Exemple #1
 * Import nodes and connections from the given CIF url for the selected nodeids into the given map.
 * The node import limit is set by '$CFG->ImportLimit'.
 * @param url the url for the CIF data to load
 * @param mapid the id of the map to get alerts for
 * @param selectedids an array of the CIF node ides to import
 * @param poses an array of the positions of the nodes in the map each array item is in
 * the format 'x:y' and the position in the array should correspond ot the position of
 * its node in the selectednodeids array.
 * before it is considered out of date and should be refetched and recalculated.
 * Defaults to 60 seconds.
 * @param private true if the data should be created as private, else false.
 * @return View object of the map or Error.
function addNodesAndConnectionsFromJsonld($url, $mapid, $selectedids, $poses, $private)
    global $USER, $HUB_FLM, $CFG, $ERROR;
    require_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("core/io/catalyst/catalyst_jsonld_reader.class.php");
    require_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("core/lib/url-validation.class.php");
    //error_log(print_r($selectedids, true));
    if (count($selectedids) > $CFG->ImportLimit) {
        $ERROR = new error();
        return $ERROR;
    //error_log(print_r($poses, true));
    // Check if the map is in a group and if so get the group id.
    $groupid = "";
    $v = new View($mapid);
    $view = $v->load();
    if (!$view instanceof Error) {
        if (isset($view->viewnode->groups)) {
            $groups = $view->viewnode->groups;
            if (count($groups) > 0) {
                $groupid = $groups[0]->groupid;
    } else {
        return $view;
    // make sure current user in group, if group set.
    if ($groupid != "") {
        $group = new Group($groupid);
        if (!$group instanceof Error) {
            if (!$group->ismember($USER->userid)) {
                $error = new Error();
                return $error->createNotInGroup($group->name);
    $withhistory = false;
    $withvotes = false;
    $reader = new catalyst_jsonld_reader();
    $reader = $reader->load($url, $withhistory, $withvotes);
    if (!$reader instanceof Error) {
        $nodeset = $reader->nodeSet;
        $nodes = $nodeset->nodes;
        $count = count($nodes);
        $newnodeSet = new NodeSet();
        $newNodeCheck = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $node = $nodes[$i];
            $position = array_search($node->nodeid, $selectedids);
            if ($position !== FALSE) {
                $position = intval($position);
                $positem = $poses[$position];
                $positemArray = explode(":", $positem);
                $xpos = "";
                $ypos = "";
                if (count($positemArray) == 2) {
                    $xpos = $positemArray[0];
                    $ypos = $positemArray[1];
                $role = getRoleByName($node->rolename);
                $description = "";
                if (isset($node->description)) {
                    $description = $node->description;
                $newnode = addNode($node->name, $description, $private, $role->roleid);
                //error_log(print_r($newnode, true));
                if (!$newnode instanceof Error) {
                    $newNodeCheck[$node->nodeid] = $newnode;
                    // if we have positioning information add the node to the map.
                    if ($xpos != "" && $ypos != "") {
                        $viewnode = $view->addNode($newnode->nodeid, $xpos, $ypos);
                        //if (!$viewnode instanceof Error) {
                    if (isset($node->homepage) && $node->homepage != "") {
                        $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($node->homepage, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL);
                        if ($URLValidator->isValid()) {
                            $urlObj = addURL($node->homepage, $node->homepage, "", $private, "", "", "", "cohere", "");
                            $newnode->addURL($urlObj->urlid, "");
                            // Add url to group? - not done on forms at present
                        } else {
                            error_log('Invalid node homepage: ' . $node->homepage . ': for ' . $node->nodeid);
                    if (isset($node->users[0])) {
                        $user = $node->users[0];
                        if (isset($user->homepage) && $user->homepage != "") {
                            $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($user->homepage, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL);
                            if ($URLValidator->isValid()) {
                                $urlObj = addURL($user->homepage, $user->homepage, "", $private, "", "", "", "cohere", "");
                                $newnode->addURL($urlObj->urlid, "");
                                // Add url to group? - not done on forms at present
                            } else {
                                error_log('Invalid user homepage: ' . $user->homepage . ': for ' . $user->userid);
                    //if ($groupid != "") {
                    //	$newnode->addGroup($groupid);
                } else {
                    error_log(print_r($newnode, true));
        $connectionset = $reader->connectionSet;
        $connections = $connectionset->connections;
        $count = count($connections);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $conn = $connections[$i];
            $from = $conn->from;
            $to = $conn->to;
            $fromrole = $conn->fromrole;
            $torole = $conn->torole;
            if (isset($newNodeCheck[$from->nodeid]) && isset($newNodeCheck[$to->nodeid])) {
                $newFromNode = $newNodeCheck[$from->nodeid];
                $newToNode = $newNodeCheck[$to->nodeid];
                // Might not need this as it might be done already
                //if ($newFromNode->role->name != $fromrole->name) {
                //	updateNodeRole($newFromNode->nodeid,$fromrole->name);
                $linklabelname = $conn->linklabelname;
                $lt = getLinkTypeByLabel($linklabelname);
                if (!$lt instanceof Error) {
                    $linkType = $lt->linktypeid;
                    //$frole = getRoleByName($fromrole->name);
                    //$trole = getRoleByName($torole->name);
                    $connection = addConnection($newFromNode->nodeid, $newFromNode->role->roleid, $linkType, $newToNode->nodeid, $newToNode->role->roleid, 'N', "");
                    //error_log(print_r($connection, true));
                    if (!$connection instanceof Error) {
                        // add to group
                        if (isset($groupid) && $groupid != "") {
                        $viewcon = $view->addConnection($connection->connid);
                    } else {
                        error_log(print_r($connection, true));
                } else {
                    error_log("for label:" . $linklabelname . ":" . print_r($lt, true));
    } else {
        return $reader;
    return $view;
Exemple #2
 * Clean the passed parameter
 * @param mixed $param the variable we are cleaning
 * @param int $type expected format of param after cleaning.
 * @return mixed
function clean_param($param, $type)
    global $CFG, $ERROR, $HUB_FLM;
    if (is_array($param)) {
        $newparam = array();
        foreach ($param as $key => $value) {
            $newparam[$key] = clean_param($value, $type);
        return $newparam;
    switch ($type) {
        case PARAM_TEXT:
            // leave only tags needed for multilang
            if (is_numeric($param)) {
                return $param;
            $param = stripslashes($param);
            $param = clean_text($param);
            $param = strip_tags($param, '<lang><span>');
            $param = str_replace('+', '&#43;', $param);
            $param = str_replace('(', '&#40;', $param);
            $param = str_replace(')', '&#41;', $param);
            $param = str_replace('=', '&#61;', $param);
            $param = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $param);
            $param = str_replace('\'', '&#039;', $param);
            return $param;
        case PARAM_HTML:
            // keep as HTML, no processing
            $param = stripslashes($param);
            $param = clean_text($param);
            return trim($param);
        case PARAM_INT:
            return (int) $param;
        case PARAM_NUMBER:
            return (double) $param;
        case PARAM_ALPHA:
            // Remove everything not a-z
            return preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z])/i', '', $param);
        case PARAM_ALPHANUM:
            // Remove everything not a-zA-Z0-9
            return preg_replace('/([^A-Za-z0-9])/i', '', $param);
        case PARAM_ALPHAEXT:
            // Remove everything not a-zA-Z/_-
            return preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z\\/_-])/i', '', $param);
            // Remove everything not a-zA-Z0-9-
            return preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9-])/i', '', $param);
        case PARAM_BOOL:
            // Convert to 1 or 0
            $tempstr = strtolower($param);
            if ($tempstr == 'on' or $tempstr == 'yes' or $tempstr == 'true') {
                $param = 1;
            } else {
                if ($tempstr == 'off' or $tempstr == 'no' or $tempstr == 'false') {
                    $param = 0;
                } else {
                    $param = empty($param) ? 0 : 1;
            return $param;
        case PARAM_BOOLTEXT:
            // check is an allowed text type boolean
            $tempstr = strtolower($param);
            if ($tempstr == 'on' or $tempstr == 'yes' or $tempstr == 'true' or $tempstr == 'off' or $tempstr == 'no' or $tempstr == 'false' or $tempstr == '0' or $tempstr == '1') {
                $param = $param;
            } else {
                $param = "";
            return $param;
        case PARAM_PATH:
            // Strip all suspicious characters from file path
            $param = str_replace('\\\'', '\'', $param);
            $param = str_replace('\\"', '"', $param);
            $param = str_replace('\\', '/', $param);
            $param = ereg_replace('[[:cntrl:]]|[<>"`\\|\':]', '', $param);
            $param = ereg_replace('\\.\\.+', '', $param);
            $param = ereg_replace('//+', '/', $param);
            return ereg_replace('/(\\./)+', '/', $param);
        case PARAM_URL:
            // allow safe ftp, http, mailto urls
            include_once $CFG->dirAddress . 'core/lib/url-validation.class.php';
            $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($param, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL);
            if (!empty($param) && $URLValidator->isValid()) {
                // all is ok, param is respected
            } else {
                $param = '';
                // not really ok
            return $param;
        case PARAM_EMAIL:
            if (validEmail($param)) {
                return $param;
            } else {
                $ERROR = new error();
                include_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("core/formaterror.php");
        case PARAM_XML:
            $param = parseFromXML($param);
            return $param;
            include_once $HUB_FLM->getCodeDirPath("core/formaterror.php");
            $ERROR = new error();
 if (empty($errors)) {
     // remove all the existing urls so they can be re-added below
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($resourceurlarray as $resourceurl) {
         $resourcetitle = trim($resourcetitlearray[$i]);
         // If they have entered nothing, don't do anything.
         if ($resourcetitle == "" && ($resourceurl == "http://" || $resourceurl == "")) {
         //check all fields entered
         if ($resourcetitle != "" && ($resourceurl == "http://" || $resourceurl == "")) {
             array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_RESOURCE_URL_REQUIRED);
         $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($resourceurl, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL);
         if ($resourceurl != "" && !$URLValidator->isValid()) {
             array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_RESOURCE_URL_FORMAT_ERROR);
         if ($resourcetitle == "") {
             $resourcetitle = $resourceurl;
         // ADD URL TO REF and EVIDENCE
         $clip = "";
         $clippath = "";
         $identifier = "";
         if (isset($resourcecliparray[$i])) {
             $clip = $resourcecliparray[$i];
         if (isset($resourceclippatharray[$i])) {
 if (strlen($password) < 8) {
     array_push($errors, $LNG->LOGIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH);
 if ($fullname == "") {
     array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_ERROR_NAME_MISSING);
 // check password & confirm password match
 if ($password != $confirmpassword) {
     array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH);
 // check url
 if ($homepage == "http://") {
     $homepage = "";
 if ($homepage != "") {
     $URLValidator = new mrsnk_URL_validation($homepage, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_PRINT_ERRORS, MRSNK_URL_DO_NOT_CONNECT_2_URL);
     if ($homepage != "" && !$URLValidator->isValid()) {
         array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_ERROR_URL_INVALID);
 if (empty($errors)) {
     // check email not already in use
     $u = new User();
     $user = $u->getByEmail();
     if ($user instanceof User) {
         array_push($errors, $LNG->FORM_ERROR_EMAIL_USED);
     } else {
         if ($CFG->CAPTCHA_ON) {
             //check recaptcha is valid
             $resp = recaptcha_check_answer($CFG->CAPTCHA_PRIVATE, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $recaptcha_challenge_field, $recaptcha_response_field);