
        $fb_queryName = "username";
    } else {
        $fb_queryName = "name";
    $fb_username = $userinfo->{$fb_queryName};
    $lists["userid"] = $userid;
    $msg_username = $fb_username;
    // $msg_username = ($fmessage->email != "" && $kunena_my->id > 0 && $fbConfig->showemail == '1') ? "<a href=\"mailto:" . $fmessage->email . "\">" . $fb_username . "</a>" : $fb_username;
    if ($fbConfig->allowavatar) {
        $Avatarname = $userinfo->username;
        if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "jomsocial") {
            // Get CUser object
            $user =& CFactory::getUser($userid);
            $msg_avatar = '<span class="fb_avatar"><img src="' . $user->getAvatar() . '" alt="" /></span>';
        } else {
            if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "clexuspm") {
                $msg_avatar = '<span class="fb_avatar"><img src="' . MyPMSTools::getAvatarLinkWithID($userid, "b") . '" alt="" /></span>';
            } else {
                if ($fbConfig->avatar_src == "cb") {
                    $kunenaProfile = CKunenaCBProfile::getInstance();
                    $msg_avatar = '<span class="fb_avatar">' . $kunenaProfile->showAvatar($userid, '', 0) . '</span>';
                } else {
                    $avatar = $userinfo->avatar;
                    if ($avatar != '') {
                        if (!file_exists(KUNENA_PATH_UPLOADED . DS . 'avatars/l_' . $avatar)) {
                            $msg_avatar = '<span class="fb_avatar"><img border="0" src="' . KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH . '/avatars/' . $avatar . '"  alt="" style="max-width: ' . $fbConfig->avatarwidth . 'px; max-height: ' . $fbConfig->avatarheight . 'px;" /></span>';
                        } else {
                            $msg_avatar = '<span class="fb_avatar"><img border="0" src="' . KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH . '/avatars/' . $avatar . '"  alt="" /></span>';
                    } else {
                        $msg_avatar = '<span class="fb_avatar"><img  border="0" src="' . KUNENA_LIVEUPLOADEDPATH . '/avatars/nophoto.jpg"  alt="" /></span>';
    if ($fbConfig->showuserstats) {
        //user type determination
        $ugid = $userinfo->gid;
        $uIsMod = 0;
        $uIsAdm = 0;
        if ($ugid > 0) {
            //only get the groupname from the ACL if we're sure there is one
            $agrp = strtolower($kunena_acl->get_group_name($ugid, 'ARO'));
        if ($ugid == 0) {
            $msg_usertype = _VIEW_VISITOR;
        } else {
            if (strtolower($agrp) == "administrator" || strtolower($agrp) == "superadministrator" || strtolower($agrp) == "super administrator") {
                $msg_usertype = _VIEW_ADMIN;
                $uIsAdm = 1;
            } elseif ($uIsMod) {
                $msg_usertype = _VIEW_MODERATOR;
            } else {
                $msg_usertype = _VIEW_USER;
        //done usertype determination, phew...
        //Get the max# of posts for any one user
        $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT MAX(posts) FROM #__fb_users");
        $maxPosts = $kunena_db->loadResult();
        //# of post for this user and ranking
        $numPosts = (int) $userinfo->posts;
        if ($fbConfig->showranking) {
            if ($userinfo->rank != '0') {
                //special rank
                $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_ranks WHERE rank_id='{$userinfo->rank}'");
                $getRank = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
                check_dberror("Unable to load ranks.");
                $rank = $getRank[0];
                $rText = $rank->rank_title;
                $rImg = KUNENA_URLRANKSPATH . $rank->rank_image;
            if ($userinfo->rank == '0') {
                //post count rank
                $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__fb_ranks WHERE ((rank_min <= '{$numPosts}') AND (rank_special = '0')) ORDER BY rank_min DESC", 0, 1);
                $getRank = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
                check_dberror("Unable to load ranks.");
                $rank = $getRank[0];
                $rText = $rank->rank_title;
                $rImg = KUNENA_URLRANKSPATH . $rank->rank_image;
            if ($uIsMod) {
                $rText = _RANK_MODERATOR;
                $rImg = KUNENA_URLRANKSPATH . 'rankmod.gif';
            if ($uIsAdm) {
                $rText = _RANK_ADMINISTRATOR;
                $rImg = KUNENA_URLRANKSPATH . 'rankadmin.gif';
            if ($fbConfig->rankimages) {
                $msg_userrankimg = '<img src="' . $rImg . '" alt="" />';
            $msg_userrank = $rText;
            $useGraph = 0;
            if (!$fbConfig->poststats) {
                $msg_posts = '<div class="viewcover">' . "<strong>" . _POSTS . " {$numPosts}" . "</strong>" . "</div>";
                $useGraph = 0;
            } else {
                $myGraph = new phpGraph();
                $myGraph->AddValue(_POSTS, $numPosts);
                $myGraph->SetBarImg(KUNENA_URLGRAPHPATH . "col" . $fbConfig->statscolor . "m.png");
                $myGraph->SetBarImg2(KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "graph.gif");
                //height of the bar
                //should match column width in the <TD> above -5 pixels
                $useGraph = 1;
    //karma points and buttons
    if ($fbConfig->showkarma && $userid != '0') {
        $karmaPoints = $userinfo->karma;
        $karmaPoints = (int) $karmaPoints;
        $msg_karma = "<strong>" . _KARMA . ":</strong> {$karmaPoints}";
        $msg_karmaminus = '';
        $msg_karmaplus = '';
        if ($kunena_my->id != '0' && $kunena_my->id != $userid) {
            $msg_karmaminus .= "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_(KUNENA_LIVEURLREL . '&amp;func=karma&amp;do=decrease&amp;userid=' . $userid) . "\"><img src=\"";
            if (isset($fbIcons['karmaminus'])) {
                $msg_karmaminus .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['karmaminus'];
            } else {
                $msg_karmaminus .= KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "karmaminus.gif";
            $msg_karmaminus .= "\" alt=\"Karma-\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _KARMA_SMITE . "\" align=\"middle\" /></a>";
            $msg_karmaplus .= "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_(KUNENA_LIVEURLREL . '&amp;func=karma&amp;do=increase&amp;userid=' . $userid) . "\"><img src=\"";
            if (isset($fbIcons['karmaplus'])) {
                $msg_karmaplus .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['karmaplus'];
            } else {
                $msg_karmaplus .= KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "karmaplus.gif";
            $msg_karmaplus .= "\" alt=\"Karma+\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _KARMA_APPLAUD . "\" align=\"middle\" /></a>";
    /*let's see if we should use uddeIM integration */
    if ($fbConfig->pm_component == "uddeim" && $userid && $kunena_my->id) {
        //we should offer the user a PMS link
        //first get the username of the user to contact
        $PMSName = $userinfo->username;
        $msg_pms = "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_uddeim&amp;task=new&recip=' . $userid) . "\"><img src=\"";
        if ($fbIcons['pms']) {
            $msg_pms .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['pms'];
        } else {
            $msg_pms .= KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "sendpm.gif";
        $msg_pms .= "\" alt=\"" . _VIEW_PMS . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _VIEW_PMS . "\" /></a>";
    /*let's see if we should use myPMS2 integration */
    if ($fbConfig->pm_component == "pms" && $userid && $kunena_my->id) {
        //we should offer the user a PMS link
        //first get the username of the user to contact
        $PMSName = $userinfo->username;
        $msg_pms = "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_pms&amp;page=new&amp;id=' . $PMSName . '&title=' . $fmessage->subject) . "\"><img src=\"";
        if ($fbIcons['pms']) {
            $msg_pms .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['pms'];
        } else {
            $msg_pms .= KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "sendpm.gif";
        $msg_pms .= "\" alt=\"" . _VIEW_PMS . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _VIEW_PMS . "\" /></a>";
    // online - ofline status
    if ($userid > 0) {
        $sql = "SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid='{$userid}'";
        $isonline = $kunena_db->loadResult();
        if ($isonline && $userinfo->showOnline == 1) {
            $msg_online = isset($fbIcons['onlineicon']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['onlineicon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _MODLIST_ONLINE . '" />' : '  <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'onlineicon.gif" border="0"  alt="' . _MODLIST_ONLINE . '" />';
        } else {
            $msg_online = isset($fbIcons['offlineicon']) ? '<img src="' . KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['offlineicon'] . '" border="0" alt="' . _MODLIST_OFFLINE . '" />' : '  <img src="' . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . 'offlineicon.gif" border="0"  alt="' . _MODLIST_OFFLINE . '" />';
    /* ClexusPM integration */
    if ($fbConfig->pm_component == "clexuspm") {
        //we should offer the user a PMS link
        //first get the username of the user to contact
        $PMSName = $userinfo->aid;
        $msg_pms = "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_mypms&amp;task=new&amp;to=' . $userid . '' . $fmessage->subject) . "\"><img src=\"";
        if ($fbIcons['pms']) {
            $msg_pms .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['pms'];
        } else {
            $msg_pms .= KUNENA_JLIVEURL . "/components/com_mypms/images/icons/message_12px.gif";
        $msg_pms .= "\" alt=\"" . _VIEW_PMS . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _VIEW_PMS . "\" /></a>";
        //mypms pro profile link
        $msg_profile = "<a href=\"" . MyPMSTools::getProfileLink($userid) . "\"><img src=\"";
        if ($fbIcons['userprofile']) {
            $msg_profile .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['userprofile'];
        } else {
            $msg_profile .= KUNENA_JLIVEURL . "/components/com_mypms/images/managecontact_icon.gif";
        $msg_profile .= "\" alt=\"" . _VIEW_PROFILE . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _VIEW_PROFILE . "\" /></a>";
        //mypms add buddy link
        $msg_buddy = "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_mypms&amp;user='******'&amp;task=addbuddy') . "\"><img src=\"";
        if ($fbIcons['pms2buddy']) {
            $msg_buddy .= KUNENA_URLICONSPATH . $fbIcons['pms2buddy'];
        } else {
            $msg_buddy .= KUNENA_JLIVEURL . "/components/com_mypms/images/messages/addbuddy.gif";
        $msg_buddy .= "\" alt=\"" . _VIEW_ADDBUDDY . "\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . _VIEW_ADDBUDDY . "\" /></a>";
        $kunena_db->setQuery("SELECT icq, ym, msn, aim, website, location FROM #__mypms_profiles WHERE user='******'");
        $profileitems = $kunena_db->loadObjectList();
        check_dberror("Unable to load mypms_profiles.");
        foreach ($profileitems as $profileitems) {
            if ($profileitems->aim) {
                $msg_aim = "<a href=\"aim:goim?screenname=" . str_replace(" ", "+", $profileitems->aim) . "\"><img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "aim.png\" border=0 alt=\"\" /></a>";
            if ($profileitems->icq) {
                $msg_icq = "<a href=\"http://www.icq.com/whitepages/wwp.php?uin=" . $profileitems->icq . "\"><img src=\"" . KUNENA_URLEMOTIONSPATH . "icq.png\" border=0 alt=\"\" /></a>";
            if ($profileitems->msn) {
                $msg_msn = "<a href=\"" . JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_mypms&amp;task=showprofile&amp;user='******'/plugin/fbprofile/userinfos.php')) {
        include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/fbprofile/userinfos.php';
    } else {
        include KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'plugin/fbprofile/userinfos.php';

            <!-- /Kunena Profile -->

            <td class = "<?php 
    echo $boardclass;
profile-right" valign="top" width="74%">
            <!-- User Messages -->

    if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/fbprofile/summary.php')) {
        include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/fbprofile/summary.php';
    } else {
        include KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'plugin/fbprofile/summary.php';

    if (file_exists(KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/fbprofile/forummsg.php')) {
        include KUNENA_ABSTMPLTPATH . '/plugin/fbprofile/forummsg.php';
    } else {
        include KUNENA_PATH_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT . DS . 'plugin/fbprofile/forummsg.php';

    /*    end of function        */