Exemple #1
  * This is where all of the real work is done.
  * Special method calls include:
  * <ul>
  *      <li>append_ATTRIBUTENAME($value) (Same as mr_html_tag::prepend_attribute(ATTRIBUTENAME, $value))</li>
  *      <li>prepend_ATTRIBUTENAME($value) (Same as mr_html_tag::prepend_attribute(ATTRIBUTENAME, $value))</li>
  *      <li>remove_ATTRIBUTENAME() (Same as mr_html_tag::remove_attribute(ATTRIBUTENAME))</li>
  *      <li>remove_ATTRIBUTENAME() (Same as mr_html_tag::get_attribute(ATTRIBUTENAME))</li>
  * </ul>
  * How to use:
  * <code>
  * <?php
  * $tag  = new mr_html_tag();
  * $link = $tag->a('Click me!');  // This will return a new instance
  *                                // mr_html_tag and set the tag='a'
  *                                // and contents='Click me!'
  * $link->href('http://foo.bar'); // This will add an attribute to the a
  *                                // tag: href="http://foo.bar" (Same as
  *                                // mr_html_tag::add_attribute()
  * $html = $link->close();        // This will close the tag and return the HTML
  * // All of the above calls can be stringed together using
  * // the fluent interface to get the HTML
  * $html = $tag->a('Click me!')
  *             ->href('http://foo.bar')
  *             ->close();
  * ?>
  * </code>
  * @param string $name The function name called
  * @param string $arguments The function arguments passed
  * @return mixed
  * @throws coding_exception
  * @example controller/default.php See more examples
 public function __call($name, $arguments)
     $parts = explode('_', $name);
     // Special case, tag not yet defined
     if (is_null($this->tag)) {
         // Create a new tag instance and set it up
         $html = new mr_html_tag();
         $html->init($name, $arguments);
         return $html;
         // Handle adding of an attribute
     } else {
         if (count($parts) == 1) {
             if (count($arguments) != 1) {
                 throw new coding_exception("Invalid method call mr_html_tag::{$name}() - must pass an argument");
             return $this->add_attribute($name, $arguments[0]);
             // Handle attribute manipulation and retrieval
         } else {
             if (count($parts) == 2) {
                 list($method, $attrname) = $parts;
                 switch ($method) {
                     case 'get':
                         return $this->get_attribute($attrname);
                     case 'append':
                     case 'prepend':
                         if (count($arguments) != 1) {
                             throw new coding_exception("Invalid method call mr_html_tag::{$name}() - must pass an argument");
                         $method = "{$method}_attribute";
                         return $this->{$method}($attrname, $arguments[0]);
                     case 'remove':
                         return $this->remove_attribute($attrname);
     throw new coding_exception("Call to non-existent method: mr_html_tag::{$name}()");
Exemple #2
  * Render mr_html_table
  * @param mr_html_table $table mr_html_table instance
  * @return string
 protected function render_mr_html_table(mr_html_table $table)
     $tag = new mr_html_tag();
     $rows = $table->get_rows();
     $columns = $table->get_columns(true);
     // Table setup
     $htmltable = new html_table();
     $htmltable->data = array();
     foreach ($table->get_attributes() as $name => $value) {
         if (property_exists($htmltable, $name)) {
             $htmltable->{$name} = $value;
         } else {
             $htmltable->attributes[$name] = $value;
     // Check if we have any column headings
     $haveheadings = false;
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         if ($column->has_heading()) {
             $haveheadings = true;
     if ($haveheadings) {
         $htmltable->head = array();
         foreach ($columns as $column) {
             // Must set sortable to false if table is not sort enabled or if empty $rows
             if (!$table->get_sortenabled() or empty($rows)) {
                 $column->set_config('sortable', false);
             $config = $column->get_config();
             // Figure out column sort controls
             if ($config->sortable) {
                 $icon = '';
                 $sortstr = get_string('asc');
                 $sortord = SORT_ASC;
                 if ($table->get_sort() == $column->get_name()) {
                     if ($table->get_order() == SORT_ASC) {
                         $icon = $tag->img()->src($this->output->pix_url('t/down'))->alt(get_string('asc'));
                         $sortstr = get_string('asc');
                         $sortord = SORT_DESC;
                     } else {
                         $icon = $tag->img()->src($this->output->pix_url('t/up'))->alt(get_string('desc'));
                 $url = $table->get_url()->out(false, array('tsort' => $config->name, 'torder' => $sortord));
                 $heading = get_string('sortby') . ' ' . $config->heading . ' ' . $sortstr;
                 $heading = $config->heading . get_accesshide($heading);
                 $heading = $tag->a($heading)->href($url) . $icon;
             } else {
                 $heading = $config->heading;
             $cell = new html_table_cell($heading);
             $cell->attributes = array_merge($cell->attributes, $config->attributes);
             $htmltable->head[] = $cell;
     if (empty($rows)) {
         $cell = new html_table_cell($table->get_emptymessage());
         $cell->colspan = count($htmltable->head);
         $htmltable->data[] = new html_table_row(array($cell));
     } else {
         $htmltable->data = $this->convert_to_htmlrows($table);
     return html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::table($htmltable), array('class' => 'mr_html_table'));
 public function test_nonexistent_method()