  * Tear down the fixture.
 protected function tearDown()
     // deleting demo items
     if ($this->oArticle) {
     if ($this->oCategory) {
     oxTestModules::addFunction('oxVatSelector', 'clear', '{ oxVatSelector::$_aUserVatCache = array();}');
  * Loads and returns the article for that basket item
  * @param string $sItemKey the key that will be given to oxarticle setItemKey
  * @throws oxArticleException article exception
  * @return oxArticle
 public function getArticle($sItemKey)
     if (!$this->oxuserbasketitems__oxartid->value) {
         //this exception may not be caught, anyhow this is a critical exception
         $oEx = oxNew('oxArticleException');
         throw $oEx;
     if ($this->_oArticle === null) {
         $this->_oArticle = oxNew('oxArticle');
         // performance
         /* removed due to #4178
             if ( $this->_blParentBuyable ) {
                $this->_oArticle->setNoVariantLoading( true );
         if (!$this->_oArticle->load($this->oxuserbasketitems__oxartid->value)) {
             return false;
         $aSelList = $this->getSelList();
         if (($aSelectlist = $this->_oArticle->getSelectLists()) && is_array($aSelList)) {
             foreach ($aSelList as $iKey => $iSel) {
                 if (isset($aSelectlist[$iKey][$iSel])) {
                     // cloning select list information
                     $aSelectlist[$iKey][$iSel] = clone $aSelectlist[$iKey][$iSel];
                     $aSelectlist[$iKey][$iSel]->selected = 1;
         // generating item key
     return $this->_oArticle;
 function getPrice()
     if ($this->oPriceCache) {
         return $this->oPriceCache;
     } else {
         return parent::getPrice();
  * returns reviews list for article
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle Article object
  * @return oxList
 protected function _getReviewList($oArticle)
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $sSelect = "select oxreviews.* from oxreviews\n                     where oxreviews.OXOBJECTID = " . $oDb->quote($oArticle->oxarticles__oxid->value) . "\n                     and oxreviews.oxtype = 'oxarticle'";
     $aVariantList = $oArticle->getVariants();
     if ($this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('blShowVariantReviews') && count($aVariantList)) {
         // verifying rights
         foreach ($aVariantList as $oVariant) {
             $sSelect .= "or oxreviews.oxobjectid = " . $oDb->quote($oVariant->oxarticles__oxid->value) . " ";
     //$sSelect .= "and oxreviews.oxtext".oxLang::getInstance()->getLanguageTag($this->_iEditLang)." != ''";
     $sSelect .= "and oxreviews.oxlang = '" . $this->_iEditLang . "'";
     $sSelect .= "and oxreviews.oxtext != '' ";
     // all reviews
     $oRevs = oxNew("oxlist");
     return $oRevs;
  * returns reviews list for article
  * @param oxArticle $article Article object
  * @return oxList
 protected function _getReviewList($article)
     $database = oxDb::getDb();
     $query = "select oxreviews.* from oxreviews\n                     where oxreviews.OXOBJECTID = " . $database->quote($article->oxarticles__oxid->value) . "\n                     and oxreviews.oxtype = 'oxarticle'";
     $variantList = $article->getVariants();
     if ($this->getConfig()->getConfigParam('blShowVariantReviews') && count($variantList)) {
         // verifying rights
         foreach ($variantList as $variant) {
             $query .= "or oxreviews.oxobjectid = " . $database->quote($variant->oxarticles__oxid->value) . " ";
     //$sSelect .= "and oxreviews.oxtext".oxRegistry::getLang()->getLanguageTag($this->_iEditLang)." != ''";
     $query .= "and oxreviews.oxlang = '" . $this->_iEditLang . "'";
     $query .= "and oxreviews.oxtext != '' ";
     // all reviews
     $reviewList = oxNew("oxlist");
     return $reviewList;
  * Loads language for article.
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle
  * @param string    $sOxId
  * @return oxArticle
 protected function updateArticle($oArticle, $sOxId)
     $oArticle->loadInLang($this->_iEditLang, $sOxId);
     return $oArticle;
  * Creates articles from array
  * @param array $aArticles
  * @return array $aResult of id's and basket amounts of created articles
 public function createArticles($aArticles)
     $aResult = array();
     if (empty($aArticles)) {
         return $aResult;
     foreach ($aArticles as $aArticle) {
         $oArticle = new oxArticle();
         foreach ($aArticle as $sKey => $sValue) {
             if (strstr($sKey, "ox")) {
                 $sField = "oxarticles__{$sKey}";
                 $oArticle->{$sField} = new oxField($aArticle[$sKey]);
         if ($aArticle['scaleprices']) {
         if ($aArticle['field2shop']) {
             $this->_createField2Shop($oArticle, $aArticle['field2shop']);
         $aResult[$aArticle['oxid']] = array('id' => $aArticle['oxid'], 'amount' => $aArticle['amount']);
     return $aResult;
Exemple #8
  * loads 'Recommendation lists' rss data
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle load lists for this article
  * @return null
 public function loadRecommLists(oxArticle $oArticle)
     if ($this->_aChannel = $this->_loadFromCache(self::RSS_ARTRECOMMLISTS . $oArticle->getId())) {
     $oConfig = $this->getConfig();
     $oConfig->setConfigParam('iNrofCrossellArticles', $oConfig->getConfigParam('iRssItemsCount'));
     $oList = oxNew('oxrecommlist')->getRecommListsByIds(array($oArticle->getId()));
     if ($oList == null) {
         $oList = oxNew('oxlist');
     $oLang = oxRegistry::getLang();
     $this->_loadData(self::RSS_ARTRECOMMLISTS . $oArticle->getId(), $this->getRecommListsTitle($oArticle), sprintf($oLang->translateString('LISTMANIA_LIST_FOR', $oLang->getBaseLanguage()), $oArticle->oxarticles__oxtitle->value), $this->_getRecommListItems($oList), $this->getRecommListsUrl($oArticle), $oArticle->getLink());
  * Loads language for article object.
  * @param oxArticle $article
  * @param string    $oxId
  * @return oxArticle
 protected function updateArticle($article, $oxId)
     $article->loadInLang(oxRegistry::getConfig()->getRequestParameter("editlanguage"), $oxId);
     return $article;
  * Retrieves the article .Throws an exception if article does not exist,
  * is not buyable or visible.
  * @param bool   $blCheckProduct       checks if product is buyable and visible
  * @param string $sProductId           product id
  * @param bool   $blDisableLazyLoading disable lazy loading
  * @throws oxArticleException exception in case of no current object product id is set
  * @throws oxNoArticleException exception in case if product not exitst or not visible
  * @throws oxArticleInputException exception if product is not buyable (stock and so on)
  * @return oxArticle|oxOrderArticle
 public function getArticle($blCheckProduct = false, $sProductId = null, $blDisableLazyLoading = false)
     if ($this->_oArticle === null || !$this->_oArticle->isOrderArticle() && $blDisableLazyLoading) {
         $sProductId = $sProductId ? $sProductId : $this->_sProductId;
         if (!$sProductId) {
             //this exception may not be caught, anyhow this is a critical exception
             /** @var oxArticleException $oEx */
             $oEx = oxNew('oxArticleException');
             throw $oEx;
         $this->_oArticle = oxNew('oxArticle');
         // #M773 Do not use article lazy loading on order save
         if ($blDisableLazyLoading) {
         // performance:
         // - skipping variants loading
         // - skipping 'ab' price info
         // - load parent field
         if (!$this->_oArticle->load($sProductId)) {
             /** @var oxNoArticleException $oEx */
             $oEx = oxNew('oxNoArticleException');
             $oLang = oxRegistry::getLang();
             $oEx->setMessage(sprintf($oLang->translateString('ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ARTICLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $oLang->getBaseLanguage()), $sProductId));
             throw $oEx;
         // cant put not visible product to basket (M:1286)
         if ($blCheckProduct && !$this->_oArticle->isVisible()) {
             /** @var oxNoArticleException $oEx */
             $oEx = oxNew('oxNoArticleException');
             $oLang = oxRegistry::getLang();
             $oEx->setMessage(sprintf($oLang->translateString('ERROR_MESSAGE_ARTICLE_ARTICLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST', $oLang->getBaseLanguage()), $this->_oArticle->oxarticles__oxartnum->value));
             throw $oEx;
         // cant put not buyable product to basket
         if ($blCheckProduct && !$this->_oArticle->isBuyable()) {
             /** @var oxArticleInputException $oEx */
             $oEx = oxNew('oxArticleInputException');
             throw $oEx;
     return $this->_oArticle;
  * Returns array containing default list type and category (or manufacturer ir vendor) id
  * @param oxArticle $oProduct current product object
  * @return array
 protected function _getDefaultParams($oProduct)
     $sListType = null;
     $aArticleCats = $oProduct->getCategoryIds(true);
     if (is_array($aArticleCats) && count($aArticleCats)) {
         $sActCat = reset($aArticleCats);
     } elseif ($sActCat = $oProduct->getManufacturerId()) {
         // not assigned to any category ? maybe it is assigned to Manufacturer ?
         $sListType = 'manufacturer';
     } elseif ($sActCat = $oProduct->getVendorId()) {
         // not assigned to any category ? maybe it is assigned to vendor ?
         $sListType = 'vendor';
     } else {
         $sActCat = null;
     return array($sListType, $sActCat);
Exemple #12
  * Checks if discount applies for article
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle article object
  * @return bool
 public function isForArticle($oArticle)
     // item discounts may only be applied for basket
     if ($this->oxdiscount__oxaddsumtype->value == 'itm') {
         return false;
     if ($this->oxdiscount__oxamount->value || $this->oxdiscount__oxprice->value) {
         return false;
     if ($this->oxdiscount__oxpriceto->value && $this->oxdiscount__oxpriceto->value < $oArticle->getBasePrice()) {
         return false;
     if ($this->isGlobalDiscount()) {
         return true;
     $sArticleId = $oArticle->getProductId();
     if (!isset($this->_aHasArticleDiscounts[$sArticleId])) {
         $blResult = $this->_isArticleAssigned($oArticle) || $this->_isCategoriesAssigned($oArticle->getCategoryIds());
         $this->_aHasArticleDiscounts[$sArticleId] = $blResult;
     return $this->_aHasArticleDiscounts[$sArticleId];
Exemple #13
  * Checks if articles has amount price
  * @return bool
 public function hasAmountPrice()
     if (self::$_blHasAmountPrice === null) {
         self::$_blHasAmountPrice = false;
         $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
         $sQ = "SELECT 1 FROM `oxprice2article` LIMIT 1";
         if ($oDb->getOne($sQ)) {
             self::$_blHasAmountPrice = true;
     return self::$_blHasAmountPrice;
Exemple #14
  * get article user vat
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle article object
  * @return double | false
 public function getArticleUserVat(oxArticle $oArticle)
     if ($oUser = $oArticle->getArticleUser()) {
         return $this->getUserVat($oUser);
     return false;
  * Appends dyn params to url.
  * @param string    $sAddDynParams Dyn params
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle      Article
  * @return bool
 protected function _addDynParamsToLink($sAddDynParams, $oArticle)
     $blAddedParams = false;
     if ($sAddDynParams) {
         $blSeo = oxRegistry::getUtils()->seoIsActive();
         if (!$blSeo) {
             // only if seo is off..
         $blAddedParams = true;
     return $blAddedParams;
Exemple #16
  * Returns product tags array for given language
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle Article object
  * @param int       $iLang    language id
  * @return array
 protected function _getTagList($oArticle, $iLang)
     $oArticleTagList = oxNew("oxarticletaglist");
     $aTagsList = array();
     if (count($aTags = $oArticleTagList->getArray())) {
         $sShopId = $this->getConfig()->getShopId();
         $iProdId = $oArticle->getId();
         foreach ($aTags as $sTitle => $oTagObject) {
             // A. we do not have oxTag object yet, so reusing manufacturers for general interface
             $oTag = oxNew("oxManufacturer");
             $oTag->setId(md5(strtolower($sShopId . $this->_getStdUrl($iProdId, "oxtag", "tag", $iLang, $sTitle))));
             $oTag->oxmanufacturers__oxtitle = new oxField($sTitle);
             $aTagsList[] = $oTag;
     return $aTagsList;
  * Deletes thumbnail file
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle article object
  * @return null
 protected function _deleteThumbnail($oArticle)
     if ($oArticle->oxarticles__oxthumb->value) {
         if (!$oArticle->isDerived()) {
             $oPicHandler = oxRegistry::get("oxPictureHandler");
         //reseting field
         $oArticle->oxarticles__oxthumb = new oxField();
  * Test enable price load.
  * @depends testDisablePriceLoad
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle
  * @return null
 public function testEnablePriceLoad(oxArticle $oArticle)
  * deletes article seo entries
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle article to remove
 public function onDeleteArticle($oArticle)
     $oDb = oxDb::getDb();
     $sIdQuoted = $oDb->quote($oArticle->getId());
     $oDb->execute("delete from oxseo where oxobjectid = {$sIdQuoted} and oxtype = 'oxarticle'");
     $oDb->execute("delete from oxobject2seodata where oxobjectid = {$sIdQuoted}");
  * Encodes article URLs into SEO format
  * @param oxArticle $oArticle Article object
  * @param int       $iLang    language
  * @param int       $iType    type
  * @return string
 public function getArticleUrl($oArticle, $iLang = null, $iType = 0)
     if (!isset($iLang)) {
         $iLang = $oArticle->getLanguage();
     $sUri = null;
     switch ($iType) {
             $sUri = $this->_getArticleVendorUri($oArticle, $iLang);
             $sUri = $this->_getArticleManufacturerUri($oArticle, $iLang);
             $sUri = $this->_getArticleTagUri($oArticle, $iLang);
             $sUri = $this->_getArticleRecommUri($oArticle, $iLang);
             // goes price category urls to default (category urls)
         // goes price category urls to default (category urls)
             $sUri = $this->_getArticleUri($oArticle, $iLang);
     // if was unable to fetch type uri - returning main
     if (!$sUri) {
         $sUri = $this->_getArticleMainUri($oArticle, $iLang);
     return $this->_getFullUrl($sUri, $iLang);