Exemple #1
 public function handle_hook($hook, $mod = false)
     switch ($hook) {
         case 'dashboard_widgets':
             $widgets = array();
             include 'pages/dashboard_summary_widgets.php';
             return $widgets;
         case 'dashboard':
             include 'pages/dashboard_summary.php';
             // not in lite edition:
             if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/pages/finance_quick.php')) {
                 include 'pages/finance_quick.php';
             return false;
         case "home_alerts":
             $alerts = array();
             if ($mod != 'calendar' && module_config::c('finance_alerts', 1) && module_finance::can_i('view', 'Finance Upcoming')) {
                 // find any jobs that are past the due date and dont have a finished date.
                 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "finance_recurring` r ";
                 $sql .= " WHERE r.next_due_date != '0000-00-00' AND r.next_due_date <= '" . date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+' . module_config::c('finance_alert_days_in_future', 14) . ' days')) . "'";
                 $sql .= " AND (r.end_date = '0000-00-00' OR r.next_due_date < r.end_date)";
                 $upcoming_finances = qa($sql);
                 foreach ($upcoming_finances as $finance) {
                     $alert_res = process_alert($finance['next_due_date'], _l('Upcoming Transaction Due'), module_config::c('finance_alert_days_in_future', 14));
                     if ($alert_res) {
                         $alert_res['link'] = $this->link_open_recurring($finance['finance_recurring_id']);
                         $alert_res['name'] = ($finance['type'] == 'i' ? '+' . dollar($finance['amount']) : '') . ($finance['type'] == 'e' ? '-' . dollar($finance['amount']) : '') . ' (' . $finance['name'] . ')';
                         $alerts[] = $alert_res;
             return $alerts;


    $fieldset_data = array('heading' => array('title' => _l('Invoice Payment History'), 'type' => 'h3'), 'elements_before' => ob_get_clean());
    echo module_form::generate_fieldset($fieldset_data);
    if (class_exists('module_finance', false) && module_finance::is_plugin_enabled() && module_finance::can_i('view', 'Finance') && module_finance::is_enabled() && is_file('includes/plugin_finance/pages/finance_invoice_edit.php') && module_config::c('invoice_show_finances', 1)) {
        include 'includes/plugin_finance/pages/finance_invoice_edit.php';
// invoice_id check
hook_handle_callback('layout_column_half', 'end');
$form_actions = array('class' => 'action_bar action_bar_left', 'elements' => array(array('type' => 'save_button', 'name' => 'butt_save', 'onclick' => "\$('#form_redirect').val('" . (!$invoice_id && isset($_REQUEST['job_id']) && (int) $_REQUEST['job_id'] > 0 ? module_job::link_open($_REQUEST['job_id']) : module_invoice::link_open(false)) . "');", 'value' => _l('Save and Return')), array('type' => 'save_button', 'name' => 'butt_save', 'value' => _l('Save'))));
if ((int) $invoice_id) {
    if ($invoice['date_paid'] && $invoice['date_paid'] != '0000-00-00') {
        $form_actions['elements'][] = array('type' => 'save_button', 'class' => 'submit_button', 'name' => 'butt_email', 'value' => _l('Email Receipt'));
    } else {
        $form_actions['elements'][] = array('type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'submit_button', 'name' => 'butt_email', 'value' => _l('Email Invoice'));
    if (function_exists('convert_html2pdf')) {
        if (!module_invoice::can_i('edit', 'Invoices')) {
            $form_actions['elements'][] = array('type' => 'button', 'class' => 'submit_button no_permissions', 'name' => 'butt_print', 'value' => _l('Print PDF'), 'onclick' => "window.location.href='" . module_invoice::link_public_print($invoice_id) . "';");

 * Copyright: dtbaker 2012
 * Licence: Please check CodeCanyon.net for licence details. 
 * More licence clarification available here:  http://codecanyon.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/ 
 * Deploy: 9809 f200f46c2a19bb98d112f2d32a8de0c4
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 * Package Date: 2015-11-25 02:55:20 
 * IP Address:
if (!module_finance::can_i('view', 'Finance Upcoming')) {
$module->page_title = 'Recurring';
$search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : array();
if (module_config::c('finance_recurring_show_finished', 0)) {
    $search['show_finished'] = true;
if (!isset($search['date_to'])) {
    $search['date_to'] = print_date(strtotime('+' . (int) module_config::c('finance_recurring_months', 6) . ' months'));
$balance = isset($_REQUEST['balance']) ? (double) $_REQUEST['balance'] : module_config::c('finance_recurring_start_balance', 0);
module_config::save_config('finance_recurring_start_balance', $balance);
$_SESSION['_finance_recurring_ids'] = array();
module_debug::log(array('title' => 'calling get_recurrings', 'data' => ''));
$upcoming_finances_unsorted = module_finance::get_recurrings($search);
module_debug::log(array('title' => 'finished calling get_recurrings', 'data' => 'count: ' . count($upcoming_finances_unsorted)));
$upcoming_finances = array();
$limit_timestamp = isset($search['date_to']) && !empty($search['date_to']) ? strtotime(input_date($search['date_to'])) : strtotime('+' . (int) module_config::c('finance_recurring_months', 6) . ' months');
$duplicate_limit = 30;


    $fieldset_data = array('heading' => array('title' => 'Job Invoices:', 'type' => 'h3'), 'elements_before' => ob_get_clean());
    if (module_invoice::can_i('create', 'Invoices')) {
        $fieldset_data['heading']['button'] = array('title' => _l('Create New Invoice'), 'url' => '#', 'id' => 'job_generate_invoice_button');
    echo module_form::generate_fieldset($fieldset_data);
if (class_exists('module_finance', false) && module_finance::is_plugin_enabled() && module_finance::can_i('view', 'Finance') && (int) $job_id > 0 && module_finance::is_enabled() && is_file('includes/plugin_finance/pages/finance_job_edit.php')) {
    include 'includes/plugin_finance/pages/finance_job_edit.php';

// run the custom data hook to display items in this particular hook location
hook_handle_callback('custom_data_hook_location', _CUSTOM_DATA_HOOK_LOCATION_JOB_FOOTER, 'job', $job_id, $job);
hook_handle_callback('layout_column_half', 'end');

Exemple #5
if (class_exists('module_extra', false)) {
    $table_manager->display_extra('finance', function ($finance) {
        module_extra::print_table_data('finance', isset($finance['finance_id']) ? $finance['finance_id'] : 0);
$table_manager->row_callback = function ($finance) {
    if (isset($finance['finance_id']) && $finance['finance_id']) {
        $finance['finance_record'] = module_finance::get_finance($finance['finance_id']);
    } else {
        $finance['finance_record'] = false;
    return $finance;
if (module_finance::can_i('create', 'Finance')) {
    $header_rows = array();

	<div style="height:18px; width:89px; overflow: hidden; position: absolute; background: #FFFFFF;" onmouseover="$(this).height('auto');$(this).width('auto');" onmouseout="$(this).height('18px');$(this).width('89px');">
    $categories = module_finance::get_categories();
    foreach ($categories as $category) {

                        <input type="checkbox" name="finance_category_id[]" value="<?php 
        echo $category['finance_category_id'];
" id="category_<?php 
        echo $category['finance_category_id'];
    function set_starting_balance(){
        var balance = prompt('<?php 
_e('Please enter starting balance');
        window.location.href = '<?php 
$url = module_finance::link_open_recurring(false, false);
echo $url . (strpos($url, '?') ? '&' : '?');

$heading = array('title_final' => _l('Upcoming Transactions'), 'type' => 'h2', 'main' => true, 'button' => array());
if (module_finance::can_i('create', 'Finance Upcoming')) {
    $heading['button'][] = array('title' => "Add New", 'type' => 'add', 'url' => module_finance::link_open_recurring('new'));
    $heading['button'][] = array('title' => _l("Set Starting Balance (currently %s)", dollar($balance)), 'url' => 'javascript:set_starting_balance();');

<form action="" method="post" id="finance_recurring_form">

$categories_rel = array();
foreach (module_finance::get_categories() as $category) {
    $categories_rel[$category['finance_category_id']] = $category['name'];
$accounts_rel = array();
foreach (module_finance::get_accounts() as $account) {
Exemple #7
    $fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => 'Linked Staff', 'fields' => array(function () use(&$finance, $locked, $linked_staff_members) {
 <input type="hidden" name="job_staff_expense" value="<?php 
        echo isset($finance['job_staff_expense']) ? (int) $finance['job_staff_expense'] : '';
        echo print_select_box($linked_staff_members, 'user_id', isset($finance['user_id']) ? $finance['user_id'] : 0, '', _l(' - None - '));
        if (isset($finance['user_id']) && $finance['user_id']) {
            echo ' <a href="' . module_user::link_open($finance['user_id'], false) . '">' . _l('Open User') . '</a>';
$fieldset_data['elements'][] = array('title' => 'Attachment', 'fields' => array(function () use(&$finance, $locked, $finance_id) {
    if ((int) $finance_id > 0) {
        module_file::display_files(array('owner_table' => 'finance', 'owner_id' => $finance_id, 'layout' => 'gallery', 'editable' => module_security::is_page_editable() && module_finance::can_i('edit', 'Finance')));
    } else {
        _e('Please press save first');
echo module_form::generate_fieldset($fieldset_data);
$form_actions = array('class' => 'action_bar action_bar_left', 'elements' => array(array('type' => 'save_button', 'name' => 'butt_save_return', 'value' => _l('Save and Return')), array('type' => 'save_button', 'name' => 'butt_save', 'value' => _l('Save'))));
if ((int) $finance_recurring_id > 0 && isset($_SESSION['_finance_recurring_ids'])) {
    // find if there is a next recurring id
    $next = 0;
    foreach ($_SESSION['_finance_recurring_ids'] as $next_data) {
        if ($next == -1) {
            $next = 1;
            // done.
            $form_actions['elements'][] = array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'recurring_next', 'id' => 'recurring_next', 'value' => '');