/** Read the config * @constructor pilotsearch */ function __construct() { parent::__construct(''); if (empty($this->pilot_apikey)) { trigger_error('Please provide a valid api key or contact api@moviepilot.de.', E_USER_WARNING); } $this->search_episodes(FALSE); }
/** Initialize class * @constructor movieposterdb * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval * @param optional integer limit maximum amount of images to retrieve * (default: 20). Can be changed via set_limit() * @param optional boolean recurse whether to recurse if multiple versions * are available (default: TRUE). Can be changed via set_recurse() */ function __construct($id, $limit = 20, $recurse = TRUE) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setid($id); $this->reset_vars(); $this->set_limit($limit); $this->set_recurse($recurse); $this->urlparams = array('poster' => 'cid=1', 'cover' => 'cid=2', 'textless' => 'cid=3', 'logo' => 'cid=4', 'other' => 'cid=5', 'custom' => 'cid=6', 'unset' => 'cid=9'); $this->reset_lang(); }
/** Initialize class * @constructor movieposterdb * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval * @param optional integer limit maximum amount of images to retrieve * (default: 20). Can be changed via set_limit() * @param optional boolean recurse whether to recurse if multiple versions * are available (default: TRUE). Can be changed via set_recurse() */ function __construct($id, $limit = 20, $recurse = TRUE) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setid($id); $this->reset_lang(); if ($this->force_agent) { $this->user_agent = $this->force_agent; } elseif (in_array('HTTP_USER_AGENT', array_keys($_SERVER))) { $this->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { $this->user_agent = $this->default_agent; } $this->image_exts = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'); }
/** Initialize class * @constructor movieposterdb * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval * @param optional integer limit maximum amount of images to retrieve * (default: 20). Can be changed via set_limit() * @param optional boolean recurse whether to recurse if multiple versions * are available (default: TRUE). Can be changed via set_recurse() */ function __construct($id, $limit = 20, $recurse = TRUE, mdb_config $config = null) { parent::__construct($config); $this->setid($id); $this->reset_lang(); $this->revision = preg_replace('|^.*?(\\d+).*$|', '$1', '$Revision$'); if ($this->force_agent) { $this->user_agent = $this->force_agent; } elseif (in_array('HTTP_USER_AGENT', array_keys($_SERVER))) { $this->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { $this->user_agent = $this->default_agent; } $this->image_exts = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'); }
/** Initialize class * @constructor movieposterdb * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval * @param optional integer limit maximum amount of images to retrieve * (default: 20). Can be changed via set_limit() * @param optional boolean recurse whether to recurse if multiple versions * are available (default: TRUE). Can be changed via set_recurse() */ function __construct($id, $limit = 20, $recurse = TRUE) { parent::__construct($id); $this->setid($id); $this->reset_vars(); $this->set_limit($limit); $this->set_recurse($recurse); $this->urlparams = array('poster' => 'cid=1', 'cover' => 'cid=2', 'textless' => 'cid=3', 'logo' => 'cid=4', 'other' => 'cid=5', 'custom' => 'cid=6', 'unset' => 'cid=9'); $this->reset_lang(); if ($this->force_agent) { $this->user_agent = $this->force_agent; } elseif (in_array('HTTP_USER_AGENT', array_keys($_SERVER))) { $this->user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } else { $this->user_agent = $this->default_agent; } $this->image_exts = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'); }
protected function makeRequest($url) { mdb_base::debug_scalar("imdbsearch: Using URL {$url}"); $be = new MDB_Request($url, $this); $be->sendrequest(); $body = $be->getResponseBody(); // @TODO The intricacies of http should be delt with by the http library // @TODO does this ever happen? if ($header = $be->getResponseHeader("Location")) { mdb_base::debug_scalar("imdbsearch: No immediate response body - we are redirected.<br>New URL: {$header}"); if (substr($header, 0, 1) == '/') { return $this->makeRequest($this->imdbsite . $header); } else { return $this->makeRequest($header); } } return $body; }
/** Initialize class * @constructor imdb_person * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval */ function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->revision = preg_replace('|^.*?(\\d+).*$|', '$1', '$Revision: 270 $'); $this->setid($id); }
/** Setup search results * @method results * @param optional string URL Replace search URL by your own (Default: empty string) * @param optional boolean series whether to include TV series in search results (default: TRUE) * @param optional boolean s_episodes whether to include TV episodes in search results (default: TRUE) * @param optional boolean s_games whether to include games in search results (default: TRUE) * @param optional boolean s_video whether to include videos in search results (default: TRUE). These are often Making Ofs and the like * @param optional boolean s_short whether to include shorts in search results (default: TRUE) * @param optional boolean s_special whether to include specials in search results (default: TRUE) * @return array results array of objects (instances of the imdb class) */ public function results($url = "", $series = TRUE, $s_episodes = TRUE, $s_games = TRUE, $s_video = TRUE, $s_short = TRUE, $s_special = TRUE) { if ($this->page == "") { if ($this->usecache && empty($url)) { // Try to read from cache $this->cache_read(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } // end cache read if ($this->page == "") { // not found in cache - go and get it! if (empty($url)) { $url = $this->mkurl(); } mdb_base::debug_scalar("imdbsearch::results() called. Using URL {$url}"); $be = new MDB_Request($url); $be->sendrequest(); $fp = $be->getResponseBody(); if (!$fp) { if ($header = $be->getResponseHeader("Location")) { mdb_base::debug_scalar("No immediate response body - we are redirected.<br>New URL: {$header}"); if (preg_match('!\\.imdb\\.(com|de|it)/find\\?!', $header)) { return $this->results($header); break 4; } $url = explode("/", $header); $id = substr($url[count($url) - 1], 2); $this->resu[0] = new imdb($id); return $this->resu; } else { mdb_base::debug_scalar('No response body, no redirect - going to Nirwana'); return NULL; } } $this->page = $fp; } if ($this->storecache && $this->page != "cannot open page" && $this->page != "") { //store cache $this->cache_write(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } } // end (page="") // now we have the search content - go and parse it! if ($this->maxresults > 0) { $maxresults = $this->maxresults; } else { $maxresults = 999999; } if (preg_match_all('!class="result_text"\\s*>\\s*<a href="/title/tt(?<imdbid>\\d{7})/[^>]*>(?<title>.*?)</a>\\s*(\\([^\\d{4}]\\)\\s*)?(\\((?<year>\\d{4})(.*?|)\\)|)(?<addons>[^<]*)!ims', $this->page, $matches)) { $this->last_results = count($matches[0]); $mids_checked = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->last_results; ++$i) { if (count($this->resu) == $maxresults) { break; } // limit result count if (substr(trim($matches[2][$i]), 0, 4) == "<img") { continue; } // cover mini if (empty($matches[2][$i]) || substr(trim($matches[2][$i]), 0, 4) == '<img' || in_array($matches[1][$i], $mids_checked)) { continue; } // empty titles just come from the images if (!$series && (preg_match('!".+"!', $matches[2][$i]) || strpos(strtoupper($matches['addons'][$i]), 'TV SERIES') !== FALSE)) { continue; } // skip series if commanded so if (!$s_episodes && strpos(strtoupper($matches['addons'][$i]), 'TV EPISODE') !== FALSE) { continue; } // skip episodes if commanded so if (!$s_games && strpos(strtoupper($matches['addons'][$i]), 'VIDEO GAME') !== FALSE) { continue; } // skip games if commanded so if (!$s_video && strpos(strtoupper($matches['addons'][$i]), '(VIDEO)') !== FALSE) { continue; } // skip games if commanded so if (!$s_short && strpos(strtoupper($matches['addons'][$i]), '(SHORT)') !== FALSE) { continue; } // skip shorts if commanded so if (!$s_special && strpos(strtoupper($matches['addons'][$i]), 'SPECIAL)') !== FALSE) { continue; } // skip specials if commanded so $mids_checked[] = $matches['imdbid'][$i]; $tmpres = new imdb($matches['imdbid'][$i]); // make a new imdb object by id $tmpres->main_title = $matches['title'][$i]; $tmpres->main_year = $matches['year'][$i]; $tmpres->addon_info = $matches['addons'][$i]; $this->resu[] = $tmpres; } } return $this->resu; }
/** Initialize class * @constructor person_base * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval */ function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); }
/** Setup search results * @method results * @param optional string URL Replace search URL by your own (Default: empty string) * @param optional boolean series whether to include TV series in search results (default: TRUE) * @return array results array of objects (instances of the imdb class) */ public function results($url = "", $series = TRUE) { if ($this->page == "") { if ($this->usecache && empty($url)) { // Try to read from cache $this->cache_read(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } // end cache read if ($this->page == "") { // not found in cache - go and get it! if (empty($url)) { $url = $this->mkurl(); } mdb_base::debug_scalar("imdbsearch::results() called. Using URL {$url}"); $be = new MDB_Request($url); $be->sendrequest(); $fp = $be->getResponseBody(); if (!$fp) { if ($header = $be->getResponseHeader("Location")) { mdb_base::debug_scalar("No immediate response body - we are redirected.<br>New URL: {$header}"); if (preg_match('!\\.imdb\\.(com|de|it)/find\\?!', $header)) { return $this->results($header); break 4; } $url = explode("/", $header); $id = substr($url[count($url) - 2], 2); $this->resu[0] = new imdb($id); return $this->resu; } else { mdb_base::debug_scalar('No response body, no redirect - going to Nirwana'); return NULL; } } $this->page = $fp; } if ($this->storecache && $this->page != "cannot open page" && $this->page != "") { //store cache $this->cache_write(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } } // end (page="") // now we have the search content - go and parse it! if ($this->maxresults > 0) { $maxresults = $this->maxresults; } else { $maxresults = 999999; } if (preg_match_all('!href="/title/tt(\\d{7})/"[^>]*>(.*?)</a>\\s*(\\((\\d{4})(/.+?|)\\)|)[^<]*(<small>(.*?)</small>|)!ims', $this->page, $matches)) { $this->last_results = count($matches[0]); $mids_checked = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->last_results; ++$i) { if (count($this->resu) == $maxresults) { break; } // limit result count if (empty($matches[2][$i]) || substr(trim($matches[2][$i]), 0, 4) == '<img' || in_array($matches[1][$i], $mids_checked)) { continue; } // empty titles just come from the images if (!$series && (preg_match('!".+"!', $matches[2][$i]) || strpos(strtoupper($matches[7][$i]), 'TV SERIES') !== FALSE)) { continue; } // skip series if commanded so if (!preg_match('!onclick!i', $matches[0][$i])) { continue; } // just mentioned something in the AKAs listing $mids_checked[] = $matches[1][$i]; $tmpres = new imdb($matches[1][$i]); // make a new imdb object by id $tmpres->main_title = $matches[2][$i]; $tmpres->main_year = $matches[4][$i]; $this->resu[] = $tmpres; } } return $this->resu; }
/** Initialize class * @constructor movie_base * @param string id IMDBID to use for data retrieval */ function __construct($id) { parent::__construct($id); $this->reset_vars(); }
/** * Initialize class * @param string $id IMDBID to use for data retrieval * @param mdb_config $config *optional* override default config */ function __construct($id, mdb_config $config = null) { parent::__construct($config); $this->reset_vars(); }
/** Setup search results * @method results * @param optional string URL Replace search URL by your own * @return array results array of objects (instances of the imdb class) */ public function results($url = "") { if ($this->page == "") { if ($this->usecache && empty($url)) { // Try to read from cache $this->cache_read(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } // end cache read if ($this->page == "") { // not found in cache - go and get it! if (empty($url)) { $url = $this->mkurl(); } mdb_base::debug_scalar("imdbsearch::results() called. Using URL {$url}"); $be = new MDB_Request($url); $be->sendrequest(); $fp = $be->getResponseBody(); if (!$fp) { if ($header = $be->getResponseHeader("Location")) { mdb_base::debug_scalar("No immediate response body - we are redirected.<br>New URL: {$header}"); if (preg_match('!\\.imdb\\.(com|de|it)/find\\?!', $header)) { return $this->results($header); break 4; } $url = explode("/", $header); $id = substr($url[count($url) - 2], 2); $this->resu[0] = new imdb($id); return $this->resu; } else { mdb_base::debug_scalar('No response body, no redirect - going to Nirwana'); return NULL; } } $this->page = $fp; } if ($this->storecache && $this->page != "cannot open page" && $this->page != "") { //store cache $this->cache_write(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } } // end (page="") // now we have the search content - go and parse it! $searchstring = array('<A HREF="/title/tt', '<A href="/title/tt', '<a href="/Title?', '<a href="/title/tt'); $i = 0; if ($this->maxresults > 0) { $maxresults = $this->maxresults; } else { $maxresults = 999999; } foreach ($searchstring as $srch) { $res_e = 0; $res_s = 0; $mids_checked = array(); $len = strlen($srch); while (($res_s = strpos($this->page, $srch, $res_e)) > 10) { if ($i == $maxresults) { break 2; } // limit result count $res_e = strpos($this->page, "(", $res_s); $imdb_id = substr($this->page, $res_s + $len, 7); $ts = strpos($this->page, ">", $res_s) + 1; // >movie title</a> $te = strpos($this->page, "<", $ts); $title = substr($this->page, $ts, $te - $ts); if ($title == "" || in_array($imdb_id, $mids_checked)) { continue; } // empty titles just come from the images $mids_checked[] = $imdb_id; $tmpres = new imdb($imdb_id); // make a new imdb object by id $tmpres->main_title = $title; $ts = strpos($this->page, "(", $te) + 1; $te = strpos($this->page, ")", $ts); $tmpres->main_year = substr($this->page, $ts, $te - $ts); $i++; $this->resu[] = $tmpres; } } return $this->resu; }
/** * Create the IMDB URL for the name search * @method protected mkurl * @return string url */ protected function mkurl() { if ($this->url !== NULL) { $url = $this->url; } else { $query = "&s=nm"; if (!isset($this->maxresults)) { $this->maxresults = 20; } if ($this->maxresults > 0) { $query .= "&mx=20"; } $url = "http://" . $this->imdbsite . "/find?q=" . urlencode($this->name) . $query; } mdb_base::debug_scalar("Using search URL '{$url}'"); return $url; }
/** Setup search results * @method results * @param optional string URL Replace search URL by your own * @param optional boolean series not used, just for inheritance compatibility issues with PHP5.3+ * @return array results array of objects (instances of the imdb_person class) */ public function results($url = "", $series = TRUE) { if ($this->page == "") { if ($this->usecache && empty($url)) { // Try to read from cache $this->cache_read(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } // end cache read if (empty($url)) { $url = $this->mkurl(); } $be = new MDB_Request($url); $be->sendrequest(); $fp = $be->getResponseBody(); if (!$fp) { if ($header = $be->getResponseHeader("Location")) { mdb_base::debug_scalar("No immediate response body - we are redirected.<br>New URL: {$header}"); if (strpos($header, $this->imdbsite . "/find?")) { return $this->results($header); break 4; } $url = explode("/", $header); $id = substr($url[count($url) - 2], 2); $this->resu[0] = new imdb_person($id); return $this->resu; } else { mdb_base::debug_scalar("No result, no redirection -- something's wrong here..."); return NULL; } } $this->page = $fp; if ($this->storecache && $this->page != "cannot open page" && $this->page != "") { //store cache $this->cache_write(urlencode(strtolower($this->name)) . '.search', $this->page); } } // end (page="") if ($this->maxresults > 0) { $maxresults = $this->maxresults; } else { $maxresults = 999999; } // make sure to catch col #3, not #1 (pic only) // photo name 1=id 2=name 3=details preg_match_all('|<tr.*>\\s*<td.*>.*</td>\\s*<td.*<a href="/name/nm(\\d{7})[^>]*>([^<]+)</a>\\s*(.*)</td>|Uims', $this->page, $matches); $mc = count($matches[0]); mdb_base::debug_scalar("{$mc} matches"); $mids_checked = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $mc; ++$i) { if ($i == $maxresults) { break; } // limit result count $pid = $matches[1][$i]; if (in_array($pid, $mids_checked)) { continue; } $mids_checked[] = $pid; $name = $matches[2][$i]; $info = $matches[3][$i]; $tmpres = new imdb_person($pid); $tmpres->fullname = $name; if (!empty($info)) { if (preg_match('|<small>\\((.*),\\s*<a href="/title/tt(\\d{7}).*"\\s*>(.*)</a>\\s*\\((\\d{4})\\)\\)|Ui', $info, $match)) { $role = $match[1]; $mid = $match[2]; $movie = $match[3]; $year = $match[4]; $tmpres->setSearchDetails($role, $mid, $movie, $year); } } $this->resu[$i] = $tmpres; unset($tmpres); } return $this->resu; }