Exemple #1
  * This function resolves any GUID into a fully qualified URL which can be relocated
  * to. It operates in multiple phases:
  * 1. Check, whether the GUID is already known by NAP. In case we have the corresponding
  *    node/leaf loaded, use its linking information directly.
  * 2. Look if we have a topic, in that case, we get the corresponding NAP node and use
  *    it to resolve the permalink. If that object is not retrievable, the lookup
  *    fails.
  * 3. We check whether the object in question has a topic as one of its ancestors. If yes,
  *    that topic and its corresponding component is used to lookup the GUID, which might
  *    fail.
  * 4. As a last resort we have to iterate over all NAP topics to do the resolving.
  * @param string $guid The GUID to resolve.
  * @return string The full HTTP relocation'able URL to the GUID.
 function resolve_permalink($guid)
     // resolves a guid into a fully qualified url, uses some heuristics for that, mainly replaces
     // the nap permalink resolver, with the difference that it will be based on the
     // components permalink interface code.
     $nav = new midcom_helper_nav();
     // Step 1: Maybe NAP already knows the topic.
     $napobj = $nav->resolve_guid($guid);
     if ($napobj) {
         return $napobj[MIDCOM_NAV_FULLURL];
     try {
         $object = midcom::get('dbfactory')->get_object_by_guid($guid);
     } catch (midcom_error $e) {
         debug_add("Failed to resolve the GUID {$guid}, this is most probably an access denied error.", MIDCOM_LOG_ERROR);
         debug_add('Last MidCOM error string: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return null;
     $metadata = midcom_helper_metadata::retrieve($object);
     if (!$metadata->is_object_visible_onsite()) {
         return null;
     if (is_a($object, 'midcom_db_topic')) {
         $napobj = $nav->get_node($object->id);
         if (!$napobj) {
             debug_add("Failed to retrieve the NAP object for topic {$object->id}.", MIDCOM_LOG_INFO);
             return null;
         return $napobj[MIDCOM_NAV_FULLURL];
     if (is_a($object, 'midcom_db_attachment')) {
         // Faster linking to attachments
         $parent = $object->get_parent();
         if (is_a($parent, 'midcom_db_topic') && $nav->is_node_in_tree($parent->id, $nav->get_root_node())) {
             $napobj = $nav->get_node($parent->id);
             return $napobj[MIDCOM_NAV_FULLURL] . $object->name;
         } else {
             return "{$GLOBALS['midcom_config']['midcom_site_url']}midcom-serveattachmentguid-{$object->guid}/{$object->name}";
     // Ok, unfortunately, this is not an immediate topic. We try to traverse
     // upwards in the object chain to find a topic.
     $topic = null;
     $parent = $object->get_parent();
     while ($parent) {
         if (is_a($parent, 'midcom_db_topic')) {
             // Verify that this topic is within the current sites tree, if it is not,
             // we ignore it. This might happen on symlink topics with static & co
             // which point to the outside f.x.
             if ($nav->is_node_in_tree($parent->id, $nav->get_root_node())) {
                 $topic = $parent;
         $parent = $parent->get_parent();
     if ($topic !== null) {
         $return_value = $this->_resolve_permalink_in_topic($topic, $guid);
         if ($return_value != null) {
             return $return_value;
     // Bad, this means a full scan,
     // We need to try every topic for the GUID.
     $topic_qb = midcom_db_topic::new_query_builder();
     $topic_qb->add_constraint('name', '<>', '');
     $topic_qb->add_constraint('up', 'INTREE', midcom_core_context::get()->get_key(MIDCOM_CONTEXT_ROOTTOPIC)->id);
     $topics = $topic_qb->execute();
     foreach ($topics as $topic) {
         $result = $this->_resolve_permalink_in_topic($topic, $guid);
         if ($result !== null) {
             return $result;
     // We were unable to find the GUID
     return null;