  * Internal method. Queries for a number of discussions, including additional
  * data about unread posts etc. Returns the database result.
  * @param string $conditions WHERE clause (may refer to aliases 'd' for discussion)
  * @param array $conditionparams Parameters for conditions
  * @param int $userid User ID, 0 = current user, -1 = no unread data is needed
  * @param string $orderby ORDER BY clause
  * @param int $limitfrom Limit on results
  * @param int $limitnum Limit on results
  * @param mod_forumng $typeforum If set, this forum is used to potentially restrict
  *   the results based on forum type limits
  * @return adodb_recordset Database query results
 static function query_discussions($conditions, $conditionparams, $userid, $orderby, $limitfrom = '', $limitnum = '', $typeforum = null)
     global $USER, $DB;
     // For read tracking, we get a count of total number of posts in
     // discussion, and total number of read posts in the discussion (this
     // is so we can display the number of UNread posts, but the query
     // works that way around because it will return 0 if no read
     // information is stored).
     if (mod_forumng::enabled_read_tracking() && $userid != -1) {
         if (!$userid) {
             $userid = $USER->id;
         $deadline = mod_forumng::get_read_tracking_deadline();
         $readtracking = "\n                , (CASE WHEN fplast.modified<? THEN " . self::PAST_SELL_BY . " ELSE (SELECT COUNT(1)\n                    FROM {forumng_posts} fp3\n                    WHERE fp3.discussionid = fd.id AND fp3.oldversion = 0\n                    AND fp3.deleted = 0\n                    AND (fp3.modified<fr.time OR fp3.edituserid = ?\n                        OR (fp3.edituserid IS NULL AND fp3.userid = ?)\n                        OR fp3.modified < ?)) END) AS numreadposts,\n                fr.time AS timeread";
         $readtrackingjoin = "LEFT JOIN {forumng_read} fr\n                ON fd.id = fr.discussionid AND fr.userid = ?";
         $readtrackingparams = array($deadline, $userid, $userid, $deadline);
         $readtrackingjoinparams = array($userid);
     } else {
         $readtracking = "";
         $readtrackingjoin = "";
         $readtrackingparams = array();
         $readtrackingjoinparams = array();
     $order = $orderby ? 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby : '';
     // Handle forum type restriction
     $typejoin = '';
     $typeparams = array();
     if ($typeforum && $userid != -1) {
         $type = $typeforum->get_type();
         if ($type->has_unread_restriction()) {
             list($restrictionsql, $restrictionparams) = $type->get_unread_restriction_sql($typeforum, $userid);
         } else {
             $restrictionsql = false;
         if ($restrictionsql) {
             $typejoin = "\n    INNER JOIN {forumng} f ON f.id = fd.forumngid\n    INNER JOIN {course} c ON c.id = f.course\n    INNER JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.instance = f.id AND cm.course = f.course\n    INNER JOIN {modules} m ON m.id = cm.module";
             $conditions .= " AND m.name = 'forumng' AND {$restrictionsql}";
             $conditionparams = array_merge($conditionparams, $restrictionparams);
     // Main query. This retrieves:
     // * Basic discussion information.
     // * Information about the discussion that is obtained from the first and
     //   last post.
     // * Information about the users responsible for first and last post.
     $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("\nSELECT * FROM (SELECT\n    fd.*,\n    fpfirst.created AS timecreated,\n    fplast.modified AS timemodified,\n    fpfirst.subject AS subject,\n    fplast.subject AS lastsubject,\n    fplast.message AS lastmessage,\n    " . mod_forumng_utils::select_username_fields('fu') . ",\n    " . mod_forumng_utils::select_username_fields('lu') . ",\n    (SELECT COUNT(1)\n        FROM {forumng_posts} fp2\n        WHERE fp2.discussionid = fd.id AND fp2.deleted = 0 AND fp2.oldversion = 0)\n        AS numposts,\n    g.name AS groupname\n    {$readtracking}\nFROM\n    {forumng_discussions} fd\n    INNER JOIN {forumng_posts} fpfirst ON fd.postid = fpfirst.id\n    INNER JOIN {user} fu ON fpfirst.userid = fu.id\n    INNER JOIN {forumng_posts} fplast ON fd.lastpostid = fplast.id\n    INNER JOIN {user} lu ON fplast.userid = lu.id\n    LEFT JOIN {groups} g ON g.id = fd.groupid\n    {$readtrackingjoin}\n    {$typejoin}\nWHERE\n    {$conditions}) x {$order}\n", array_merge($readtrackingparams, $readtrackingjoinparams, $conditionparams), $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     return $rs;
  * Shared logic that works out whether a particular subscriber receives a
  * discussion or not.
  * @param mod_forumng $forum Forum
  * @param mod_forumng_discussion $discussion Discussion
  * @param object $subscriber Subscriber
 private static function subscriber_receives_discussion($forum, $discussion, $subscriber)
     // Did they subscribe specifically to this discussion?
     $explicitsubscribed = array_key_exists($discussion->get_id(), $subscriber->discussionids);
     // Did they subscribe to the group this discussion belongs to
     $explicitsubscribedtogroup = in_array($discussion->get_group_id(), $subscriber->groupids);
     $groupid = $discussion->get_group_id();
     $visiblegroups = $forum->get_group_mode() == VISIBLEGROUPS;
     // Conditions for each subscriber to get this discussion
     $result = ($subscriber->wholeforum || $explicitsubscribed || $explicitsubscribedtogroup) && (!$groupid || $subscriber->accessallgroups || $visiblegroups || array_key_exists($groupid, $subscriber->groups)) && $forum->get_type()->can_view_discussion($discussion, $subscriber->id);
     return $result;
  * Internal method. Queries for a number of discussions, including additional
  * data about unread posts etc. Returns the database result.
  * @param string $conditions WHERE clause (may refer to aliases 'd' for discussion)
  * @param array $conditionparams Parameters for conditions
  * @param int $userid User ID, 0 = current user, -1 = no unread data is needed
  * @param string $orderby ORDER BY clause
  * @param int $limitfrom Limit on results
  * @param int $limitnum Limit on results
  * @param mod_forumng $typeforum If set, this forum is used to potentially restrict
  *   the results based on forum type limits
  * @param boolean $flags set to indicate that flagged discussions are to be returned
  * @param boolean hastag set to indicate that tagged discussions are to be returned
  * @return adodb_recordset Database query results
 public static function query_discussions($conditions, $conditionparams, $userid, $orderby, $limitfrom = '', $limitnum = '', $typeforum = null, $flags = false, $hastag = false)
     global $USER, $DB;
     // For read tracking, we get a count of total number of posts in
     // discussion, and total number of read posts in the discussion (this
     // is so we can display the number of UNread posts, but the query
     // works that way around because it will return 0 if no read
     // information is stored).
     if (mod_forumng::enabled_read_tracking() && $userid != -1) {
         if (!$userid) {
             $userid = $USER->id;
         $deadline = mod_forumng::get_read_tracking_deadline();
         $readjoin1 = "";
         $readwhere1 = "";
         $readtrackingparams = array($deadline, $userid, $userid, $deadline);
         $readtrackingjoinparams = array($userid);
         if (!mod_forumng::mark_read_automatically($userid)) {
             // Ind Mark read - check individual read_posts state.
             $readjoin1 = "LEFT JOIN {forumng_read_posts} frp2 on frp2.postid = fp3.id AND frp2.userid = ?";
             $readwhere1 = "OR frp2.id IS NOT NULL";
             $readtrackingparams = array($deadline, $userid, $userid, $userid, $deadline);
         // Get unread count only when last added post is newer than deadline.
         // When PAST_SELL_BY, posts modified later than last will be unread but not picked up.
         $readtracking = "\n                    , (CASE WHEN fplast.modified IS NOT NULL AND fplast.modified < ? THEN " . self::PAST_SELL_BY . " ELSE (SELECT COUNT(1)\n                        FROM {forumng_posts} fp3\n                  {$readjoin1}\n                       WHERE fp3.discussionid = fd.id AND fp3.oldversion = 0\n                         AND fp3.deleted = 0\n                         AND (fp3.modified < fr.time OR fp3.edituserid = ?\n                            {$readwhere1}\n                            OR (fp3.edituserid IS NULL AND fp3.userid = ?)\n                            OR fp3.modified < ?)) END) AS numreadposts,\n                   fr.time AS timeread";
         // Join read info, get posts not authored by user: get latest modified post time.
         $readtrackingjoin = "LEFT JOIN {forumng_read} fr ON fd.id = fr.discussionid AND fr.userid = ?";
     } else {
         $readtracking = ", 0 AS numreadposts, NULL AS timeread";
         $readtrackingjoin = "";
         $readtrackingparams = array();
         $readtrackingjoinparams = array();
     $order = $orderby ? 'ORDER BY ' . $orderby : '';
     // Handle forum type restriction
     $typejoin = '';
     $typeparams = array();
     $flagsjoin = '';
     $flagsquery = '';
     $flagparams = array();
     if ($typeforum && $userid != -1) {
         $type = $typeforum->get_type();
         if ($type->has_unread_restriction()) {
             list($restrictionsql, $restrictionparams) = $type->get_unread_restriction_sql($typeforum, $userid);
         } else {
             $restrictionsql = false;
         if ($restrictionsql) {
             $typejoin = "\n    INNER JOIN {forumng} f ON f.id = fd.forumngid\n    INNER JOIN {course} c ON c.id = f.course\n    INNER JOIN {course_modules} cm ON cm.instance = f.id AND cm.course = f.course\n    INNER JOIN {modules} m ON m.id = cm.module";
             $conditions .= " AND m.name = 'forumng' AND {$restrictionsql}";
             $conditionparams = array_merge($conditionparams, $restrictionparams);
     if ($flags && $userid != -1) {
         $flagsjoin = "LEFT JOIN {forumng_flags} ff ON ff.discussionid = fd.id AND ff.userid = ?";
         $flagsquery = ', ff.flagged';
         $flagparams = array($userid);
     // Tag join sql if needed.
     $tagjoin = '';
     if ($hastag) {
         $tagjoin = "LEFT JOIN {tag_instance} ti on ti.itemid = fd.id\n                            AND ti.itemtype = 'forumng_discussions'\n                            AND ti.component = 'mod_forumng'";
     // Main query. This retrieves:
     // * Basic discussion information.
     // * Information about the discussion that is obtained from the first and
     //   last post.
     // * Information about the users responsible for first and last post.
     $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("\nSELECT * FROM (SELECT\n    fd.*,\n    fpfirst.created AS timecreated,\n    fplast.modified AS timemodified,\n    fpfirst.subject AS subject,\n    fplast.subject AS lastsubject,\n    fplast.message AS lastmessage,\n    fpfirst.asmoderator AS firstasmoderator,\n    fplast.asmoderator AS lastasmoderator,\n    " . mod_forumng_utils::select_username_fields('fu') . ",\n    " . mod_forumng_utils::select_username_fields('lu') . ",\n    (SELECT COUNT(1)\n        FROM {forumng_posts} fp2\n        WHERE fp2.discussionid = fd.id AND fp2.deleted = 0 AND fp2.oldversion = 0)\n        AS numposts,\n    g.name AS groupname\n    {$readtracking}\n    {$flagsquery}\nFROM\n    {forumng_discussions} fd\n    INNER JOIN {forumng_posts} fpfirst ON fd.postid = fpfirst.id\n    INNER JOIN {user} fu ON fpfirst.userid = fu.id\n    INNER JOIN {forumng_posts} fplast ON fd.lastpostid = fplast.id\n    INNER JOIN {user} lu ON fplast.userid = lu.id\n    LEFT JOIN {groups} g ON g.id = fd.groupid\n    {$readtrackingjoin}\n    {$typejoin}\n    {$flagsjoin}\n    {$tagjoin}\nWHERE\n    {$conditions}) x {$order}\n", array_merge($readtrackingparams, $readtrackingjoinparams, $flagparams, $conditionparams), $limitfrom, $limitnum);
     return $rs;
  * Checks forum object created in test_get_forum()
  * In function so same tests can be carried out on multiple forum setups
  * @param object $forum
  * @param object $course
  * @param object $cm
 private function check_forum_settings(mod_forumng $forum, $course, $cm)
     $this->assertEquals('TEST', $forum->get_name());
     $this->assertEquals('abc123', $forum->get_intro());
     $this->assertEquals('abc123', $forum->get_intro(true));
     // Pick up errors in abbreviation.
     $this->assertEquals(FORMAT_MOODLE, $forum->get_intro_format());
     $this->assertEquals($cm->instance, $forum->get_id());
     $this->assertEquals($course->id, $forum->get_course_id());
     $this->assertEquals($course->id, $forum->get_course()->id);
     $this->assertEquals($cm->id, $forum->get_course_module_id());
     $this->assertEquals(mod_forumng::NO_GROUPS, $forum->get_activity_group($cm));
     $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $this->assertEquals($context->id, $forum->get_context()->id);
     $this->assertInstanceOf('forumngtype', $forum->get_type());