			return $nl;
	$pdf = new pdf('L','mm','A4');
	$medidas = array(15,20,15,22,12,12,30,80,20,55);
	//Table with 20 rows and 4 columns
  * printanswers::view()
  * View answers at the end of a survey in one place. To export as pdf, set 'usepdfexport' = 1 in lsconfig.php and $printableexport='pdf'.
  * @param mixed $surveyid
  * @param bool $printableexport
  * @return
 function actionView($surveyid, $printableexport = FALSE)
     $iSurveyID = (int) $surveyid;
     $sExportType = $printableexport;
     if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['sid'])) {
         $iSurveyID = $_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['sid'];
     } else {
         //die('Invalid survey/session');
     // Get the survey inforamtion
     // Set the language for dispay
     if (isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['s_lang'])) {
         $sLanguage = $_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['s_lang'];
     } elseif (Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)) {
         $sLanguage = Survey::model()->findByPk($iSurveyID)->language;
     } else {
         $iSurveyID = 0;
         $sLanguage = Yii::app()->getConfig("defaultlang");
     $clang = SetSurveyLanguage($iSurveyID, $sLanguage);
     $aSurveyInfo = getSurveyInfo($iSurveyID, $sLanguage);
     if (!isset($aSurveyInfo['templatedir']) || !$aSurveyInfo['templatedir']) {
         $aSurveyInfo['templatedir'] = Yii::app()->getConfig('defaulttemplate');
     $sTemplate = validateTemplateDir($aSurveyInfo['templatedir']);
     //Survey is not finished or don't exist
     if (!isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['finished']) || !isset($_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['srid'])) {
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($sTemplate) . '/startpage.pstpl'), array());
         echo "<center><br />\n" . "\t<font color='RED'><strong>" . $clang->gT("Error") . "</strong></font><br />\n" . "\t" . $clang->gT("We are sorry but your session has expired.") . "<br />" . $clang->gT("Either you have been inactive for too long, you have cookies disabled for your browser, or there were problems with your connection.") . "<br />\n" . "\t" . sprintf($clang->gT("Please contact %s ( %s ) for further assistance."), Yii::app()->getConfig("siteadminname"), Yii::app()->getConfig("siteadminemail")) . "\n" . "</center><br />\n";
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($sTemplate) . '/endpage.pstpl'), array());
     //Fin session time out
     $sSRID = $_SESSION['survey_' . $iSurveyID]['srid'];
     //I want to see the answers with this id
     //Ensure script is not run directly, avoid path disclosure
     //if (!isset($rootdir) || isset($_REQUEST['$rootdir'])) {die( "browse - Cannot run this script directly");}
     if ($aSurveyInfo['printanswers'] == 'N') {
         //Die quietly if print answers is not permitted
     $sSurveyName = $aSurveyInfo['surveyls_title'];
     $sAnonymized = $aSurveyInfo['anonymized'];
     $sOutput = CHtml::form(array("printanswers/view/surveyid/{$iSurveyID}/printableexport/pdf"), 'post') . "<center><input type='submit' value='" . $clang->gT("PDF export") . "'id=\"exportbutton\"/><input type='hidden' name='printableexport' /></center></form>";
     if ($sExportType == 'pdf') {
         //require (Yii::app()->getConfig('rootdir').'/application/config/tcpdf.php');
         Yii::import('application.libraries.admin.pdf', true);
         $aPdfLanguageSettings = pdfHelper::getPdfLanguageSettings($clang->langcode);
         $oPDF = new pdf();
         $oPDF->SetTitle($clang->gT("Survey name (ID)", 'unescaped') . ": {$sSurveyName} ({$iSurveyID})");
         $oPDF->SetDisplayMode('fullpage', 'two');
         $oPDF->setHeaderFont(array($aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffont'], '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
         $oPDF->setFooterFont(array($aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffont'], '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
         $oPDF->SetFont($aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffont'], '', $aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffontsize']);
         $oPDF->titleintopdf($clang->gT("Survey name (ID)", 'unescaped') . ": {$sSurveyName} ({$iSurveyID})");
     $sOutput .= "\t<div class='printouttitle'><strong>" . $clang->gT("Survey name (ID):") . "</strong> {$sSurveyName} ({$iSurveyID})</div><p>&nbsp;\n";
     // means that all variables are on the same page
     // Since all data are loaded, and don't need JavaScript, pretend all from Group 1
     LimeExpressionManager::StartProcessingGroup(1, $aSurveyInfo['anonymized'] != "N", $iSurveyID);
     $printanswershonorsconditions = Yii::app()->getConfig('printanswershonorsconditions');
     $aFullResponseTable = getFullResponseTable($iSurveyID, $sSRID, $sLanguage, $printanswershonorsconditions);
     //Get the fieldmap @TODO: do we need to filter out some fields?
     if ($aSurveyInfo['datestamp'] != "Y" || $sAnonymized == 'Y') {
     } else {
     $sOutput .= "<table class='printouttable' >\n";
     foreach ($aFullResponseTable as $sFieldname => $fname) {
         if (substr($sFieldname, 0, 4) == 'gid_') {
             $sOutput .= "\t<tr class='printanswersgroup'><td colspan='2'>{$fname[0]}</td></tr>\n";
         } elseif (substr($sFieldname, 0, 4) == 'qid_') {
             $sOutput .= "\t<tr class='printanswersquestionhead'><td colspan='2'>{$fname[0]}</td></tr>\n";
         } elseif ($sFieldname == 'submitdate') {
             if ($sAnonymized != 'Y') {
                 $sOutput .= "\t<tr class='printanswersquestion'><td>{$fname[0]} {$fname[1]} {$sFieldname}</td><td class='printanswersanswertext'>{$fname[2]}</td></tr>";
         } else {
             $sOutput .= "\t<tr class='printanswersquestion'><td>{$fname[0]} {$fname[1]}</td><td class='printanswersanswertext'>" . flattenText($fname[2]) . "</td></tr>";
     $sOutput .= "</table>\n";
     $sData['thissurvey'] = $aSurveyInfo;
     $sOutput = templatereplace($sOutput, array(), $sData, '', $aSurveyInfo['anonymized'] == "Y", NULL, array(), true);
     // Do a static replacement
     if ($sExportType == 'pdf') {
         header("Pragma: public");
         header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
         $sExportFileName = sanitize_filename($sSurveyName);
         $oPDF->Output($sExportFileName . "-" . $iSurveyID . ".pdf", "D");
     } else {
         ob_start(function ($buffer, $phase) {
             return $buffer;
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($sTemplate) . '/startpage.pstpl'), array(), $sData);
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($sTemplate) . '/printanswers.pstpl'), array('ANSWERTABLE' => $sOutput), $sData);
         echo templatereplace(file_get_contents(getTemplatePath($sTemplate) . '/endpage.pstpl'), array(), $sData);
         echo "</body></html>";
	date_format(current_date, '%d/%m/%Y') as fechaactual,
	cs.estado eest, cs.municipio emun, gc.legal,
	CONCAT(day(gc.fecha),' de ', UCASE(MONTHNAME(gc.fecha)), ' de ',YEAR(gc.fecha)) fechaconvenio,
	CONCAT(day(gc.vigencia),' de ', UCASE(MONTHNAME(gc.vigencia)), ' de ',YEAR(gc.vigencia)) fechavigencia
	FROM generacionconvenio gc
	LEFT JOIN catalogosucursal cs ON gc.sucursal = cs.id
	WHERE gc.folio = '$_GET[folio]'";
	$r = mysql_query($s,$l) or die("error ".mysql_error($l)."--".$s);
	$f = mysql_fetch_object($r);
	$pdf = new pdf();
	$pdf -> AddPage();
	$pdf -> Ln(10);
	$pdf -> SetFont("Arial","",8);
	$contenido = 'Contrato de prestación de servicios que celebra por una parte ENTREGAS PUNTUALES S DE RL DE CV, a quien en lo sucesivo se le denominará "La Prestadora de Servicios", y por otra parte '.$f->ncliente.' representada por '.ucwords($f->legal).' a quien en lo sucesivo se le denominará "El Cliente".
	1.- La Prestadora de Servicios otorgará a "El Cliente" los siguientes servicios:
	                Guias Ventanilla                    Guias Electronicas
	                Entrega a Domicilio                 Recolección a Domicilio
	                Valor Declarado                     Acuse de Recibo
	                Entregas a Subdestinos
	2.- El precio del servicio de Recolección a Domicilio (RAD) y Entrega a Domicilio (EAD) es un 10% sobre el valor del flete o bien un cobro mínimo dependiendo de la Ciudad donde se origine el servicio de RAD o donde se envíe el servicio de EAD (ver tarifas).
	3.- El precio Valor Declarado es de $8.00 (Son Ocho Pesos 00/100 M.N.)  por millar, este seguro únicamente ampara riegos ordinarios de tránsito (incendio, accidente, asalto a mano armada). De ocurrir cualquiera de los eventos anteriores se cobrará un 20% de deducible sobre el valor declarado, de acuerdo con la póliza de seguros vigente. El máximo del Valor Declarado por guía o carta de porte es de $150,000.00 (Son Ciento cincuenta mil pesos 00/100 M.N).
	4.- El Acuse de Recibo tiene un costo de $ 15.00 (Son Quince pesos 00/100) por guía, el Cliente acepta que la falta de entrega de acuse no será una condicionante para la realización de pago de los envíos que realice con La Prestadora de Servicios.
  * Generates statistics
  * @param int $surveyid The survey id
  * @param mixed $allfields
  * @param mixed $q2show
  * @param mixed $usegraph
  * @param string $outputType Optional - Can be xls, html or pdf - Defaults to pdf
  * @param string $pdfOutput Sets the target for the PDF output: DD=File download , F=Save file to local disk
  * @param string $statlangcode Lamguage for statistics
  * @param mixed $browse  Show browse buttons
  * @return buffer
 public function generate_statistics($surveyid, $allfields, $q2show = 'all', $usegraph = 0, $outputType = 'pdf', $pdfOutput = 'I', $sLanguageCode = null, $browse = true)
     $aStatisticsData = array();
     //astatdata generates data for the output page's javascript so it can rebuild graphs on the fly
     //load surveytranslator helper
     Yii::import('application.helpers.surveytranslator_helper', true);
     Yii::import('application.third_party.ar-php.Arabic', true);
     $sOutputHTML = "";
     //This string carries all the actual HTML code to print.
     $sTempDir = Yii::app()->getConfig("tempdir");
     $this->pdf = array();
     //Make sure $this->pdf exists - it will be replaced with an object if a $this->pdf is actually being created
     //pick the best font file if font setting is 'auto'
     if (is_null($sLanguageCode)) {
         $sLanguageCode = getBaseLanguageFromSurveyID($surveyid);
      * this variable is used in the function shortencode() which cuts off a question/answer title
      * after $maxchars and shows the rest as tooltip (in html mode)
     $maxchars = 13;
     //we collect all the html-output within this variable
     $sOutputHTML = '';
      * $outputType: html || pdf ||
      * get/set Survey Details
     //no survey ID? -> come and get one
     if (!isset($surveyid)) {
         $surveyid = returnGlobal('sid');
     //Get an array of codes of all available languages in this survey
     $surveylanguagecodes = Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->additionalLanguages;
     $surveylanguagecodes[] = Survey::model()->findByPk($surveyid)->language;
     $fieldmap = createFieldMap($surveyid, "full", false, false, $sLanguageCode);
     // Set language for questions and answers to base language of this survey
     $language = $sLanguageCode;
     if ($q2show == 'all') {
         $summarySql = " SELECT gid, parent_qid, qid, type " . " FROM {{questions}} WHERE parent_qid=0" . " AND sid={$surveyid} ";
         $summaryRs = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($summarySql)->query()->readAll();
         foreach ($summaryRs as $field) {
             $myField = $surveyid . "X" . $field['gid'] . "X" . $field['qid'];
             // Multiple choice get special treatment
             if ($field['type'] == "M") {
                 $myField = "M{$myField}";
             if ($field['type'] == "P") {
                 $myField = "P{$myField}";
             //numerical input will get special treatment (arihtmetic mean, standard derivation, ...)
             if ($field['type'] == "N") {
                 $myField = "N{$myField}";
             if ($field['type'] == "|") {
                 $myField = "|{$myField}";
             if ($field['type'] == "Q") {
                 $myField = "Q{$myField}";
             // textfields get special treatment
             if ($field['type'] == "S" || $field['type'] == "T" || $field['type'] == "U") {
                 $myField = "T{$myField}";
             //statistics for Date questions are not implemented yet.
             if ($field['type'] == "D") {
                 $myField = "D{$myField}";
             if ($field['type'] == "F" || $field['type'] == "H") {
                 //Get answers. We always use the answer code because the label might be too long elsewise
                 $query = "SELECT code, answer FROM {{answers}} WHERE qid='" . $field['qid'] . "' AND scale_id=0 AND language='{$language}' ORDER BY sortorder, answer";
                 $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->query();
                 $counter2 = 0;
                 //check all the answers
                 foreach ($result->readAll() as $row) {
                     $row = array_values($row);
                     $myField = "{$myField}{$row[0]}";
                 //$myField = "{$surveyid}X{$flt[1]}X{$flt[0]}{$row[0]}[]";
             if ($q2show == 'all') {
                 $summary[] = $myField;
     } else {
         // This gets all the 'to be shown questions' from the POST and puts these into an array
         if (!is_array($q2show)) {
             $summary = returnGlobal('summary');
         } else {
             $summary = $q2show;
         //if $summary isn't an array we create one
         if (isset($summary) && !is_array($summary)) {
             $summary = explode("+", $summary);
      * pdf Config
     if ($outputType == 'pdf') {
         Yii::import('application.libraries.admin.pdf', true);
         $aPdfLanguageSettings = pdfHelper::getPdfLanguageSettings($language);
         // create new PDF document
         $this->pdf = new pdf();
         $surveyInfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyid, $language);
         // set document information
         $this->pdf->SetTitle(sprintf(gT("Statistics survey %s"), $surveyid));
         $this->pdf->SetKeywords('LimeSurvey,' . gT("Statistics") . ', ' . sprintf(gT("Survey %s"), $surveyid));
         $this->pdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage', 'two');
         // set header and footer fonts
         $this->pdf->setHeaderFont(array($aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffont'], '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
         $this->pdf->setFooterFont(array($aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffont'], '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
         // set default header data
         // Since png crashes some servers (and we can not try/catch that) we use .gif (or .jpg) instead
         $headerlogo = 'statistics.gif';
         $this->pdf->SetHeaderData($headerlogo, 10, gT("Quick statistics", 'unescaped'), gT("Survey") . " " . $surveyid . " '" . flattenText($surveyInfo['surveyls_title'], false, true, 'UTF-8') . "'");
         $this->pdf->SetFont($aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffont'], '', $aPdfLanguageSettings['pdffontsize']);
         // set default monospaced font
     if ($outputType == 'xls') {
          * Initiate the Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer
         require_once APPPATH . '/third_party/pear/Spreadsheet/Excel/Xlswriter.php';
         if ($pdfOutput == 'F') {
             $sFileName = $sTempDir . '/statistic-survey' . $surveyid . '.xls';
             $this->workbook = new Xlswriter($sFileName);
         } else {
             $this->workbook = new Xlswriter();
         // Inform the module that our data will arrive as UTF-8.
         // Set the temporary directory to avoid PHP error messages due to open_basedir restrictions and calls to tempnam("", ...)
         // Inform the module that our data will arrive as UTF-8.
         // Set the temporary directory to avoid PHP error messages due to open_basedir restrictions and calls to tempnam("", ...)
         if (!empty($sTempDir)) {
         if ($pdfOutput != 'F') {
             $this->workbook->send('statistic-survey' . $surveyid . '.xls');
         // Creating the first worksheet
         $this->sheet = $this->workbook->addWorksheet(utf8_decode('results-survey' . $surveyid));
         $this->xlsPercents =& $this->workbook->addFormat();
         $this->formatBold =& $this->workbook->addFormat(array('Bold' => 1));
         $this->sheet->setColumn(0, 20, 20);
         $separator = "~|";
      * Start generating
     $selects = buildSelects($allfields, $surveyid, $language);
     //count number of answers
     $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM {{survey_{$surveyid}}}";
     //if incompleted answers should be filtert submitdate has to be not null
     if (incompleteAnsFilterState() == "incomplete") {
         $query .= " WHERE submitdate is null";
     } elseif (incompleteAnsFilterState() == "complete") {
         $query .= " WHERE submitdate is not null";
     $total = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryScalar();
     //are there any filters that have to be taken care of?
     if (isset($selects) && $selects) {
         //Save the filters to session for use in browsing text & other features (statistics.php function listcolumn())
         Yii::app()->session['statistics_selects_' . $surveyid] = $selects;
         //filter incomplete answers?
         if (incompleteAnsFilterState() == "complete" || incompleteAnsFilterState() == "incomplete") {
             $query .= " AND ";
         } else {
             $query .= " WHERE ";
         //add filter criteria to SQL
         $query .= implode(" AND ", $selects);
     //get me some data Scotty
     $results = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryScalar();
     if ($total) {
         $percent = sprintf("%01.2f", $results / $total * 100);
     switch ($outputType) {
         case "xls":
             $this->xlsRow = 0;
             $this->sheet->write($this->xlsRow, 0, gT("Number of records in this query:", 'unescaped'));
             $this->sheet->writeNumber($this->xlsRow, 1, $results);
             $this->sheet->write($this->xlsRow, 0, gT("Total records in survey:", 'unescaped'));
             $this->sheet->writeNumber($this->xlsRow, 1, $total);
             if ($total) {
                 $this->sheet->write($this->xlsRow, 0, gT("Percentage of total:", 'unescaped'));
                 $this->sheet->writeNumber($this->xlsRow, 1, $results / $total, $this->xlsPercents);
         case 'pdf':
             // add summary to pdf
             $array = array(array(gT("Number of records in this query:", 'unescaped'), $results), array(gT("Total records in survey:", 'unescaped'), $total));
             if ($total) {
                 $array[] = array(gT("Percentage of total:", 'unescaped'), $percent . "%");
             $this->pdf->AddPage('P', ' A4');
             $this->pdf->Bookmark(gT("Results", 'unescaped'), 0, 0);
             $this->pdf->titleintopdf(gT("Results", 'unescaped'), gT("Survey", 'unescaped') . " " . $surveyid);
         case 'html':
             $sOutputHTML .= "<br />\n<table class='statisticssummary' >\n" . "\t<thead><tr><th colspan='2'>" . gT("Results") . "</th></tr></thead>\n" . "\t<tr><th >" . gT("Number of records in this query:") . '</th>' . "<td>{$results}</td></tr>\n" . "\t<tr><th>" . gT("Total records in survey:") . '</th>' . "<td>{$total}</td></tr>\n";
             //only calculate percentage if $total is set
             if ($total) {
                 $percent = sprintf("%01.2f", $results / $total * 100);
                 $sOutputHTML .= "\t<tr><th align='right'>" . gT("Percentage of total:") . '</th>' . "<td>{$percent}%</td></tr>\n";
             $sOutputHTML .= "</table>\n";
     //put everything from $selects array into a string connected by AND
     //This string ($sql) can then be passed on to other functions so you can
     //browse these results
     if (isset($selects) && $selects) {
         $sql = implode(" AND ", $selects);
     } elseif (!empty($newsql)) {
         $sql = $newsql;
     if (!isset($sql) || !$sql) {
         $sql = null;
     //only continue if we have something to output
     if ($results > 0) {
         if ($outputType == 'html' && $browse === true && Permission::model()->hasSurveyPermission($surveyid, 'responses', 'read')) {
             //add a buttons to browse results
             $sOutputHTML .= CHtml::form(array("admin/responses/sa/browse/surveyid/{$surveyid}"), 'post', array('target' => '_blank')) . "\n" . "\t\t<p>" . "\t\t\t<input type='submit' value='" . gT("Browse") . "'  />\n" . "\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='sid' value='{$surveyid}' />\n" . "\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='sql' value=\"{$sql}\" />\n" . "\t\t\t<input type='hidden' name='subaction' value='all' />\n" . "\t\t</p>" . "\t\t</form>\n";
     //end if (results > 0)
     /* Show Summary results
      * The $summary array contains each fieldname that we want to display statistics for
      * */
     if (isset($summary) && $summary) {
         //let's run through the survey
         $runthrough = $summary;
         //START Chop up fieldname and find matching questions
         //loop through all selected questions
         foreach ($runthrough as $rt) {
             //Step 1: Get information about this response field (SGQA) for the summary
             $outputs = $this->buildOutputList($rt, $language, $surveyid, $outputType, $sql, $sLanguageCode);
             $sOutputHTML .= $outputs['statisticsoutput'];
             //2. Collect and Display results #######################################################################
             if (isset($outputs['alist']) && $outputs['alist']) {
                 $display = $this->displayResults($outputs, $results, $rt, $outputType, $surveyid, $sql, $usegraph, $browse, $sLanguageCode);
                 $sOutputHTML .= $display['statisticsoutput'];
                 $aStatisticsData = array_merge($aStatisticsData, $display['astatdata']);
             //end if -> collect and display results
             //Delete Build Outputs data
         // end foreach -> loop through all questions
         if ($outputType == 'html') {
             $sOutputHTML .= "<br />&nbsp;\n";
     //end if -> show summary results
     switch ($outputType) {
         case 'xls':
             if ($pdfOutput == 'F') {
                 return $sFileName;
             } else {
         case 'pdf':
             if ($pdfOutput == 'F') {
                 // This is only used by lsrc to send an E-Mail attachment, so it gives back the filename to send and delete afterwards
                 $tempfilename = $sTempDir . "/Survey_" . $surveyid . ".pdf";
                 $this->pdf->Output($tempfilename, $pdfOutput);
                 return $tempfilename;
             } else {
                 return $this->pdf->Output(gT('Survey') . '_' . $surveyid . "_" . $surveyInfo['surveyls_title'] . '.pdf', $pdfOutput);
         case 'html':
             $sGoogleMapsAPIKey = trim(Yii::app()->getConfig("googleMapsAPIKey"));
             if ($sGoogleMapsAPIKey != '') {
                 $sGoogleMapsAPIKey = '&key=' . $sGoogleMapsAPIKey;
             $sSSL = '';
             if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "off") {
                 $sSSL = 's';
             $sOutputHTML .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http{$sSSL}://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false{$sGoogleMapsAPIKey}\"></script>\n" . "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var site_url='" . Yii::app()->baseUrl . "';var temppath='" . Yii::app()->getConfig("tempurl") . "';var imgpath='" . Yii::app()->getConfig('adminimageurl') . "';var aStatData=" . ls_json_encode($aStatisticsData) . "</script>";
             return $sOutputHTML;
             return $sOutputHTML;
Exemple #5
 * Serves the files from the elang file areas
 * @param   stdClass  $course         the course object
 * @param   stdClass  $cm             the course module object
 * @param   stdClass  $context        the elang's context
 * @param   string    $filearea       the name of the file area
 * @param   array     $args           extra arguments (itemid, path)
 * @param   boolean   $forcedownload  whether or not force download
 * @param   array     $options        additional options affecting the file serving
 * @return  void
 * @category  files
 * @since   0.0.1
function elang_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, array $args, $forcedownload, array $options = array())
    global $DB, $CFG, $USER;
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/locallib.php';
    if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) {
    require_login($course, true, $cm);
    if (!has_capability('mod/elang:view', $context)) {
    if ($filearea == 'subtitle') {
        $vtt = new \Captioning\Format\WebvttFile();
        $idlang = $cm->instance;
        $records = $DB->get_records('elang_cues', array('id_elang' => $idlang), 'begin ASC');
        $elang = $DB->get_record('elang', array('id' => $idlang));
        $options = json_decode($elang->options, true);
        $repeatedunderscore = isset($options['repeatedunderscore']) ? $options['repeatedunderscore'] : 10;
        $i = 0;
        $users = $DB->get_records('elang_users', array('id_elang' => $idlang, 'id_user' => $USER->id), '', 'id_cue,json');
        foreach ($records as $id => $record) {
            if (isset($users[$id])) {
                $data = json_decode($users[$id]->json, true);
            } else {
                $data = array();
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	SUM(IF(rcd.tipo='R' AND rcd.condicion='POR COBRAR-CONTADO',rcd.totalgral,0))cobcont,
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	FROM moduloconcesiones mc
	INNER JOIN reporte_concesiondetalle rcd ON mc.folio=rcd.folio AND mc.sucursal=rcd.sucursal
	INNER JOIN catalogosucursal cs ON mc.sucursal=cs.id
	WHERE mc.folio='$_GET[folio]' AND mc.sucursal=$_GET[sucursal] ";
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VENTA DE FLETES ENVIADOS PAGADOS CONTADO                                                                                                          $ '.number_format($f->pagcont,2).'	
VENTA DE FLETES ENVIADOS PAGADOS CREDITO                                                                                                               $ '.number_format($f->pagcred,2).'
RECIBIDO DE FLETES RECIBIDOS POR COBRAR CONTADO                                                                                           $ '.number_format($f->cobcont,2).'
RECIBIDO DE FLETES RECIBIDOS POR COBRAR CREDITO                                                                                                  $ '.number_format($f->cobcred,2).'
$contenido2 = 'TOTAL A PAGAR                                                                                                                                                                    $ '.number_format($f->total,2).'
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		function ma2_pdf($id){
		$db=new datenbank();
		$query="select * from rechnungen,mahnungen  where rechnungen.renr=mahnungen.renr and mahnungen.manr='$id'";
		$result_kunde=$db->query("select * from kunden where kdnr=$rechnung->kunde");
		$pdf=new pdf('P', 'mm', 'A4');
		$pdf->empfaenger($kunde->firma, $kunde->strasse." ".$kunde->hausnummer, $kunde->plz." ".$kunde->ort, $rechnung->manr, $rechnung->datum);
		$pdf->SetFont("Arial", "", 10);
		$pdf->Write(5, "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,\nleider konnte ich noch keinen Zahlungseingang zur Rechnung $rechnung->renr feststellen. Hier die Auflistung der aufgrund dieser Rechnung unbezahlten Posten::\n\n");
		$query="select posten.datum as Datum, posten.kommentar as Beschreibung, posten.anzahl as Anzahl, produkte.name as Artikel, produkte.preis as Preis, (produkte.preis*posten.anzahl) as Summe from posten, produkte where posten.rechnung='$rechnung->renr' and produkte.id=posten.produkt";
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		$result=$db->query("SELECT Sum( posten.anzahl * produkte.preis )  AS Gesamt, Sum( posten.anzahl * produkte.preis * mwst.satz / 100  ) AS MWST, mwst.satz FROM posten, produkte, mwst WHERE produkte.id = posten.produkt AND mwst.id = produkte.mwst AND posten.rechnung =  '$rechnung->renr' AND produkte.id!='3' AND produkte.id!='4' GROUP BY mwst.satz");
		$result=$db->query("SELECT Sum( posten.anzahl * produkte.preis )  AS Gesamt, Sum( posten.anzahl * produkte.preis * mwst.satz / 100  ) AS MWST, mwst.satz FROM posten, produkte, mwst WHERE produkte.id = posten.produkt AND mwst.id = produkte.mwst AND posten.rechnung =  '$rechnung->renr' AND produkte.id ='3' GROUP BY mwst.satz");
		$result=$db->query("SELECT Sum( posten.anzahl * produkte.preis )  AS Gesamt, Sum( posten.anzahl * produkte.preis * mwst.satz / 100  ) AS MWST, mwst.satz FROM posten, produkte, mwst WHERE produkte.id = posten.produkt AND mwst.id = produkte.mwst AND posten.rechnung =  '$rechnung->renr' AND produkte.id ='4' GROUP BY mwst.satz");
		$pdf->Cell(100,5,"", 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf->Cell(20,5,number_format(($betrag->Gesamt+$betrag2->Gesamt+$betrag3->Gesamt),2,",",".").EURO, 0, 1, 'R');
		$pdf->Cell(100,5,"", 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf->Cell(35,5,"Mehrwertsteuer (".number_format($betrag->satz)."%):", 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf->Cell(20,5,number_format($betrag->MWST,2,",",".").EURO, 0, 1, 'R');
		$pdf->Cell(100,5,"", 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf->Cell(35,5,"Mahnbetrag:", 0, 0, 'L');
		$pdf->Cell(20,5,number_format($betrag2->Gesamt+$betrag->Gesamt+$betrag3->Gesamt+$betrag->MWST,2,",",".").EURO, 0, 1, 'R');
		$pdf->Write(5, "Bitte überweisen Sie den oben genannten Betrag bis spätestens zum $rechnung->faellig auf das unten aufgeführte Konto.\nÜber eine weitere Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen würde ich mich sehr freuen und verbleibe mit freundlichen Grüßen\n");
		$pdf->Write(5, $GLOBALS["conf"]["rechnung"]["adresse"]["name"]);
		return $return;
    $pdf->CreateTextBox('Factura #' . $booking->id, 0, 90, 120, 20, 16);
    // date, order ref
    $date = date_create($booking->date_booking);
    $pdf->CreateTextBox('Fecha: ' . date_format($date, "d/m/Y H:i:s"), 0, 100, 0, 10, 10, '', 'R');
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    $currY = 128;
    $pdf->CreateTextBox($booking->getDays(), 0, $currY, 20, 10, 10, '', 'C');
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    $pdf->CreateTextBox('€' . $room->price, 110, $currY, 30, 10, 10, '', 'R');
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    // output the total row
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    $pdf->MultiCell(175, 10, '<em>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit</em>.
	Vestibulum sagittis venenatis urna, in pellentesque ipsum pulvinar eu. In nec <a href="http://www.google.com/">nulla libero</a>, eu sagittis diam. Aenean egestas pharetra urna, et tristique metus egestas nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Fusce pretium dapibus tellus.', 0, 'L', 0, 1, '', '', true, null, true);
    //Close and output PDF document
    $pdf->Output('factura_' . $booking->id . '.pdf', 'D');
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Exemple #11
global $CFG,$DB;
require_once ('../../config.php');
$curid = optional_param ('curid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$userid = optional_param ('userid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$prgid = optional_param ('prgid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$year = optional_param ('year', 0, PARAM_INT);
ob_clean() ;

$doc = new pdf;
$doc->SetFont('times', 'B', 25, '', 'false');
$gradst = $DB->get_record('local_graduation', array('userid'=>$userid, 'curriculumid'=>$curid, 'programid'=>$prgid));
$txt = $DB->get_field('local_school', 'fullname', array('id'=>$gradst->schoolid));
$doc->Write(0, $txt, '', 0, 'C', true, 0, false, false, 20);
$linestyle = array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'phase' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
$doc->Line(10, 22, 200, 22, $linestyle);
$doc->SetFont('times', 'BI', 14, '', 'false');
$txt = get_string('memo', 'local_graduation');
$doc->Write(12, $txt, '', 0, 'C', true, 0, false, false, 20);
$linestyle = array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'phase' => 0, 'color' => array(0, 0, 0));
$doc->Line(80, 30, 130, 30, $linestyle);
$doc->SetFont('times', '', 12, '', 'false');
$gradst = $DB->get_record('local_graduation', array('userid'=>$userid, 'curriculumid'=>$curid, 'programid'=>$prgid));
$table = '<table>
<tr><td style="width:100px;" align="right"><b>Student Name</b></td><td style="width:170px;"> : ' .''.$DB->get_field('user', 'firstname', array('id'=>$gradst->userid)). ' ' . $DB->get_field('user', 'lastname', array('id'=>$gradst->userid)) . '</td>