function updateStat($pid, $id, $executetime) { $url = "" . $pid; $myspace = new myspace_profile($url); if ($myspace->data) { // Getting Total Number of Friends $frds = $myspace->get_friends(); // Getting Profile Views @($view = $myspace->get_profile_view()); @($vw = explode("<br>", @$view)); @($pfview = explode(":", @$vw[5])); @($lastlg = explode(":", @$vw[9])); @($views = str_replace(" ", "", trim($pfview[1]))); $data['Mss']['status'] = 1; @($lastlogin = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(str_replace(" ", "", (string) trim($lastlg[1]))))); if (!empty($view)) { // Getting Player Statistics $play = $myspace->get_player(); $artid = $play['artid']; $plid = $play['plid']; $profid = $play['profid']; // Update Mss_login execution time $record['Msslogin']['mss_id'] = $id; $record['Msslogin']['etime'] = $executetime; $this->Msslogin->save($record); $tmp = explode("<u:break>", $myspace->get_comments()); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++) { $text[$i][] = $myspace->strip($tmp[$i], "<u:name>", "</u:name>"); $text[$i][] = $myspace->strip($tmp[$i], "<c:date>", "</c:date>"); $text[$i][] = $myspace->strip($tmp[$i], "<c:comment>", "</c:comment>"); } // for($i=0;$i<count($tmp);$i++) // Total Comments Count $no_comments = $myspace->get_no_comments(); if (empty($no_comments)) { $no_comments = count($text); } // if(empty($no_comments)) if ($artid and $plid and $profid) { $url = "{$artid}&playlistId{$plid}&artistUserId{$profid}&action=getArtistPlaylist"; $objDOM = new DOMDocument(); if ($file = @fopen($url, "r")) { $obj = $objDOM->load($url); $stats = $objDOM->getElementsByTagName("stats")->item(0); $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('plays'); $tplays = $att->value; $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('playsToday'); $ttplays = $att->value; $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('downloads'); $downloads = $att->value; $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('downloadsToday'); $tdownloads = $att->value; // Updating daily statistics $this->data['Mss']['mss_id'] = $id; $this->data['Mss']['friends'] = $frds; $this->data['Mss']['views'] = $views; $this->data['Mss']['lastlogin'] = $lastlogin; $this->data['Mss']['plays'] = $tplays; $this->data['Mss']['todayplays'] = $ttplays; $this->data['Mss']['downloads'] = $downloads; $this->data['Mss']['tdownloads'] = $tdownloads; $this->data['Mss']['comments'] = $no_comments; $this->data['Mss']['etime'] = $executetime; $this->Mss->create(); $this->Mss->save($this->data); $note = $objDOM->getElementsByTagName("track"); foreach ($note as $key => $value) { $names = $value->getElementsByTagName("title"); $title = $names->item(0)->nodeValue; $song = $value->getElementsByTagName("song"); foreach ($song as $skey => $sval) { $status = $sval->getElementsByTagName("stats")->item(0); $att = $status->getAttributeNode('plays'); $play = $att->value; /* $att=$status->getAttributeNode('playsToday'); $tplay= $att->value; */ $tplay = 0; /* $att=$status->getAttributeNode('downloads'); $download= $att->value; */ $download = 0; /* $att=$status->getAttributeNode('downloadsToday'); $tdownload= $att->value; */ $tdownload = 0; } // foreach($song as $skey => $sval) // Updating Daily Music Player Stats $result['Mssstat']['mss_id'] = $id; $result['Mssstat']['title'] = $title; $result['Mssstat']['plays'] = $play; $result['Mssstat']['todayplays'] = $tplay; $result['Mssstat']['downloads'] = $download; $result['Mssstat']['tdownloads'] = $tdownload; $result['Mssstat']['etime'] = $executetime; $this->Mssstat->create(); $this->Mssstat->save($result); } // foreach( $note as $key => $value ) } // if (($file=@fopen($url, "r"))) } else { $data = NULL; $result['Mss']['mss_id'] = $id; $result['Mss']['status'] = 1; $result['Mss']['friends'] = $frds; $result['Mss']['views'] = $views; $result['Mss']['lastlogin'] = $lastlogin; $result['Mss']['plays'] = 0; $result['Mss']['todayplays'] = 0; $result['Mss']['downloads'] = 0; $result['Mss']['tdownloads'] = 0; $result['Mss']['comments'] = $no_comments; $result['Mss']['etime'] = $this->time; $this->Mss->save($data); } //if($artid and $plid and $profid) $name = NULL; $cdate = NULL; $comments = NULL; $qry = "select max(cdate) from mss_comments where mss_id={$id}"; $result = mysql_query($qry); $row = mysql_fetch_row($result); // Comments contents foreach ($text as $key => $val) { $flg = 1; foreach ($val as $key1 => $cval) { if ($key1 == 0) { if ($cval) { $name = $cval; } } elseif ($key1 == 1) { if ($cval) { $cdate = date('Y-m-d H:m:s', strtotime($cval)); if ($executetime > $cdate) { $flg = 0; break; } } } else { if ($cval) { $comments .= $cval; } } } // foreach ($val as $key1 => $cval) if ($flg and !empty($name) and !empty($comments)) { $comm['Msscomm']['mss_id'] = $id; $comm['Msscomm']['name'] = $name; $comm['Msscomm']['cdate'] = $cdate; $comm['Msscomm']['comments'] = $comments; $comm['Msscomm']['etime'] = $executetime; $this->Msscomm->create(); $this->Msscomm->save($comm); /* $qry = "insert into mss_comments (mss_id , name , cdate , comments) values($id , '$name','$cdate','$comments')"; echo $qry."<br>"; $result = mysql_query($qry); */ $comm = NULL; $comments = NULL; } } // foreach ($text as $key => $val) return true; } else { return false; } } // if(myspace) }
function getStat($data, $band_id) { //$url="".$data['Msslogin']['user_id']; $id = str_replace(" ", "", $data['Msslogin']['user_id']); $url = "" . $id; $myspace = new myspace_profile($url); if ($myspace->data) { // Getting Total Number of Friends $frds = $myspace->get_friends(); // Getting Profile Views @($view = $myspace->get_profile_view()); @($vw = explode("<br>", @$view)); @($pfview = explode(":", @$vw[5])); @($lastlg = explode(":", @$vw[9])); @($views = str_replace(" ", "", trim($pfview[1]))); @($lastlogin = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(str_replace(" ", "", (string) trim($lastlg[1]))))); if (!empty($view)) { // Getting Player Statistics $play = $myspace->get_player(); $artid = $play['artid']; $plid = $play['plid']; $profid = $play['profid']; $name = $myspace->get_name(); $name = str_replace("<br />", " ", $name); $this->time = time(); $data['Msslogin']['name'] = $name; $data['Msslogin']['etime'] = $this->time; $this->Msslogin->create(); $this->Msslogin->save($data); $id = $this->Msslogin->getLastInsertId(); $tmp = explode("<u:break>", $myspace->get_comments()); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tmp); $i++) { $text[$i][] = $myspace->strip($tmp[$i], "<u:name>", "</u:name>"); $text[$i][] = $myspace->strip($tmp[$i], "<c:date>", "</c:date>"); $text[$i][] = $myspace->strip($tmp[$i], "<c:comment>", "</c:comment>"); } // for($i=0;$i<count($tmp);$i++) // Total Comments Count $no_comments = $myspace->get_no_comments(); if (empty($no_comments)) { $no_comments = count($text); } // if(empty($no_comments)) if ($artid and $plid and $profid) { $url = "{$artid}&playlistId{$plid}&artistUserId{$profid}&action=getArtistPlaylist"; $objDOM = new DOMDocument(); if ($file = @fopen($url, "r")) { $obj = $objDOM->load($url); $stats = $objDOM->getElementsByTagName("stats")->item(0); $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('plays'); $tplays = $att->value; $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('playsToday'); $ttplays = $att->value; $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('downloads'); $downloads = $att->value; $att = $stats->getAttributeNode('downloadsToday'); $tdownloads = $att->value; $data = NULL; $data['Mss']['mss_id'] = $id; $data['Mss']['status'] = 1; $data['Mss']['friends'] = $frds; $data['Mss']['views'] = $views; $data['Mss']['lastlogin'] = $lastlogin; $data['Mss']['plays'] = $tplays; $data['Mss']['todayplays'] = $ttplays; $data['Mss']['downloads'] = $downloads; $data['Mss']['tdownloads'] = $tdownloads; $data['Mss']['comments'] = $no_comments; $data['Mss']['etime'] = $this->time; if ($this->Mss->save($data)) { $data = NULL; $note = $objDOM->getElementsByTagName("track"); foreach ($note as $key => $value) { $names = $value->getElementsByTagName("title"); $title = $names->item(0)->nodeValue; $song = $value->getElementsByTagName("song"); foreach ($song as $skey => $sval) { $status = $sval->getElementsByTagName("stats")->item(0); $att = $status->getAttributeNode('plays'); $play = $att->value; /* $att=$status->getAttributeNode('playsToday'); $tplay= $att->value; */ $tplay = 0; /* $att=$status->getAttributeNode('downloads'); $download= $att->value; */ $download = 0; /* $att=$status->getAttributeNode('downloadsToday'); $tdownload= $att->value; */ $tdownload = 0; } // foreach($song as $skey => $sval) $stat['Mssstat']['mss_id'] = $id; $stat['Mssstat']['title'] = $title; $stat['Mssstat']['plays'] = $play; $stat['Mssstat']['todayplays'] = $tplay; $stat['Mssstat']['downloads'] = $download; $stat['Mssstat']['tdownloads'] = $tdownload; $stat['Mssstat']['etime'] = $this->time; $this->Mssstat->create(); $this->Mssstat->save($stat); } // foreach( $note as $key => $value ) } // if (($file=@fopen($url, "r"))) } else { return false; } // // if($artid and $plid and $profid) } else { $data = NULL; $data['Mss']['mss_id'] = $id; $data['Mss']['status'] = 1; $data['Mss']['friends'] = $frds; $data['Mss']['views'] = $views; $data['Mss']['lastlogin'] = $lastlogin; $data['Mss']['plays'] = 0; $data['Mss']['todayplays'] = 0; $data['Mss']['downloads'] = 0; $data['Mss']['tdownloads'] = 0; $data['Mss']['comments'] = $no_comments; $data['Mss']['etime'] = $this->time; $this->Mss->save($data); } //if($artid and $plid and $profid) $name = NULL; $cdate = NULL; $comments = NULL; // Comments contents foreach ($text as $key => $val) { foreach ($val as $key1 => $cval) { if ($key1 == 0) { if ($cval) { $name = $cval; } } elseif ($key1 == 1) { if ($cval) { $cdate = date('Y-m-d H:m:s', strtotime($cval)); } } else { if ($cval) { $comments .= $cval; } } } // foreach ($val as $key1 => $cval) if ($comments) { $comm['Msscomm']['mss_id'] = $id; $comm['Msscomm']['name'] = $name; $comm['Msscomm']['cdate'] = $cdate; $comm['Msscomm']['comments'] = $comments; $comm['Msscomm']['etime'] = $this->time; $this->Msscomm->create(); $this->Msscomm->save($comm); $comm = NULL; $comments = NULL; } } // foreach ($text as $key => $val) return true; } else { return false; } } // if(myspace) }