$errors[] = "Password [new] too long"; } if (strlen($_POST['password_new']) < 6) { $errors[] = "Passwrod [new] too short"; } if ($_POST['password_new'] !== $_POST['password_new_confirm']) { $errors[] = "New Passwords does not match!."; } if (count($errors) > 0) { foreach ($errors as $nElement) { echo $nElement . ".<br/>"; } misc::back(); } else { //verify if (user::RestorePass($_GET['uid'], $_POST['password_new'])) { echo "Password changed successfully. <br/>"; misc::redirect('?pg=news', 1); } else { echo "Invalid old password specified.<br/>"; misc::back(); } } } else { core::$ucp->ForgotpwForm(); } } } } else { echo 'Entry is invalid.'; }
public static function sendWebPrivMsg($to, $from, $title, $text) { global $core; $msgTitle = security::toHTML($title); $msgText = security::toHTML($text); $senderJID = user::accountJIDbyUsername($from); $receiverJID = user::accountJIDbyUsername($to); if ($senderJID != $receiverJID) { if (core::$sql->numRows("select * from srcms_privatemessages where receiver='{$receiverJID}'") >= $core->aConfig['maxPrivMsg']) { echo "Receiver inbox is full.<br/>"; } else { if (strlen($msgTitle) < $core->aConfig['minPrivMsgTitleLen'] || strlen($msgTitle) > $core->aConfig['maxPrivMsgTitleLen'] || strlen($msgText) < $core->aConfig['minPrivMsgBodyLen'] || strlen($msgText) > $core->aConfig['maxPrivMsgBodyLen']) { echo "Message text, or title is too long or too short. Minimum title length is " . $core->aConfig['minPrivMsgTitleLen'] . " and " . $core->aConfig['maxPrivMsgTitleLen'] . "symbols\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmaximum. Message content minimum length is " . $core->aConfig['minPrivMsgBodyLen'] . " and " . $core->aConfig['maxPrivMsgBodyLen'] . " symbols maximum.<br/>"; misc::back(); } else { $datetime = misc::getDateTime(); core::$sql->exec("insert into srcms_privatemessages(sender,receiver, title, msg, viewed, time) values('{$senderJID}', '{$receiverJID}', '{$msgTitle}', '{$msgText}', '0', '{$datetime}')"); echo "<br/>Message sent.<br/>"; misc::redirect("?pg=ucp&act=mailbox", 2); } } } else { echo "You can't send message to yourself.<br/>"; misc::back(); } }