Exemple #1
 public function delete()
     if ($this->file_id && module_file::can_i('delete', 'Files')) {
         $file_data = $this->get_data();
         if ($this->can_i_access()) {
             // delete any sub files of buckets first.
             // todo: recurisive testing.
             if ($file_data['bucket']) {
                 $sub_files = module_file::get_files(array('bucket_parent_file_id' => $file_data['file_id']));
                 foreach ($sub_files as $sub_file) {
                     if ($sub_file['file_id'] && $sub_file['bucket_parent_file_id'] == $this->file_id) {
                         $sub_file_ucm = new ucm_file($sub_file['file_id']);
             // delete the physical file.
             if ($file_data['file_path'] && is_file($file_data['file_path'])) {
             // delete the db entry.
             delete_from_db('file', 'file_id', $this->file_id);
             // delete any comments.
             delete_from_db('file_comment', 'file_id', $this->file_id);
             // delete any staff rel.
             delete_from_db('file_user_rel', 'file_id', $this->file_id);
             // delete any notifications
             delete_from_db('file_notification', 'file_id', $this->file_id);
if (class_exists('module_job', false)) {
    $columns['file_job'] = array('title' => 'Job', 'callback' => function ($file) {
        echo module_job::link_open($file['job_id'], true);
if (class_exists('module_quote', false) && module_quote::is_plugin_enabled()) {
    $columns['file_quote'] = array('title' => 'Quote', 'callback' => function ($file) {
        echo module_quote::link_open($file['quote_id'], true);
$columns['file_date_added'] = array('title' => 'Date Added', 'callback' => function ($file) {
    echo _l('%s by %s', print_date($file['date_created']), module_user::link_open($file['create_user_id'], true));
if (module_file::can_i('edit', 'Files')) {
    $columns['file_action'] = array('title' => ' ', 'callback' => function ($file) {
        echo '<input type="checkbox" name="bulk_operation[' . $file['file_id'] . ']" value="yes">';
if (class_exists('module_extra', false)) {
    $table_manager->display_extra('file', function ($file) {
        module_extra::print_table_data('file', $file['file_id']);
$table_manager->row_callback = function ($row_data) {
    // load the full file data before displaying each row so we have access to more details
    if (isset($row_data['file_id']) && (int) $row_data['file_id'] > 0) {
        // not needed in this case
        //return module_file::get_file($row_data['file_id']);

 * Copyright: dtbaker 2012
 * Licence: Please check CodeCanyon.net for licence details. 
 * More licence clarification available here:  http://codecanyon.net/wiki/support/legal-terms/licensing-terms/ 
 * Deploy: 9809 f200f46c2a19bb98d112f2d32a8de0c4
 * Envato: 4ffca17e-861e-4921-86c3-8931978c40ca
 * Package Date: 2015-11-25 02:55:20 
 * IP Address:
if (!$file_safe) {
    die('wrong page');
if (!module_file::can_i('edit', 'File Approval')) {
    die('no perms');
$ucm_file = new ucm_file($file_id);
$file = $ucm_file->get_data();
$file_id = (int) $file['file_id'];
// sanatisation/permission check
module_template::init_template('file_approval_email', 'Dear {CUSTOMER_NAME},<br>
This email is regarding your file <strong>{FILE_NAME}</strong>{if:JOB_LINK} related to the job <a href="{JOB_LINK}">{JOB_NAME}</a>{endif:JOB_LINK}.<br><br>
Please view this file and comments online by <a href="{FILE_URL}">clicking here</a>.<br><br>
Thank you,<br><br>
', 'File for Approval: {FILE_NAME}', array('CUSTOMER_NAME' => 'Customers Name', 'FILE_NAME' => 'File Name', 'JOB_NAME' => 'Job Name', 'FROM_NAME' => 'Your name', 'FILE_URL' => 'Link to file for customer'));
// template for sending emails.
// are we sending the paid one? or the dueone.

                <div style="border-top:1px dashed #CCCCCC; padding:3px; margin:3px 0;">
        echo $note_text;

                    <div style="font-size:10px; text-align:right; color:#CCCCCC;">From <?php 
        echo $item['create_user_id'] ? module_user::link_open($item['create_user_id'], true) : _l('Customer');
 on <?php 
        echo print_date($item['date_created'], true);

        if (module_file::can_i('delete', 'File Comments') || $item['create_user_id'] == module_security::get_loggedin_id()) {

                        <a href="#" onclick="if(confirm('<?php 
            echo _l('Really remove this comment?');
            echo $item['file_comment_id'];
'); $('#butt_save_note').click(); } return false;" style="color:#FF0000">x</a>


    echo print_select_box(get_multiple('currency', '', 'currency_id'), 'currency_id', $job['currency_id'], '', false, 'code');


if ((int) $job_id > 0 && $job['job_id'] && class_exists('module_file', false) && module_file::can_i('view', 'Files')) {

    echo _l('Files');

    $files = module_file::get_files(array('job_id' => $job['job_id']), true);
    if (count($files) > 0) {