    // end form submitted.
} elseif ($mode == 'edit') {
    // EDIT MODE.
    $settings = array('itxapi_username' => $itxapi_username, 'itxapi_token' => $itxapi_token);
    $account_info = pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash2::get_quota($settings);
    $itxapi_username = $destination_settings['itxapi_username'];
if ($mode == 'save' || $mode == 'edit' || $itxapi_token != '') {
    $default_name = NULL;
    if ($mode != 'save' && 'edit' != $mode) {
        $settings = array('itxapi_username' => $itxapi_username, 'itxapi_token' => $itxapi_token);
        $account_info = pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash2::get_quota($settings);
        if (!is_array($account_info)) {
            $pb_hide_test = true;
            $pb_hide_save = true;
            return false;
        } else {
            $pb_hide_test = false;
            $pb_hide_save = false;
        $account_details = 'Welcome to your BackupBuddy Stash, <b>' . $itxapi_username . '</b>. Your account is ';
        if ($account_info['subscriber_locked'] == '1') {
            $account_details .= 'LOCKED';
        } elseif ($account_info['subscriber_expired'] == '1') {
            $account_details .= 'EXPIRED';
        } elseif ($account_info['subscriber_active'] == '1') {
            $account_details .= 'active';
Exemple #2
    $last_modified = $file['uploaded_timestamp'];
    $size = (double) $file['size'];
    $backup_type = backupbuddy_core::getBackupTypeFromFile($file['filename']);
    // Generate array of table rows.
    while (isset($backup_list_temp[$last_modified])) {
        // Avoid collisions.
        $last_modified += 0.1;
    $backup_list_temp[$last_modified] = array(array(base64_encode($file['url']), $file['filename']), pb_backupbuddy::$format->date(pb_backupbuddy::$format->localize_time($last_modified)) . '<br /><span class="description">(' . pb_backupbuddy::$format->time_ago($last_modified) . ' ago)</span>', pb_backupbuddy::$format->file_size($size), backupbuddy_core::pretty_backup_type($backup_type));
$backup_list = array();
foreach ($backup_list_temp as $backup_item) {
    $backup_list[$backup_item[0][0]] = $backup_item;
$urlPrefix = pb_backupbuddy::ajax_url('remoteClient') . '&destination_id=' . htmlentities(pb_backupbuddy::_GET('destination_id'));
$quota = pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash2::get_quota($settings);
echo pb_backupbuddy_destination_stash2::get_quota_bar($quota);
// Render table listing files.
if (count($backup_list) == 0) {
    echo '<b>';
    _e('You have not completed sending any backups to this S3 destination for this site yet.', 'it-l10n-backupbuddy');
    echo '</b>';
} else {
    pb_backupbuddy::$ui->list_table($backup_list, array('action' => pb_backupbuddy::ajax_url('remoteClient') . '&function=remoteClient&destination_id=' . htmlentities(pb_backupbuddy::_GET('destination_id')) . '&remote_path=' . htmlentities(pb_backupbuddy::_GET('remote_path')), 'columns' => array('Backup File', 'Uploaded <img src="' . pb_backupbuddy::plugin_url() . '/images/sort_down.png" style="vertical-align: 0px;" title="Sorted most recent first">', 'File Size', 'Type'), 'hover_actions' => array($urlPrefix . '&cpy_file=' => 'Copy to Local', $urlPrefix . '&downloadlink_file=' => 'Get download link'), 'hover_action_column_key' => '0', 'bulk_actions' => array('delete_backup' => 'Delete'), 'css' => 'width: 100%;'));
// Display troubleshooting subscriber key.
echo '<br style="clear: both;">';