function edit($goods_id) { $appmgr = $this->system->loadModel('system/appmgr'); $status = $appmgr->getPluginInfoByident('group_activity', 'disabled'); if ($status['disabled'] == 'false') { $group_activity = $this->system->loadModel('plugins/group_activity/group_activity'); if ($group_activity->get_group_byid($goods_id)) { $this->pagedata['group_activity'] = 1; } } $this->getMlevel(); $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($goods_id); if ($scareInfo) { $scareInfo['s_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $scareInfo['s_time']); $scareInfo['s_hour_selected'] = date('G', $scareInfo['s_time']); $scareInfo['s_min_selected'] = date('i', $scareInfo['s_time']); $scareInfo['s_hour'] = $scareInfo['s_hour_selected'] . ':' . $scareInfo['s_min_selected']; $scareInfo['e_date'] = date('Y-m-d', $scareInfo['e_time']); $scareInfo['e_hour_selected'] = date('G', $scareInfo['e_time']); $scareInfo['e_min_selected'] = date('i', $scareInfo['e_time']); $scareInfo['e_hour'] = $scareInfo['e_hour_selected'] . ':' . $scareInfo['e_min_selected']; $scareInfo['scareMprice'] = unserialize($scareInfo['scare_mprice']); if ($scareInfo['forenotice_on'] == 1) { $scareInfo['hour_selected'] = intval($scareInfo['forenotice_time'] / 3600); $scareInfo['min_selected'] = intval($scareInfo['forenotice_time'] % 3600 / 60); $scareInfo['sec_selected'] = intval($scareInfo['forenotice_time'] % 3600 % 60); } if ($scareInfo['is_special_time'] == 1) { $scareInfo['specialTime'] = unserialize($scareInfo['special_time_bucket']); $scareInfo['specialTime_week'] = array('1' => '每周一', '2' => '每周二', '3' => '每周三', '4' => '每周四', '5' => '每周五', '6' => '每周六', '7' => '每周日'); } } else { $scareInfo['showPrice'] = 1; } //预告时间/小时 for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $scareInfo['forenotice_hour'][$i]['k'] = $i; $scareInfo['forenotice_hour'][$i]['v'] = $i; } //预告时间/分、秒 for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) { $scareInfo['forenotice_min'][$i]['k'] = $i; $scareInfo['forenotice_min'][$i]['v'] = $i; } //hour and min for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) { $scareInfo['select_time'][] = $i . ':00'; $scareInfo['select_time'][] = $i . ':30'; } $this->pagedata['group_point'] = $this->system->getConf('point.get_policy'); $this->pagedata['scareInfo'] = $scareInfo; parent::edit($goods_id); }
function limitGoodsInCart($cart, &$limitGoodsCart) { $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); foreach ($cart as $k => $c) { $tmp = explode('-', $k); $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($tmp[0]); if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['scare_count'] > 0) { $limitGoodsCart[$k] = $c; } } return $limitGoodsCart ? true : false; }
function create(&$aCart, &$aMember, &$aDelivery, &$aPayment, &$minfo, &$postInfo) { //$oSale = &$this->system->loadModel('trading/sale'); $oSale =& new sale_mdl(); $trading = $oSale->getCartObject($aCart, $aMember['member_lv_id'], true, true); //保存收货人地址 $this->_saveAddr($aMember['member_id'], $aDelivery); $iProduct = 0; if (is_array($trading['products']) && count($trading['products'])) { $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); //生成订单前检查库存 $objCart =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/cart'); $arr = array(); $aLinkId = array(); foreach ($trading['products'] as $k => $p) { $aStore = $objGoods->getFieldById($p['goods_id'], array('marketable', 'disabled')); if ($aStore['marketable'] == 'false' || $aStore['disabled'] == 'true') { /** * trigger Smarty error * * @param string $error_msg * @param integer $error_type */ trigger_error($p['name'] . __('商品未发布不能下单。'), E_USER_ERROR); return false; exit; } if ($this->freez_time() == 'order') { if (!$objCart->_checkStore($p['product_id'], $p['nums'])) { trigger_error("商品“" . $p['name'] . "”库存不足", E_USER_ERROR); return false; exit; } } //判断配件库存to检查变量 if (count($p['adjList'])) { foreach ($p['adjList'] as $pid => $num) { if (!$objCart->_checkStore($pid, $num * $p['nums'])) { trigger_error("商品配件库存不足", E_USER_ERROR); return false; exit; } } } $arr[] = $p['name'] . '(' . $p['nums'] . ')'; $this->itemnum += $p['nums']; $aLinkId[] = $p['goods_id']; $trading['products'][$k]['addon']['minfo'] = $minfo[$p['product_id']]; //将商品用户信息存入addon $trading['products'][$k]['minfo'] = $minfo[$p['product_id']]; //将商品用户信息存入addon if ($p['goods_id']) { $aP[] = $p['goods_id']; } $iProduct++; } } if ($trading['package'] || $trading['gift_e']) { $otherPhysical = true; } else { $otherPhysical = false; } if (count($aP) || $otherPhysical) { $return = $this->checkOrderDelivery($aP, $aDelivery, $otherPhysical, $aMember['member_id']); //检测实体商品配送信息的合法性 if ($return) { $aDelivery['is_delivery'] = $return; if ($return == 'Y' && empty($aDelivery['shipping_id'])) { trigger_error(__("提交不成功,请选择配送方式"), E_USER_ERROR); return false; exit; } } else { trigger_error(__("对不起,请完整填写配送信息"), E_USER_ERROR); return false; exit; } } $iPackage = 0; if (is_array($trading['package']) && count($trading['package'])) { $objCart =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/cart'); foreach ($trading['package'] as $v) { if (!$objCart->_checkStore($v['goods_id'], $v['nums'])) { trigger_error(__("捆绑商品库存不足"), E_USER_ERROR); return false; exit; } $iPackage++; $arr[] = $v['name'] . '(' . $v['nums'] . ')'; } } if (is_array($trading['gift_e']) && count($trading['gift_e'])) { foreach ($trading['gift_e'] as $v) { $arr[] = $v['name'] . '(' . $v['nums'] . ')'; } } if ($iProduct + $iPackage + count($trading['gift_p']) + count($trading['gift_e']) == 0) { trigger_error(__("购物车中无有效商品!"), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } // $objProduct->updateRate($aLinkId); //更新商品推荐度 $oCur =& $this->system->loadModel('system/cur'); $tdelivery = explode(':', $aDelivery['ship_area']); $area_id = $tdelivery[count($tdelivery) - 1]; $oDelivery =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/delivery'); $rows = $oDelivery->getDlTypeByArea($area_id, $trading['weight'], $aDelivery['shipping_id']); if ($trading['exemptFreight'] == 1) { //[exemptFreight] => 1免运费 $aDelivery['cost_freight'] = 0; } else { $trading['cost_freight'] = $oCur->formatNumber(cal_fee($rows[0]['expressions'], $trading['weight'], $trading['pmt_b']['totalPrice'], $rows[0]['price']), false); } $trading['cost_freight'] = is_null($trading['cost_freight']) ? 0 : $trading['cost_freight']; if ($aDelivery['is_protect'][$aDelivery['shipping_id']] && $rows[0]['protect'] == 1) { $aDelivery['cost_protect'] = $oCur->formatNumber(max($trading['totalPrice'] * $rows[0]['protect_rate'], $rows[0]['minprice']), false); $aDelivery['is_protect'] = 'true'; } else { $aDelivery['cost_protect'] = 0; $aDelivery['is_protect'] = 'false'; } if ($aPayment['payment'] > 0 || $aPayment['payment'] == -1) { $oPayment =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/payment'); $aPay = $oPayment->getPaymentById($aPayment['payment']); if ($aPay['pay_type'] == 'DEPOSIT' && $aMember['member_id'] == "") { trigger_error(__("未登录客户不能选择预存款支付!"), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $config = unserialize($aPay['config']); $aPayment['fee'] = $aPay['fee']; if ($config['method'] == 2) { $aPayment['fee'] = $config['fee']; $aPayment['method'] = $config['method']; } } else { trigger_error(__("提交不成功,未选择支付方式!"), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } $currency = $oCur->getcur($aPayment['currency'], true); $aPayment['currency'] = $currency['cur_code']; if (!$this->checkPoint($aMember['member_id'], $trading)) { return false; } if (!$this->checkGift($trading['gift_p'])) { unset($trading['gift_p']); //直接不给 } $orderInfo = $trading; $orderInfo['order_id'] = $this->gen_id(); $orderInfo['cur_rate'] = $currency['cur_rate'] > 0 ? $currency['cur_rate'] : 1; $orderInfo['tostr'] = implode(',', $arr); $orderInfo['itemnum'] = $this->itemnum; getRefer($orderInfo); //推荐下单 $aDelivery['ship_time'] = ($aDelivery['day'] == 'specal' ? $aDelivery['specal_day'] : $aDelivery['day']) . ' ' . $aDelivery['time']; $orderInfo = array_merge($orderInfo, $aDelivery, $aPayment); if ($aMember) { $orderInfo = array_merge($orderInfo, $aMember); } //限时抢购 减少库存 $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); foreach ($orderInfo['products'] as $k => $p) { $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($p['goods_id']); if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['scare_count'] > 0) { //限时抢购于系统关联预展库存 2011-7-7 by zhangxuehui $store_time_type = $this->system->getConf(''); $p['nums'] = $store_time_type == '1' || $store_time_type == '0' ? $p['nums'] : '0'; //限时抢购于系统关联预展库存 2011-7-7 by zhangxuehui $scareModel->reduceCount($p['goods_id'], $p['nums']); } } //end return $this->save($orderInfo, true, $postInfo); }
function _load_g(&$trading, $cart_g) { $oMath =& $this->system->loadModel('system/math'); $product_ids = array(); foreach ($cart_g['cart'] as $strKey => $num) { $aRow = explode('-', $strKey); if ($aRow[1] != '') { $product_ids[] = $aRow[1]; } } reset($cart_g); if (count($product_ids) > 0) { $aProduct = $this->db->select('SELECT p.*,t.setting,g.score,g.brand_id,g.cat_id,g.type_id,g.image_default,g.thumbnail_pic,g.goods_id FROM sdb_products AS p LEFT JOIN sdb_goods AS g ON p.goods_id=g.goods_id LEFT JOIN sdb_goods_type AS t ON g.type_id=t.type_id WHERE p.product_id IN (' . implode(',', $product_ids) . ')'); } else { $aProduct = array(); } foreach ($aProduct as $k => $p) { if ($this->_mlvid) { $aMprice = $this->db->selectrow('SELECT price, dis_count FROM sdb_member_lv LEFT JOIN sdb_goods_lv_price ON level_id = member_lv_id AND product_id=' . intval($p['product_id']) . ' WHERE member_lv_id=' . intval($this->_mlvid)); if (floatval($aMprice['dis_count']) <= 0) { $aMprice['dis_count'] = 1; } } else { $aMprice['dis_count'] = 1; } $items_g[$p['product_id']]['bn'] = $p['bn'] ? $p['bn'] : $this->system->getConf('system.product.autobn.prefix') . str_pad($p['product_id'] + $this->system->getConf('system.product.autobn.beginnum', 100), $this->system->getConf('system.product.autobn.length'), 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $items_g[$p['product_id']]['sale_price'] = $p['price']; //限时抢购 $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($p['goods_id']); //特定时间生效 if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['is_special_time'] == 1 && $scareInfo['scare_count'] > 0) { $specialTime = unserialize($scareInfo['special_time_bucket']); foreach ($specialTime as $key => $value) { if ($value['week'] == date('N')) { $today_special_time[] = $value; //今天的限时抢购 } } if ($today_special_time) { //求得最先开始的时间 foreach ($today_special_time as $key => $tTime) { //过滤过时时间段 if (time() >= strtotime(date('y-m-d')) + $tTime['ethour']) { continue; } if (time() >= strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + $tTime['sthour'] && time() < strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + $tTime['ethour']) { if (!isset($today_min_stime)) { $today_min_stime = $today_special_time[$key]['sthour']; $today_min_stime_key = $key; } //$today_min_stime_key=($today_min_stime>$tTime['sthour']) ? $key : $initializeKey ; if ($today_min_stime > $tTime['sthour']) { $today_min_stime = $tTime['sthour']; $today_min_stime_key = $key; } } } //$scareInfo['time']=strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))+$today_special_time[$today_min_stime_key]['ethour']-strtotime('now'); if (!isset($today_min_stime_key)) { unset($scareInfo); } } else { unset($scareInfo); } } //计算限时抢购价 if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['scare_count'] > 0) { $items_g[$p['product_id']]['name'] = $p['name'] . '(限时抢购商品)' . '@|' . $scareInfo['goods_id'] . '@|'; if (!is_null($scareInfo['goodscore']) && $scareInfo['goodscore'] != '') { $items_g[$p['product_id']]['limitGoodsScore'] = $scareInfo['goodscore']; } if ($scareInfo['is_mprice'] == 1) { $scareMprice = unserialize($scareInfo['scare_mprice']); $items_g[$p['product_id']]['price'] = $scareMprice[$this->_mlvid] ? $scareMprice[$this->_mlvid] : $oMath->getOperationNumber($oMath->getOperationNumber($scareInfo['scare_price']) * $aMprice['dis_count']); } else { $items_g[$p['product_id']]['price'] = $scareInfo['scare_price']; } } else { $items_g[$p['product_id']]['name'] = $p['name'] . ($p['pdt_desc'] ? ' (' . $p['pdt_desc'] . ')' : ''); $items_g[$p['product_id']]['price'] = $aMprice['price'] ? $aMprice['price'] : $oMath->getOperationNumber($oMath->getOperationNumber($p['price']) * $aMprice['dis_count']); } //end $items_g[$p['product_id']]['type_id'] = $p['type_id']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['weight'] = $p['weight']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['store'] = $p['store']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['cost'] = $p['cost']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['addon'] = array_merge(unserialize($p['props']), unserialize($p['setting'])); $items_g[$p['product_id']]['pdt_desc'] = $p['pdt_desc']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['goods_id'] = $p['goods_id']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['product_id'] = $p['product_id']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['image_default'] = $p['image_default']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['thumbnail_pic'] = $p['thumbnail_pic']; $items_g[$p['product_id']]['score'] = $p['score']; } unset($aProduct); $oCur =& $this->system->loadModel('system/cur'); $aItems = array(); //循环处理购物车各商品 foreach ($cart_g['cart'] as $strKey => $num) { $aRow = explode('-', $strKey); //如果存在商品id if ($aRow[0] != '' && $items_g[$aRow[1]]) { $strName = ''; //初始化显示名称 $adjPrice = 0; //初始化配件价格 $adjCost = 0; //初始化配件成本价格 $adjWeight = 0; //如果存在配件 $adjList = array(); //初始化配件购买量数组 array(<配件id>=><购买量>) if ($aRow[2] != 'na') { $aAdj = explode('|', $aRow[2]); //取配件配置列表,配件格式:配件id_配件组_配件数量| $tmpAdjList = array(); $tmpAdjGrp = array(); $tmpAdjId = array(); //初始化配件id数组(<product_id>=>array(<id1>,<id2>...)) $strAdj = ''; foreach ($aAdj as $val) { $adjItem = explode('_', $val); if ($adjItem[0] > 0 && $adjItem[2] > 0) { $tmpAdjList[] = $adjItem[2]; //设置配件购买量 $tmpAdjGrp[] = $adjItem[1]; //配件栏位 $tmpAdjId['product_id'][] = $adjItem[0]; //配件id数组 } } if (count($tmpAdjId)) { $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); $strAdjunct = $objGoods->getGoodsMemo($aRow[0], 'adjunct'); //取本商品配件栏位定义 $aAdj = unserialize($strAdjunct); $objProduct =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/finderPdt'); $adjName = $objProduct->getList('product_id, name, price, cost, weight', $tmpAdjId, 0, -1); if ($adjName) { foreach ($adjName as $val) { //处理各配件 $aAdjuncts[$val['product_id']] = $val; } foreach ($tmpAdjId['product_id'] as $key => $pid) { if ($aAdj[$tmpAdjGrp[$key]] && $aAdjuncts[$pid]) { //如果存在对应栏位定义 和 商品库中存在这个配件 //描述文字 = +配件名称(购买量) $strName .= '+' . $aAdjuncts[$pid]['name'] . '(' . $tmpAdjList[$key] . ')'; //如果本栏位设定了配件价格的优惠金额 if ($aAdj[$tmpAdjGrp[$key]]['set_price'] == 'minus') { //配件总价 += (配件销售价+设定的配件调整额)*配件购买量 $adjPrice += $oMath->minus(array($aAdjuncts[$pid]['price'], $aAdj[$tmpAdjGrp[$key]]['price'])) * $tmpAdjList[$key]; } else { //否则即为折扣方式 //配件总价 += 配件销售价*购买量*设定的优惠倍率 $adjDiscount = abs($aAdj[$tmpAdjGrp[$key]]['price']) ? abs($aAdj[$tmpAdjGrp[$key]]['price']) : 1; $adjPrice += $oMath->getOperationNumber($oMath->getOperationNumber($aAdjuncts[$pid]['price']) * $tmpAdjList[$key] * $adjDiscount); } $adjList[$pid] += $tmpAdjList[$key]; $strAdj .= $pid . '_' . $tmpAdjGrp[$key] . '_' . $tmpAdjList[$key] . '|'; $adjCost += $oMath->getOperationNumber($aAdjuncts[$pid]['cost']) * $tmpAdjList[$key]; $adjWeight += $aAdjuncts[$pid]['weight'] * $tmpAdjList[$key]; } } } else { $strAdj = 'na'; } } else { $strAdj = 'na'; } } else { $strAdj = 'na'; } $strKey = $aRow[0] . '-' . $aRow[1] . '-' . $strAdj; $linkKey = $aRow[0] . '@' . $aRow[1] . '@' . $strAdj; //重组货品字符串 $aGoods = $items_g[$aRow[1]]; $aGoods['addon']['adjinfo'] = $strAdj; //= 配件id_配件组序号_配件数量| $aGoods['addon']['adjname'] = $strName; //用于描述文字 +配件名称(购买量) $aGoods['adjList'] = $adjList; //array(<配件id>=><购买量>) $aGoods['price'] = $oMath->plus(array($aGoods['price'], $adjPrice)); //+配件总价 $aGoods['cost'] = $oMath->plus(array($aGoods['cost'], $adjCost)); //+配件总成本价 $aGoods['amount'] = $oMath->getOperationNumber($aGoods['price']) * $num; $aGoods['price'] = $oCur->formatNumber($aGoods['price'], false); $aGoods['key'] = $strKey; //存在购物车数组的key $aGoods['link_key'] = $linkKey; //存在购物车数组的key $aGoods['enkey'] = base64_encode($strKey); $aGoods['nums'] = $num; $aGoods['pmt_id'] = intval($cart_g['pmt'][$aRow[0]]); $aGoods['weight'] += $adjWeight; switch ($this->system->getConf('point.get_policy')) { case 0: $aGoods['score'] = 0; break; case 1: $aGoods['score'] = $aGoods['price'] * $this->system->getConf('point.get_rate'); break; default: break; } //限时抢购商品积分 if (isset($aGoods['limitGoodsScore'])) { $aGoods['score'] = $aGoods['limitGoodsScore']; unset($aGoods['limitGoodsScore']); } //end $aItems[] = $aGoods; $trading['totalPrice'] = $oMath->plus(array($trading['totalPrice'], $aGoods['amount'])); $trading['totalGainScore'] += $aGoods['score'] * $num; $trading['weight'] += $aGoods['weight'] * $num; } } unset($items_g); $trading['products'] =& $aItems; }
function addGoodsToCart($gid = 0, $pid = 0, $stradj = '', $pmtid = 0, $num = 1) { $aParams = $this->objCart->getParams($_POST['goods'], $gid, $pid, $stradj, $pmtid); //限时抢购 $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($gid); $scareCart = $this->objCart->getCart(); $scarenum_id = 0; foreach ($scareCart['g'] as $k => $v) { foreach ($v as $kal => $val) { $kala = explode('-', $kal); if ($gid != 0) { if ($kala[0] == $gid) { $scarenum_id = $scarenum_id + $val; } } else { if ($kala[0] == $_POST['goods']['goods_id']) { $scarenum_id = $scarenum_id + $val; } } } } if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now')) { if ($scareInfo['buycountlimit']) { if (!$_POST['goods']['num']) { $goods_nums = $scarenum_id + $num; } else { $goods_nums = $scarenum_id + $_POST['goods']['num']; } if (intval($scareInfo['buycountlimit']) < intval($goods_nums)) { $this->begin($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $this->setError(10003); if ($_POST['mini_cart']) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); } trigger_error('加入购物车失败:超出限购数量!', E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(); exit; } } } if ($aParams['pid'] == -1) { $this->begin($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); trigger_error(__('加入购物车失败:无此货品'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(); } $_num = intval($aParams['num']); if ($_num) { $num = $_num; } else { $num = intval($num); } if (!$num) { $num = 1; } $status = $this->objCart->addToCart('g', $aParams, $num); if ($status === 'notify') { $this->begin($this->system->mkUrl("product", "gnotify", array($gid, $pid))); $this->setError(10001); if ($_POST['mini_cart']) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); } trigger_error(__('加入购物车失败:商品缺货,转入缺货登记'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(); } elseif (!$status) { $this->begin($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $this->setError(10002); if ($_POST['mini_cart']) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); } trigger_error(__('加入购物车失败: 商品库存不足或者提交参数错误!'), E_USER_ERROR); $this->end(); } else { if ($_POST['fastbuy']) { $this->checkout(); } else { if ($_POST['mini_cart']) { $this->view(1); exit; } $this->redirect('cart'); } } //parent::addGoodsToCart($gid=0, $pid=0, $stradj='', $pmtid=0, $num=1); }
function index($view, $cat_id = '', $urlFilter = null, $orderBy = 0, $tab = null, $page = 1, $cat_type = null) { if ($orderBy == 5 || $orderBy == 6) { $this->noCache = true; } if ($cat_type) { $this->type = 'virtualcat'; $this->cat_type = $cat_type; $virtualCat =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/virtualcat'); $vcat = $virtualCat->instance($cat_type); //print_r($vcat);exit; parse_str($vcat['filter'], $type_filter); } $this->customer_template_type = 'gallery'; $this->customer_template_id = $cat_id; $urlFilter = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($urlFilter)); if ($cat_id == '_ANY_') { unset($cat_id); } if ($cat_id) { $cat_id = explode(",", $cat_id); foreach ($cat_id as $k => $v) { if ($v) { $cat_id[$k] = intval($v); } } $this->id = implode(",", $cat_id); } if (!$cat_id) { $cat_id = array(''); $this->id = ''; } //{{{初始化操作 $pageLimit = $this->system->getConf('gallery.display.listnum'); $this->pagedata['pdtPic'] = array('width' => 100, 'heigth' => 100); // $orderBy = (!$orderBy)?3:$orderBy; $this->pagedata['args'] = array($this->id, urlencode($urlFilter), $orderBy, $tab, $page, $cat_type); $this->pagedata['curView'] = $view; $productCat =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/productCat'); if ($cat_type) { $this->pagedata['childnode'] = $virtualCat->getCatParentById($cat_type, $view); } else { $this->pagedata['childnode'] = $productCat->getCatParentById($cat_id, $view); } $brandGroup =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/brand'); $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/products'); $brandResult = $brandGroup->getBrandGroup($cat_id); $this->productCat =& $productCat; $cat = $productCat->get($cat_id, $view, $type_filter['type_id']); //echo "<pre>";print_r($cat);exit; if (!in_array($view, $cat['setting']['list_tpl'])) { header('Location: ' . $this->system->mkUrl('gallery', current($cat['setting']['list_tpl']), $this->pagedata['args']), true, 301); } if ($cat_type) { $vcat['addon'] = unserialize($vcat['addon']); if (trim($vcat['addon']['meta']['keywords'])) { $this->keywords = trim($vcat['addon']['meta']['keywords']); } if (trim($vcat['addon']['meta']['description'])) { $this->desc = trim($vcat['addon']['meta']['description']); } if (trim($vcat['addon']['meta']['title'])) { $this->title = trim($vcat['addon']['meta']['title']); } } else { if (trim($cat['addon'])) { $cat['addon'] = unserialize($cat['addon']); if (trim($cat['addon']['meta']['keywords'])) { $this->keywords = trim($cat['addon']['meta']['keywords']); } if (trim($cat['addon']['meta']['description'])) { $this->desc = trim($cat['addon']['meta']['description']); } if (trim($cat['addon']['meta']['title'])) { $this->title = trim($cat['addon']['meta']['title']); } } } if ($this->system->getConf('system.seo.noindex_catalog')) { $this->header .= '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,noarchive,follow" />'; } $searchtools =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/search'); $path = array(); $filter = $searchtools->decode($urlFilter, $path, $cat); $this->filter =& $filter; /*if(!$cat_type){ $this->title = $cat['cat_name']; }*/ if (is_array($filter)) { $filter = array_merge(array('cat_id' => $cat_id, 'marketable' => 'true'), $filter); if (($filter['cat_id'][0] === '' || $filter['cat_id'][0] === null) && !isset($filter['cat_id'][1])) { unset($filter['cat_id']); } if (($filter['tag'][0] === '' || $filter['tag'][0] === null) && !isset($filter['tag'][1])) { unset($filter['tag']); } if (($filter['brand_id'][0] === '' || $filter['brand_id'][0] === null) && !isset($filter['brand_id'][1])) { unset($filter['brand_id']); } } else { $filter = array('cat_id' => $cat_id, 'marketable' => 'true'); } //--------获取类型关联的规格 if ($vcat['type_id']) { $type_id = $vcat['type_id']; } else { $type = $productCat->getFieldById($this->id, array('type_id')); $type_id = $type['type_id']; } $gType =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/gtype'); $SpecList = $gType->getSpec($type_id, 1); //-------- foreach ($path as $p) { $arg = unserialize(serialize($this->pagedata['args'])); $arg[1] = $p['str']; $title = array(); if (is_numeric($p['type'])) { $cat_tmp = $productCat->get($cat_id, $view, $filter['type_id'][0]); foreach ($p['data'] as $i) { $name = $cat_tmp['props'][$p['type']]['options'][$i]; $title[] = $name ? $name : $i; $tip = $cat_tmp['props'][$p['type']]['name']; } } elseif ($p['type'] == 'brand_id') { $brand = array(); foreach ($cat['brand'] as $b) { $brand[$b['brand_id']] = $b['brand_name']; } foreach ($p['data'] as $i) { $title[] = $brand[$i]; $tip = __("品牌"); } unset($brand); } elseif (substr($p['type'], 0, 2) == 's_') { $spec = array(); foreach ($p['data'] as $spk => $spv) { $tmp = explode(",", $spv); $tip = $SpecList[$tmp[0]]['name']; $title[] = $SpecList[$tmp[0]]['spec_value'][$tmp[1]]['spec_value']; } $curSpec[$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1]; } $title = implode(',', $title); if ($title) { //$this->title=' '.$title; $this->path[] = array('title' => " " . $title, 'link' => $this->system->mkUrl('gallery', $view, $arg), 'tips' => $tip); } } //----------- if ($this->system->getConf('system.seo.noindex_catalog')) { $this->header .= '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,noarchive,follow" />'; } $filter['cat_id'] = $cat_id; $filter['goods_type'] = 'normal'; $filter['marketable'] = 'true'; //-----查找当前类别子类别的关联类型ID if ($urlFilter) { if ($vcat['type_id']) { //$filter['type_id']=$vcat['type_id']; $filter['type_id'] = null; } } //-------- $this->pagedata['tabs'] = $cat['tabs']; $this->pagedata['cat_id'] = implode(",", $cat_id); $this->pagedata['views'] = $cat['setting']['list_tpl']; $this->pagedata['orderBy'] = $objGoods->orderBy(); if ($cat['tabs'][$tab]) { parse_str($cat['tabs'][$tab]['filter'], $_filter); $filter = array_merge($filter, $_filter); } if ($GLOBALS['runtime']['member_lv']) { $filter['mlevel'] = $GLOBALS['runtime']['member_lv']; } if (!isset($this->pagedata['orderBy'][$orderBy])) { $this->system->error(404); } else { $orderby = $this->pagedata['orderBy'][$orderBy]['sql']; } foreach ($brandResult as $v => $k) { $brand_count[$k['brand_id']]['plus'] = $k['brand_cat']; } $selector = array(); $search = array(); if (!is_array($cat_id) && $cat_id || $cat_id[0] || $cat_type) { $goods_relate = $objGoods->getList("*", $filter, 0, -1); } if ($goods_relate) { unset($tmpSpecValue); foreach ($goods_relate as $grk => $grv) { if ($grv['spec_desc']) { $tmpSdesc = unserialize($grv['spec_desc']); if (is_array($tmpSdesc)) { foreach ($tmpSdesc as $tsk => $tsv) { foreach ($tsv as $tk => $tv) { if (!in_array($tv['spec_value_id'], $tmpSpecValue)) { $tmpSpecValue[] = $tv['spec_value_id']; } } } } } } } /***********************/ if ($SpecList) { if ($curSpec) { $curSpecKey = array_keys($curSpec); } foreach ($SpecList as $spk => $spv) { $selected = 0; /* $existsSV=0; foreach($spv['spec_value'] as $spvk => $spvv){ if (!in_array($spvk,$tmpSpecValue)) unset($spv['spec_value'][$spvk]); else $existsSV=1; } if ($existsSV){*/ if ($curSpecKey && in_array($spk, $curSpecKey)) { $spv['spec_value'][$curSpec[$spk]]['selected'] = true; $selected = 1; } if ($spv['spec_style'] == "select") { //下拉 $SpecSelList[$spk] = $spv; if ($selected) { $SpecSelList[$spk]['selected'] = true; } } elseif ($spv['spec_style'] == "flat") { $SpecFlatList[$spk] = $spv; if ($selected) { $SpecFlatList[$spk]['selected'] = true; } } //} } } $this->pagedata['SpecFlatList'] = $SpecFlatList; $this->pagedata['specimagewidth'] = $this->system->getConf('spec.image.width'); $this->pagedata['specimageheight'] = $this->system->getConf('spec.image.height'); /************************/ if (is_array($cat['brand'])) { foreach ($cat['brand'] as $bk => $bv) { $bCount = 0; $brand = array('name' => __('品牌'), 'value' => array_flip($filter['brand_id'])); foreach ($goods_relate as $gk => $gv) { if ($gv['brand_id']) { if ($gv['brand_id'] == $bv['brand_id']) { $bCount++; } } } if ($bCount > 0) { $tmpOp[$bv['brand_id']] = $bv['brand_name'] . "<span class='num'>(" . $bCount . ")</span>"; } } $brand['options'] = $tmpOp; $selector['brand_id'] = $brand; } foreach ($cat['props'] as $prop_id => $prop) { if ($prop['search'] == 'select') { $prop['options'] = array_merge($prop['options']); $prop['value'] = $filter['p_' . $prop_id][0]; $searchSelect[$prop_id] = $prop; } elseif ($prop['search'] == 'input') { $prop['value'] = $filter['p_' . $prop_id][0]; $searchInput[$prop_id] = $prop; } elseif ($prop['search'] == 'nav') { $prop['value'] = array_flip($filter['p_' . $prop_id]); $plugadd = array(); foreach ($goods_relate as $k => $v) { if ($v["p_" . $prop_id] != null) { if ($plugadd[$v["p_" . $prop_id]]) { $plugadd[$v["p_" . $prop_id]] = $plugadd[$v["p_" . $prop_id]] + 1; } else { $plugadd[$v["p_" . $prop_id]] = 1; } } $aFilter['goods_id'][] = $v['goods_id']; //当前的商品结果集 } $navselector = 0; foreach ($prop['options'] as $q => $e) { if ($plugadd[$q]) { $prop['options'][$q] = $prop['options'][$q] . "<span class='num'>(" . $plugadd[$q] . ")</span>"; if (!$navselector) { $navselector = 1; } } else { unset($prop['options'][$q]); } } $selector[$prop_id] = $prop; } } if ($navselector) { $nsvcount = 0; $noshow = 0; foreach ($selector as $sk => $sv) { if ($sv['value']) { $nsvcount++; } if (is_numeric($sk) && !$sv['show']) { $noshow++; } } if ($nsvcount == intval(count($selector) - $noshow)) { $navselector = 0; } } foreach ($cat['spec'] as $spec_id => $spec_name) { $sId['spec_id'][] = $spec_id; } $cat['ordernum'] = $cat['ordernum'] ? $cat['ordernum'] : array('' => 2); if ($cat['ordernum']) { if ($selector) { foreach ($selector as $key => $val) { if (!in_array($key, $cat['ordernum']) && $val) { $selectorExd[$key] = $val; } } } } $selector['ordernum'] = $cat['ordernum']; $objGoods->appendCols .= ',big_pic'; /*appendCols big_pic update 2009年9月25日13:46:45*/ $aProduct = $objGoods->getList(null, $filter, $pageLimit * ($page - 1), $pageLimit, $orderby); //限时抢购 $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); foreach ($aProduct as $k => $p_scare) { $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($p_scare['goods_id']); $fscareInfo = $scareInfo; if ($fscareInfo && strtotime('now') < $fscareInfo['s_time'] && strtotime('now') + $fscareInfo['forenotice_time'] > $fscareInfo['s_time'] && $fscareInfo['forenotice_on'] == 1) { $aProduct[$k]['scareInfo_forenotice']['forenotice_time'] = $this->tran_time($fscareInfo['s_time'], strtotime('now')); $aProduct[$k]['scareInfo_forenotice']['forenotice_key'] = 1; if ($fscareInfo['is_mprice'] == 1 && $_COOKIE['MLV']) { $scareMprice = unserialize($fscareInfo['scare_mprice']); $fscareInfo['scare_price'] = $scareMprice[$_COOKIE['MLV']]; } $aProduct[$k]['scareInfo_forenotice']['price'] = $fscareInfo['scare_price']; } if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['scare_count'] > 0) { if ($scareInfo['is_mprice'] && $_COOKIE['MLV']) { $scareMprice = unserialize($scareInfo['scare_mprice']); $scareInfo['scare_price'] = $scareMprice[$_COOKIE['MLV']]; } //特定时间生效 if ($scareInfo['is_special_time'] == 1) { $specialTime = unserialize($scareInfo['special_time_bucket']); foreach ($specialTime as $key => $value) { if ($value['week'] == date('N')) { $today_special_time[] = $value; //今天的限时抢购 } } if ($today_special_time) { //求得最先开始的时间 foreach ($today_special_time as $key => $tTime) { //过滤过时时间段 if (time() >= strtotime(date('y-m-d')) + $tTime['ethour']) { continue; } if (time() >= strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + $tTime['sthour'] && time() < strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + $tTime['ethour']) { if (!isset($today_min_stime)) { $today_min_stime = $today_special_time[$key]['sthour']; $today_min_stime_key = $key; } //$today_min_stime_key=($today_min_stime>$tTime['sthour']) ? $key : $initializeKey ; if ($today_min_stime > $tTime['sthour']) { $today_min_stime = $tTime['sthour']; $today_min_stime_key = $key; } } } //$scareInfo['time']=strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))+$today_special_time[$today_min_stime_key]['ethour']-strtotime('now'); if (!isset($today_min_stime_key)) { unset($scareInfo); } } else { unset($scareInfo); } } if (ceil($scareInfo['scare_price']) == 0) { unset($scareInfo['scare_price']); } $aProduct[$k]['scareInfo'] = $scareInfo; } } //end // print_r($aProduct);exit; $count = $objGoods->count($filter); $this->pagedata['mask_webslice'] = $this->system->getConf('system.ui.webslice') ? ' hslice' : null; $this->pagedata['searchInput'] =& $searchInput; $this->pagedata['selectorExd'] = $selectorExd; $this->cat_id = $cat_id; $this->_plugins['function']['selector'] = array(&$this, '_selector'); $this->pagedata['pager'] = array('current' => $page, 'total' => ceil($count / $pageLimit), 'link' => $this->system->mkUrl('gallery', $view, array(implode(',', $cat_id), urlencode($p['str']), $orderBy, $tab, $tmp = time(), $cat_type)), 'token' => $tmp); if ($page != 1 && $page > $this->pagedata['pager']['total']) { $this->system->error(404); } if (!$count) { $this->pagedata['emtpy_info'] = $this->system->getConf('errorpage.searchempty'); } $objImage =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/gimage'); $this->pagedata['searchtotal'] = $count; if (is_array($aProduct) && count($aProduct) > 0) { $objGoods->getSparePrice($aProduct, $GLOBALS['runtime']['member_lv']); if ($this->system->getConf('site.show_mark_price')) { $setting['mktprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_price'); } else { $setting['mktprice'] = 0; } $setting['saveprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.save_price'); $setting['buytarget'] = $this->system->getConf(''); $this->pagedata['setting'] = $setting; $this->pagedata['products'] =& $aProduct; } //print_r($this->pagedata['products']);exit; if ($GLOBALS['runtime']['member_lv'] < 0) { $this->pagedata['LOGIN'] = '******'; } if ($SpecSelList) { $this->pagedata['SpecSelList'] = $SpecSelList; } if ($searchSelect) { $this->pagedata['searchSelect'] =& $searchSelect; } $this->pagedata['selector'] =& $selector; $this->pagedata['cat_type'] = $cat_type; $this->pagedata['search_array'] = implode("+", $GLOBALS['search_array']); //$this->pagedata['_PDT_LST_TPL'] = 'file:'.$cat['tpl']; //$this->pagedata['_PDT_LST_TPL'] = 'file:D:\www\485_2\src\plugins\app\scareBuying\view\shop\gallery\type\list.html'; //var_dump($this->pagedata['_PDT_LST_TPL']);exit; $s_view = $view == 'index' ? 'list' : $view; $this->pagedata['_PDT_LST_TPL'] = 'file:' . dirname(__FILE__) . '/view/shop/gallery/type/' . $s_view . '.html'; //var_dump(dirname(__FILE__).'/view/shop/gallery/type/'.$view.'.html');exit; //$this->pagedata['_MAIN_'] = 'gallery/index.html'; $this->pagedata['_MAIN_'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/view/shop/gallery/index.html'; $this->pagedata['localhostpic_url'] = dirname('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $this->getGlobal($this->seoTag, $this->pagedata); $this->output(); }
function index($gid, $specImg = '', $spec_id = '') { $appmgr = $this->system->loadModel('system/appmgr'); $status = $appmgr->getPluginInfoByident('group_activity', 'disabled'); if ($status['disabled'] == 'false') { $group_activity_model_test = $this->system->loadModel('plugins/group_activity/group_activity'); $group_activity_model_test->chgStateByGid($gid); $goodsActivityInfo_test = $group_activity_model_test->getOpenActivityByGid($gid); } if ($goodsActivityInfo_test) { require_once PLUGIN_DIR . '/app/group_activity/group_activity_shop_ctl_product.php'; $group_activity_ctl_product = new group_activity_shop_ctl_product(); $group_activity_ctl_product->index($gid, $specImg, $spec_id); } else { //限时抢购 $scareModel = new mdl_scare(); $scareInfo = $scareModel->getFieldByGoodsId($gid); //print_r($scareInfo);exit; $fscareInfo = $scareInfo; if ($scareInfo && $scareInfo['iflimit'] == 1 && $scareInfo['e_time'] > strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['s_time'] < strtotime('now') && $scareInfo['scare_count'] > 0) { if ($scareInfo['is_mprice'] == 1 && $_COOKIE['MLV']) { $scareMprice = unserialize($scareInfo['scare_mprice']); $scareInfo['scare_price'] = $scareMprice[$_COOKIE['MLV']]; $this->pagedata['scareInfo_forenotice']['price'] = $scareInfo['scare_price']; } $scareInfo['time'] = $this->tran_time($scareInfo['e_time'], strtotime('now')); //特定时间生效 if ($scareInfo['is_special_time'] == 1) { $specialTime = unserialize($scareInfo['special_time_bucket']); foreach ($specialTime as $key => $value) { if ($value['week'] == date('N')) { $today_special_time[] = $value; //今天的限时抢购 } } if ($today_special_time) { //求得最先开始的时间 foreach ($today_special_time as $key => $tTime) { if (time() >= strtotime(date('y-m-d')) + $tTime['ethour']) { continue; } if (time() >= strtotime(date('y-m-d')) + $tTime['sthour'] && time() < strtotime(date('y-m-d')) + $tTime['ethour']) { if (!isset($today_min_stime)) { $today_min_stime = $today_special_time[$key]['sthour']; $today_min_stime_key = $key; } if ($today_min_stime > $tTime['sthour']) { $today_min_stime = $tTime['sthour']; $today_min_stime_key = $key; } //$today_min_stime=($today_min_stime>$tTime['sthour']) ? $tTime['sthour'] : $today_min_stime; //$today_min_stime_key=($today_min_stime>$tTime['sthour']) ? $key : $today_min_stime_key ; } if (time() < strtotime(date('y-m-d')) + $tTime['sthour']) { if (!isset($today_min_stime)) { $today_min_stime = $today_special_time[$key]['sthour']; } $today_min_stime = $today_min_stime > $tTime['sthour'] ? $tTime['sthour'] : $today_min_stime; } } if (isset($today_min_stime_key)) { $scareInfo['time'] = $this->tran_time(strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + $today_special_time[$today_min_stime_key]['ethour'], strtotime('now')); } else { unset($scareInfo); } } else { unset($scareInfo); } } if (ceil($scareInfo['scare_price']) == 0) { unset($scareInfo['scare_price']); } $this->pagedata['scareInfo'] = $scareInfo; } if ($today_min_stime && !isset($today_min_stime_key)) { $fscareInfo['s_time'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + $today_min_stime; } $this->pagedata['js_url'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/index.php?action_scarebuying.html'; //限时抢购倒计时开始 if ($fscareInfo && strtotime('now') < $fscareInfo['s_time'] && strtotime('now') + $fscareInfo['forenotice_time'] > $fscareInfo['s_time'] && $fscareInfo['forenotice_on'] == 1) { $this->pagedata['scareInfo_forenotice']['forenotice_time'] = $fscareInfo['s_time']; $this->pagedata['scareInfo_forenotice']['forenotice_key'] = 1; if ($fscareInfo['is_mprice'] == 1 && $_COOKIE['MLV']) { $scareMprice = unserialize($fscareInfo['scare_mprice']); $fscareInfo['scare_price'] = $scareMprice[$_COOKIE['MLV']]; } $this->pagedata['scareInfo_forenotice']['price'] = $fscareInfo['scare_price']; } unset($fscareInfo); //end $this->pagedata['_MAIN_'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/view/shop/product/index.html'; //parent::index($gid,$specImg,$spec_id); $this->id = $gid; $this->customer_source_type = 'product'; $this->customer_template_type = 'product'; $this->customer_template_id = $gid; $oseo =& $this->system->loadModel('system/seo'); $seo_info = $oseo->get_seo('goods', $gid); $this->title = $seo_info['title'] ? $seo_info['title'] : $this->system->getConf('site.goods_title'); $this->keywords = $seo_info['keywords'] ? $seo_info['keywords'] : $this->system->getConf('site.goods_meta_key_words'); $this->desc = $seo_info['descript'] ? $seo_info['descript'] : $this->system->getConf('site.goods_meta_desc'); $member_lv = intval($this->system->request['member_lv']); $objProduct =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/products'); $objGoods =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/goods'); if (!($aGoods = $objGoods->getGoods($gid, $member_lv))) { $this->system->responseCode(404); } if ($aGoods['goods_type'] == 'bind') { //如果捆绑商品跳转到捆绑列表 $this->redirect('package', 'index'); exit; } if (!$aGoods || $aGoods['disabled'] == 'true' || empty($aGoods['products']) && empty($aGoods['product_id'])) { $this->system->error(404); exit; } $objCat =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/productCat'); $aCat = $objCat->getFieldById($aGoods['cat_id'], array('cat_name', 'addon')); $aCat['addon'] = unserialize($aCat['addon']); if ($aGoods['seo']['meta_keywords']) { if (empty($this->keyWords)) { $this->keyWords = $aGoods['seo']['meta_keywords']; } } else { if (trim($aCat['addon']['meta']['keywords'])) { $this->keyWords = trim($aCat['addon']['meta']['keywords']); } } if ($aGoods['seo']['meta_description']) { $this->metaDesc = $aGoods['seo']['meta_description']; } else { if (trim($aCat['addon']['meta']['description'])) { $this->metaDesc = trim($aCat['addon']['meta']['description']); } } $tTitle = (empty($aGoods['seo']['seo_title']) ? $aGoods['name'] : $aGoods['seo']['seo_title']) . (empty($aCat['cat_name']) ? "" : " - " . $aCat['cat_name']); if (empty($this->title)) { $this->title = $tTitle; } $objPdtFinder =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/finderPdt'); foreach ($aGoods['adjunct'] as $key => $rows) { //loop group if ($rows['set_price'] == 'minus') { $cols = 'product_id,goods_id,name, pdt_desc, store, freez, price, price-' . intval($rows['price']) . ' AS adjprice'; } else { $cols = 'product_id,goods_id,name, pdt_desc, store, freez, price, price*' . ($rows['price'] ? $rows['price'] : 1) . ' AS adjprice'; } if ($rows['type'] == 'goods') { if (!$rows['items']['product_id']) { $rows['items']['product_id'] = array(-1); } $arr = $rows['items']; } else { parse_str($rows['items'] . '&dis_goods[]=' . $gid, $arr); } if ($aAdj = $objPdtFinder->getList($cols, $arr, 0, -1)) { $aAdjGid = array(); foreach ($aAdj as $item) { $aAdjGid['goods_id'][] = $item['goods_id']; } if (!empty($aAdjGid)) { foreach ($objProduct->getList('marketable,disabled', $aAdjGid, 0, 1000) as $item) { $aAdjGid[$item['goods_id']] = $item; } foreach ($aAdj as $k => $item) { $aAdj[$k]['marketable'] = $aAdjGid[$item['goods_id']]['marketable']; $aAdj[$k]['disabled'] = $aAdjGid[$item['goods_id']]['disabled']; } } $aGoods['adjunct'][$key]['items'] = $aAdj; } else { unset($aGoods['adjunct'][$key]); } } $this->_plugins['function']['selector'] = array(&$this, '_selector'); //初始化货品 if (!empty($aGoods['products'])) { foreach ($aGoods['products'] as $key => $products) { $a = array(); foreach ($products['props']['spec'] as $k => $v) { $a[] = trim($k) . ':' . trim($v); } $aGoods['products'][$key]['params_tr'] = implode('-', $a); $aPdtIds[] = $products['product_id']; if ($aGoods['price'] > $products['price']) { $aGoods['price'] = $products['price']; //前台默认进来显示商品的最小价格 } } } else { $aPdtIds[] = $aGoods['product_id']; } if ($this->system->getConf('site.show_mark_price')) { $aGoods['setting']['mktprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.market_price'); } else { $aGoods['setting']['mktprice'] = 0; } $aGoods['setting']['saveprice'] = $this->system->getConf('site.save_price'); $aGoods['setting']['buytarget'] = $this->system->getConf(''); $aGoods['setting']['score'] = $this->system->getConf('point.get_policy'); $aGoods['setting']['scorerate'] = $this->system->getConf('point.get_rate'); if ($aGoods['setting']['score'] == 1) { $aGoods['score'] = intval($aGoods['price'] * $aGoods['setting']['scorerate']); } /*--------------规格关联商品图片--------------*/ if (!empty($specImg)) { $tmpImgAry = explode("_", $specImg); if (is_array($tmpImgAry)) { foreach ($tmpImgAry as $key => $val) { $tImgAry = explode("@", $val); if (is_array($tImgAry)) { $spec[$tImgAry[0]] = $val; $imageGroup[] = substr($tImgAry[1], 0, strpos($tImgAry[1], "|")); $imageGstr .= substr($tImgAry[1], 0, strpos($tImgAry[1], "|")) . ","; $spec_value_id = substr($tImgAry[1], strpos($tImgAry[1], "|") + 1); if ($aGoods['specVdesc'][$tImgAry[0]]['value'][$spec_value_id]['spec_value']) { $specValue[] = $aGoods['specVdesc'][$tImgAry[0]]['value'][$spec_value_id]['spec_value']; } if ($aGoods['FlatSpec'] && array_key_exists($tImgAry[0], $aGoods['FlatSpec'])) { $aGoods['FlatSpec'][$tImgAry[0]]['value'][$spec_value_id]['selected'] = true; } if ($aGoods['SelSpec'] && array_key_exists($tImgAry[0], $aGoods['SelSpec'])) { $aGoods['SelSpec'][$tImgAry[0]]['value'][$spec_value_id]['selected'] = true; } } } if ($imageGstr) { $imageGstr = substr($imageGstr, 0, -1); } } /****************设置规格链接地址**********************/ if (is_array($aGoods['specVdesc'])) { foreach ($aGoods['specVdesc'] as $gk => $gv) { if (is_array($gv['value'])) { foreach ($gv['value'] as $gkk => $gvv) { if (is_array($spec)) { $specId = substr($gvv['spec_goods_images'], 0, strpos($gvv['spec_goods_images'], "@")); foreach ($spec as $sk => $sv) { if ($specId != $sk) { $aGoods['specVdesc'][$gk]['value'][$gkk]['spec_goods_images'] .= "_" . $sv; if ($aGoods['FlatSpec'] && array_key_exists($gk, $aGoods['FlatSpec'])) { $aGoods['FlatSpec'][$gk]['value'][$gkk]['spec_goods_images'] .= "_" . $sv; } if ($aGoods['SelSpec'] && array_key_exists($gk, $aGoods['SelSpec'])) { $aGoods['SelSpec'][$gk]['value'][$gkk]['spec_goods_images'] .= "_" . $sv; } } } } } } } } /*************************************/ //页面提示所选规格名称 $this->pagedata['SelectSpecValue'] = array('value' => implode("、", $specValue), 'selected' => 1); } else { if (is_array($aGoods['FlatSpec']) && count($aGoods['FlatSpec']) > 0) { foreach ($aGoods['FlatSpec'] as $agk => $agv) { $specValue[] = $agv['name']; } } if (is_array($aGoods['SelSpec']) && count($aGoods['SelSpec']) > 0) { foreach ($aGoods['SelSpec'] as $agk => $agv) { $specValue[] = $agv['name']; } } $this->pagedata['SelectSpecValue'] = array('value' => implode("、", $specValue), 'selected' => 0); } $this->pagedata['specShowItems'] = $specValue; /*--------------*/ //$gImages=$this->goodspics($gid,$imageGroup,$imageGstr); if (is_array($gImages) && count($gImages) > 0) { $this->pagedata['images']['gimages'] = $gImages; } else { /*-------------商品图片--------------*/ $gimage =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/gimage'); $this->pagedata['images']['gimages'] = $gimage->get_by_goods_id($gid); /*----------------- 8< --------------*/ } //限时抢购 if ($this->pagedata['scareInfo']) { foreach ($aGoods['product2spec'] as $k => $ps) { $aGoods['product2spec'][$k]['store'] = $this->pagedata['scareInfo']['scare_count']; //$aGoods['product2spec'][$k]['price']=$this->pagedata['scareInfo']['scare_price']; } } //end /********-------------------*********/ $aGoods['product2spec'] = json_encode($aGoods['product2spec']); $aGoods['spec2product'] = json_encode($aGoods['spec2product']); $this->pagedata['goods'] = $aGoods; if ($this->pagedata['goods']['products']) { $priceArea = array(); if ($_COOKIE['MLV']) { $MLV = $_COOKIE['MLV']; } else { $level =& $this->system->loadModel('member/level'); $MLV = $level->getDefauleLv(); } if ($MLV) { foreach ($this->pagedata['goods']['products'] as $gpk => $gpv) { $priceArea[] = $gpv['mprice'][$MLV]; $mktpriceArea[] = $gpv['mktprice']; } if (count($priceArea) > 1) { $minprice = min($priceArea); $maxprice = max($priceArea); if ($minprice != $maxprice) { $this->pagedata['goods']['minprice'] = $minprice; $this->pagedata['goods']['maxprice'] = $maxprice; } } if (count($mktpriceArea) > 1) { $mktminprice = min($mktpriceArea); $mktmaxprice = max($mktpriceArea); if ($mktminprice != $mktmaxprice) { $this->pagedata['goods']['minmktprice'] = $mktminprice; $this->pagedata['goods']['maxmktprice'] = $mktmaxprice; } } //增加了市场价范围 } //计算货品冻结库存总和 foreach ($this->pagedata['goods']['products'] as $key => $val) { $totalFreez += $val['freez']; } } else { $totalFreez = $this->pagedata['goods']['freez']; } $mLevelList = $objProduct->getProductLevel($aPdtIds); $this->pagedata['mLevel'] = $mLevelList; /**** begin 商品品牌 ****/ if ($this->pagedata['goods']['brand_id'] > 0) { $brandObj =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/brand'); $aBrand = $brandObj->getFieldById($this->pagedata['goods']['brand_id'], array('brand_name')); } $this->pagedata['goods']['brand_name'] = $aBrand['brand_name']; /**** begin 商品品牌 ****/ /**** begin 商品评论 ****/ $aComment['switch']['ask'] = $this->system->getConf('comment.switch.ask'); $aComment['switch']['discuss'] = $this->system->getConf('comment.switch.discuss'); foreach ($aComment['switch'] as $item => $switchStatus) { if ($switchStatus == 'on') { $objComment =& $this->system->loadModel('comment/comment'); $commentList = $objComment->getGoodsIndexComments($gid, $item); $aComment['list'][$item] = $commentList['data']; $aComment[$item . 'Count'] = $commentList['total']; $aId = array(); if ($commentList['total']) { foreach ($aComment['list'][$item] as $rows) { $aId[] = $rows['comment_id']; } if (count($aId)) { $aReply = $objComment->getCommentsReply($aId, true); } reset($aComment['list'][$item]); foreach ($aComment['list'][$item] as $key => $rows) { foreach ($aReply as $rkey => $rrows) { if ($rows['comment_id'] == $rrows['for_comment_id']) { $aComment['list'][$item][$key]['items'][] = $aReply[$rkey]; } } reset($aReply); } } else { $aComment['null_notice'][$item] = $this->system->getConf('comment.null_notice.' . $item); } } } $this->pagedata['comment'] = $aComment; /**** end 商品评论 ****/ /**** begin 相关商品 ****/ $aLinkId['goods_id'] = array(); foreach ($objGoods->getLinkList($gid) as $rows) { if ($rows['goods_1'] == $gid) { $aLinkId['goods_id'][] = $rows['goods_2']; } else { $aLinkId['goods_id'][] = $rows['goods_1']; } } if (count($aLinkId['goods_id']) > 0) { $aLinkId['marketable'] = 'true'; $objProduct =& $this->system->loadModel('goods/products'); $this->pagedata['goods']['link'] = $objProduct->getList('*', $aLinkId, 0, 500); $this->pagedata['goods']['link_count'] = $objProduct->count($aLinkId); } /**** end 相关商品 ****/ //更多商品促销活动 $PRICE = $this->pagedata['goods']['price']; //todo 此处PRICE 为会员价格,需要统一接口 $oPromotion =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/promotion'); $aPmt = $oPromotion->getGoodsPromotion($gid, $this->pagedata['goods']['cat_id'], $this->pagedata['goods']['brand_id'], $member_lv); if ($aPmt) { $this->pagedata['goods']['pmt_id'] = $aPmt['pmt_id']; $arr = $oPromotion->getPromotionList($aPmt['pmta_id']); $MLV = $_COOKIE['MLV']; foreach ($arr as $keys => $vals) { $arr[$keys]['pmt_solution'] = unserialize($arr[$keys]['pmt_solution']); if (!in_array($MLV, $arr[$keys]['pmt_solution']['condition'][0][1])) { unset($arr[$keys]); } } $this->pagedata['promotions'] = $arr; $aTrading = array('price' => $this->pagedata['goods']['price'], 'score' => $this->pagedata['goods']['score'], 'gift' => array(), 'coupon' => array()); $oPromotion->apply_single_pdt_pmt($aTrading, unserialize($aPmt['pmt_solution']), $member_lv); $oGift =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/gift'); if (!empty($aTrading['gift'])) { $this->pagedata['gift'] = $oGift->getGiftByIds($aTrading['gift']); } $oCoupon =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/coupon'); if (!empty($aTrading['coupon'])) { $this->pagedata['coupon'] = $oCoupon->getCouponByIds($aTrading['coupon']); } $this->pagedata['trading'] = $aTrading; } $oPackage =& $this->system->loadModel('trading/package'); if (!empty($aPdtIds)) { $aPkgList = $oPackage->findPmtPkg($aPdtIds); foreach ($aPkgList as $k => $row) { $aPkgList[$k]['items'] = $oPackage->getPackageProducts($row['goods_id']); } $this->pagedata['package'] = $aPkgList; } if ($GLOBALS['runtime']['member_lv'] < 0) { $this->pagedata['login'] = '******'; } $cur =& $this->system->loadModel('system/cur'); $this->pagedata['readingGlass'] = $this->system->getConf('site.reading_glass'); $this->pagedata['readingGlassWidth'] = $this->system->getConf('site.reading_glass_width'); $this->pagedata['readingGlassHeight'] = $this->system->getConf('site.reading_glass_height'); $sellLogList = $objProduct->getGoodsSellLogList($gid, 0, $this->system->getConf('selllog.display.listnum')); $sellLogSetting['display'] = array('switch' => $this->system->getConf('selllog.display.switch'), 'limit' => $this->system->getConf('selllog.display.limit'), 'listnum' => $this->system->getConf('selllog.display.listnum')); $this->pagedata['goods']['product_freez'] = $totalFreez; $this->pagedata['sellLog'] = $sellLogSetting; $this->pagedata['sellLogList'] = $sellLogList; $this->pagedata['money_format'] = json_encode($cur->getFormat($this->system->request['cur'])); $this->pagedata['askshow'] = $this->system->getConf('comment.verifyCode.ask'); $this->pagedata['goodsBnShow'] = $this->system->getConf('goodsbn.display.switch'); $this->pagedata['discussshow'] = $this->system->getConf('comment.verifyCode.discuss'); $this->pagedata['showStorage'] = intval($this->system->getConf('site.show_storage')); $this->pagedata['specimagewidth'] = $this->system->getConf('spec.image.width'); $this->pagedata['specimageheight'] = $this->system->getConf('spec.image.height'); $this->pagedata['goodsproplink'] = $this->system->getConf('goodsprop.display.switch'); $this->pagedata['goodspropposition'] = $this->system->getConf('goodsprop.display.position'); $this->getGlobal($this->seoTag, $this->pagedata); $GLOBALS['pageinfo']['goods'] =& $GLOBALS['runtime']['goods_name']; $GLOBALS['pageinfo']['brand'] =& $GLOBALS['runtime']['brand']; $GLOBALS['pageinfo']['gcat'] =& $GLOBALS['runtime']['goods_cat']; $this->output(); } }