function GetTile() { $wmsRequest = new lizmapWMTSRequest($this->project, $this->params); $result = $wmsRequest->process(); $rep = $this->getResponse('binary'); $rep->mimeType = $result->mime; $rep->content = $result->data; $rep->doDownload = false; $rep->outputFileName = 'qgis_server_wmts_tile_' . $this->repository->getKey() . '_' . $this->project->getKey(); $rep->setHttpStatus($result->code, ''); if (!preg_match('/^image/', $result->mime)) { return $rep; } // HTTP browser cache expiration time $layername = $this->params["layer"]; $lproj = $this->project; $configLayers = $lproj->getLayers(); if (property_exists($configLayers, $layername)) { $configLayer = $configLayers->{$layername}; if (property_exists($configLayer, 'clientCacheExpiration')) { $clientCacheExpiration = (int) $configLayer->clientCacheExpiration; $rep->setExpires("+" . $clientCacheExpiration . " seconds"); } } lizmap::logMetric('LIZMAP_SERVICE_GETMAP'); return $rep; }
/** * Get data from map service or from the cache. * @param lizmapProject $project The project. * @param array $params Array of parameters. * @return array $data Normalized and filtered array. */ public static function getMap($project, $params, $forced = False) { // Get cache if exists $keyParams = array(); foreach ($params as $pk => $value) { if (in_array($pk, array("bbox", "format", "height", "layers", "transparent"))) { $keyParams[$pk] = $value; } } ksort($keyParams); $layers = str_replace(',', '_', $params['layers']); $crs = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#', '_', $params['crs']); // Get repository data $ser = lizmap::getServices(); $lrep = $project->getRepository(); $lproj = $project; $project = $lproj->getKey(); $repository = $lrep->getKey(); // Change to true to put some information in debug files $debug = $ser->debugMode; // Read config file for the current project $layername = $params["layers"]; $configLayers = $lproj->getLayers(); $configLayer = null; if (property_exists($configLayers, $layername)) { $configLayer = $configLayers->{$layername}; } // Set or get tile from the parent project in case of embedded layers if ($configLayer and property_exists($configLayer, 'sourceRepository') and property_exists($configLayer, 'sourceProject')) { $newRepository = (string) $configLayer->sourceRepository; $newProject = (string) $configLayer->sourceProject; $repository = $newRepository; $project = $newProject; $lrep = lizmap::getRepository($repository); if (!$lrep) { jMessage::add('The repository ' . strtoupper($repository) . ' does not exist !', 'RepositoryNotDefined'); return array('error', 'text/plain', '404'); } try { $lproj = lizmap::getProject($repository . '~' . $project); if (!$lproj) { jMessage::add('The lizmapProject ' . strtoupper($project) . ' does not exist !', 'ProjectNotDefined'); return array('error', 'text/plain', '404'); } } catch (UnknownLizmapProjectException $e) { jLog::logEx($e, 'error'); jMessage::add('The lizmapProject ' . strtoupper($project) . ' does not exist !', 'ProjectNotDefined'); return array('error', 'text/plain', '404'); } } $key = md5(serialize($keyParams)); // Get tile cache virtual profile (tile storage) // And get tile if already in cache // --> must be done after checking that parent project is involved $profile = lizmapProxy::createVirtualProfile($repository, $project, $layers, $crs); if ($debug) { lizmap::logMetric('LIZMAP_PROXY_READ_LAYER_CONFIG'); } // Has the user asked for cache for this layer ? $useCache = False; if ($configLayer) { $useCache = strtolower($configLayer->cached) == 'true'; } // Avoid using cache for requests concerning not square tiles or too big // Focus on real web square tiles $wmsClient = 'web'; if ($useCache and $params['width'] != $params['height'] and ($params['width'] > 300 or $params['height'] > 300)) { $wmsClient = 'gis'; $useCache = False; } if ($useCache and !$forced) { $tile = jCache::get($key, $profile); if ($tile) { $_SESSION['LIZMAP_GETMAP_CACHE_STATUS'] = 'read'; $mime = 'image/jpeg'; if (preg_match('#png#', $params['format'])) { $mime = 'image/png'; } if ($debug) { lizmap::logMetric('LIZMAP_PROXY_HIT_CACHE'); } return array($tile, $mime, 200); } } // *************************** // No cache hit : need to ask the tile from QGIS Server // *************************** // Construction of the WMS url : base url + parameters $url = $ser->wmsServerURL . '?'; // Add project path into map parameter $params["map"] = realpath($lproj->getQgisPath()); // Metatile : if needed, change the bbox // Avoid metatiling when the cache is not active for the layer $metatileSize = '1,1'; if ($configLayer and property_exists($configLayer, 'metatileSize')) { if (preg_match('#^[3579],[3579]$#', $configLayer->metatileSize)) { $metatileSize = $configLayer->metatileSize; } } # Metatile buffer $metatileBuffer = 5; // Also checks if gd is installed if ($metatileSize and $useCache and $wmsClient == 'web' and extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info')) { # Metatile Size $metatileSizeExp = explode(',', $metatileSize); $metatileSizeX = (int) $metatileSizeExp[0]; $metatileSizeY = (int) $metatileSizeExp[1]; # Get requested bbox $bboxExp = explode(',', $params['bbox']); $width = $bboxExp[2] - $bboxExp[0]; $height = $bboxExp[3] - $bboxExp[1]; # Calculate factors $xFactor = (int) ($metatileSizeX / 2); $yFactor = (int) ($metatileSizeY / 2); # Calculate the new bbox $xmin = $bboxExp[0] - $xFactor * $width - $metatileBuffer * $width / $params["width"]; $ymin = $bboxExp[1] - $yFactor * $height - $metatileBuffer * $height / $params["height"]; $xmax = $bboxExp[2] + $xFactor * $width + $metatileBuffer * $width / $params["width"]; $ymax = $bboxExp[3] + $yFactor * $height + $metatileBuffer * $height / $params["height"]; # Replace request bbox by metatile bbox $params["bbox"] = "{$xmin},{$ymin},{$xmax},{$ymax}"; # Keep original param value $originalParams = array("width" => $params["width"], "height" => $params["height"]); # Replace width and height before requesting the image from qgis $params["width"] = $metatileSizeX * $params["width"] + 2 * $metatileBuffer; $params["height"] = $metatileSizeY * $params["height"] + 2 * $metatileBuffer; } // Build params before send the request to Qgis $builtParams = http_build_query($params); // Replace needed characters (not needed for php >= 5.4, just use the 4th parameter of the method http_build_query) $a = array('+', '_', '.', '-'); $b = array('%20', '%5F', '%2E', '%2D'); $builtParams = str_replace($a, $b, $builtParams); // Get data from the map server $proxyMethod = $ser->proxyMethod; $getRemoteData = lizmapProxy::getRemoteData($url . $builtParams, $proxyMethod, $debug); $data = $getRemoteData[0]; $mime = $getRemoteData[1]; $code = $getRemoteData[2]; if ($debug) { lizmap::logMetric('LIZMAP_PROXY_REQUEST_QGIS_MAP'); } if ($useCache && !preg_match('/^image/', $mime)) { $useCache = False; } // Metatile : if needed, crop the metatile into a single tile // Also checks if gd is installed if ($metatileSize and $useCache and $wmsClient == 'web' and extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info')) { # Save original content into an image var $original = imagecreatefromstring($data); # crop parameters $newWidth = (int) $originalParams["width"]; // px $newHeight = (int) $originalParams["height"]; // px $positionX = (int) ($xFactor * $originalParams["width"]) + $metatileBuffer; // left translation of 30px $positionY = (int) ($yFactor * $originalParams["height"]) + $metatileBuffer; // top translation of 20px # create new gd image $image = imageCreateTrueColor($newWidth, $newHeight); # save transparency if needed if (preg_match('#png#', $params['format'])) { imagesavealpha($original, true); imagealphablending($image, false); $color = imagecolortransparent($image, imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagefill($image, 0, 0, $color); imagesavealpha($image, true); } # crop image imagecopyresampled($image, $original, 0, 0, $positionX, $positionY, $newWidth, $newHeight, $newWidth, $newHeight); # Output the image as a string (use PHP buffering) ob_start(); if (preg_match('#png#', $params['format'])) { imagepng($image, null, 9); } else { imagejpeg($image, null, 90); } $data = ob_get_contents(); // read from buffer ob_end_clean(); // delete buffer // Destroy image handlers imagedestroy($original); imagedestroy($image); if ($debug) { lizmap::logMetric('LIZMAP_PROXY_CROP_METATILE'); } } $_SESSION['LIZMAP_GETMAP_CACHE_STATUS'] = 'off'; // Store into cache if needed if ($useCache) { //~ jLog::log( ' Store into cache'); $cacheExpiration = (int) $ser->cacheExpiration; if (property_exists($configLayer, 'cacheExpiration')) { $cacheExpiration = (int) $configLayer->cacheExpiration; } jCache::set($key, $data, $cacheExpiration, $profile); $_SESSION['LIZMAP_GETMAP_CACHE_STATUS'] = 'write'; if ($debug) { lizmap::logMetric('LIZMAP_PROXY_WRITE_CACHE'); } } return array($data, $mime, $code); }