function mymail_form($id = 0, $tabindex = 100, $echo = true, $classes = '') { require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/form.class.php'; $mymail_form = new mymail_form(); $form = $mymail_form->form($id, $tabindex, $classes); if ($echo) { echo $form; } else { return $form; } }
public function newsletter_unsubscribe($atts, $content) { if (isset($_REQUEST['unsubscribe'])) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('tabindex' => 100), $atts)); require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/form.class.php'; global $mymail_form; if (!$mymail_form) { $mymail_form = new mymail_form(); } return do_shortcode($content) . $mymail_form->unsubscribe_form($_REQUEST['unsubscribe'], isset($_REQUEST['k']) ? $_REQUEST['k'] : '', $tabindex); } }
public function unsubscribe_form($hash = '', $campaignid = '', $tabindex = 100, $classes = '') { self::$add_script = true; global $mymail_form_tabstopp; $tabindex = $mymail_form_tabstopp ? $mymail_form_tabstopp : $tabindex; $msg_id = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['mymail_success'])) { $msg_id = intval($_REQUEST['mymail_success']); if ($msg_id == 1) { $this->message = '<p>' . mymail_text('unsubscribe') . '</p>'; } else { if ($msg_id == 2) { $this->message = '<p>' . mymail_text('unsubscribeerror') . '</p>'; } } } $html = ''; $html .= '<form action="' . admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '" method="post" class="mymail-form mymail-form-unsubscribe ' . $classes . '" id="mymail-form-unsubscribe">'; $html .= '<div class="mymail-form-info ' . ($msg_id == 2 ? 'error' : 'success') . '"' . (!empty($this->errors) || !empty($this->message) ? ' style="display:block"' : '') . '>'; $html .= $this->get_error_html(); $html .= $this->message; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<input name="_wpnonce" type="hidden" value="' . wp_create_nonce('mymail_nonce') . '">'; $html .= '<input name="_referer" type="hidden" value="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '">'; $html .= '<input name="hash" type="hidden" value="' . $hash . '">'; $html .= '<input name="campaign" type="hidden" value="' . $campaignid . '">'; $html .= '<input name="action" type="hidden" value="mymail_form_unsubscribe">'; if (empty($hash)) { $html .= '<div class="mymail-wrapper mymail-email-wrapper"><label for="mymail-email">' . mymail_text('email', __('Email', 'mymail')) . ' <span class="required">*</span></label>'; $html .= '<input id="mymail-email" class="input mymail-email required" name="email" type="text" value="" tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '"></div>'; } $html .= '<div class="mymail-wrapper mymail-submit-wrapper form-submit"><input name="submit" type="submit" value="' . mymail_text('unsubscribebutton', __('Unsubscribe', 'mymail')) . '" class="submit-button button" tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '"><span class="mymail-loader"></span></div>'; $html .= '</form>'; //global $mymail_form_tabstopp = $tabindex; return apply_filters('mymail_unsubscribe_form', $html, $campaignid); }
public function widget($args, $instance) { global $post; if ($post && mymail_option('homepage') == $post->ID) { return false; } // outputs the content of the widget extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $text_before = apply_filters('widget_text_before', isset($instance['text_before']) ? $instance['text_before'] : false); $form = apply_filters('widget_form', $instance['form']); $text_after = apply_filters('widget_text_after', isset($instance['text_after']) ? $instance['text_after'] : false); echo $before_widget; if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/form.class.php'; global $mymail_form; if (!$mymail_form) { $mymail_form = new mymail_form(); } if ($text_before) { echo '<div class="mymail-widget-text mymail-widget-text-before">' . $text_before . '</div>'; } echo $mymail_form->form($form, 1, 'mymail-in-widget'); if ($text_after) { echo '<div class="mymail-widget-text mymail-widget-text-before">' . $text_after . '</div">'; } echo $after_widget; }
public function ajax_form_submit() { $return['success'] = false; if (!isset($_POST['_extern'])) { $this->ajax_nonce(json_encode($return)); } require_once MYMAIL_DIR . '/classes/form.class.php'; global $mymail_form; if (!$mymail_form) { $mymail_form = new mymail_form(); } $return = $mymail_form->handle_submission(); $return['success'] = !isset($return['error']); echo json_encode($return); exit; }