Exemple #1

    Example13: A 2D exploded pie graph
// Standard inclusions
include "pChart/pData.class";
include "pChart/pChart.class";
// Dataset definition
$DataSet = new pData();
$DataSet->AddPoint(array(10, 2, 3, 5, 3), "Serie1");
$DataSet->AddPoint(array("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May"), "Serie2");
// Initialise the graph
$Test = new pChart(300, 200);
$Test->drawFilledRoundedRectangle(7, 7, 293, 193, 5, 240, 240, 240);
$Test->drawRoundedRectangle(5, 5, 295, 195, 5, 230, 230, 230);
// Draw the pie chart
$Test->setFontProperties("Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
$Test->drawFlatPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 120, 100, 60, TRUE, 10);
$Test->drawPieLegend(230, 15, $DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), 250, 250, 250);
Exemple #2
//---------------------------- Font
$Test->setFontProperties("./pChart/Fonts/tahoma.ttf", 8);
//---------------------------- Set GraphArea
$Test->setGraphArea(0, 0, $w, $h);
//---------------------------- Set background graphics (R,G,G,1/Y)
if ($bg_r != 0 && $bg_g != 0 && $bg_b != 0) {
    $Test->drawGraphAreaGradient($bg_r, $bg_g, $bg_b, 5);
//---------------------------- Calc center
$midX = $w / 2;
$midY = $h / 2;
//---------------------------- Draw pie
if ($_GET['gtype'] == 'pie') {
    $Test->drawBasicPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), $midX, $midY, $radius, PIE_PERCENTAGE_LABEL, $cbg, $cbg, $cbg, 1);
} elseif ($_GET['gtype'] == 'pie2') {
    $Test->drawFlatPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), $midX, $midY, $radius, PIE_PERCENTAGE_LABEL, 5, 1);
} elseif ($_GET['gtype'] == 'pie3') {
    $Test->setShadowProperties(3, 3, $csh, $csh, $csh, 90);
    $Test->drawFlatPieGraphWithShadow($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), $midX, $midY, $radius, PIE_PERCENTAGE_LABEL, 5, 1);
} elseif ($_GET['gtype'] == 'pie4') {
    $Test->drawPieGraph($DataSet->GetData(), $DataSet->GetDataDescription(), $midX, $midY, $radius, PIE_PERCENTAGE_LABEL, TRUE, 60, 20, 5, 1);
} else {
//---------------------------- Border
if ($_GET['border'] == '1') {
    $Test->AddBorder(1, 200, 200, 200);
//---------------------------- Image PNG