Exemple #1
  * //Devuelve pdf con datos de reserva
  * @param Input::get('idEventos') string cadena 
  * @return  Response::make($result)->header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
 public function build()
     if (Evento::withTrashed()->where('evento_id', '=', Input::get('idEventos'))->count() == 0) {
         return View::make('pdf.msg');
     $event = Evento::withTrashed()->where('evento_id', '=', Input::get('idEventos'))->first();
     $events = Evento::withTrashed()->where('evento_id', '=', Input::get('idEventos'))->get();
     $recursos = Evento::where('evento_id', '=', Input::get('idEventos'))->groupby('recurso_id')->get();
     setlocale(LC_TIME, 'es_ES@euro', 'es_ES.UTF-8', 'esp');
     $strDayWeek = sgrDate::getStrDayWeek($event->fechaEvento);
     $strDayWeekInicio = sgrDate::getStrDayWeek($event->fechaInicio);
     $strDayWeekFin = sgrDate::getStrDayWeek($event->fechaFin);
     $created_at = ucfirst(strftime('%A %d de %B  a las %H:%M:%S', strtotime($event->created_at)));
     $impreso_at = ucfirst(strftime('%A %d de %B  a las %H:%M:%S', strtotime('now')));
     $html = View::make('pdf.justificante')->with(compact('event', 'events', 'strDayWeek', 'strDayWeekInicio', 'strDayWeekFin', 'recursos', 'created_at', 'impreso_at'));
     $result = myPDF::getPDF($html, 'comprobante');
     return Response::make($result)->header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
 $StayTime = $_POST['StayTime'];
 $Today = date("j F, Y");
 require_once 'tcpdf_include.php';
 class myPDF extends TCPDF
     public function Footer()
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         $this->Cell(180, 0, 'Phone: +86 2134208259 Email: info@acp-conf.org www.acp-conf.org', 0, 1, 'C', false, '', 0);
 // create new PDF document
 $pdf = new myPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);
 $fontname = $pdf->addTTFfont('font/arial.ttf', 'TrueTypeUnicode', '', 32);
 // set document information
 $pdf->SetCreator('2014 ACP Committee');
 $pdf->SetAuthor('2014 ACP Committee');
 $pdf->SetTitle('Invitation Letter');
 // set default header data
 $pdf->SetHeaderData('header.jpg', PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, '' . '', '', array(255, 255, 255), array(255, 255, 255));
 $pdf->setFooterData(array(23, 54, 93), array(255, 255, 255));
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 $pdf->setHeaderFont(array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
 $pdf->setFooterFont(array($fontname, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
 // set default monospaced font
Exemple #3
    case 'ITA':
        $created = 'Creato il ';
        $sender = 'Mittente:								';
        $recipient = 'Destinatario:	';
        $date = 'Data:														';
        $title = 'Titolo:												';
        $page = 'Pagina';
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$pdf = new myPDF();
$pdf->SetFooterData($config['site_url'], $page);
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$pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $created . date('d.m.y H:i', time()) . '', 0, 'R');
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$pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, '' . $pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $sender . $sendername['user_name']), $pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $recipient . $game->player['user_name']), $pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $date . $time), $pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $title . $subject));
$pdf->MultiCell(0, 7, $text, 1);
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require_once 'connect.php';
$query = "select\n        C.ComponentReference,\n        C.ComponentValue,\n        C.ComponentPartNumber,\n        C.ComponentManufacturer,\n        C.ComponentFootPrint,\n        IFNULL(I.quantity,0) AS quantity\n        from \n        Inventory as I\n        Right Join\n        Component as C\n        ON\n        C.ComponentID = I.ComponentID\n        ";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
while ($result = $stmt->fetch()) {
    $data[] = array($result['ComponentReference'], $result['ComponentValue'], $result['ComponentPartNumber'], $result['ComponentManufacturer'], $result['ComponentFootPrint'], $result['quantity']);
$pdf = new myPDF('L', 'mm', 'Letter');
$date = date("m/d/Y h:i A");
$pdf->date = $date;
$header = array('Reference', 'Value', 'Part Number', 'Manufacturer', 'Foot Print', 'Quantity On Hand');
$pdf->BuildTable($header, $data);
$conn = null;
Exemple #5
        $this->SetFont('Times', '', 12);
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$title = "FPDF Library Page Header";
$pdf = new myPDF('P', 'mm', 'Letter');
$pdf->SetFont('Times', '', 24);
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'some text at the top of the page', 0, 0, 'L');
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$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 15);
// Cell(W, H, 'text', Border, Return, 'Allign') - basic syntax
$pdf->Cell(0, 0, 'Top of page 2 after header', 0, 1, 'C');
$query1 = "SELECT\n                    Used_OrderID,\n                    CONCAT_WS(' ',EmployeeFirstName,EmployeeLastName) AS Used_By,\n                    CONCAT_WS(' ',ToolType,ToolOption,ToolSize,ToolPulsePolarity,ToolNumber) AS Tool_Info,\n                    Used_OrderDate,\n                    Used_OrderNotes,\n                    Used_OrderSubTotal,\n                    Used_OrderStatus\n                FROM\n                    Used_Order\n                    LEFT JOIN\n                    Employee\n                    ON\n                    Used_OrderEmployeeID = EmployeeID\n                    LEFT JOIN\n                    Tool\n                    ON\n                    Used_OrderToolID = ToolID\n                WHERE\n                    Used_OrderID = '{$Used_OrderID}';";
$stmt1 = $conn->prepare($query1);
$result1 = $stmt1->fetch();
$data1[] = array($result1['Used_OrderID'], $result1['Used_By'], $result1['Tool_Info'], $result1['Used_OrderDate'], $result1['Used_OrderNotes'], $result1['Used_OrderStatus']);
$subtotal = $result1['Used_OrderSubTotal'];
$query = "SELECT\n                    CONCAT_WS(' ',ComponentReference,ComponentValue,ComponentPartNumber,ComponentManufacturer) AS ComponentSpecs,\n                    Used_LineQuantity,\n                    Used_LineCost,\n                    Used_LineStatus,\n                    Used_LineDate,\n                    Used_LineSubTotal,\n                    ComponentID\n                FROM\n                    Used_Line\n                    JOIN\n                    Used_Order\n                    JOIN\n                    Component\n                WHERE\n                    Used_LineUsed_OrderID = '{$Used_OrderID}'\n                    AND\n                    Used_OrderID = '{$Used_OrderID}'\n                    AND\n                    Used_LineComponentID = ComponentID;";
$stmt = $conn->prepare($query);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
while ($result = $stmt->fetch()) {
    $data[] = array($result['ComponentSpecs'], $result['Used_LineQuantity'], $result['Used_LineCost'], $result['Used_LineStatus'], $result['Used_LineDate'], $result['Used_LineSubTotal']);
$pdf = new myPDF('L', 'mm', 'Letter');
$date = date("m/d/Y h:i A");
$pdf->date = $date;
$header1 = array('Usage Order #', 'Used By', 'For Tool', 'Date', 'Notes', 'Status');
$header = array('Component Used', 'Quantity Used', 'Cost', 'Status', 'Date Used', 'Subtotal');
$pdf->BuildTable1($header1, $data1);
$pdf->BuildTable($header, $data);
$substring = " Total Subtotal: \$" . $subtotal . " ";
$substrwidth = $pdf->GetStringWidth($substring);
$substrX = 260 - $substrwidth;
 public function imprime()
     //!!!***Validar parámetros de entrada***!!!
     //get Input or default
     $viewActive = Input::get('view', 'month');
     $day = Input::get('day', date('d'));
     $month = Input::get('month', date('m'));
     $year = Input::get('year', date('Y'));
     $id_recurso = Input::get('idRecurso', '');
     //$id_grupo = Input::get('groupID','');
     $id_item = Input::get('item', 0);
     //Todos los items (equipos o puestos)
     $titulo = Input::get('titulo', false);
     $nombre = Input::get('nombre', false);
     $colectivo = Input::get('colectivo', false);
     $total = Input::get('total', false);
     //Total de puestos o equipos de una reserva
     $datatoprint = array('titulo' => $titulo, 'nombre' => $nombre, 'colectivo' => $colectivo, 'total' => $total);
     //Información a imprimir seleccionada por el usuario
     $table = array('tCaption' => '', 'tHead' => '', 'tBody' => '');
     $fecha = new DateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-1');
     $recurso = Recurso::findOrFail($id_recurso);
     $sgrRecurso = RecursoFactory::getRecursoInstance($recurso->tipo);
     $sgrCalendario = new sgrCalendario($fecha, $sgrRecurso);
     $table['tCaption'] = CalendarController::caption($viewActive, $day, $sgrCalendario->nombreMes(), $sgrCalendario->year());
     switch ($viewActive) {
         case 'month':
             $table['tHead'] = CalendarController::head($viewActive, $sgrCalendario);
             $table['tBody'] = View::make('calendario.printBodyMonth')->with('sgrCalendario', $sgrCalendario)->with('id_recurso', $id_recurso)->with('id_grupo', '')->with('datatoprint', $datatoprint);
         case 'week':
             $horas = array('8:30', '9:30', '10:30', '11:30', '12:30', '13:30', '14:30', '15:30', '16:30', '17:30', '18:30', '19:30', '20:30', '21:30');
             $sgrWeek = $sgrCalendario->sgrWeek(strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day));
             $table['tHead'] = View::make('calendario.print.weekhead')->with('sgrWeek', $sgrWeek);
             //$table['tBody'] = View::make('calendario.printBodyWeek')->with('horas',$horas)->with('sgrWeek',$sgrWeek)->with('id_recurso',$id_recurso)->with('id_grupo','')->with('datatoprint',$datatoprint);
             $table['tBody'] = (string) View::make('calendario.print.weekbody')->with('sgrCalendario', $sgrCalendario);
             # code...
     if (0 != $id_recurso) {
         $nombre = Recurso::find($id_recurso)->nombre;
     } else {
         $recurso = Recurso::where('grupo_id', '=', $id_grupo)->first();
         $nombre = $recurso->grupo;
     $html = View::make('pdf.calendario')->with(compact('table', 'nombre'));
     //return $html;
     $nombreFichero = $day . '-' . $month . '-' . $year . '_' . $nombre;
     //return $html;
     $result = myPDF::getPDF($html, $nombreFichero);
     return Response::make($result)->header('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');
Exemple #8
            $this->ecrire($_REQUEST[$field] . " €");
            $this->SetFont('Arial', '', 11);
function saison()
    $annee = intval(date("Y"));
    $mois = intval(date("m"));
    if ($mois < 7) {
        $annee = $annee - 1;
    $annee2 = $annee + 1;
    return "{$annee}/{$annee2}";
$pdf = new myPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf->SetMargins(20, 15);
$pdf->image("../logoaikido.png", 20, 10, 28.1);
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 28);
$pdf->Text(89, 15, iconv('UTF-8', 'windows-1252', 'AÏKIDO'));
$pdf->Text(65, 25, 'Saint Cyr Club 78');
$pdf->Text(90, 35, '(ASCC78)');
$pdf->Text(75, 50, 'FICHE D\'INSCRIPTION');
$pdf->Text(78, 57, 'SAISON ' . saison());
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', '', 11);
$pdf->SetXY(20, 70);
$pdf->ecrire("Nom: ");
 global $iban;
 global $swiss_iban;
 global $bank;
 global $swiss_bank;
 global $swiftcode;
 global $swiss_swiftcode;
 $var_prename = $data["firstname"];
 $var_familyname = $data["lastname"];
 $var_street = $data["street"];
 $var_plz = $data["plzort"]["postcode"];
 $var_city = $data["plzort"]["city"];
 // Find out what type of participant we are dealing with (normal=1, Service Team.....)
 $pdf = new myPDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
 //A4, mm und Hochformat
 //Neue Seite Hinzufuegen
 //linker Rand 20 mm
 $st_pdf_keywords = 'Reg.-No.: ' . $var_registrationnr;
 $pdf->SetSubject("Mission-Net Registration");
 $pdf->SetTitle("Registration for Mission-Net 2009");
 //      Information und Logo